Read firsthand from this man of God being sent to you and the whole world.
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Monday, February 18, 2013
My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 8.
1-God will never guide those who behave arrogantly on Earth,even if they see all the Signs of God,they will not believe..Qur'an.
2-Believers know and admit that Man had been created for God,and not for himself,but the Unbelievers don't.
3-The truth is that God created everything for man's sake while He created man for Himself (God).
4-So let it be clear once more that Man was created ONLY to worship God.
5-That Ayo Oritsejafor,Leader of Nigerian Christians,has joined the league of Pastors in Nigeria with private jets is not a big news at all..
6-If Oritsejafor and other Pastors want to continue their Xtianity or Idolatry,refusing to heed my call,what they got,the least they can have.
7-I've said it many times that this world is the Paradise of the Unbelievers,but unlike the Terrorists,I will NEVER begrudge them enjoying it.
8-I saw in a newspaper Edo state governor (Nigeria) and his deputy kneeling down in front of a Pastor like the Unbelievers before a shrine.
9-Pray more,Pastor Adeboye urges Nigerians: My reply:'USELESS IF YOU CAN'T BELIEVE CORRECTLY,GOD ALREADY CARES FOR ALL'.
10-And the problems of Muslims or Believers in the Almighty God will persist until they appoint a universal Leader or I come out to lead them.
11-Imagine America without a President,Muslims' or Believers' condition is by far worse..
12-Muslims' lack of a Leader is like they don't believe in Prophet Muhammed and the Almighty God,ALLAH.
13-Israel,note: Your right to defend yourself NOT LICENCE to commit aggressions and transgressions against the Palestinians and your Neighbours.
14-While Pastors or Church Leaders in Nigeria are becoming richer and richer,their congregations are getting poorer and poorer..
15-The Pastors are eloquent speakers,attracting huge converts,populating the churches,all of whom pay great Tithes..
16-And those giving the Pastors money have good intentions but alas! they are being led to Hellfire,having known about me..
17-I can authoritatively tell Nigeria's President and Governors patronising the Pastors that they will go to Hell if they don't believe in me..
18-Many important Pastors already know me,they are sure of my genuineness,but cannot tell their congregations the truth.
19-Nigeria's economy also,is getting worse everyday,not improving,though the Politicians are full of promises all the time.
20-I think I heard Pastor E.A.Adeboye saying that he now has his Church branches in over one hundred countries (160) in the world..
21-Pastor Adeboye knows me,despite his many Church branches and followers,he MUST believe in me and embrace Islam to EVER get to God,I swear..
22-And I will ask Pastor Adeboye through this medium to come to me and accept Islam,then declare to the whole world that he has done so.
23-Israel can't have peace with the Palestinians until she treats them justly,properly,her aggressions and transgresions only worsening things
24-Anyone blaming the militant Palestinians is one-sided and biased because Israel's aim is evil,it is simply to annexe the whole of Palestine.
25-Again,my desire is that both Israel and Palestine should live together as a Country where all the citizens have equal rights.
26-Pastor E.A.Adeboye should not waste time coming to me to accept Islam because he will surely do so if truly he is a Believer from God..
27-There are many ways God can reward an Unbeliever that has done a very great thing for humanity on Earth,for example..
28..Owner of a very big Church with branches and great followers throughout the world,Christianity,being a religion for the Unbelievers..
29-Again,God curse me if I'm not sure that today's Christianity is IDOLATRY or Idol worshipping.God has made the religion a Trial for peoples.
30-God watches Israel,granting her respite to continue her wrongdoings,but God surely has a plan,and Israel won't be able to do that forever..
31-No reasonable person will expect the Palestinians to keep suffering in silence,they are bound to protest Israel's occupation and blockade..
32-And only evil people will ask Palestinians to be quiet when there's no one to stop Israel from grabbing their land,trying to force them out.
33-I hate Israel's wrongdoings,I'm warning their Politicians and those of America and Europe aiding them that they may have no life after death
34-Because there is no democracy amongst the autocratic Arab Rulers,it's easy for USA and EU to buy them over,absolute monarchy is un-islamic..
35-Democracy is now helping Egypt and Tunisia to be their own selves unlike Saudi Arabia,UAE,Morocco,Jordan,etc,that are submissive to America.
36-US Denies Visas to Iran Officials for UN Meeting: 'UNLESS REFORMED,MUSLIMS MAY SOON GET OUT OF THE UN'.
37-And if anyone says Hamas do not want to negotiate with Israel,Israel's grand Plan also is to get rid of the Palestinians,annexing their land
38-Muslims will have no Salat if prayed in a congregation without Imam,today's Muslim Ummah that lacks a Leader is like they don't have faith.
39-I know myself,I swear that those with me now are complete Muslims,Believers worldwide must align with me to truly believe in God Almighty.
40-Unlike America,an oppressor that is standing blindly by another oppressor,Israel,the Almighty God is ALWAYS with the oppressed..
41..The Oppressed may not get immediate help,but they will laugh last.
42-If rich Arab countries will do what God wants,they shd ask US and EU that aid & abet Israel,stop their aid to Palestinians,then take it over
43..America to the Palestinians is the greatest Hypocrite I have ever seen..
44-The grand Plan of USA and Israel is to get rid of Palestinians,reason a US Presidential candidate described Palestinians as INVENTED PEOPLE.
45-Autocratic Arab Rulers helping America are also aiding & abetting Israel to commit aggressions and transgressions against the Palestinians.
46-An ugly consequence of Muslims' lacking a Leader is the Arab Rulers' supporting and befriending of America to hate fellow Muslim,Iran.
47-There will ALWAYS be something important,compulsory,or needed to be a Believer that an Unbeliever will find difficult to do..
48-And had becoming a Believer been so easy,maybe no one would have disbelieved.
49-An Unbeliever WILL NOT BE ABLE to accept me as the Only Representative of the Almighty God on Earth,for this time,till I die.
50-God had been very mindful of Believers,had the gap b/w Believers & Unbelievers been too wide,believing-in-God would have been much harder..
51..(Noted that the world is the Paradise for the Unbelievers).
52-But the real truth is that NOTHING can make any Believer-from-God disbelieved ultimately.
53-World Powers,I advise you again to be very careful,let JUSTICE & FAIR PLAY be your watchwords,know that the Almighty God has sent someone..
54-I am a VERY peaceful person that hate warfare,but I can fight and might have to do that if justice cannot be attained peacefully..
55-The whole World should be joyous about my advent as the Almighty God will use me to bring about real justice that is useful to all..
56-The only people who may not like me are those benefitting from injustices.I am sure that Believers and the Unbelievers alike will love me.
57-The World Powers may try but I swear that they WILL NOT BE ABLE to ignore me..
58-And actually,I can't imagine any good person ignoring me because God has endowed me with the BEST OF INTENTIONS.
59-When Palestinians' bid for statehood cannot be realised immediately,why would any sincere person again oppose their non-member state status?
60-Israel and USA had voted against the Palestinians at the UN because their evil plan of annexing Palestinian land was becoming unattainable..
61-Only God knows how much I dislike the duo of Israel and America over the Palestinians'.
62-And remember the man who revealed America's evil intention,calling the Palestinians INVENTED PEOPLE,was a former No.3 in US Govt. for years.
63-News - Israel to approve new settlements: 'I SWEAR,ISRAEL WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DRIVE OUT THE PALESTINIANS'.
64-News - Israel Withholds Palestinian Funds after UN Vote: 'DO YOUR WORST,OPPRESSOR WILL NEVER HAVE THE LAST LAUGH'.
65-Unbelievers SHALL BE ABLE to mock at Believers on Earth,but in heaven,Believers will also laugh at the Unbelievers when being goaded to Hell
66-If Christianity and Judaism were God's real religions,their Leaders wd've prevailed on Israel Govt long ago to make peace with Palestinians.
67-If I were sent by the Almighty God as I am truly,then who on Earth can be powerful enough to stop me from achieving my aim?..
68-Right now America is an Unjust Leader of the World,but God is raising me up to bring about real justice that will be useful to all..
69-USA should use all her power to support me to achieve the God's aim,doing that the only way she can gain,if she opposed me she will regret..
70-And to say it openly,maybe God knew that America will be useful to me,reason He had raised up for me parts of my real self in America today.
71-Opposition in Egypt wants to impose their views upon the majority of Egyptians,simply vote against the draft constitution if you don't want.
72-If somebody somewhere is not using the Opposition in Egypt,they should ask for dialogue rather than violence,Egypt now is not like Syria.
73-I hate forcing anything on people,but the West led by the US have always imposed their way of life on Muslims..
74-The West,all the time,brainwashed Leaders of Muslim countries making Muslims feel as if their own way of life is bad and uncivilised..
75-But Islamic way of life is the ONLY path to the Almighty God,all other ways of life lead to Hellfire.God curse me if I'm saying the untruth.
76-When I come out Muslims will stop accepting conditional aids from others,so that we can live our correct way of life without any hindrance.
77-Life is never static,Extremist Muslims that have the tendency to always look backwards cannot give sound judgements in modern times..
78-Prophet Muhammed knew that Life would ever be changing when he advised that Muslims move with time while still being pious and God-fearing.
79-Opposition in Egypt,PLEASE don't allow yourselves to be used,the wish of all Muslims worldwide is that democracy should thrive there..
80-Egypt,most populous Arab country should be a good example for the rest of Arabs to copy,don't let the autocratic Arab rulers fear democracy.
81-Let me ask the United Nations to do tangible things to solve the problems of Rohingya people,one of the world's most persecuted minorities.
82-I swear,and God curse me if I'm not sure that celebrating Christmas in the Christian's way is NOT loving Jesus of Nazareth,at all..
83-Even Jesus of Nazareth hates,and WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO with Christians that do not accept Islam.
85-Injustice is evil from Satan,its end result is Hellfire..God hates injustice so much,and so do I..
86-America,change your ways,you merely condemn Israel for real wrongdoings while you punish Iran most severely for just-suspected wrongdoing.
87-On Christmas day every Christian should remind himself that he will go to Hell if he does not accept Islam.It is true,no Jesus can save you.
88-America has struck again,I denounce very strongly her constant use of Drones in Muslim countries,it is an oppressive act that God hates..
89-If America does not stop her oppressive and unjust behaviours,I will oppose her,and I swear by God that she would not be able to defeat me.
90-With my advent,the era of Injustice,Partiality,Oppression or Forceful domination in the world should be over..
91-America must change her old ways,the United Nations Organisation must also reform..
92-No one sent from God will tolerate injustice.God gave me the best of intentions,and nobody shall be able to frustrate me..
93-But I sincerely wish that the Powerful on Earth will not first try me before they believe.
94-God curse me if I'm not sure,No One will enter Paradise without observing Salat,the 5-time daily prayer-worship..
95-God curse me if I'm not sure,All other religions lead to Hellfire except ISLAM.
96-Analysis - CNN: Seeking the truth about Jesus: 'GOD CURSE ME IF I'M NOT SURE,JESUS OF NAZARETH WAS ONLY A PROPHET OF GOD'.
97-Christmas: Jonathan Urges Nigerians to Imbibe Message of Christ: ESPECIALLY THAT THEY SHOULD EMBRACE ISLAM.
98-Christmas: Not of Christ,but Baal worship! -Newspaper Analysis. GOD CURSE ME IF I'M NOT SURE,CHRISTIANITY IS IDOL-WORSHIPPING.
99-I've told Christians the Truth,though it is not for any person to believe except by the leave of God..
100-However,God will put His wrath on the heedless - the Unbelievers,especially beginning from after death.
101-God intentionally made Man,Believers and Unbelievers because of Paradise and Hell.If God had willed,everyone would have believed (Believer).
102-Nothing is comparable to Faith,or Certainty about God,I thank the Almighty God that has given me the most of it in the whole world now..
103-God has also conferred on me the Authority to lead,examine yourself,if you cannot follow me,know for certain that God cannot accept you..
104-The whole world should note that whoever God has destined for Paradise CANNOT do without me.
106-Find out what Salat is,because without observing it,no Heaven for you,I swear and swear again.Pay no heed to it if you like.
107-News Headline: Syria unrest 'has killed 60,000': 'THE UN I WANT WILL NEVER EVER ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT'.
108-God also hates America's humiliating and terrorising Drone strikes in Muslim countries,but Barack Obama is asking God to do His worst.
109-News Headline: Pakistan militant leader killed: 'COWARDLY US-DRONE KILLING,WHAT OF THE INNOCENTS?'.
110-News Headline: Pakistan says US Drones kill 15: 'COWARDLY KILLINGS,GOD HATES BARACK OBAMA FOR THEM'.
111-Rich Unbelievers think that they are enjoying,rather,their situation is even pathetic,considering that the world is the best they can have.
112-God detests most strongly,the saying,'In The Name Of Jesus',a maxim of Christian Idol-worshippers.God curse me if I'm not sure.
113-God hates the beliefs of the Unbelievers,yet provides for their needs in this world because He is the God of all,Believers or Non-believers.
114-News Headline:US Drone Kills 10 in Pakistan: 'BEWARE BARACK OBAMA MAY CAUSE AMERICA'S DOWNFALL'.
115-Muslim Rulers permitting America's assassination Drones are the first-guilty.But let's watch Barack Obama's reign and its aftermath.
116-I am not like anyone,I'm God's only Representative,No one,including America can change that.Believe or reject if you like..
117-And there had never came a Messenger from the Almighty God but people mocked him.
118-No One else can be the Saviour of Mankind except myself (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu),God's greatest curse be on me if I'm not sure..
120-Muslims,your Saviour,the only Saviour,is the Prophet that is bringing for you 'Siratal Mustaqim',that is,Jesus.(Qur'an 1/6,3/51).
121-Almighty God,ALLAH,continue to bless Qatar for helping fellow Muslims,the Palestinians and Egypt,amin.
122-Muslims pray for 'Siratal Mustaqim' that Jesus is bringing to the world in every Salat.And Salat is compulsory for Mankind to enter Paradise
123-Trade not your hereafter for this life.Whoever opposes God and His Messenger will abide in Hell forever.
124-Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter?But little is the enjoyment of this world compared with the Hereafter.
125-That Jesus will bring Siratal Mustaqim is evident in Q3/55 'I will make those who FOLLOW you prevail over those that reject till Last Day'.
126-What confidence have the Christians when former Jesus already said,(John 16/13),'somebody will come after me to tell you of what remains'?
127-News Headline: Nigeria Ranked 20th Saddest Nation: ''DESPITE MANY PASTORS WITH PRIVATE JETS?''.
128-News Headline: Stop criticising pastors with private jets,says Wale Oke: MAYBE THEY WANT THEIR TITHES SPENT DIFFERENTLY.
129-Christians,it's most important that you listen to me,calling yourselves children of God is very hateful to God.Almighty God has no child..
130-All God's creations are His servants.If you think you are a child of God,YOU CAN NEVER have a CORRECT belief in the Almighty God.Never!
131-Thinking that you are a child of God makes you feel like somebody with God,and there is nothing with God,all are servants WITHIN Him.
132-God's greatest curse be on me if I'm not 100% sure that No One can be a child of God,it's just impossible..
133-Your body parts can disobey you were they to have autonomy like your children,but as servants,you can use them as you like..
134-No One can actually refuse to obey God,all God's creations do what God has programmed that they do.And nobody can do anything without God.
135-No One can do any good or bad deed without God,but we willingly do what God has destined,though nobody knows exactly what God has destined..
136-And because you do things out of your free will,God will reward you for them accordingly.
137-I want to thank the Almighty God,ALLAH (SWT),for giving me an additional name,Abu Muhammadu Tawfeeq.
138-Christians,stop deceiving yourselves,I've told you that death of Salvation is not bodily death that former Jesus died,but spiritual..
139-And spiritual death leads to Hellfire,I'm the only person that can overcome it having been given two Spirits,one for the Salvation.
140-Siratal Mustaqim is the 2nd life that Jesus will start,all those that have died from Adam to Proph Muhammed must come back to experience it.
141-Christians,note again that the Bible is not so reliable because some incorrect things are there..
142-Qur'an is 100% perfect but requires guidance to know it,some of its verses cannot be used directly,reason certain Muslims are misguided.
143-News Headline: Obama's Israel remarks whip up controversy: ANYONE LOVING ISRAEL WILL SAY THE TRUTH'.
144-News Headline: US Condemns Comments from Egypt's President,Morsi: 'BUT THE REAL FACT IS THAT ISRAEL'S BEHAVIOUR IS BAD'.
145-In life,Money is most important but after death,Rewards from God's-worship-and-good-deeds are the only means of sustenance.
146-News Headline: Corruption,Nigeria's major enemy - FCT Minister: 'A CRISIS NEEDING ONLY DRASTIC ACTIONS'.
147-Two invisible Angels are constantly with people,one on the left and one on the right of every human being,they record whatever they do.
148-The parable of Disbelievers is that their works are like ashes that wind blows,they will get nothing from what they earned in the Hereafter.
149-News Headline: Terror threat to last decades- British PM: GOD LIKES,AND I'LL SUPPORT ALL-LEGAL MEANS TO STOP TERRORISTS WORLDWIDE.
150-News Headline: Obama ends oath with 'So help me God': 'AND THAT IS THE ONLY ALMIGHTY GOD I'M REPRESENTING'.
151-Whether anybody truly believes or not,there is only One God,the Almighty ALLAH.No One can change that.
152-News Headline: Iran Draws Red Line over Assad of Syria: 'ASSAD OUGHT TO HAVE WILLINGLY STEPPED DOWN LONG AGO'.
153-If President Assad and Iran like Peace,Bashar Assad of Syria ought to have voluntarily stepped down long ago.
154-I may seem laughable but I am a 100% serious person.You don't like me,you don't like God,meaning that you want to go to Hell..
155-Many people follow nothing but conjecture,and conjecture can be of no avail against the truth.
156-Can I tell you again what you must start doing if you want to go to Heaven? SALAT,after accepting God's only religion,Islam..
157-Once you cannot do what I said God wants,God must have destined that you will go to Hell.
158-Aside from the Bible,that is not even so reliable,there is NOTHING in Christianity,God curse and curse me if I'm not 100% sure..
159-True Believers in the Almighty God,you have NOTHING doing in other religions,get out without hesitation.God curse me if I'm not sure.
160-Qur'an has FULLY replaced the Bible,Believers in the Almighty God do not need it again.Islam has also become their only religion.
161-I wish I can show the World the importance of Salat,NO WAY anyone can get to the Almighty God without observing it.NEVER!
162-God curse me if I am telling a lie: Prophets Muhammed,Abraham,Moses,former Jesus,and other Prophets have all observed SALAT with me before.
163-Egyptian oppositions are most likely being used,and they are like Extremists.Democracy is not a game of force,but of numbers..
164-The situations under President Morsi are certainly different from the former leader,Hosni Mubarak.There is democracy in Egypt now.
165-God said the Unbelievers will try to extinguish the light of Islam,but He would never allow them,instead He will perfect it.
166-God will never wrong Man,but Man wrong themselves.
167-News Headline: Israel boycotts UN rights council: DANGEROUS PRECEDENT,BUT ISRAEL CAN GO TO THE SAME UN TO REPORT IRAN.
168-News Headline: US to base surveillance drones in Niger: ALWAYS LOOKING FOR POOR MUSLIM COUNTRIES,BUT SURV. DRONES BETTER.
169-If you do good,you do it for your ownself,and if you do evil,you do it against yourself.
170-News Headline: U.N. report slams Israeli settlements: 'ISRAEL MUST BE SANCTIONED TO OBEY THE LAW'.
171-It is Injustice to punish Iran alone while Israel was allowed to continue to show disregard for international laws by openly disobeying them
172-Those autocratic Arab Rulers helping US against Iran to punish her unjustly are also aiding and abetting Israel to continue her illegalities
173-World will know no peace until there's universal justice.That there'll be joy after my advent is because God will use me to achieve justice.
174-News Headline: 'God has given me a second life' - Malala Yousafzai.'ONLY GOD CAN ACTUALLY KILL,OR CAUSE DEATH'.
175-News Headline: Gay marriage 'the right thing to do' - British Culture Secretary.'FOR THE UNBELIEVERS IN GOD'.
176-Gay Marriage,NEVER right for Believers in the Almighty God,but Govts should neither encourage nor prevent it.Let Govts liberalise marriage.
177-News Headline: US urges Egypt to control police (at protests): 'SPONSOR OF THE PROTESTS?.
178-If Lebanon is truly democratic,there is absolutely no need for the armed group of Hezbollah,Islam likes open,clear democracy.
179-The Aggrieved/Opposition in Mali taking up arms need not to,instead organise and dialogue with democratic Mali government.
180-Bad for Govts to authorise Gay marriage.Govts should handoff marriage,liberalise it,esp. non-religious govts,just allow anybody marry anyone
181-Many things I always want to say but couldn't because I'm busy,and my condition NOW would not just permit..
182-News Headline: Memo says US can use drones on citizens: 'AMERICAN CITIZENS WITHIN USA'.
183-Though no time,but some I heard on TV discussing America's use of assassination Drones appeared like they could hardly reason,inconsiderate.
184-News Headline: CIA Drone Base in Saudi Arabia Revealed: 'AUTOCRATIC RULERS ARE NOT DEMOCRATIC,THEY CAN EASILY BE USED'.
185-I'm very sure,if Pres Obama,or Drone man,John Brennan were Pakistanis or Yemenis,they too w'd hate US using Drones to kill in their country.
186-France has done well helping Malian government restore back her democracy,I thank her and others.
187-Anyone that does not fear God,even if he's a Ruler has no hope,he might think he's something,but I swear he's nothing.
188-No one has the right to be worshipped except ALLAH (God),He is the Best for reward,and the Best for the final end.
189-News Headline: Polio vaccinators killed in Nigeria: 'I HATE THE TERRORISTS,BOKO HARAM?'.
190-News Headline: Pope Benedict to Step Down Feb 28: 'HE SHOULD QUICKLY ACCEPT ISLAM,AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS'.
191-Almighty God make Paradise forbidden to me if I'm not 100% sure,the best advice for the resigning Pope is to accept Islam before he dies.
192-Christians,Jesus of Nazareth had said (John 14/26,John 16/13),that someone will come after him,I swear and swear again that I am the one..
193-If you Christians don't believe in me,you have rejected Jesus of Nazareth,and the Almighty God,ALLAH.
194-News Headline: Kwankwaso,Dangote donate N6m each to slain Kano health workers' families: 'THANKS,GOD BLESS YOU'.
195-It's very sad many Muslims do not know precisely who they are,they just think they are like the others..
196-Muslims are created for God,not for themselves,their way of life must reflect this,their democracy cannot exactly be like the West..
197-Egypt and Tunisia are mainly Muslims,their emerging democracies must indicate this fact,despite the similarities in human aspirations.
198-Non-muslims should not compare themselves with Muslims,Muslims have REAL hope in life-after-death,Non-muslims don't,I swear..
199-The Almighty God has purchased of Believers their lives and their properties for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise..
200-Paradise,a great reward,a reward without break!
Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu,
Imam Mahdi,
Jesus Christ,
Life and Wellbeing,
Messiah Jesus,
United Nations.,
Sunday, November 11, 2012
My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 7.
1..Is the man who follows the good pleasure of God,the Creator,like the one who draws on himself His wrath?
2-Important people around the world already know me,they may not care,but still,I like to carry them along in what I am doing..
3..So,I urge the World to continue to exercise patience regarding the God's work.Patience differentiates Believers from the Non-believers..
4..But about 6 months ago,God actually gave me an observable achievement that confirmed and made me 100% confident about the God's work.
5-If God should want to do anything,everything is easy for Him..Nothing is impossible for God.
6-I will warn today's Christians again,very seriously and sincerely too: I am not guessing at all,they are ALL idol worshippers..
8..And other ways of life,other than Islam can only lead to Hellfire,I swear.
9-Ordinarily,a woman is equal to any man that is not her husband since both are human beings,but..
10..But in the case of husband and wife,the two are not considered as separate beings,they are one,complementing each other..
11..The husband is the head while the wife is the body..
12-And why husband and wife are one is because God created only Adam (one person,not two),his wife,Eve was only 'taken out' from him.
13-Life on Earth is a test or exam,anyone who obeys God will pass,otherwise you will end up in Hellfire..
14-And who can ridicule the man of God? Nothing man is doing that is strange to God..
15-Right from day one,God knew those who will go to Hell and those that would make it to Heaven..
16-Then no matter what,or whatever anybody may do,Believers shall be guided to Heaven,nothing will derail them.
17-And amongst those that would fail the life's test are those who say,someone has died for their sins,that they can do whatever they like.
18-Why male and female are treated differently under Islamic inheritance? Only the males belong to their parents,females to their husbands..
19-Females are like wards to their parents,it is the males that are their real children,consequently..
20..Consequently,the Almighty God rewards parents far and far more for their female children than the males,while caring for them..
21..(Just like you will get more rewards caring for others than your own selves).
22-There is NOTHING like 'honour killings' of wives,female children,or anybody in Islam.Many calling themselves Muslims are actually not.
23-Some think being rich is sign of godliness,but what of those that are wealthy through dubious means?..
24-Believers may or may not have much money in this world,but they are very much loved by God and would never need to beg in their lives.
25-An essential condition of being God-fearing is NOT TO WASTE TIME..
26-And being hard-working and God-fearing,Believers will never need to beg.In fact,they are not supposed to beg,no matter what.
27-God is sending me to you Peoples in the world,you must listen or else you will regret..
28-There is only One Thing that gave rise to Every other Things,the Almighty God,ALLAH.Him alone I worship,I ask the whole World to do the same
29-It is God's right that Man worship Him,as Man's right upon God (to be catered for),is being fulfilled.
30-It is 100% Necessary for Man to remember and serve the Originator of Everything,the Almighty God - Him,without any Other,is deserving of it.
31-If you will not agree that God created you,then try these: command yourself to die and rise up again,command that you be male,then female..
32..But if you can't do the above,for example,then submit and surrender yourself to the Almighty,the One that made you what you are.
33-Believers,note that there is a major difference between those who love God and those who love the world (i.e,the Unbelievers)..
34..To those who love the world,many times,they are harsh when they should be merciful,and merciful when they ought to be harsh.
35-When I come out,Believers and the Unbelievers will be distinguished,but we would find common grounds to operate on at the United Nations.
36-Many who say they believe in God do not actually.Believing in the Almighty God is worshipping Him as REQUIRED and PRESCRIBED..
37-If you don't believe in the Amighty God,Satan is your Leader and Adviser,you would think you are wise,alas! you are most ignorant..
38-And do you know me? But you don't like me.I swear to the Almighty God,because I am sure,Satan is your Leader and Adviser!
39-I heard a US Presidential candidate,Mitt Romney,stating a common but 100% wrong view that he believes Jesus is the son of God and his Saviour..
40-Anybody can believe anything,but let me tell Mitt Romney and others holding that DANGEROUS belief the real truth again..
41-The Almighty God has no son,anyone who believes that He does have will end up in Hellfire.To this I swear,and swear again..
42-Also,JESUS OF NAZARETH,peace be on him,IS NOT THE SAVIOUR.Read my blog to know the Real Saviour..
43-If any Christian wants to go to Heaven and live eternally in Paradise,he/she MUST ACCEPT ISLAM.Now is different from Before..
44-And I will ask the Almighty God to curse me if I am not sure that TODAY'S CHRISTIANITY IS IDOLATRY.
45-No one will willingly choose to go to Hell if not for some popular but erroneous beliefs that attract people like magnet..
46-Everyone will be with his object of love.Those who love the world will never get to Heaven,only those that love God will go to God..
47-Christians shd note that Jesus will reject their calling him son of God.Any Believer that refused to follow me will not be accepted by God.
48-The Almighty God is alive,He lives forever,and has full control over you.Let me ask you,why won't you worship Him?..
49-Can you not think that SOMETHING (The Almighty God),gave rise to you,and every other Things in existence? Then worship Him!.
50-You may have the whole world,but you are most ignorant if you don't believe in God and worship Him as required..
51-What is the whole world compared to GOD that created for example,COUNTLESS stars,each of which is several hundreds greater than this world!.
52-God can take your life at will,and the whole world that you think you have will be lost by you in seconds!
53-Man,let not your wealth,your children,or the love of the world divert you from worshipping God.If you do,you shall be the losers in the end.
54-The Greatest Curse of God be on me if I'm not sure: Anyone in the world wanting to meet with the Almighty God in Heaven CANNOT DO WITHOUT ME
55..He/she must obey me by accepting Islam..
56-Anybody that had known about me should declare for Islam instantly,nothing should be holding him/her back EXCEPT he/she wants to go to Hell.
57-You important Leaders in the world,many of you already know me,I ask you: Declare openly for Islam NOW,you will help others a lot..
58-Many many important journalists already know me: Let the World know that you have embraced Islam,you will help them a lot..
58-And again,I will ask the world's most important political leader,President Barack Obama of USA: Become Muslim now,please don't go to Hell!
59-By the Grace of God,I will soon come out to meet with peoples around the world,NOTHING CAN PREVENT THAT FROM HAPPENING.
60-The man of God will tell the truth but those of the Devil will not believe.
61-Many times,the Unbelievers will be encouraged and try to believe but won't be able to,because they were not made to believe.
62-I've explained real belief,it is not to declare that somebody is your saviour,and has died for your sins but to worship God as prescribed.
63-Terrorism is Satanic,and very bad,but a 'Terrorist' may not be of the Devil as God can forgive him if He likes,but..
64-A gentleman or woman well-liked by people but believes that God is three-in-one cannot be forgiven by God,he/she is of the Devil because..
65-God will not pardon or forgive anyone that joined any person or thing with Him in worship.
66-A generous,kindhearted person loved by people,but that does not believe in God is of the Devil,he/she will not return to God in the end..
67-A generous,kindhearted person that does not believe in God obviously believes in the world,so God will pay him/her back in the world.
68-Even Man get patents or exclusive rights for things they made,why will God not forbid that No One else be worshipped except Himself alone?
69-Christians are idolaters and transgressors,they committed an UNPARDONABLE SIN when they substituted the creature (Jesus) for the Creator,God
70-God made Jesus,Jesus did not make God.
71-Christians destined for Hellfire will say there is no difference between Jesus and God,but..
72-Christians already admit that there is difference between Jesus and God when they say,100% wrongly though,that one is father,the other son..
73-And it is a father that begets or borne a child,and not the other way round..
74-God created Jesus,Jesus did not create God.Christians MUST accept Islam,worship the Amighty God,not to go to Hell.
75-God said He can forgive any sin if He likes,but will certainly NEVER pardon anyone that should join any person or thing with Him in worship.
76-USA will just prove again that she is a violator of international law if she consents to Israel that Jerusalem is her undivided capital..
77-Did the United Nations say the whole of Jerusalem should be Israel's capital? The answer is an emphatic NO.
78-Prophets of God are different from other people in that they are not free to do whatever they like but only what God asked them to..
79-Again,what I'm doing for God is not easy,and no one thanks me.It is out-of-no-time that I write the few things I do to help people.
80-What is happening in Syria makes me feel sad everyday,and I don't like the type of United nations that we have..
81-Also I don't like that a Muslim country (Iran) could be helping the Syrian regime to continue to kill her people.
82-Those who love the world or a creature of God are incomplete,imperfect,but loving God is real perfection..
83-When you love God,you love everything,because God is everything..
84-Somebody or something can never be God,as God is everything.
85-To love ONLY God,love people or anything BECAUSE of God.
86-The Israeli-American film maker certainly insulted and misrepresented Islam and Prophet Muhammed,peace be on him..
87..I'm not surprised however,as those destined for Hell will never see anything good in God's religion or His Prophets..
88-There are two values,one each for those of Hell and Paradise,they can never be similar,people should stop thinking that we are the same..
89-Those whose Paradise is the world cannot be like those whose enjoyments is in the pleasure of their Creator,the Almighty God.
90-Euronews has erred,and the world public must note that Prophet Muhammed was not the founder of Islam,rather,the Almighty God is its Owner..
91-After God had sent all His Prophets,He called the totality of their Messages ISLAM during the time of the last Prophet,Muhammed - Qur'an 5/3
92-Therefore,anyone rejecting Islam has surely rejected the Almighty God,ALLAH,and had become an Unbeliever.
93-Islam will be incomplete without the Message brought by Jesus,Moses or Abraham,for example,reason why Muslims believe in all Prophets.
94-Islam is the ONLY religion that contains the Messages of ALL the Prophets of God,and that's why there is no alternative to it..
95-Prophets of God are very important,no one can believe in God without them,a rejection of one is denial of all and the God that sent them.
96-No alternative to Islam but Hellfire,God has sent me to warn all peoples.Listen and obey,now is difft from before,I'm not guessing at all.
97-For real peace in Syria right now,President Bashar Assad needs to step down,and Iran should note that God is a better Ally than Bashar Assad
98-It is disheartening to note that President Bashar Assad of Syria and his major backer,Iran do not want peace in Syria right now.
99-There are some things that the West and their likes do that Muslims have to copy to enjoy life,and that will not harm the God's religion..
100..But,there are a lot of others that the West and their likes do that Muslims must close their eyes to,however lucrative or fashionable.
101-Though Iran is NOT IDEAL in behaviour but I prefer her to many Muslim countries that are subservient to America.
102-Although men and women are equal as both are human beings,but this differentiation is necessary..
103..Women belong to men,but not vice versa.Women are generally weaker than men spiritually,and of all God's Prophets,NONE was a woman.
104-People of the West and their likes,read those things I had said already,and imbibe them..
105-I am very sure about who I am.While I live,peoples on Earth must follow me to succeed in God,THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE except failure,I swear
106-You've made up your mind never to follow me? Then know for certain that you'll not go to God,whoever you're,and from wherever in the world..
107..Where else can you go to? Of course,you'll perish here on Earth! You preferred the world over the sent man of God,then you will die here.
108-The spiritually-dead-people on Earth will however be resurrected in Hell where they will get retribution for rejecting God's Representatives
109-If anyone will follow me (God's Rep.),he/she must accept Islam,believe in the Almighty God,and worship Him as ordered by Himself in Qur'an.
110-Satan is a sworn enemy of Believers,but a helper of the Unbelievers (this,I see clearly everyday)..
111-The instructions in the Qur'an and Hadith (i.e,Shariah) are meant to help Believers guard against Satan..
112-Shariah however is not static as Satan's evil machinations keep changing.Even life itself is not static.
113-You are reading things that I do write,but you don't like them or you feel indifferent,Satan is aiding you to failure in God,I swear.
114-U.S. study: Drones Strikes Kill Many Civilians - 25/2012).US Drone strikes kill,maim and traumatise too many civilians.
115-Terrorists need to be caught and brought to justice,America's use of Drones in some Muslim countries is extra-judicial,and jungle-justice..
116-With the use of Drones,USA may be taking her war on terror too far,like a Believer wanting to wipe out all Non-believers in a criminal way.
117-On nuclear issue,US,EU,and Israel thro media propaganda,can fool most people most of the time,but they cannot fool all people all the time.
118-US,EU,and Israel want the world to panic for suspecting others may develop something that they themselves have in excess.
119-The dangerous countries having nuclear bombs do not want to abandon them,they lack any right to complain that others may be planning to have
120-Once again,if America or Israel should attack Iran without the United Nations' authorisation,the Almighty God will not forgive them.
121-How else can I say it to make everyone in the world understand?..
122-I am a Prophet of the Almighty God being sent,and I am God's ONLY Representative till I die.No One can oppose me and yet be accepted by God.
123-While Iran not ideal in conduct,the West punishing her unjustly not better-off,Unbelievers don't deserve to suffer on Earth,their Paradise.
124-So long as anyone believes that Jesus of Nazareth is son of God,God,or the Saviour,he/she remains an Unbeliever,GOD CURSE ME IF I'M WRONG.
125-You've read about me,seen my pictures,and FREE to contact me,or even VISIT me physically to confirm,now let me ask you..
126..Based upon what I had said so far,do you believe that I (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) am truly a sent Prophet of the Almighty God?..
127..If your answer is No,SURELY,God will regard you as an Unbeliever,or yet to believe in Him as you don't have any excuse not to believe.
128-A sent Prophet of God (God's Representative) must be recognised and accepted,rejecting him is automatic disbelief in the Almighty God..
129-Ordinarily,the Unbelievers don't need to believe in me before they enjoy life,they must only be careful about justice and fair play..
130-God's representatives do not tolerate injustice,they will warn against any unfair treatment,ignoring them can land Unbelievers into troubles
131-Whenever Believers talk about God,the Unbelievers are thinking about Money,two peoples with two different values.
132-Remember again that No One living in this world now had ever seen someone like me before - a Prophet (old) being sent from our Owner,God.
133-Why can't the United Nations make democratic governance in countries of the world a human right to be enforced?..
134-God certainly likes democracy which is governance based on free and equal right of every person to partake in leadership,and their selection
135-Assad's family has ruled Syria for decades from father to son,and they don't seem to want a change which is anti-democratic.
136-No doubt,Mitt Romney has extremist views on the Middle East,the USA's Presidential candidate will have problem with me if he wins.
137-The only good America can do in the Middle East is to help foster democracy amongst the autocratic Arab rulers she is calling allies now..
138-The US should also apply sanctions on Israel to have real peace with the Palestinians instead of bolstering her aggression and transgression.
139-US permits S/Korea to increase her missiles cap from 300-800,is it the UN that gave US the power to do that? - as it's opened to great abuse.
140-Again,God is sending me to EVERYONE on Earth to tell them to follow me in worshipping the Almighty God..
141-Anyone in the world that has known about me should note that NO ONE (whoever,and from wherever) can believe in God while rejecting me..
142-I've already started the God's work with some very minute,humble and common people..
143..They stand firmly by me,caring for me even though they are not my relatives..
144..These lovely,ordinary people are forming the foundation with me,the Way of God that will last till the end of the world..
145-There is no one ever-born from Adam and Eve,that will go to God,but MUST follow in my footsteps..
146-And One Truth about me and anyone standing by me is that we would never fail,and we shall be the most important people in the world.
147..Something unique about those with me is that,NONE I approached personally,all of them discovered me themselves.
148-If God helps you,NONE can overcome you,but if He forsakes you,who is there after Him that can REALLY help you? None,I swear.
149-Satan,the accursed will always create or find a way to mislead people,the perfect example of that now is today's Christianity..
150-I had told Christians,I have a 100% CERTAINTY that what they are doing is wrong.Get out of Christianity,The Truth has come..
151-The Greatest Curse of God be upon me if I'm not sure,TODAY'S CHRISTIANITY LEADS TO NOWHERE BUT HELLFIRE..
152-And Christians will soon be celebrating Christmas thinking they are doing good,alas! Jesus of Nazareth hates them for it,God also curse them
153-Celebrating Christmas does nothing other than STRENGTHENING OR REINFORCING CHRISTIANS' IDOLATRY..
154-Many times I'm afraid for Christians,but I always take solace in the fact that No One can save anyone destined for Hell.
155-America,Europe,etc,you do read what I write,I am calling you sincerely from my heart,accept Islam,don't go to Hell..
156-I am writing with authority from our Owner,God.Listen to me and obey,you don't have any other choice except Hell..
157-Truth has come,NOW is different from BEFORE,the time of your ignorance is over.
158-As usual,Israel wants to build about 800 new,illegal homes on Palestinians' land,a very big shame on Arab Rulers cooperating with America.
159-God will SURELY use me to humble the Unbelievers with ALL their sophisticated weapons if they impose or fight unjustly with Believers.
160-Two Peoples: Believers and the Unbelievers.Those that follow me are Believers while those that reject me are the Unbelievers.
161-No doubt,journalists' role is so crucial,but very sadly,majority of them,on many occasions,behaved as if they cannot think independently.
162-Certainly America,Israel or the World Powers are not God,but very TRULY,I am Representing the Almighty God,so they have to listen to me..
163-When I come out,and on Nuclear issue,only justice and fair play can prevent any confrontation between Believers and the Unbelievers.
164-Again,the World Powers are not God,I won't fear them if they will not follow the path of justice,thou nothing much I can do until I come out
165-God does not recognise (I also will not) any treaty already made that says some can have and keep Nuclear weapons,but ONLY others cannot.
166-But I can support,thou with conditions,N/Non-Proliferation Treaty if it restricts possessing Nuke weapons to ONLY perm. members of the UNSC.
167-To me,permanent Members of the UN Security Council can keep their Nuclear weapons if they will be NEUTRAL,(not so now) for World's security.
168-As things are now,I will oppose members of the UN Security Council,should they authorise use of force against Iran's nuclear facilities.
169-Yes,nothing much I can actually do until I come out but my words are God's words (being His Representative),and should be respected.
170-Whoever God wills to guide,He opens his/her breast to Islam,but whoever He wills to send astray,He makes accepting Islam very hard to do.
171-Pope appoints my tribesman,John Onaiyekan as Cardinal.If he wants God,and not fame,he should leave Christianity altogether and join Islam.
172-From Now on,Nothing,and Nobody can save ANYONE that dies,rejecting Islam from going to Hell.Hate Islam,and you have hated the Almighty God!
173-FOR ALL PEOPLES IN THE WORLD,my advent mark the end of the period of ignorance or uncertainty concerning God's real religion,that is ISLAM.
174-Your Eminence,the Pope,I ask you to stop wasting time appointing new Cardinals,become Muslims NOW,all of you..
175-I am telling the World Catholic Church Head again,WITH AUTHORITY: Become Muslims or You preferred Hellfire - This,I am 100% sure of..
176-I learnt Coptic Christians are also choosing another Pope of their own.I'm asking them too to accept Islam,or they will go to Hell.
177-God first created Man from Adam,God will recreate him from Jesus,before he (Man) returns to God finally..
178-Adam and Eve that started the first Creation are One,similarly the Male and Female to start the second Creation are One in essence,i.e,Jesus
179-Jesus,or the Holy Spirit has two sides,the Male is described in the Qur'an 66/12 as FANAFAKHNA FIIHI,the Female,Q.21/91 as FANAFAKHNA FIIHA.
180-ALL THOSE THAT HAD DIED from Adam to Noah,Abraham,Moses,1st Jesus,and Prophet Muhammed MUST COME BACK to experience the second Creation.
181-Contrary to the interpretation,the woman mentioned in Qur'an 66/12 is 100% different from that mentioned in Quran 21/91,both are around now.
182-The Greatest Curse of God be on me if I'm not 100% sure that Mary,mother of Jesus of Nazareth is on Earth now,I can see her anytime I want.
183-About the woman mentioned in Qur'an 21/91.First she was from me before God sent her ahead to give birth to me in 1964.She died in Jan 1981..
184..Then God made her speak to me in 1991 after I discovered myself,and this woman that died in Jan 1981 was later born again in Nov 1993.
185-The reasons why British PM is visiting UAE and Saudi Arabia are not good enough,talk on Democracy ought to be on the front burner..
186-The Arab Rulers should note that the Absolute Monarchies they are practising is not alright at all,it is un-islamic,BECOME Constitutional..
187-And I want to ask the Arab Rulers,why fearing Islamic republic,do you prefer infidel-type of governance?..
188-Islamic republic is democratic,Iran may not be a perfect example but by far better than the absolute monarchies in the Arab world..
189-And the West themselves know that absolute monarchy is bad,they are only being hypocritical befriending Arab Rulers,and merely using them.
190-I welcome the UN Disarmament Cmtt resolution calling for the total abolition of Nuclear weapons.Its shd be quickly ratified for world peace.
191-While commiserating with Mitt Romney on his defeat,I call on him to embrace Islam,he doesn't have any other choice if he must go to God..
192..Winning America's Presidency is like earning a one-dollar prize compared to eternal joy in the Almighty God if he becomes Muslim..
193-I also want to advise USA that she should henceforth accept Islam,wholeheartedly,it is the religion of God that gave them ALL that they have
194-America must be thankful to God,and turn to His religion,Islam,especially now that His (God's) Representative is on Earth..
195-And like I use to say,Now is different from Before,my advent mark the end of the period of uncertainty concerning the religion of our Owner.
196-If anyone does a religion other than Islam,NEVER will it be accepted of him.In the Hereafter,he will be amongst those who have lost..Qur'an.
197-God will not accept ANY EXCUSE whatsoever for not doing Islam..
198-It is compulsory for Believers to admit anything I told them concerning Religion as true,to reject is to become an Unbeliever in God.
199-Whoso obeys God's Representative obeys God Himself,but whoever turns away,the Representative has not been sent as a Watcher over him/her.
200-Believers are stauncher in their love of God,but the Unbelievers take others beside God,loving them as they should love God.
Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu,
Imam Mahdi.,
Jesus Christ,
Life and Wellbeing,
Messiah Jesus,
United Nations,
Monday, October 29, 2012
Important Notes.
It is not necessary for me to follow Jesus of Nazareth,but it is COMPULSORY for Jesus of Nazareth to follow me..
The only thing that can ever make me follow Jesus of Nazareth is if both of us are on ground,and God asked him to lead - which would never happen now..
And do Muslims think that Prophet Muhammed (PBOH),can save them from going to Hell if they refused to follow me? I swear,No One can save them!
God created Man,God will recreate him,before he (Man) returns to God..Qur'an (30/11)..
The first creation from Adam has gone,the second is beginning with me (Jesus),7 or 9 years after I come out,which is any time from now..
The success I said God gave me,9 months ago now,is that both the male and female for the second creation are on ground now,united..
The God's Spirit (Jesus),needed to recreate Man has two sides,both are described in Qur'an,(21/91),and (66/12),that I said I know more than ANYONE on Earth.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 6.
1..And I am very sure that genuine Believers amongst the Christians will have faith in me,and accept Islam,the REAL religion of God Almighty.
2-Those pledging to assist Nigeria fight Boko Haram shd really do sth tangible NOW to put an end to the increasing attacks of the terror group
3-I may not have followers on Twitter,but all those people considered most important in the world do read anything I wrote..
4..Now I want to implore again the Pope and all the Christian Leaders worldwide to ask God,with prayers and fastings,about me..
5..Let them tell the world media what they found out regarding my claim that I am the one former Jesus foretold to be coming after him..
6..I asked the Christian Leaders,ONLY that I can hold them by their words,they cannot however disprove who I am..
7..The greatest Curse of God be upon me should I be telling a lie that I am the Saviour,Jesus Christ,NO ONE ELSE CAN BE HIM..
8..I will let the World know the True Religion of God,Islam,and bring the 'SIRATAL MUSTAQIM' that Muslims have ever prayed for.
9-White House explains drone policy....BBC.
10..I disagree that America has been careful in the use of Drones,especially in Pakistan,..
11-Any observer,even from a distance,can easily know that America does oppress in Muslim countries in her use of Drones..
12..And why should a suspected terrorist American citizen be treated differently from say,a Pakistanis?
13-One of my greatest pleasant surprises was when I saw in the Bible (John 14:26) where Jesus of Nazareth said ANOTHER JESUS is coming aft him.
14-The West and their Likes generally look down on Muslims because they love life,Muslims love God..
15-Those who love life ONLY want to do what people want,but those who love God want to do what God want,regardless of wheth pple like it or not
16..And many times,what Man want is different from what God wants,for example,Man want this world,but God desires for him the Hereafter.
17-German FM said,'World Powers will stop Nuclear Iran',to whom I replied,'AND GOD WILL DISARM NUCLEAR WORLD POWERS.
18-I hate people referring to Terror Groups as Islamists simply because they called themselves Muslims,or maybe Islamists don't mean Muslims..
19..I swear,NO Real Muslims will EVER seek for anything through violence,they can only fight if first attacked..
20..Alqaeda,Boko Haram,etc,are therefore NOTHING but TERRORISTS GROUPS.
21-If violent activities carried out by Alqaeda,Boko Haram,etc,are necessary and justifiable,why do they hide from law-enforcement agents?
22-The simple fact that Alqaeda,Boko Haram's members are always on the run means that they are evil-doers,God hates them.
23-Anytime Israel committed a major,serious wrong,America and Europe ONLY condemn her,but NEVER take any action,do they treat Iran similarly?
24-If America,Europe,and UN do question Israel and hold her accountable for her wrongs,the Palestinian problem would have been solved long ago.
25-No One should wish that Israel/Palestine problem be resolved violently,but America and Europe must REALLY play their leadership role.
26-The US military and 'total war' on Islam?....BBC.
27..No One can stop Islam and it is anyone destined for Hellfire that will reject the religion.To these,I swear to God Almighty.
28-God said anyone loved by Him,He makes Islam easy and understandable to him,while the religion is strange and difficult for the Unbelievers..
29..To Alqaeda,Boko Haram members,Islam is also difficult,they couldn't understand it,always on the run,as they have become Criminals thro it.
30-People of the world,believe in the Almighty God Allah,I am 100% sure that there is life after death..
31..And to confirm what I said before that we do come to this world again and again (at least more than two times)..
32..I know someone NOW who died in Jan 1981 but whom God had sent back to this world since Nov 1993..
33..After God revealed myself to me in 1991,He showed the person to me while asleep telling me of some good she did while on Earth before..
34..She informed me wth great joy of those good deeds,I wanted to ask her questions,but God didn't allow me,unaware she was coming back soon..
35..The greatest curse of God be upon me if I am telling a lie by this account..
36..And maybe I will reveal the person later,she is very close to me and very important.
37-Christian Leaders,don't keep quiet,what have you found out from God about me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu)?..
38-Christian Leaders should not hesitate to tell world Media about me,as important Journalists across the world already know me..
39-And if Christian Leaders will say the truth concerning me,they can really help many people worldwide.
40-God will not forgive America or Israel,if either or both of them attacked Iran without the United Nations' Security Council authorisation.
41-If you desire this world,to fear God may be unnecessary,but if it's God that you want you must love and obey Him and He will satisfy you..
42-To do things God doesn't want is always much easier than what He wants,and only God's mercy has made some people to truly believe in Him.
43-God said,and the World will bear witness:Muslims are the best of peoples ever created,they enjoin good,forbid evil,and truly believe in God.
44-I swear: Muslims are the ONLY true Believers in God,though I NEVER doubt that God also answers the prayers of ALL devoted Unbelievers.
45-God also answers the prayers of all devoted Unbelievers like Christians and Buddhists because He caters for all His creations..
46-And had they know,devoted Unbelievers need not waste their time praying because God that created them willingly will surely provide for them
47-Again,for anyone to TRULY believe in the Almighty God,he/she must accept the religion God Himself chose,ISLAM,and worship Him as prescribed.
48..ISLAM is not merely for supplication,but a complete way of life leading to the Almighty God that created Man and Everything else.
49-A simple definition of an Unbeliever,worshipping and praying to other than the Almighty God,e.g Christians pray to Jesus that is not God.
50-Let anyone who cares listen,since Man will willingly choose Heaven or Hell by his/her action or inaction..
51-Prophets only tell people what God wants,they don't force.However God has said that whoever obeys the Prophets actually obeys Him..
52-Anyone who knows about me but trying to ignore me is surely a big Fool because he doesn't have any other choice except he prefers Hellfire.
53-Many w'd think I'm probably mad when I say todays Christians,including his eminence,the Pope,are Unbelievers,but I SWEAR,God is 100% with me
54-Anytime I look at the Pope for example,on Television,carrying the big Cross,I tell myself that,that (the Cross) is the sign of their God..
55-Search your mind,you know me but you don't like me,it means you belong to the Devil.God curse me if I say the untruth!
56-Throughout my entire life,only two groups of people will be in existence in this world,my group and that of Satan.God help us live peaceably
57-Muslims and the Unbelievers have one common enemy,Terrorists.I won't mind enlisting America's help for example,(if needed) in tackling them.
58-The kind of United Nations Organisation I want is one that will be able to act swiftly to stop any country from misbehaving..
59-What is happening in Syria is very sad - like there is no UN.The veto powers of the UNSC P/members must be bypassable to have effective UN.
60..And why is America blaming Russia,or China for blocking UN action on Syria,is it not the same way you do for Israel?
61-One will be surprised that many people do a lot of great things but still won't get to Heaven,why?..
62..Because they don't believe in the Almighty God and also,do not worship Him as prescribed.However,God will pay them back here on Earth.
63-The only Reward in Heaven is the Almighty God that the Unbelievers do not believe in,it is not Jesus,or Buddha,or any other at all..
64-The Almighty God has prescribed how He should be worshipped in His dictated,revealed Book - Qur'an.Know and observe the Pillars of Worship..
65..Doing good deeds is also compulsory for Believers but it is only secondary to God's Worship.
66-God's worship is most important,it can never be over-emphasised:God said,He has not created Man for any other thing than to worship Him.
67-It's easy to become an Unbeliever:Once you reject a person sent by God (Prophet,Messenger),you are already one,doomed and condemned by God..
68-Satan,the Leader of the Unbelievers,became doomed and accursed only after he rejected Prophet Adam that God made His Representative then..
69-And Muslims will not be able to worship God as expected except they are united,take orders from one source,God,thro His only Representative.
70..Disbelief in God's Representative is disbelief in God just like obedience to him is obedience to God..
71-If Muslims are not united,it's like they believe in more than One God as they would be instructed variously.How I wish I can explain better!
72-Muslims and the Unbelievers will not co-exist peacefully if one will oppress the other like America is doing to Pakistan.
73-The Muslims I will lead will not fear anybody but God,WE WILL BE LAW-ABIDING but would defeat anyone,however powerful,that would oppress us.
74-I just watched briefly the United Nations briefing on Syria,and I conclude that:
75..The UN should take a stand that President Bashar Assad steps aside because he's been unable to stop the wanton killings in his country..
76-What matters most is that the killings must stop NOW,and this may not happen so long as President Bashar Assad stays on.
77-Rather than being adamant,Presd Assad should be ready to take responsibility for the huge loss of lives in his country by stepping down NOW.
78-Pres Assad shd note that the excuse that the West want Regime change in Syria not as important as the great number of peoples that had died.
79-I'm baffled by the kind of UN we have,there's only talk and more talk,no action,and a country (Syria),busy killing her own people everyday!
80-Syrians are being killed everyday in dozens,most likely because,President Bashar Assad cannot imagine himself leaving office..
81..If I were President Bashar Assad,I would have stood down long ago,may be it would end the killings,and the political problems resolved..
82..President Bashar Assad is also probably thinking that there is no other qualified person that can rule Syria again.
83-Syria's case has again shown how almost useless the United Nations Organisation can be...
84..The permanent members of the UN Security Council with veto powers are actually using the UN for their own selfish ends..
85-The veto powers of the UNSC permanent members must be able to be bypassed in a democratic way to have a desirable,effective UN body..
86-Once any country is misbehaving,the United Nations Organisation must,and be able to,act as quickly as possible to stop her as..
87..As human lives are more important (sacrosanct) than for any country to be left alone to waste.
88-Everything about the Unbelievers ought to look good as the World is their Paradise.It's not easy to believe in God,though we are contented.
89-Satan rejected Prophet Adam saying arrogantly:I am better than you,how can God make you my Leader? And God cursed him for the disobedience..
90-Muslims are not friendly to Satan unlike the Unbelievers,they must therefore be aware that Satan watches them always,in order to harm them..
91..Satan will always keep an eye on Muslims from a position that they cannot see him,therefore,they are not as free as the Unbelievers.
92-Pres Barack Obama of USA,HRM Queen Elizabeth 2,PM David Cameron of Britain,Germany Leader,Angela Merkel,and Pres Vladmir Putin of Russia...
93..I am 100% sure,these Leaders know me,but they are Christians.I ask them directly: Become Muslims,please,don't go to Hell..
94..Because NO ONE will oppose me and get to Heaven.God curse me if I'm not sure.
95-If becoming a Muslim is very strange to you,most likely,it is Paradise,or Heaven that had been forbidden to you.I swear,and swear to God!
96-Islam is the natural religion of people of Heaven,I first came long before Prophet Muhammed or Jesus of Nazareth,but see,today,I'm a Muslim!
97-When Muslims do what God wants them to do,i.e,Unite worldwide,that will happen very soon,the Satanic bombings in Iraq,Pakistan,etc,will end.
98-Xtians,your Jesus said someone is coming after him,and I'd sworn by God (you also found out) that it's me,why aren't you doing what I said?
99-Jesus of Nazareth was NEVER a Christian,his religion then,in the making,was Islam..
100..And except Christians want Hell for an everlasting abode,they don't have any other choice but Islam.
101-I'd said it before,Boko Haram don't represent the Nigerian Muslims,people should stop talking of Christians' reprisal attacks on Muslims..
102-Boko Haram are terrorists,or criminals that Nig Govt should deal with,and I think they are trying,others across the world can also help..
103-Christians will be taking the law into their hands if they shd attack Muslims indiscriminately.Blame Nig Govt if Boko Haram are not stopped.
104-Plan against me and you will fail woefully,because I am not on my own,I'm being sent by the Almighty God..
105..I also have the best of intentions,and I am absolutely God-fearing..
106..I am very peaceful,I hate forcing anybody to do anything,though I can go extra mile to convince people to do good..
107..So ordinarily,I don't see any reason why anyone will hate me,Believers or Non-believers.
108-On my being sent by God,I cannot fail because I must not fail:God's aim in creating Man will fail if I should fail.So,God will not allow it.
109-And I am the only one God will use to make Man choose which of the two Abodes,Paradise or Hell,they will go to eventually.
110-The most favoured of God's Creations,His Prophets (all of them,without exception),MUST follow in my footsteps,talkless of other Believers.
112-France,tell America and the rest of you having the dangerous Nuclear bombs:I urge you,FOR GOD'S SAKE,please give up all the Nuclear weapons.
113..The world will never see a repeat of the likes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings again,but..
114..But the Amen to this prayer can only be a complete ban on all Nuclear weapons' acquisitions or possessions,worldwide.
115-I swear,I am a very considerate person,very mindful of others,just like the Almighty God that is sending me..
116..You know,because the Unbelievers will not have Heaven,God in His consideration,has made the Earth - this world,their Paradise?.
117-Though I never have much time listening to people talk,but I was disgusted by many Western Journalists commenting on Egypt's revolution..
118-I hate Muslims who always accept whatever the West called them,such are never proud of themselves (or lost their identities)..
119-In the West whatever the Public want goes,but in many Muslim countries,their peoples are nothing,only what the West dictated matters.
120-I am far from guessing,I stand for the real Truth.Hate me to hate Islam,choosing Hellfire instead.There's no other way,God curse me if I lie
121..You cannot like the Almighty God while you reject Islam.And you cannot like Islam or Prophet Muhammed (pboh) while you reject me.
122-To disbelieve in just one Prophet of God is tantamount to a rejection of,or a disbelief in the Almighty God that sent them (the Prophets)..
123..It's compulsory,and Muslims take it seriously,they believe in all the Prophets of God,therefore,they are true Believers in God..
124..Christians and Jews don't believe in the last Prophet of God,Muhammed (pboh),consequently,they are Unbelievers,according to God.
125-Many Muslims denoting today's Christians and Jews as Peoples of the Book,mentioned in the Qur'an,are totally ignorant..
126..Christianity and Judaism as of today,are NO religions,the Almighty God will have NOTHING to do with them,God curse me if I lied..
127..The real Peoples of the Book (Ahlal Kitab) are just about to be known,like I said before.God will not accept any other religion but Islam.
128-The truth must always be said,however bitter,without any fear.
129-Each Prophet had his own people with little variations in how they worshipped,all are described in the Qur'an,and contained within Islam.
130-Disregard whatever your mind says,but believe ANYTHING I told you about the Almighty God,I am that trustworthy,I swear..
131..And it is even compulsory that all Believers in the Almighty God,worldwide,accept ANYTHING I told them about God as true..
132..May the Almighty God curse me profoundly and immensely,should I be deceiving people that I was really trustworthy,and being sent by God.
133-Happy Birthday America! President Barack Obama,and Speaker John Boehner,both of you know me,please take the lead,and urge the others too..
134..America,lead the way and urge the others to please give up all your Nuclear weapons.This is for World Peace,I am from God,don't ignore me.
135-Peace-lovers worldwide,stop keeping quiet,it's divine to ask the very few countries having the dangerous Nuclear bombs to get rid of them.
136-I may not be sophisticated or refined in matters of the world,but I'm never worried,because the world is not my Paradise..
137..What matters to me,anytime anyday,is God's worship,and doing good to Mankind.I'm always busy,and I never have enough time to do these.
138-America will gain nothing but hate from God for her aid to Pakistan so long as she continued to oppress the Pakistanis.
139-And if I were the Pakistani government,I would stop receiving aid from someone who oppresses my people..
140-Of the peoples on Earth now,some Muslims will go to Hell while many Non-Muslims will embrace Islam,and with the rest Muslims enter Paradise.
141-Money is what we spend in this world but God's worship and Good deeds are the ONLY means with which to live happily after death..
142..Either God's worship (i.e,of the Almighty God) or Good deeds is not complete but the two combined.
143-Two related verses about Jesus in the Qur'an that nobody can really understand except God reveals the secrets behind them are:Q21/91,Q66/12,
144..I would have explained them in a blog,but will not for now due to some reasons..
145..But on the two verses,I swear by the Almighty God that No One living on Earth now can know them as much as I do.
146-Anybody can think out or come up with and say anything,but the difference between a sent Prophet of God and the other Peoples is..
147..God will always stand by His Prophet in whatever he does,and Peoples (Believers,especially) must not disobey him.
148-Believers,stop fearing death.I swear,No One can be killed without God's knowledge and permission..
149-Death is actually good for a Believer if he did not kill himself deliberately.Life after death is by far better in enjoyment,for Believers.
150-Enjoyment in the world of things created by God,but enjoyment after death (for Believers) of God Himself,the Creator,which should be better?
151-No alternative to Islam except that Great Sadness or Suffering called Hellfire..
152-Inspite of some calling themselves Muslims,but that are Satanic,who believe in fighting or killing others,Islam is still God's ONLY religion
153-Islam ALONE provides the correct way to WORSHIP the Almighty God,and teaches proper GOOD DEEDS,the only two that are needed in Heaven.
154-The Unbelievers will hear what would save them only they will not believe.And who can rescue anyone destined for Hell? No One,I swear!
155-Women,remember that it is not a Good Deed for you to dress exposing most of your bodies to the public,how?..
156..Women revealing sensitive parts of their bodies in public distracts men unnecessarily,encouraging illegal sex that is much hated by God..
157-But more importantly,our Creator,the Almighty God just does not like believing-women exposing their bodies in public.
158-Obeying God is,many times difficult,but whenever you do,Angels record great positive marks for you.
159-There is no human being without Angels watching over him/her - Qur'an..
160-When man do good or bad deed,unseen Angels accompanying them record positive or negative marks for them,that'll take them to Heaven or Hell.
161-But the Good Deeds of the Unbelievers are rewarded here on Earth as the Enjoyment after death is of God the Unbelievers didn't believe in.
162-Looking back at the first man and woman,husband and wife are actually one,so no point about wife being subservient to the husband..
163..And as the body will not disobey the command of the head,wife should not go against the husband because they are a united being.
164-What plan can be better than God's?
165-Islam's division into Shia and Sunni must end.I will re-establish the correct Islam,and Believers in the Almighty God,worldwide,must join me
166-In David and Goliath,God was obviously better than man in planning.
167-David was not merely a champion of the Israelites,or their king,but a Prophet and Messenger of God.
168-America's policy in the Middle East is ungodly,not ideal,and very biased,makes real Muslims feel insignificant and submissive to others.
169-The present world order too,where America dictates,is not good enough and must change..
170-America's behaviours in the world make Muslims subservient to Christians,and their likes..
171-And others are ONLY tolerating America because of her power,and being a Christian,the world's (not God's) fashionable religion..
172-Take Iran's case for example,others may have a different view,but cannot say it,as they are forced by America..
173-Also,America's use of Drones in Muslim countries,others may not like it,but dare not talk,fearing the World's Dictator.Many other examples.
174-Any country with veto power at the United Nations must not be biased like America has ever been doing for Israel.
175-Israel has flouted many laws of the United Nations,why didn't America take ANY action against her?..
176-Iran was only suspected to breach UN law,and USA mobilised the WHOLE WORLD and unjustly imposed stringent,suffocating sanctions against her.
177-And America's tight friendship with the Arab Rulers,an alliance between democracy and autocracy,deceptive and clearly unwholesome!
178-One way to choose between God or the world is,observe the ongoing Ramadan fast or abstain,an Unbeliever will not believe in any Ramadan fast
179-God,punish me severely shd I be saying the untruth: Were Jesus of Nazareth to be on Earth now,he would be observing the ongoing Ramadan fast
180-Again,punish me oh God if I wasn't sure: Were the following Prophets of God to be on Earth now,all of them w'd be taking part in the Ramadan
181..Adam,Noah,Abraham,Lot,Ishmael,Isaac,Jacob,Joseph,Moses,Aaron,David,Solomon,Job,Enoch,Zechariah,Elias,Elisha,Jesus,and Muhammed (PBOT)..
182-Therefore,anyone willingly not observing the Ramadan fasting is banking on nothing but Hellfire,as it is compulsory for all Believers in God
183-Though still like a nonentity outwardly,but I am a 100% confident person,I don't doubt at all,who I am..
184-I am a two-in-one person,I have more than one body parts from God,and all will soon be joined with me..
185-God has made me unique,two different personalities in one (both Prophets),and I can only marry those from me from God..
186-All the most important Prophets of God are my colleagues,and no one will disobey me and find favour with the Almighty God,I swear.
187-If anyone will disobey me,it is better for the person not to worship God at all.
188-A Believer doubting a Prophet is an Hypocrite,and God hates an Hypocrite more than a stark Unbeliever!
189-A total disbelief is by far less harmful than a pretence.
190-I pity the suffering Palestinians,instead of the opulent Arab Rulers backing them,they're supporting USA & Israel to deny them their freedom
191-God is good and considerate,everyone - Believer or Non-believer,will have his/her own time of enjoyment,or happiness.
192-The US and the so-called world powers are very ignorant about God,otherwise,being powerful,they w'd have been careful,just and fair to all..
193-But it would be better if the world powers realise that now is different from before,someone being sent from God is right now here with them
194-The world Powers are aware about me,and I don't doubt at all who I am,but I sincerely wish that they do not learn the hard way because..
195..It is customary or habitual,anytime God just sent someone,the Powers in the world looked down on the person only to learn the hard way.
196-The United States of America,world's richest country,and capital of the Unbelievers' Paradise.
197-In remembering America's evil,brutal atomic bombings of Japanese cities 67 years ago..
198..I want to ask Japan to lead the World in the divine campaign to stop USA and others from continuing to keep the dangerous nuclear weapons.
199-But if Japan cannot do what I asked of her,it means she did not mind America's atomic bombings that killed over 100,000 Japanese in 1945.
200-Mankind are two,not one - Believers and the Unbelievers,they are not similar at all..
Hamid Tiamiyu,
Imam Mahdi,
Jesus Christ,
Life and Wellbeing,
United Nations,
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