Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Muslims,Withdraw From Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Like I said before,nuclear non-proliferation treaty is a law that is unbalanced,unjust and ungodly.This is so because it asked no one to make nuclear bombs again while those that have made it to continue to keep the weapons.Keep the weapons to oppress those that don't have! The permanent members of the UN Security council that are all having the weapons are biased,they have allies instead of being neutral!

Muslims are godly people,so they shouldn't be part of that unfairness,I will therefore call on them to withdraw from the treaty immediately.By that they will no longer be under any obligation to obey its biased rules and regulations.

However,this is not asking them to make bombs,nuclear weapons are evil,those keeping it are evildoers that deserved to be stigmatised worldwide.The whole world should rise up against them for they are the main problem of the world now.

I had pleaded with them to help the world by starting the process of eliminating their dangerous weapons but have ignored me.So if they will not do the right thing,muslims,being God-fearing should take the bold step of quitting the treaty,to let them see the reason why they have to act now.Muslims should not be part of the ungodly pact that is a threat to world peace.

But if they decide not to pull out yet,then they must start the campaign by crying out loudly at every opportunity asking the nuclear weapon countries to disarm immediately.Muslims should never keep quiet again as they have done till now,the treaty is unjust,God hates it,and they must not be part of the anomaly.

However,having defended Iran for that long,I expect her to be the first to quit the agreement,otherwise she must obey all its rules and regulations.If she will keep on been in the treaty and she doesn't comply fully with its terms,be sure that henceforth,I will no longer support her on that issue.Never will I utter a word again in her defence should in case they impose more crippling sanctions against the country.


Desist from seeing and speaking of the defects of people that you know are in yourself.So long as they are not ready to get rid of them,I pray to God to punish those countries having nuclear bombs that are punishing others suspected of trying to have it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Main Problem Of The World.

Those countries that are having nuclear weapons and have refused to disarm are the main problem of the world now.I wrote last time urging them to start action on eliminating their evil weapons but have ignored me.I said the UN should discuss it at their this year's annual gathering,but seemed to have taken no notice of what I wrote.Instead,president Barack Obama of the US was saying,the door of diplomacy is still open to Iran,otherwise? Otherwise they will start the 3rd world war by invading her.They have imposed all the sanctions - the tough,the tougher and the toughest,so what's next,other than war?

Don't say I've always talked about this matter,it is because I hate wars and of course,I don't like injustice,and despite my many hindrances,I've found time to write this again.I am sure that no country in the world will once more contemplate acquiring the evil weapons if those having it now will agree to eradicate it and make a law at the UN prohibiting the production of it again.

If they can succeed in persuading or forcing anyone not to make it now,what of later? What they are doing presently is treating the symptom rather than the root cause of the problem.I want to implore president Obama to strive to do this thing now,use your position as a Nobel peace laureate to prevail on the others and your country that are having the bombs to give them up.

To continue to sanction Iran and North Korea on this issue is doing the unjust,punishing others for what you yourselves are guilty of.You suspect they want to make bombs that you already have in excess! Get rid of your own and no one will ever think of possessing it again.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Muslims Against Iran!

I glanced through an article on the internet today that said US allies in the Gulf namely,Saudi Arabia,UAE,Kuwait,etc are buying more military weapons from the US in order to counter any threats from Iran,that Saudis especially will want to send a clear message to the Iranians of her military aerial superiority.

Such stories including those I've always heard from some US government officials that they would want to equip their allies in the gulf against Iran always give me great surprise.I wonder,each time, why some muslim countries will take America,a non-muslim nation as an ally and be preparing for any likely war with another muslim country,Iran.I can't explain how baffled I am always.

If America and the western journalists would want to cause war between two muslim bodies,shouldn't these muslim countries reason themselves.Let these muslims know that the time of the past has gone,they must create a new beginning now.Muslims all over the world should come together and be really united more than ever before.They have to be amalgamated and unanimous in teaching themselves on how to begin to portray real Islam that is different from the bad image given to it by the extremist 'muslims'.The Almighty God,Allah,(SWT),has said that muslims are the best people ever raised for mankind,(Q3/110),they should begin to prove that from now on.

No matter what,muslims should never fight themselves again,outsiders should not be the ones to decide their relationships.And I will want to use this medium to call on the King of Saudi Arabia,King Abdullah,whom I'm sure had known about me to start this new process of united muslim ummah by reaching out to the Iranian leadership and publicly embrace themselves.Other muslim countries in the region should do the same,please and please,I beg you in the name of Allah,don't let non-muslims come in between you to determine your affairs again.

I had said it many times before that muslims should be united,but in case you ignore my call again and the muslim-US allies in the gulf should join with America to fight Iran anytime,know that I will be on the side of Iran  against you.Even though I can't come out now but I will,at least,support them morally,and by the grace of God,wherever I am is where the Almighty God will be.Saudi Arabia,that is the custodian of Islam most holy places of worship should respect herself,she should be in the vanguard of uniting all muslims,don't join with any other,however powerful,to fight any muslim country.Know that the custodianship of Kaaba does not really matter if you don't fear God,pagan Arabs were once keeping the Kaaba at the time of prophet Muhammed,(PBOH),before Allah restored it to the believers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Let People Take Note Again.

I had said it more than once that the people of the world are groping in the dark,they live a kind of fake lifestyle now that they will do anything to make people believe whatever they want.I've noticed the behaviours of people from across the world and I pity them for what they do.For example,the politicians will do anything that people can like them and put them into power,religious leaders will do anything that they could have followers and common people will do anything that they can get favours from people.

All these are fake lifestyles and I swear by God that mine is not like that.I believe wholy in God,I don't use any charm or do anything extra to make people believe,get any favour or even protect myself as my provisions and protection are from God.I wonder why people will not behave normally - exactly like they are really,then believe in the Almighty Power,that is,God,Who is best to help them.While it may not be unexpected of non-believers to do anything,what of believers,don't they know that it is better to trust in the God that they believed in? If they use extra means to get anything from people and not wait for God,one,such favour can never be outside of what God had wanted to give them,they had only obtained it through the back door,and so may be shortchanged.

But the main danger in using extra means to get things from God is that one is telling Him that he prefers the world and so may be denied the heaven (paradise) as he would have exhausted all his endowments on earth,believers must always endeavour to wait for God.

I will say it again that I am a REAL prophet of God and His messenger,not just now but from yesterday and for ever by His grace.There is nothing anyone can do to change that,let them believe or not,it is a fact.And like I said recently,if people believe they will gain,if they don't,they will lose,it is also a fact.Some will use the excuse that they are yet to be convinced,but I swear that I had said everything that is necessary and needed by anyone to believe,they are only suffering from sheer ignorance,which is not my problem.But I must tell them that apart from Satan that will not want them believe,there are others,visible and invisible,helping the satan to block real believers from taking action,they are busy everyday in their evil machinations.

I wish people can know what I see everyday of satan,what he does to make them continue to live their fake lifestyles.Also,I wish people can know who I am really,that they can believe in me absolutely.Let them have no fears at all,I am truly what I call myself and God knows that I will never fail.Whether people like me or not I will accomplish what the Almighty God is sending me to do,there is no one that will stop me,people can only delay or make my work harder but they won't have the power to stop God's messenger.And it is only that God is very kind and very gentle,He usually will not want to force people like He would do for His prophets in doing what He wants.And what does He really want from people? Nothing,except that which is good for them.But if they feel they know better,God will not coerce them,He will let them do whatever they like and get what they deserve in the end.The only time God will punish people because of His prophet is when they try to frustrate him or prevent His aims from being realised.

And remember that I had also said it before that there are only two :- those sent by God (prophets and messengers),and the people being sent to (believers and non-believers alike).The prophets and messengers have fixed and exalted positions of honour with God,and which does not matter whether people believe in them or not (that is,while on earth),they are very few,like one in millions.And because their positions are fixed,they MUST carry out whatever God wants them to do.For the other category - believers and non-believers in God,nothing is fixed for them,they will only get the reward for whatever they do on earth.They have much freedom,but however much they may struggle on earth,they will never become prophets or messengers of God,who are only chosen by God Himself.

And maybe for the last time now,I will call on the people of the world to read my blog,tell others to do same,and believe in me.Know that I am not a pretender,or somebody that's looking for any favour from them,whether they believe in me or not,it won't prevent me from being what I am.Also,I am a very hard working person that have strong faith in God,I don't and will never beg anyone to help me,if people assist me in life,it is they who will gain more.All that I desire is to deliver the God's message I'm being sent with,and generally I like to benefit people,I am happy when I can make others happy.It pains me to see people suffer,and I like muslims especially,far more than they like themselves.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shariah Punishment.

There is no need as such for the hues and cries about the woman that was said to have sinned and she's being punished according to shariah.Those crying for her are either doing so out of ignorance or they are people of the world,that is,those who preferred the world.

One,there is no big deal about death for any believer,it is like you are travelling,and it's from a bad to a better place.It is better for a believer to die than continue to live as a sinner.If a believer would be pardoned for any sin willingly committed and that is punishable by death from God,he should eagerly desire to die.That is better for him,it is a non-believer who would like to live on preferring the world.

But having said that,the world is changing,shariah is not meant to be static,I wouldn't want anybody stoned to death at this age.I once said that muslims should use shariah that is only understandable NOW.There are many words in the Qur'an that should not be interpreted superficially.The real meaning intended by God for the Qur'an is its second meaning during our second life,the life of 'SIRATAL MUSTAQIM' that will soon begin.It's like basic science and it's application,we don't need science if not for it's useful applications.

However,I like those who practise shariah,because they fear God,they know that it is not easy but want to do things according to their God's wish,which should be the desire of any genuine believer.A non-believer instead,will always want alternatives to what God wants as he would see himself as being wiser than God.

The Western world have bastardized Islam,they always present it like something to run away from,and I've told them that there is no alternative except they want to go to hellfire.And being worldly successful,they have succeeded a lot in brainwashing many many people.The extremists 'muslims' also,who are agents of satan,have made matters worse for Islam.I hate them very much,they are enemies of the religion and the Almighty God,I'm sad everyday when I see what they do especially in Pakistan,Iraq,Afghanistan and Somalia.

But by the grace of God,real and peaceful Islam will prevail in the world,genuine muslims will fight the extremists to submission later as those who will cause disorder in the world will not forever continue to have their way.And let me say that this world is too small,one thousand years on earth is like a single day with God,(Q22/47,Q32/5),non-believers deserve to be super-rich on earth while believers should just try to manage there.

To those who said there is no God at all in the Creation,they are 100% wrong,they simply cannot reason.Being reasonable is not out of worldly knowledge but from the heart that fears God.I will very soon prove the so-called atheist scientists wrong,let them wait a little.

And to the American pastor who would like to burn the Qur'an on 11th Sept,let him do so if his country allows that.Anyone can do anything that is permissible in his country,others can only condemn him.And by what he wanted to do,he can't burn all the Qur'an in the world,and no one will stop Islam,it will exist for ever.

On Palestine and Israel again,I heard what Israel foreign minister said that he preferred that their peace talks should focus on security for Israel and prosperity for the Palestinians rather than on boundary determination.I like it myself,remember,I said I favour that both of them live together as a single entity or country where both the Israelis and the Palestinians have equal rights.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,A Threat To World Peace.

I may not yet be in the public but I'm certain of who I am and by the grace of God I am a very important person.Whether people believe me or not,it cannot prevent me from being what I am.It is they who will gain if they believe,otherwise,I assure them that they will be the losers.

I removed my blog last time because I did not want to write again,but some people were opposed to it,they said I should at least leave what I had already written.But the problem is,so long as my blog is there on the internet,there is no way I won't want to say something again.I hate writing because people don't believe me now and I even have many impediments that are preventing me.

What I want to say now is to declare the so-called nuclear non-proliferation treaty a threat to world peace because it is unbalanced,unjust and ungodly.How can it say that no one should make bomb again while those that have already made it can continue to keep it? That is injustice that can eventually lead to another world war.

Now that the United Nations will begin their annual get-together,they should quickly promulgate another treaty to replace the unbalanced nuclear non-proliferation pact.What is needed now is Nuclear Weapons Elimination Treaty that will compel those having the evil weapons to get rid of them within certain time target and also prevent anyone again from making it.It should also allow equal use of peaceful nuclear technology.

If America and her allies having the bombs are sincere to world peace,I don't know why it should be difficult for them to quickly eliminate them since the knowledge to make it again is with them should in case the need to use it again arises(which I pray God forbid).

The UN should act speedily on this for there to be justice on this issue and the enhancement of world peace.Like I said earlier,I am an important person that the world powers should not ignore.I am a very peaceful person,I hate all terrorists and all wars,but I like justice and the Almighty God,my life is nothing to me when it comes to fighting for justice and the doing of God's wish.

And I will warn the world powers that being a real prophet of God,they won't find me easy at all if they will refuse to follow the path of justice,and I swear that they will be foolish if they should want me eliminated,or get me imprisoned.

Thanks to the America government for re-starting the peace talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis,I don't think there is any better way than dialogue,Hamas should please join in the process,and let's be optimistic this time around.They will join up by being united with the main Palestinian Authority,and yes,I know that America is not a fair umpire,but that's how the UN is now.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pls,Let Me Quickly Say This.

Even though I'm no longer writing,at least for now,but being very sure and confident about myself,I just think I should do one more thing maybe it will help.It is to mention the names of some 'important people' from across the world whom I'm very sure had known about me,call on them to openly declare for Islam,they will be greatly blessed if they do so now rather than later.It will also help many others throughout the world to believe correctly.

If they refused me now,it will be difficult for them to ever impress me later by their beliefs.I will urge them not to disregard or ignore me,I know myself very well,I am an important person of God that no one wanting to enter paradise should ignore.I am very sure that no inhabitant of paradise but must owe me gratitude.I'd said it many times that I cannot fail,people should trust me.If I should fail,no single person including the leader of mankind,prophet Muhammed,(PBOH),will enter paradise.God will use me to open the door of paradise that was shut after Adam and all his progenies from beginning to the end,no other person can do that.

Adam had to sin that we can come to this world to prove ourselves,that everyone can choose to believe in God or not and consequently go to paradise or hell.Also to choose which of the paradise or hells as there are 7 different hells and 8 paradise to pick from.Each hell with varying degrees of sufferings and paradise with different grades of enjoyments,the choice will be automatically determined by whatever we do on earth.

I had seen that many of the christians' ideas are absolutely wrong,they should accept Islam to believe correctly,and this is apart from the major mistake they made when they worship Jesus of Nazareth,calling him son of God or God Himself.And it is because of these that Christianity as of today cannot and will never be the way to paradise,the greatest curse of God be upon me(Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) if I'm not sure of what I am saying.I admit that there are many problems with muslims all over the world,but still,Islam is the only correct way to the Almighty God,no one should doubt me.

These people that are all christians,I want to urge them to believe in me and the Qur'an and not in their Bible,remember I told you that Bible is Reported words of God that can never be absolutely correct,Qur'an is 100% accurate or truthful because it was dictated from God.Though,there are many words of the Qur'an that are not clear to muslims now,and it will even very soon,have a completely different meaning as every verse of it has two distinct meanings,one each for our two different lives on earth(that is,the lives of Adam and that of Jesus,our two progenitors).But notwithstanding,the most important requirements for believers are clear,so accept Islam now and don't wait.

To digress from my point,it is on the current issue in America regarding the mosque site near ground zero.Despite the fact that it would have been better if muslims look elsewhere to site their worshipping house to avoid unnecessary controversy,however,to say that they shouldn't build a mosque there is WRONGLY ACKNOWLEDGING that Islam or all muslims were responsible for the 9/11 terrorists attack,can they say that all the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth were at fault for his crucifixion because one of them betrayed him?

Another matter bothering my mind is to ask Congress members in America that why don't they change their law to enable any ex-president contest again especially if he has not served twice before? It would help any incumbent to concentrate during his first term,be himself and take decisions that he's convinced of rather than being desperate to win re-election.

Finally,I am not saying that other religions should not exist alongside Islam,Islam is only the religion for those wanting to go to paradise,hellfire is the alternative,so other ways of worship will also continue to be.

Let me now call on the said people to believe in me and openly accept Islam now,they are :-the president of my country,Nigeria -Goodluck Jonathan and his wife,governor of my state,Alao Akala and his wife,ex-president George W.Bush and his wife,HRM,Queen Elizabeth 2 of Great Britain,ex-UN Sec Gen and the current,Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon?,ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo,pastors Enoch Adeboye, Chris Oyakhilome and David Oyedepo,Senate president David Mark and wife,Nigerian Ministers-Dora Akunyili,Diezani Madueke and Josephine Anenih,ex-governor Peter Odili,current(2010) governors of Rivers,Delta,Cross River,Akwa Ibom,Benue,Ogun,Osun and others.

The current president of America,Barack Obama and his wife,ex-president Bill Clinton,Speaker of the US House,Nancy Pelosi,British PM,David Cameron,Russian president and PM,Dmitry Medvedev and Vladmir Putin,French President Nicolas Sarkozy,Italian PM,Silvio Berlusconi,EU Commission president,Jose Barroso,EU Foreign Minister,Catherine Ashton,Spain PM,Jose Zapatero,Brazil president,Lula da Silva,Venezuela president,Hugo Chavez,Argentina president,Christina Fernandez,Thailand PM,Abhisit Vejjajiva?,former PMs of Britain, Australia and Ukraine Gordon Brown, Kevin Rudd and Yulia Tymoshenko and the former Philippino president,Gloria Arroyo.

There are many many others I would want to mention but for lack of time,remember I said I never have time to plan any writing but I won't forget his eminence,the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury,the head of the Anglican church.