Showing posts with label The Original Sin.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Original Sin.. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2011

No One Like Me.

Why Salvation? Because Adam had destroyed or killed the original soul given to him by God when he sinned after eating the forbidden fruit.

When Adam and Eve sinned,they and their progenies (in their genitalia then) lost the means to return to God via Paradise.But Adam had to sin that Believers and Unbelievers can be separated.How? Believers will believe in a new person that God would send to save mankind,Unbelievers will refuse.

At the end of the period of Adam,God will send a new person that’s not from Adam to save mankind.Man has two different periods on earth before he returns to God after his initial creation.God said this in many verses of the Qur’an,for example,Q30/11.There,He said that He began our creation at first,then He will repeat it before we return to Him.

The first creation was through Adam,that he had destroyed by sinning,the second creation is salvation or redemption that would happen through a completely new person,Jesus.Adam’s period must end before the second life begins with Jesus.

This new person,or Jesus CANNOT,and WILL NEVER be any other person other than this writer,that is,my humble self,Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu.Why? It cannot be any other person because NO ONE ELSE had been given the privilege of having two different souls or spirits except myself.I swear,there’s no one like me!

My first life was through Adam,man’s first progenitor,when I was a well known Prophet of God,the other soul/spirit (of mine) is Jesus that is new (not from Adam) who shall be man’s second progenitor on earth.Adam must believe in this new person (Jesus) to be able to go  back to Paradise.

Right now I can remember very vividly two different occasions in the past,while in the midst of other well known Prophets of God,I was addressed as two persons,or two Prophets in one.Then,I observed that no other person was referred to as such again.The Almighty God had also showed me before (very clearly),and when I actually experienced it,how Jesus was ‘assembled’ bodily from THREE.And remember,Adam was also made bodily from say three,sand,clay and water (i.e,earth).Both Adam and Jesus were not born,no parents,hence they are Progenitors.

Then what could have made God give me two different souls if not because I will use one for the salvation of mankind? It’s very clear in the Qur’an that the person to do salvation (Jesus) will sacrifice his life by dying (Q3/55).The death will automatically make him become an Unbeliever that would go to Hell.It is a different kind of death,spiritual,not bodily that Jesus of Nazareth died. But God will cleanse Jesus of this death through his other soul.

Jesus would have been permanently consigned to Hell after salvation had he not got a spare soul.Therefore,no one else can do this salvation as nobody again had been such endowed.Again,No One Like Me.

What happened to me on the night of 22/10/1993 that I explained before,was a demonstration of my leadership of Man’s second life on earth.That night when all the Prophets of God including their leader,Prophet Muhammed,queued and prayed behind me,God made me,automatically,passed on to them the Power of Salvation.Therefore,the Prophets could come later and do the salvation work with their people.

When I finish what I’m doing now and come out into the public,the person the world will be seeing is Imam Mahdi,a Prophet and Messenger of God before.Then according to Hadith,it will remain between 7 to 9 years before the second life of Man on earth begins. At that time God will ‘assemble’ and release Jesus through this same Imam Mahdi as I am a two persons in one.

However,the salvation work would be restricted to only my people which I’m sure are two peoples (two-in-one person).Maybe the two will be ‘Ahlal Kitab’ and ‘Utul Kitab’ like my own Mecca and Medina.They would be known as ‘People of the Book’ that will form the real Jews and Christians mentioned in the Qur’an.

The rest of the world whom I will continue to lead spiritually will experience their own salvation at other times when their Prophets come.Only God knows for how long the second life (Jesus period) will last before we go back to the Creator,the Almighty God.And do we even know how long that of Adam had been?

As my last word,I am a person that is very sure about myself,believe in me to return to God,disbelieve to go to Hell.And as a Prophet and Messenger of God,whether one’s salvation is now or later,no one should ignore or disobey me.To reject me is to reject all the other Prophets of God,and the Almighty God Himself that sent them and myself! Because according to the Qur’an,disbelief in one Prophet of God is rejection of all the other Prophets,and God Himself.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Adam Had To Sin.

In the beginning,God created Adam alone bodily from nothing because he had no parents.His body was made from mere earth (sand,water and clay),then God breathed into him from His spirit.Later,He brought out for him from himself a woman as his wife.So women are from men,let wives not compete with their husbands for superiority.Both are one in essence,the rivalry might have been necessary had God created them separately - like two different entities.

Then God asked them to dwell together happily and enjoy everything there in the Paradise except a particular tree that they should steer clear of.Initially they never knew the significance of not eating from the tree,but Satan told them.He advised them to have sexual intercourse,and which of course,was the tree God instructed them not to eat from.He said God would not want them to live there in the paradise forever,reason why He had forbidden them the tree.

Truly,God had not intended that they live there indefinitely because He had already made another Abode - the Hell,that was empty then and which some must occupy later.If Adam and his wife had not eaten from the tree,they would have lived there perpetually which was not God's intention then.Satan,though evil was helpful there to make God's real aim come to pass.Satan is the father of all Non-believers that would later be the occupant of Hell.Therefore,Non-believers though evil,are also important in the whole creation,let no one look down on them.Believers and Non-believers must respect themselves for God's whole objective to happen smoothly.

After the intercourse,they would be pregnant and begin to procreate in the Paradise which was not God's wish.It was not God's desire because if  they had continued to live there and born their children there,how will God separate those meant for Hell,what will God say they did or did not do to warrant their going to Hell since there is no work in Heaven.So,because Non-believers must be separated from Believers,God ordered Adam and his wife to leave paradise for earth where they will work to believe in God or not and so qualify to return to paradise or go to hell later.

Again,if they had not sinned,how would the two have given rise to all of us that are their offsprings.Afterall,we were not meant to be in their genitalia for ever. So,that Adam sinned was not a big deal that Christians would want us to believe.Also,they had to sin and leave paradise for earth because that time they were in only one Paradise while God had created Seven others unknown to them with different degrees of enjoyments and pleasures.How would God distribute the blessings there if they had not come down to earth to work for it.Believers will be in varying categories like rich people on earth,though the difference will be much more noticeable in Heaven than it is on earth-(Q17/21).

Therefore,it is because Adam sinned,that we will have two different lives on earth before we go back to God.Most believers think that once we die now,the next thing is the Day of Judgement,but they are wrong.God said in Q30/11,'Allah begins the creation,then He will repeat it,then to Him you will be returned'.The beginning was Adam,the repeat or second life is Jesus,before we return to God Almighty.

God also said in Q21/104 'As We began the first creation,so shall We repeat it'.That is the two lives again,(and remember I told you before the reason why God uses 'We' for Himself,sometimes,in the Qur'an).There are many other verses in the Qur'an where God spoke of two lives,for example:Q10/4,10/34,30/27.

And that the two progenitors of our two lives on earth are Adam and Jesus is in Q3/59 where God said:'Indeed,the example of Jesus to God is like that of Adam.He created him (Jesus) from dust,then He said to him,''Be'' and he was'.The two had been created from dust or nothing ,that is,from no parents.Let people refer to my previous blog where I explained how Jesus was made by God,and which was different from that of Jesus of Nazareth.The latter was born by Mary,(peace be on her),there is no doubt about that.So,Jesus of Nazareth couldn't have begun our second life,the life of Salvation.

A major difference between Jesus and Adam is - while there are both Believers and Non-believers among Adam's progenies,all of Jesus will be Believers,that will go to Paradise.Adam himself MUST be Jesus progeny to enter Heaven,reason why all the people that had gone must come back to experience their second life.The first and second lives are like the two sides of a coin,so God called it 'repeat',though not exactly the same,in fact,they are 100% different in essence.

Therefore,the importance of Adam's sin was that believers and non-believers could be differentiated.God had known and marked the two even before Adam was created,but Adam had to sin that everyone could prove himself or herself.To buttress this point,God said in Q64/2:'It is He (God) Who has created you;and of you are some that are Unbelievers,and some that are Believers:Allah sees well all that ye do'.

Reacting to the Muslims who said there will be nothing again after prophet Muhammed (PBOH) had come and gone:Why do we say,'Show us the Straight Way' in Fatiha,(Q1/6)? This means something remains,the answer to which is in Q3/51,where God told us what Jesus that has NEVER been known would say:'It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord;then worship Him.This is a Way that is Straight'.That Straight Way is the Second Life,but before it leads to Paradise,someone in person of the God-chosen Saviour,Jesus,must first sacrifice his life.This is stated in Q3/55,'Behold! Allah said:''Oh Jesus! I will cause you to die,and raise thee to Myself and clear thee from amongst the Unbelievers,I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith,to the Day of Resurrection:Then shall you all return unto Me,and I will judge between you of the matters wherein you dispute".

Let us take note of certain clauses in the just quoted verse.''I WILL CAUSE YOU TO DIE''-This is the death of Salvation that is not a physical death,as evidenced in Q4/159."RAISE THEE TO MYSELF"- No one else will God do that for except Jesus.From the time God created man,everyone was given his/her soul which is always with us whether we are on earth or in the heavens,but Jesus,being a special creation has two different souls.And since he can only use one at a time,the other is always with God.So,when Jesus is dying at Salvation,God will take back for safekeeping for him one of the two souls till he gets to Paradise when he would be allowed to have it back.''CLEAR THEE FROM AMONGST THE UNBELIEVERS''-Because it is a spiritual death,he had automatically become an Unbeliever that must go to Hell-fire,but God will clear him after he must have gotten to Paradise with the other soul.Had he not have two souls,no way for him to be cleared,he would have gone to hell-fire forever.''I WILL MAKE THOSE WHO FOLLOW THEE SUPERIOR TO THOSE WHO REJECT FAITH''-Follow Thee,that is,in the Pathway,the Straight Course,or'Siratal Mustaqim'.leading to Paradise.But before getting to this Path,we will struggle,undergo a kind of 'unconventional fighting',those who will win are Believers,while those that shall fail will be Unbelievers,as they would die spiritually in the process.When it is time,people will know what I'm saying here.However,it shall be for a very few people from those on earth now,the others,at other times.''THEN SHALL YOU ALL RETURN UNTO ME,AND I WILL JUDGE BETWEEN YOU OF THE MATTERS WHEREIN YOU DISPUTE''-What we will argue about is completely unknown till it is time,also, the argument is not the usual type we know now.

In contrast to the above,this is what God said about Jesus of Nazareth that was crucified in the first life,Q5/110 - ''O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount my favour to thee and to thy mother.Behold! I strengthened thee with the holy spirit,..And behold! I did restrained the children of Israel from killing thee when thou did showed them the clear Signs,..'' This has not yet happened,it would be in the next coming of Jesus of Nazareth during the second life.The clauses to note are:-''I STRENGHTENED THEE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT''-The holy spirit was never known in the first life,he will appear in the second,and is typified by Jesus Christ.''I DID RESTRAINED THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL FROM KILLING THEE''-Jesus of Nazareth was indeed killed in the first life,which was a physical death,but he MUST be saved in the second life,because it would be a spiritual death,and,since he has no two souls like Jesus Christ.''WHEN THOU DID SHOWED THEM THE CLEAR SIGNS''.The two Jesus are the owners of Clear Signs,or ''Bayyinah'',but while one will be killed for having it,the other will be spared.


God's instruction that Adam and Eve should not eat from the tree was just an excuse to eject them later.God knew that they would do it,and of course,they needed to do it for His ambition to be realised.But He wouldn't just want to ask them to leave for a place (the Earth) where they would toil to live,having already created them into joy,without a reason.