Read firsthand from this man of God being sent to you and the whole world.
Monday, February 18, 2013
My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 8.
1-God will never guide those who behave arrogantly on Earth,even if they see all the Signs of God,they will not believe..Qur'an.
2-Believers know and admit that Man had been created for God,and not for himself,but the Unbelievers don't.
3-The truth is that God created everything for man's sake while He created man for Himself (God).
4-So let it be clear once more that Man was created ONLY to worship God.
5-That Ayo Oritsejafor,Leader of Nigerian Christians,has joined the league of Pastors in Nigeria with private jets is not a big news at all..
6-If Oritsejafor and other Pastors want to continue their Xtianity or Idolatry,refusing to heed my call,what they got,the least they can have.
7-I've said it many times that this world is the Paradise of the Unbelievers,but unlike the Terrorists,I will NEVER begrudge them enjoying it.
8-I saw in a newspaper Edo state governor (Nigeria) and his deputy kneeling down in front of a Pastor like the Unbelievers before a shrine.
9-Pray more,Pastor Adeboye urges Nigerians: My reply:'USELESS IF YOU CAN'T BELIEVE CORRECTLY,GOD ALREADY CARES FOR ALL'.
10-And the problems of Muslims or Believers in the Almighty God will persist until they appoint a universal Leader or I come out to lead them.
11-Imagine America without a President,Muslims' or Believers' condition is by far worse..
12-Muslims' lack of a Leader is like they don't believe in Prophet Muhammed and the Almighty God,ALLAH.
13-Israel,note: Your right to defend yourself NOT LICENCE to commit aggressions and transgressions against the Palestinians and your Neighbours.
14-While Pastors or Church Leaders in Nigeria are becoming richer and richer,their congregations are getting poorer and poorer..
15-The Pastors are eloquent speakers,attracting huge converts,populating the churches,all of whom pay great Tithes..
16-And those giving the Pastors money have good intentions but alas! they are being led to Hellfire,having known about me..
17-I can authoritatively tell Nigeria's President and Governors patronising the Pastors that they will go to Hell if they don't believe in me..
18-Many important Pastors already know me,they are sure of my genuineness,but cannot tell their congregations the truth.
19-Nigeria's economy also,is getting worse everyday,not improving,though the Politicians are full of promises all the time.
20-I think I heard Pastor E.A.Adeboye saying that he now has his Church branches in over one hundred countries (160) in the world..
21-Pastor Adeboye knows me,despite his many Church branches and followers,he MUST believe in me and embrace Islam to EVER get to God,I swear..
22-And I will ask Pastor Adeboye through this medium to come to me and accept Islam,then declare to the whole world that he has done so.
23-Israel can't have peace with the Palestinians until she treats them justly,properly,her aggressions and transgresions only worsening things
24-Anyone blaming the militant Palestinians is one-sided and biased because Israel's aim is evil,it is simply to annexe the whole of Palestine.
25-Again,my desire is that both Israel and Palestine should live together as a Country where all the citizens have equal rights.
26-Pastor E.A.Adeboye should not waste time coming to me to accept Islam because he will surely do so if truly he is a Believer from God..
27-There are many ways God can reward an Unbeliever that has done a very great thing for humanity on Earth,for example..
28..Owner of a very big Church with branches and great followers throughout the world,Christianity,being a religion for the Unbelievers..
29-Again,God curse me if I'm not sure that today's Christianity is IDOLATRY or Idol worshipping.God has made the religion a Trial for peoples.
30-God watches Israel,granting her respite to continue her wrongdoings,but God surely has a plan,and Israel won't be able to do that forever..
31-No reasonable person will expect the Palestinians to keep suffering in silence,they are bound to protest Israel's occupation and blockade..
32-And only evil people will ask Palestinians to be quiet when there's no one to stop Israel from grabbing their land,trying to force them out.
33-I hate Israel's wrongdoings,I'm warning their Politicians and those of America and Europe aiding them that they may have no life after death
34-Because there is no democracy amongst the autocratic Arab Rulers,it's easy for USA and EU to buy them over,absolute monarchy is un-islamic..
35-Democracy is now helping Egypt and Tunisia to be their own selves unlike Saudi Arabia,UAE,Morocco,Jordan,etc,that are submissive to America.
36-US Denies Visas to Iran Officials for UN Meeting: 'UNLESS REFORMED,MUSLIMS MAY SOON GET OUT OF THE UN'.
37-And if anyone says Hamas do not want to negotiate with Israel,Israel's grand Plan also is to get rid of the Palestinians,annexing their land
38-Muslims will have no Salat if prayed in a congregation without Imam,today's Muslim Ummah that lacks a Leader is like they don't have faith.
39-I know myself,I swear that those with me now are complete Muslims,Believers worldwide must align with me to truly believe in God Almighty.
40-Unlike America,an oppressor that is standing blindly by another oppressor,Israel,the Almighty God is ALWAYS with the oppressed..
41..The Oppressed may not get immediate help,but they will laugh last.
42-If rich Arab countries will do what God wants,they shd ask US and EU that aid & abet Israel,stop their aid to Palestinians,then take it over
43..America to the Palestinians is the greatest Hypocrite I have ever seen..
44-The grand Plan of USA and Israel is to get rid of Palestinians,reason a US Presidential candidate described Palestinians as INVENTED PEOPLE.
45-Autocratic Arab Rulers helping America are also aiding & abetting Israel to commit aggressions and transgressions against the Palestinians.
46-An ugly consequence of Muslims' lacking a Leader is the Arab Rulers' supporting and befriending of America to hate fellow Muslim,Iran.
47-There will ALWAYS be something important,compulsory,or needed to be a Believer that an Unbeliever will find difficult to do..
48-And had becoming a Believer been so easy,maybe no one would have disbelieved.
49-An Unbeliever WILL NOT BE ABLE to accept me as the Only Representative of the Almighty God on Earth,for this time,till I die.
50-God had been very mindful of Believers,had the gap b/w Believers & Unbelievers been too wide,believing-in-God would have been much harder..
51..(Noted that the world is the Paradise for the Unbelievers).
52-But the real truth is that NOTHING can make any Believer-from-God disbelieved ultimately.
53-World Powers,I advise you again to be very careful,let JUSTICE & FAIR PLAY be your watchwords,know that the Almighty God has sent someone..
54-I am a VERY peaceful person that hate warfare,but I can fight and might have to do that if justice cannot be attained peacefully..
55-The whole World should be joyous about my advent as the Almighty God will use me to bring about real justice that is useful to all..
56-The only people who may not like me are those benefitting from injustices.I am sure that Believers and the Unbelievers alike will love me.
57-The World Powers may try but I swear that they WILL NOT BE ABLE to ignore me..
58-And actually,I can't imagine any good person ignoring me because God has endowed me with the BEST OF INTENTIONS.
59-When Palestinians' bid for statehood cannot be realised immediately,why would any sincere person again oppose their non-member state status?
60-Israel and USA had voted against the Palestinians at the UN because their evil plan of annexing Palestinian land was becoming unattainable..
61-Only God knows how much I dislike the duo of Israel and America over the Palestinians'.
62-And remember the man who revealed America's evil intention,calling the Palestinians INVENTED PEOPLE,was a former No.3 in US Govt. for years.
63-News - Israel to approve new settlements: 'I SWEAR,ISRAEL WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DRIVE OUT THE PALESTINIANS'.
64-News - Israel Withholds Palestinian Funds after UN Vote: 'DO YOUR WORST,OPPRESSOR WILL NEVER HAVE THE LAST LAUGH'.
65-Unbelievers SHALL BE ABLE to mock at Believers on Earth,but in heaven,Believers will also laugh at the Unbelievers when being goaded to Hell
66-If Christianity and Judaism were God's real religions,their Leaders wd've prevailed on Israel Govt long ago to make peace with Palestinians.
67-If I were sent by the Almighty God as I am truly,then who on Earth can be powerful enough to stop me from achieving my aim?..
68-Right now America is an Unjust Leader of the World,but God is raising me up to bring about real justice that will be useful to all..
69-USA should use all her power to support me to achieve the God's aim,doing that the only way she can gain,if she opposed me she will regret..
70-And to say it openly,maybe God knew that America will be useful to me,reason He had raised up for me parts of my real self in America today.
71-Opposition in Egypt wants to impose their views upon the majority of Egyptians,simply vote against the draft constitution if you don't want.
72-If somebody somewhere is not using the Opposition in Egypt,they should ask for dialogue rather than violence,Egypt now is not like Syria.
73-I hate forcing anything on people,but the West led by the US have always imposed their way of life on Muslims..
74-The West,all the time,brainwashed Leaders of Muslim countries making Muslims feel as if their own way of life is bad and uncivilised..
75-But Islamic way of life is the ONLY path to the Almighty God,all other ways of life lead to Hellfire.God curse me if I'm saying the untruth.
76-When I come out Muslims will stop accepting conditional aids from others,so that we can live our correct way of life without any hindrance.
77-Life is never static,Extremist Muslims that have the tendency to always look backwards cannot give sound judgements in modern times..
78-Prophet Muhammed knew that Life would ever be changing when he advised that Muslims move with time while still being pious and God-fearing.
79-Opposition in Egypt,PLEASE don't allow yourselves to be used,the wish of all Muslims worldwide is that democracy should thrive there..
80-Egypt,most populous Arab country should be a good example for the rest of Arabs to copy,don't let the autocratic Arab rulers fear democracy.
81-Let me ask the United Nations to do tangible things to solve the problems of Rohingya people,one of the world's most persecuted minorities.
82-I swear,and God curse me if I'm not sure that celebrating Christmas in the Christian's way is NOT loving Jesus of Nazareth,at all..
83-Even Jesus of Nazareth hates,and WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO with Christians that do not accept Islam.
85-Injustice is evil from Satan,its end result is Hellfire..God hates injustice so much,and so do I..
86-America,change your ways,you merely condemn Israel for real wrongdoings while you punish Iran most severely for just-suspected wrongdoing.
87-On Christmas day every Christian should remind himself that he will go to Hell if he does not accept Islam.It is true,no Jesus can save you.
88-America has struck again,I denounce very strongly her constant use of Drones in Muslim countries,it is an oppressive act that God hates..
89-If America does not stop her oppressive and unjust behaviours,I will oppose her,and I swear by God that she would not be able to defeat me.
90-With my advent,the era of Injustice,Partiality,Oppression or Forceful domination in the world should be over..
91-America must change her old ways,the United Nations Organisation must also reform..
92-No one sent from God will tolerate injustice.God gave me the best of intentions,and nobody shall be able to frustrate me..
93-But I sincerely wish that the Powerful on Earth will not first try me before they believe.
94-God curse me if I'm not sure,No One will enter Paradise without observing Salat,the 5-time daily prayer-worship..
95-God curse me if I'm not sure,All other religions lead to Hellfire except ISLAM.
96-Analysis - CNN: Seeking the truth about Jesus: 'GOD CURSE ME IF I'M NOT SURE,JESUS OF NAZARETH WAS ONLY A PROPHET OF GOD'.
97-Christmas: Jonathan Urges Nigerians to Imbibe Message of Christ: ESPECIALLY THAT THEY SHOULD EMBRACE ISLAM.
98-Christmas: Not of Christ,but Baal worship! -Newspaper Analysis. GOD CURSE ME IF I'M NOT SURE,CHRISTIANITY IS IDOL-WORSHIPPING.
99-I've told Christians the Truth,though it is not for any person to believe except by the leave of God..
100-However,God will put His wrath on the heedless - the Unbelievers,especially beginning from after death.
101-God intentionally made Man,Believers and Unbelievers because of Paradise and Hell.If God had willed,everyone would have believed (Believer).
102-Nothing is comparable to Faith,or Certainty about God,I thank the Almighty God that has given me the most of it in the whole world now..
103-God has also conferred on me the Authority to lead,examine yourself,if you cannot follow me,know for certain that God cannot accept you..
104-The whole world should note that whoever God has destined for Paradise CANNOT do without me.
106-Find out what Salat is,because without observing it,no Heaven for you,I swear and swear again.Pay no heed to it if you like.
107-News Headline: Syria unrest 'has killed 60,000': 'THE UN I WANT WILL NEVER EVER ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT'.
108-God also hates America's humiliating and terrorising Drone strikes in Muslim countries,but Barack Obama is asking God to do His worst.
109-News Headline: Pakistan militant leader killed: 'COWARDLY US-DRONE KILLING,WHAT OF THE INNOCENTS?'.
110-News Headline: Pakistan says US Drones kill 15: 'COWARDLY KILLINGS,GOD HATES BARACK OBAMA FOR THEM'.
111-Rich Unbelievers think that they are enjoying,rather,their situation is even pathetic,considering that the world is the best they can have.
112-God detests most strongly,the saying,'In The Name Of Jesus',a maxim of Christian Idol-worshippers.God curse me if I'm not sure.
113-God hates the beliefs of the Unbelievers,yet provides for their needs in this world because He is the God of all,Believers or Non-believers.
114-News Headline:US Drone Kills 10 in Pakistan: 'BEWARE BARACK OBAMA MAY CAUSE AMERICA'S DOWNFALL'.
115-Muslim Rulers permitting America's assassination Drones are the first-guilty.But let's watch Barack Obama's reign and its aftermath.
116-I am not like anyone,I'm God's only Representative,No one,including America can change that.Believe or reject if you like..
117-And there had never came a Messenger from the Almighty God but people mocked him.
118-No One else can be the Saviour of Mankind except myself (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu),God's greatest curse be on me if I'm not sure..
120-Muslims,your Saviour,the only Saviour,is the Prophet that is bringing for you 'Siratal Mustaqim',that is,Jesus.(Qur'an 1/6,3/51).
121-Almighty God,ALLAH,continue to bless Qatar for helping fellow Muslims,the Palestinians and Egypt,amin.
122-Muslims pray for 'Siratal Mustaqim' that Jesus is bringing to the world in every Salat.And Salat is compulsory for Mankind to enter Paradise
123-Trade not your hereafter for this life.Whoever opposes God and His Messenger will abide in Hell forever.
124-Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter?But little is the enjoyment of this world compared with the Hereafter.
125-That Jesus will bring Siratal Mustaqim is evident in Q3/55 'I will make those who FOLLOW you prevail over those that reject till Last Day'.
126-What confidence have the Christians when former Jesus already said,(John 16/13),'somebody will come after me to tell you of what remains'?
127-News Headline: Nigeria Ranked 20th Saddest Nation: ''DESPITE MANY PASTORS WITH PRIVATE JETS?''.
128-News Headline: Stop criticising pastors with private jets,says Wale Oke: MAYBE THEY WANT THEIR TITHES SPENT DIFFERENTLY.
129-Christians,it's most important that you listen to me,calling yourselves children of God is very hateful to God.Almighty God has no child..
130-All God's creations are His servants.If you think you are a child of God,YOU CAN NEVER have a CORRECT belief in the Almighty God.Never!
131-Thinking that you are a child of God makes you feel like somebody with God,and there is nothing with God,all are servants WITHIN Him.
132-God's greatest curse be on me if I'm not 100% sure that No One can be a child of God,it's just impossible..
133-Your body parts can disobey you were they to have autonomy like your children,but as servants,you can use them as you like..
134-No One can actually refuse to obey God,all God's creations do what God has programmed that they do.And nobody can do anything without God.
135-No One can do any good or bad deed without God,but we willingly do what God has destined,though nobody knows exactly what God has destined..
136-And because you do things out of your free will,God will reward you for them accordingly.
137-I want to thank the Almighty God,ALLAH (SWT),for giving me an additional name,Abu Muhammadu Tawfeeq.
138-Christians,stop deceiving yourselves,I've told you that death of Salvation is not bodily death that former Jesus died,but spiritual..
139-And spiritual death leads to Hellfire,I'm the only person that can overcome it having been given two Spirits,one for the Salvation.
140-Siratal Mustaqim is the 2nd life that Jesus will start,all those that have died from Adam to Proph Muhammed must come back to experience it.
141-Christians,note again that the Bible is not so reliable because some incorrect things are there..
142-Qur'an is 100% perfect but requires guidance to know it,some of its verses cannot be used directly,reason certain Muslims are misguided.
143-News Headline: Obama's Israel remarks whip up controversy: ANYONE LOVING ISRAEL WILL SAY THE TRUTH'.
144-News Headline: US Condemns Comments from Egypt's President,Morsi: 'BUT THE REAL FACT IS THAT ISRAEL'S BEHAVIOUR IS BAD'.
145-In life,Money is most important but after death,Rewards from God's-worship-and-good-deeds are the only means of sustenance.
146-News Headline: Corruption,Nigeria's major enemy - FCT Minister: 'A CRISIS NEEDING ONLY DRASTIC ACTIONS'.
147-Two invisible Angels are constantly with people,one on the left and one on the right of every human being,they record whatever they do.
148-The parable of Disbelievers is that their works are like ashes that wind blows,they will get nothing from what they earned in the Hereafter.
149-News Headline: Terror threat to last decades- British PM: GOD LIKES,AND I'LL SUPPORT ALL-LEGAL MEANS TO STOP TERRORISTS WORLDWIDE.
150-News Headline: Obama ends oath with 'So help me God': 'AND THAT IS THE ONLY ALMIGHTY GOD I'M REPRESENTING'.
151-Whether anybody truly believes or not,there is only One God,the Almighty ALLAH.No One can change that.
152-News Headline: Iran Draws Red Line over Assad of Syria: 'ASSAD OUGHT TO HAVE WILLINGLY STEPPED DOWN LONG AGO'.
153-If President Assad and Iran like Peace,Bashar Assad of Syria ought to have voluntarily stepped down long ago.
154-I may seem laughable but I am a 100% serious person.You don't like me,you don't like God,meaning that you want to go to Hell..
155-Many people follow nothing but conjecture,and conjecture can be of no avail against the truth.
156-Can I tell you again what you must start doing if you want to go to Heaven? SALAT,after accepting God's only religion,Islam..
157-Once you cannot do what I said God wants,God must have destined that you will go to Hell.
158-Aside from the Bible,that is not even so reliable,there is NOTHING in Christianity,God curse and curse me if I'm not 100% sure..
159-True Believers in the Almighty God,you have NOTHING doing in other religions,get out without hesitation.God curse me if I'm not sure.
160-Qur'an has FULLY replaced the Bible,Believers in the Almighty God do not need it again.Islam has also become their only religion.
161-I wish I can show the World the importance of Salat,NO WAY anyone can get to the Almighty God without observing it.NEVER!
162-God curse me if I am telling a lie: Prophets Muhammed,Abraham,Moses,former Jesus,and other Prophets have all observed SALAT with me before.
163-Egyptian oppositions are most likely being used,and they are like Extremists.Democracy is not a game of force,but of numbers..
164-The situations under President Morsi are certainly different from the former leader,Hosni Mubarak.There is democracy in Egypt now.
165-God said the Unbelievers will try to extinguish the light of Islam,but He would never allow them,instead He will perfect it.
166-God will never wrong Man,but Man wrong themselves.
167-News Headline: Israel boycotts UN rights council: DANGEROUS PRECEDENT,BUT ISRAEL CAN GO TO THE SAME UN TO REPORT IRAN.
168-News Headline: US to base surveillance drones in Niger: ALWAYS LOOKING FOR POOR MUSLIM COUNTRIES,BUT SURV. DRONES BETTER.
169-If you do good,you do it for your ownself,and if you do evil,you do it against yourself.
170-News Headline: U.N. report slams Israeli settlements: 'ISRAEL MUST BE SANCTIONED TO OBEY THE LAW'.
171-It is Injustice to punish Iran alone while Israel was allowed to continue to show disregard for international laws by openly disobeying them
172-Those autocratic Arab Rulers helping US against Iran to punish her unjustly are also aiding and abetting Israel to continue her illegalities
173-World will know no peace until there's universal justice.That there'll be joy after my advent is because God will use me to achieve justice.
174-News Headline: 'God has given me a second life' - Malala Yousafzai.'ONLY GOD CAN ACTUALLY KILL,OR CAUSE DEATH'.
175-News Headline: Gay marriage 'the right thing to do' - British Culture Secretary.'FOR THE UNBELIEVERS IN GOD'.
176-Gay Marriage,NEVER right for Believers in the Almighty God,but Govts should neither encourage nor prevent it.Let Govts liberalise marriage.
177-News Headline: US urges Egypt to control police (at protests): 'SPONSOR OF THE PROTESTS?.
178-If Lebanon is truly democratic,there is absolutely no need for the armed group of Hezbollah,Islam likes open,clear democracy.
179-The Aggrieved/Opposition in Mali taking up arms need not to,instead organise and dialogue with democratic Mali government.
180-Bad for Govts to authorise Gay marriage.Govts should handoff marriage,liberalise it,esp. non-religious govts,just allow anybody marry anyone
181-Many things I always want to say but couldn't because I'm busy,and my condition NOW would not just permit..
182-News Headline: Memo says US can use drones on citizens: 'AMERICAN CITIZENS WITHIN USA'.
183-Though no time,but some I heard on TV discussing America's use of assassination Drones appeared like they could hardly reason,inconsiderate.
184-News Headline: CIA Drone Base in Saudi Arabia Revealed: 'AUTOCRATIC RULERS ARE NOT DEMOCRATIC,THEY CAN EASILY BE USED'.
185-I'm very sure,if Pres Obama,or Drone man,John Brennan were Pakistanis or Yemenis,they too w'd hate US using Drones to kill in their country.
186-France has done well helping Malian government restore back her democracy,I thank her and others.
187-Anyone that does not fear God,even if he's a Ruler has no hope,he might think he's something,but I swear he's nothing.
188-No one has the right to be worshipped except ALLAH (God),He is the Best for reward,and the Best for the final end.
189-News Headline: Polio vaccinators killed in Nigeria: 'I HATE THE TERRORISTS,BOKO HARAM?'.
190-News Headline: Pope Benedict to Step Down Feb 28: 'HE SHOULD QUICKLY ACCEPT ISLAM,AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS'.
191-Almighty God make Paradise forbidden to me if I'm not 100% sure,the best advice for the resigning Pope is to accept Islam before he dies.
192-Christians,Jesus of Nazareth had said (John 14/26,John 16/13),that someone will come after him,I swear and swear again that I am the one..
193-If you Christians don't believe in me,you have rejected Jesus of Nazareth,and the Almighty God,ALLAH.
194-News Headline: Kwankwaso,Dangote donate N6m each to slain Kano health workers' families: 'THANKS,GOD BLESS YOU'.
195-It's very sad many Muslims do not know precisely who they are,they just think they are like the others..
196-Muslims are created for God,not for themselves,their way of life must reflect this,their democracy cannot exactly be like the West..
197-Egypt and Tunisia are mainly Muslims,their emerging democracies must indicate this fact,despite the similarities in human aspirations.
198-Non-muslims should not compare themselves with Muslims,Muslims have REAL hope in life-after-death,Non-muslims don't,I swear..
199-The Almighty God has purchased of Believers their lives and their properties for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise..
200-Paradise,a great reward,a reward without break!
Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu,
Imam Mahdi,
Jesus Christ,
Life and Wellbeing,
Messiah Jesus,
United Nations.,
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