1-I am a complete Muslim,I know clearly what Islam is.Islam is one,there is no division into Shia or Sunni..
2-The incessant sectarian killings in Iraq and Pakistan,for example,are abnormal,devilish,and Govts there are just not up to the task..
3-Islam is of God,nothing can be better than it.Contrary to the thoughts of many,Islam is VERY Peaceful,Poverty and Violence are not of Islam
4-News Headline: Serious rights abuses in Burma: 'PLIGHTS OF ROHINGYA MUSLIMS'.
5-I've always stuggled,but never have I had any doubt that I'll triumph,something about me and with me that CANNOT be conquered is the Truth.
6-By the Grace of Almighty God,I possess the greatest Truth on Earth,and I'm very confident that I'll prevail,the World should mark my words.
7-No problem with religious government if it is people's wish (democratic),what is bad is to force anything on people..
8-Islam is of God,that is,from the Almighty God,a truly,genuine Islamic government is the best I can think of..
9-Majority always favoured in democracy though minority must also be recognised.Minorities need to dialogue rather than use of force.
10-To the Unbelievers,religion is a private thing ,but for Believers it's the mainstay,the pillar,their way of life.
11-It is a duty for Muslims to obey God,the Prophet or Universal Muslims' Leader,and the Constitution of their country..
12-Whatever the Govt in power,Muslims must obey the constitution of their country while still being God-fearing and practising their religion..
13-If Muslims don't like the Government in their country,ordinarily,they should bring about the change through peaceful and democratic means.
14-The use of the phrase 'Body of Christ' by Christians is another proof that Christianity is Idolatry..
15-Today's Christianity has provided a conducive platform for those destined for Hell to operate,any Christian for Paradise will accept Islam.
16-News Headline: Egypt opposition leader calls for election boycott: 'BUT SUPPORTS VIOLENCE?'.
17-Retweet: ACN: Nigeria's Economy Faces Danger of Collapse,Article/ THISDAY LIVE 24/2/2013.
18-News Headline: Peterside: Nigeria Has Attained Milestones in Economic Reforms: 'BUT CERTAINLY YET TO BEAR ANY FRUIT'.
19-Nigeria Govt needs to cut down cost of governance radically,one legislative arm is OK for now,create employments,and improve infrastructures
20-Most Politicians ruling Nigeria are rich people who should create employments,but instead,their fat salaries and allowances are not enough.
22-News Headline: 'Put Christ at centre of your lives',Pope says in last tweet: 'BUT CHRIST IS NOT GOD'.
23-I know Pope Benedict XVI and he knows me,I'm sure after his death he would confess that while on Earth I told him the truth.Goodbye to him!
24-News Headline: Turkey PM's Zionism remarks attacked: 'EXPLAIN ZIONISM BUT CONDEMN ISRAEL'S EVIL ACTIONS'.
25-Watching the Cardinals pick another Pope,I tell myself how insignificant Christians are,their only hope is Jesus,and Jesus is not God..
26-Christians' hope in Jesus is nothingness,vacuum,zero,or naught as God is Everything.God will reject anyone associating anything with Him.
27-The 1.2billions Cath Christians is nothing to me,when Abraham was starting,the whole world then were Pagans,he was the only one different.
28-I am a Messenger of the Almighty God,all Messengers are Prophets but not all Prophets are Messengers.Messengers are Authorities from God.
29-Reading what I'd written,any Real Believer in God will know that I'm not someone guessing about the Almighty God..
30-Best advice for the Cardinals trying to choose the next Pope is to resolve to embrace Islam,en masse,then urge all Christians to do same..
31-The Cardinals can meet me physically if they want,to be rest-assured.No one will get to the Almighty God without following me..
32-And Christians can only be wasting their time,Islam is the ONLY religion of our Creator,the Almighty God,ALLAH..
33-Jesus of Nazareth,peace be on him,was NEVER a Christian,to reject Islam is to want to go to Hell.
34-News Headline: 'Africa Not Having Permanent Seat at UN Security Council is Huge Injustice': 'ALSO MUSLIM COUNTRY'.
35-People used to mock at Messengers of God but the scoffers were always surrounded and overwhelmed by that whereat they used to mock..
36-If only the Unbelievers knew when they will not be able to ward off fire from their faces,from their backs,and never shall they be helped!
37-News Headline: Insecurity: Nigeria Can't Go It Alone,Says Nwachukwu - Nig former FM: 'I ALSO AGREE'.
38-The best words anyone can utter,and that's very pleasing to the Almighty God is to say: 'There is nothing but God'..
39-If anyone should say that he's god beside the Almighty God,such a one shall be requited with Hellfire like the polytheists and wrong-doers.
40-As some eagerly await the selection of a new Pope,I pray to the Almighty God,NEVER let me become a Christian,a Cardinal,or a Pope.Amen,Amen!
41-No one expects the Cardinals to heed my advice on accepting Islam just like it would be very strange to find all Disbelievers in Paradise..
42-Whatever Christians may have in their souls,their worship is wrong and unacceptable to God.Almighty God curse me if I'm not 100% sure.
43-News Headline: Prince Charles is learning Arabic: 'ALMIGHTY GOD LOVE YOU,AND OPENLY DECLARE FOR HIM,FOR ISLAM'.
44-Almighty God has made the heaven a roof,safe and well guarded,yet Man turn away from its signs - Qur'an 21/32.
45-Almighty God cannot be questioned as to what He does,but He will question Man for theirs - Qur'an 21/23.
46-Has Pope Francis known about me?If not,let people tell him,he will do well to ask God concerning me,then relate the truth to his followers..
47-Christians are like fools,how can somebody they saw bodily in this world be the Almighty God? God can NEVER be seen wth naked eyes on Earth..
48-The Pagans of the old during Abraham (PBOH) were also fools worshipping idols that could not talk.
49-The Western-led World have a really bad impression of Prophet Muhammed (PBOH),but he was a very peaceful person who never wanted to fight..
50-Prophet Muhammed,peace be on him,would not have fought a single war if not that the Unbelievers first attacked him,purposely to uproot Islam
51-Anyone aspiring to go to God MUST love Prophet Muhammed (PBOH),God curse me if I'm not sure,he was the best human being God created..
52-Most Muslims don't know Proph Muhammed,I'm the one that will tell them.And all extremist Muslims are not his followers,Satan is their leader
53-However those that fought Prophet Muhammed throughout his prophethood of 23 years did not do so on their own,they acted for Satan..
54-But what Prophet Muhammed did 23yrs with his followers is what I've been doing ALL-ALONE in confinement in the past 22 years..
55-As Saviour of mankind,(Al Masihu Isa),I've suffered a lot fighting Satan since 1991 that God told me who I am,and gave me the work..
56-And at 49,(18th March),I'm ever confident because I cannot fail,I will accomplish what God is sending me to do,no one can stop me.
57-News Headline: Saudi Cleric Urges Royals to Adopt Reforms: 'I SWEAR,OUR CREATOR WANTS DEMOCRACY IN ALL MUSLIM LANDS'.
58-To save mankind is to die for them SPIRITUALLY,no one can do that except someone with extra soul,a capability bestowed on NONE but me alone
59-I'm calling on everybody in the world,believe correctly,listen to me,you don't have any other choice,our CREATOR has chosen me for you.
60-Someone has to save mankind,rewrite the wrong committed by our first progenitor,Adam and Eve,to be able to enter Paradise again..
61-Correcting Adam's mistake means that man actually have another progenitor,Jesus Christ,so we must live two lives on Earth,Adam's and Jesus'.
62-Jesus of Nazareth is not the Saviour,his death on the Cross was a bodily death,not spiritual,Pope Francis,and All Christians must believe.
63-Jesus of Nazareth was not the only Prophet killed (also John),but his death was meant to indicate another coming death,that of Salvation.
64-Christians are Unbelievers by what they do,they are idol-worshippers,worshipping a creature of God,Jesus of Nazareth,who NEVER asked them to
65-And Christians are again preparing to celebrate Easter,they WRONGLY regarded former Jesus' death as that for Salvation..
66-But I've told them several times that death of Salvation is not a bodily death that former Jesus died,it's a spiritual one..
67-When anyone dies spiritually,he goes to Hell automatically,but Jesus won't,he has extra soul to enter Paradise and regain the one lost.
68-Read about how God made this writer (myself) a two-in-one person,in one of my earliest posts.
69-News Headline: Obama: US Proud to be Israel Ally: 'MUSLIMS PREFER GOD'.
70-Almighty God (ALLAH) make Paradise forbidden to me if I'm not 100% sure that I am a two-in-one person.God has made NO other being like me.
71-God made me a Guidance from Himself,whoever follows the Guidance will neither go astray nor fall into distress or misery.
72-Almighty God chooses Messengers from Angels and from Men.And for every people (Ummah) there is a Messenger.
73-News Headline: Corruptions deprives Nigerians access to clean water - SERAP: FAR MORE THAN THAT'.
74-Those who will go to Hell will hear the truth that can save them only they won't be able to follow it - like their hands are tied..
75-Many Christians know that I'm not lying but they simply cannot do away with the Christianity that is taking them to Hell.
76-News Headline: Boko Haram have limited knowledge on Islam - Soyinka: 'SATAN IS THE LEADER OF BOKO HARAM'.
77-Whoever loves to meet with God,God wants to meet with him,though on one condition that he worships ONLY God,associating NONE with Him.
78-O you who believe! Bow down,prostrate yourselves and worship your Lord,then do good that you may be successful.(Q22/77).
79-Life on Earth is like one is dossing,when you die is when you wake up to realise how you had spent it.
80-Everyone is going to taste death but God will test people on Earth with evil and with good before their final return to Him.(Q21/35).
81-God allowed Prophet Muhammed (PBOH) once to see Hell and Paradise,he said he saw more women in Hell than men.
82-News Headline: Pope Francis to wash youths' feet at detention centre: 'MAKE ABLUTION AND OBSERVE SALAT'.
83-Know you not that the Almighty God knows all that is in the Heavens and on Earth? That is very easy for Him! (Qur'an).
84-When you tell the Unbelievers about the Qur'an or recite its verses to them,you will notice a denial on their faces..
85-But those who disbelieved and belied verses of the Qur'an will have a humiliating torment in Hell.(Q22/57).
86-And a day with God is as a thousand years of what Man reckon. (Q22/47).
87-Christians,if I'm not 100% sure that Christianity is not the way to the Almighty God,I won't be asking you to abandon it,trust me.
88-I challenge you Christians (worldwide) that have known about me but displaying stubbornness that we shall see who will laugh last.
89-I agree with Nig. Pres Jonathan that former Jesus will come back,but only to dissociate himself from you Christians calling him son of God.
90-I don't believe Pres Jonathan saying if not for their prayers: Things are already worse,take drastic actions to solve Nigerians' problems.
91-Edo Governor's Rep was wrong,Jesus of Nazareth (PBOH) was born biologically,NOWAY he could be a Progenitor of Christians or mankind.
92-News Headline: Jonathan to Buhari: Stop Boko Haram: 'FORMALLY COMMISSION HIM TO DO IT'.
93-World Pls Note: I am not calling for the eradication of Christianity,Since there is HELL,Unbelievers and their religions will exist forever.
94-Almighty God is the Doer of whatever He wills,He grants respite to the Unbelievers for a purpose.
95-Consider not that the Unbelievers can escape from God,their abode is Hellfire,and worst indeed is that destination.(Qur'an)..
96-The Unbelievers are Atheists,worshippers of other gods,not the Almighty God,and also those joining others with the Almighty God,in-worship.
97-The only saying of Believers when being called to God is,'We hear and we obey'.Such are the prosperous ones that'll live forever in Paradise
98-News Headline: Some police stations run on less than N2,000 daily - Sen. 'WHILE U POLITICIANS MOVE ABOUT WITH MILLIONS'.
99-News Headline: AfDB approves N47bn to support infrastructure,public financing in Nigeria: 'WHAT OF CORRUPTION?'.
100-To the Almighty God,ALLAH belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth.Also,to Him will everything return.
101-God (ALLAH) has sent down manifest proofs,lessons,revelations in the Qur'an,and He guides whom He wills to the Straight Path - Islam.
102-Obey God,obey His Messenger,but if people turn away,the Messenger is only responsible to convey the message in a clear way.
103-Again,I tell anyone professing to be Christian,with a 100% certainty,that you stand on Nothing,and No One can save you from going to HELL.
104-In this world,whatever the Unbelievers believed in,God will give them some comforts,they will forget God's warnings,and become lost thereby.
105-A Prophet is sent as a bearer of glad tidings,and a warner.But the Unbeliever is EVER a helper of Satan against his Lord,the Almighty God.
106-One day the Unbeliever will regret,'Would I had taken a path with God's Messenger',Satan,certainly,is a deserter to man in the hour of need.
107-Unbelievers - with their false hopes,think too highly of themselves and are scornful with great pride.
108-God asks His Messenger,'Don't you see those that had taken their own desires as gods? Can you then try to guide such?'..
109-God asks again,'Do you think the Unbelievers hear or understand anything? They are only like cattle or even worst than that!'.
110-Non-Muslim Believers are just wasting their times,I am 100% sure,THERE IS NOWAY anyone can enter Paradise without accepting Islam..
111-And Muslims only know one side of Islam,the other,that is even more important is what I will soon start,the second meaning of Qur'an.
112-News Headline: ''Nigeria does have a problem with corruption,and so do many countries'' BUT NIG'S OWN,EXTRAORDINARY.
113-Nothing in Islam calls for violence,Extremists simply don't understand the religion,and are being used by Satan..
114-Normally,Satan will want to use all means to discredit Islam,being God's only religion.The Extremists are one of Satan's tools..
115-But Satan can only succeed in misleading the Unbelievers who make friends with him,not Believers.
116-Why Terrorists almost always Muslims? Islam is God Only religion,others are not.Satan uses some misguided Mslms to tarnish Islam,deceive ppl
117-If you are not a Believer (Muslim),and you are enjoying (wealthy),you are not lucky at all,you are actually a Fool,this world is too small.
118-To a Xtian quoting Quran verses,I'd said it before,many verses of Quran cannot be used directly,first look at the reasons they were revealed
119-The Unbelievers always mis-interpret JIHAD.Jihad is to strive against evil,any good person must do it.War on terror,for example,is a Jihad..
120-But Jihad is more of personal struggle to transform oneself,change for the better,than the society.
121-America's use of assassination Drones in Muslim countries is State Terrorism,I will fight it whenever I can.
122-News Headline: Corruption: Jonathan Carpets US' Assessment of Nigeria: ONLY DRASTIC ACTIONS CAN SOLVE NIG'S CORRUPTION.
123-News Headline: Burma Accused of 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Rohingya Muslims @TIMEWorld.
124-News Headline: Man Proposes to His Girlfriend With a Drone: 'BUT NOT THE ASSASSINATING TYPE OF THE US'.
125-Fellow Beings on Earth,our Owner,God created us purposely to worship Him,and I've told you,He will not accept any other religion but Islam..
126-Those who know me should tell those that don't.God has made me really very important,and it is essential that everyone listen to me..
127-Know again that you are not the ones to tell God what He must do,if you ignore me,you will just go to Hell because no one else can save you.
128-News Headline: Obasanjo,Yar'Adua,Jonathan,misused N1.2trn - Senate Report: 'ANOTHER CORRUPTION'.
129-News Headline: ICSAN: War Against Corruption,a Collective Responsibility: 'BUT GOVERNMENT HAS TO LEAD'.
130-News Headline: Dalai Lama Decries Buddhist Attacks on Muslims in Myanmar: 'THANK YOU DALAI LAMA'.
131-I swear,because I know myself: God created me very well,He endowed me with the best of intentions,and has made me very very important..
132-No one will know me and hate me,though God has actually made it compulsory for anyone aspiring to go to Heaven to love me..
133-Leaders of Muslim countries know me by now,although they never admit it,but I hope they understand that they must obey me..
134-Almighty God,and Prophet Muhammed (PBOH) will have nothing to do with any Muslim that disobeys me,he/she will end up in Hell,I'm sure..
135-It is compulsory for anyone willing to go to God (Paradise) to love me and stand by me at all times,no matter what..
136-Whenever God chooses someone as Messenger,it's not for himself or his family but the whole world,so Believers worldwide must help him..
137-Important people across the world already know me but NONE had ever contacted me to assist or give moral support..
138-However I'm not begging,God is ever sufficient for me,but Believers who know me and cared not,are losing,God will also query them.
139-If you say you will not have a Leader,then God will not guide you,Islam is God's only religion,but today Muslims are suffering..
140-Qur'an and Hadith's guides are Book guides,Muslims at all times need an overall live personal Guide.
141-Once more,no one can tell God what He must do,but it's people that must follow what He has done..
142-If anyone opposes me,it's that person that will regret,not me.
143-I support Nigeria's President taking radical action against Boko Haram,be bold to tackle other problems confronting Nigerians.
144-I never doubt that no one had ever seen someone like me before,and no one will,till the end of the world,read all my previous posts.
145-God made me different for a purpose.If you have made up your mind never to follow me,then be prepared for Hell when you die..
146-All those that will go to Paradise must follow me without exception,Prophets Muhammed,Abraham,Moses,and former Jesus inclusive.
147-I am always shocked and saddened by the senseless,heinous Extremists' attacks happening daily in countries like Iraq,Pakistan,Afghanistan..
148-Please let responsible Muslim Governments around the world crack down heavily on the Extremists,they are harming Islam too much..
149-The Extremist most likely got their evil inspiration from what happened immediately after Prophet Muhammed which I regret so much..
150-Islam is a very very peaceful religion,I'm the Leader of God's religion now,and I swear,no one can be more peaceful than me..
151-Verses in the Qur'an that call for struggle were revealed only when Muslims were fighting forced war,the Extremists are really Satanic!
152-Good Muslims should not keep quiet,extremism or terrorism is NEVER a norm in Islam.Are there no good Muslims in Iraq,Pakistan,Afghanistan?
153-News Headline: Brazil to write off $900m of African debt...AND GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS BRAZIL.
154-News Headline: US launches Drone strike in Pakistan: 'GOD WILL HATE THE PERPETRATOR OF SUCH OPPRESSION'.
155-News Headline: Kano arms cache belongs to Hezbollah: NIG SECURITY SHOULD STEP UP THEIR VIGILANCE.
156-Again there's absolutely NO NEED for the armed wing of Hezbollah in democratic Lebanon,and why won't anyone call them a terror group?
157-News Headline: Two drone strikes kill seven in south Yemen ANYONE OPPOSING GOD MESSENGER WILL END UP IN HELL.
158-Know they not that for those who oppose God and His Messenger is the fire of Hell? - wherein they shall dwell.That is the supreme disgrace.
159-America,use your Drones within your country or against any country that's directly at war with you,that's the limit.
160-Also acceptable is if it had been,Yemen,Pakistan,or Somalia's security used America's Drones (or theirs) to kill terrorists in their country.
161-Tell me that you will never follow me and I will swear that you will end up in Hell,whoever you may be.
162-America,or indeed anyone cannot defeat me,an asset Muslims worldwide don't realise they have already.
163-News Headline: Corruption may destroy Nigeria: 'AGAIN,TAKE NOTE PRESIDENT JONATHAN'.
164-News Headline: Wanted! US offers $23m as reward for Boko Haram Boss,Shekau. 'GOOD,CAN BE HELPFUL'.
165-News Headline: Key Somali militant captured: 'FAR BETTER THAN BEING KILLED WITH DRONES'.
166-RT@NBCNewsWorld: Documents: CIA Drones sometimes fired on unknown targets: "TO OPPRESS AND PERSECUTE".
167-RT@nytimesworld: Nigerian Refugees Accuse Army of Excess Force: "THAT'S BAD''.
168-I learnt almost 93,000 people are now killed in Syria,no words can express my sadness..
169-Iran,though an Islamic country has been very un-islamic in its support for the embattled President Assad of Syria..
170-Iran has surprised me a lot,they believe Bashar Assad can help them more than God.
171-Any right-minded person will back the aspiration of Syrian people to have real democracy devoid of any permanent family rule (Assad).
172-Vanguard Newspaper Headline: Criticism and the growth of democracy in Nigeria: "IT'S REALLY WORTH READING".
173-News Headline: Saudi King congratulates Iran's new president: "PLEASE DO MORE,NO DIVISION IN ISLAM".
174-The Almighty God will also hold Russia and Iran's leaderships responsible for the endless killings in Syria..
175-It's normal when peaceful change is impossible violent one is inevitable..
176-The normal thing is to have peaceful change in Syria but Syria's condition under Assad's family rule may not allow it..
177-But now President Bashar Assad is long overdue to relinquish power having been unable to stop the daily wanton killings in his country.
178-Saudi Arabia,Qatar,UAE,etc,note what I said before,absolute monarchy is un-islamic,quickly transform to constitutional monarchies..
179-Also the systems in the Arab absolute monarchies are not sustainable,life is changing,move with it islamically.
180-News Headline: Russia says it will not allow Syria no-fly zones: "SO THAT THE KILLINGS CAN CONTINUE?''.
181-Those selling arms will never want a quick end to any conflict in the world.93,000 Syrians already killed,yet nothing can be done.No real UN!
182-The Christians-dominated UN Security Council is not effective,not kind or considerate.Syria's case is only one of their failings..
183-For me to back the current UN,there MUST be a way (democratic) to bypass the Veto power of any Security Council member whenever necessary..
184..To enable the United Nations quickly respond to any urgent situation.
185-It makes no sense at all for one person (Vladimir Putin) to be holding the rest of the world to ransom on Syria where many are dying daily.
186-No one should fear any member of the Security Council unnecessarily,I know and I swear that it is God Himself that is protecting the world.
187-Syria's opposition started normally and peacefully but President Assad and those using him (Iran,Russia) were,and still are very desperate.
188-Sahara Reporters' News Headline: Rivers Police: A Force of Occupation?...''NIGERIA TODAY''.
189-News Headline: Inventor of the Web scolds 'hypocritical' West over spying: ''TRUE TALK!''.
190-Our purpose in life is to do God's wish,worship Him.But nobody can do that successfully today without believing in me,I'm very sure..
191-Popular people across the world already know about me,but I will come out to reach everyone in the world when it's time.
192-The level of greed in Nigeria is overwhelming where people can't see the suffering of others,they're just accumulating wealth - Anambra Gov.
193-News Headline: Vanguard Newspaper: Mr President (Jonathan),enough of sermonisations please! "WORTH READING".
194-Situation in Egypt is troubling,the opposition are clearly anti-democrats,and the military are wrong dictating to their elected President..
195-Also the international community led by the West that are Christians have been unfair or biased against the Islamist-led democratic Egypt.
196-Egyptian opposition are now smiling,what they couldn't attain through democratic elections,they've gotten it via protests and military coup.
197-Today I strongly denounce America's ill treatment of Guantanamo Bay detainees without trial,God can never overlook that wrongdoing.
198-Again,democracy in Muslim countries shouldn't be exactly like in the West,or non-muslim countries,it must reflect that Muslims are Believers
199-Those saying 'political Islam' are hypocrites or persons who don't understand Islam because Islam is a 'complete way of life'..
200-The West and World should note again that God will not accept Christianity or any religion different from Islam,they better begin to change.
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