Friday, September 24, 2010

The Main Problem Of The World.

Those countries that are having nuclear weapons and have refused to disarm are the main problem of the world now.I wrote last time urging them to start action on eliminating their evil weapons but have ignored me.I said the UN should discuss it at their this year's annual gathering,but seemed to have taken no notice of what I wrote.Instead,president Barack Obama of the US was saying,the door of diplomacy is still open to Iran,otherwise? Otherwise they will start the 3rd world war by invading her.They have imposed all the sanctions - the tough,the tougher and the toughest,so what's next,other than war?

Don't say I've always talked about this matter,it is because I hate wars and of course,I don't like injustice,and despite my many hindrances,I've found time to write this again.I am sure that no country in the world will once more contemplate acquiring the evil weapons if those having it now will agree to eradicate it and make a law at the UN prohibiting the production of it again.

If they can succeed in persuading or forcing anyone not to make it now,what of later? What they are doing presently is treating the symptom rather than the root cause of the problem.I want to implore president Obama to strive to do this thing now,use your position as a Nobel peace laureate to prevail on the others and your country that are having the bombs to give them up.

To continue to sanction Iran and North Korea on this issue is doing the unjust,punishing others for what you yourselves are guilty of.You suspect they want to make bombs that you already have in excess! Get rid of your own and no one will ever think of possessing it again.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Muslims Against Iran!

I glanced through an article on the internet today that said US allies in the Gulf namely,Saudi Arabia,UAE,Kuwait,etc are buying more military weapons from the US in order to counter any threats from Iran,that Saudis especially will want to send a clear message to the Iranians of her military aerial superiority.

Such stories including those I've always heard from some US government officials that they would want to equip their allies in the gulf against Iran always give me great surprise.I wonder,each time, why some muslim countries will take America,a non-muslim nation as an ally and be preparing for any likely war with another muslim country,Iran.I can't explain how baffled I am always.

If America and the western journalists would want to cause war between two muslim bodies,shouldn't these muslim countries reason themselves.Let these muslims know that the time of the past has gone,they must create a new beginning now.Muslims all over the world should come together and be really united more than ever before.They have to be amalgamated and unanimous in teaching themselves on how to begin to portray real Islam that is different from the bad image given to it by the extremist 'muslims'.The Almighty God,Allah,(SWT),has said that muslims are the best people ever raised for mankind,(Q3/110),they should begin to prove that from now on.

No matter what,muslims should never fight themselves again,outsiders should not be the ones to decide their relationships.And I will want to use this medium to call on the King of Saudi Arabia,King Abdullah,whom I'm sure had known about me to start this new process of united muslim ummah by reaching out to the Iranian leadership and publicly embrace themselves.Other muslim countries in the region should do the same,please and please,I beg you in the name of Allah,don't let non-muslims come in between you to determine your affairs again.

I had said it many times before that muslims should be united,but in case you ignore my call again and the muslim-US allies in the gulf should join with America to fight Iran anytime,know that I will be on the side of Iran  against you.Even though I can't come out now but I will,at least,support them morally,and by the grace of God,wherever I am is where the Almighty God will be.Saudi Arabia,that is the custodian of Islam most holy places of worship should respect herself,she should be in the vanguard of uniting all muslims,don't join with any other,however powerful,to fight any muslim country.Know that the custodianship of Kaaba does not really matter if you don't fear God,pagan Arabs were once keeping the Kaaba at the time of prophet Muhammed,(PBOH),before Allah restored it to the believers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Let People Take Note Again.

I had said it more than once that the people of the world are groping in the dark,they live a kind of fake lifestyle now that they will do anything to make people believe whatever they want.I've noticed the behaviours of people from across the world and I pity them for what they do.For example,the politicians will do anything that people can like them and put them into power,religious leaders will do anything that they could have followers and common people will do anything that they can get favours from people.

All these are fake lifestyles and I swear by God that mine is not like that.I believe wholy in God,I don't use any charm or do anything extra to make people believe,get any favour or even protect myself as my provisions and protection are from God.I wonder why people will not behave normally - exactly like they are really,then believe in the Almighty Power,that is,God,Who is best to help them.While it may not be unexpected of non-believers to do anything,what of believers,don't they know that it is better to trust in the God that they believed in? If they use extra means to get anything from people and not wait for God,one,such favour can never be outside of what God had wanted to give them,they had only obtained it through the back door,and so may be shortchanged.

But the main danger in using extra means to get things from God is that one is telling Him that he prefers the world and so may be denied the heaven (paradise) as he would have exhausted all his endowments on earth,believers must always endeavour to wait for God.

I will say it again that I am a REAL prophet of God and His messenger,not just now but from yesterday and for ever by His grace.There is nothing anyone can do to change that,let them believe or not,it is a fact.And like I said recently,if people believe they will gain,if they don't,they will lose,it is also a fact.Some will use the excuse that they are yet to be convinced,but I swear that I had said everything that is necessary and needed by anyone to believe,they are only suffering from sheer ignorance,which is not my problem.But I must tell them that apart from Satan that will not want them believe,there are others,visible and invisible,helping the satan to block real believers from taking action,they are busy everyday in their evil machinations.

I wish people can know what I see everyday of satan,what he does to make them continue to live their fake lifestyles.Also,I wish people can know who I am really,that they can believe in me absolutely.Let them have no fears at all,I am truly what I call myself and God knows that I will never fail.Whether people like me or not I will accomplish what the Almighty God is sending me to do,there is no one that will stop me,people can only delay or make my work harder but they won't have the power to stop God's messenger.And it is only that God is very kind and very gentle,He usually will not want to force people like He would do for His prophets in doing what He wants.And what does He really want from people? Nothing,except that which is good for them.But if they feel they know better,God will not coerce them,He will let them do whatever they like and get what they deserve in the end.The only time God will punish people because of His prophet is when they try to frustrate him or prevent His aims from being realised.

And remember that I had also said it before that there are only two :- those sent by God (prophets and messengers),and the people being sent to (believers and non-believers alike).The prophets and messengers have fixed and exalted positions of honour with God,and which does not matter whether people believe in them or not (that is,while on earth),they are very few,like one in millions.And because their positions are fixed,they MUST carry out whatever God wants them to do.For the other category - believers and non-believers in God,nothing is fixed for them,they will only get the reward for whatever they do on earth.They have much freedom,but however much they may struggle on earth,they will never become prophets or messengers of God,who are only chosen by God Himself.

And maybe for the last time now,I will call on the people of the world to read my blog,tell others to do same,and believe in me.Know that I am not a pretender,or somebody that's looking for any favour from them,whether they believe in me or not,it won't prevent me from being what I am.Also,I am a very hard working person that have strong faith in God,I don't and will never beg anyone to help me,if people assist me in life,it is they who will gain more.All that I desire is to deliver the God's message I'm being sent with,and generally I like to benefit people,I am happy when I can make others happy.It pains me to see people suffer,and I like muslims especially,far more than they like themselves.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shariah Punishment.

There is no need as such for the hues and cries about the woman that was said to have sinned and she's being punished according to shariah.Those crying for her are either doing so out of ignorance or they are people of the world,that is,those who preferred the world.

One,there is no big deal about death for any believer,it is like you are travelling,and it's from a bad to a better place.It is better for a believer to die than continue to live as a sinner.If a believer would be pardoned for any sin willingly committed and that is punishable by death from God,he should eagerly desire to die.That is better for him,it is a non-believer who would like to live on preferring the world.

But having said that,the world is changing,shariah is not meant to be static,I wouldn't want anybody stoned to death at this age.I once said that muslims should use shariah that is only understandable NOW.There are many words in the Qur'an that should not be interpreted superficially.The real meaning intended by God for the Qur'an is its second meaning during our second life,the life of 'SIRATAL MUSTAQIM' that will soon begin.It's like basic science and it's application,we don't need science if not for it's useful applications.

However,I like those who practise shariah,because they fear God,they know that it is not easy but want to do things according to their God's wish,which should be the desire of any genuine believer.A non-believer instead,will always want alternatives to what God wants as he would see himself as being wiser than God.

The Western world have bastardized Islam,they always present it like something to run away from,and I've told them that there is no alternative except they want to go to hellfire.And being worldly successful,they have succeeded a lot in brainwashing many many people.The extremists 'muslims' also,who are agents of satan,have made matters worse for Islam.I hate them very much,they are enemies of the religion and the Almighty God,I'm sad everyday when I see what they do especially in Pakistan,Iraq,Afghanistan and Somalia.

But by the grace of God,real and peaceful Islam will prevail in the world,genuine muslims will fight the extremists to submission later as those who will cause disorder in the world will not forever continue to have their way.And let me say that this world is too small,one thousand years on earth is like a single day with God,(Q22/47,Q32/5),non-believers deserve to be super-rich on earth while believers should just try to manage there.

To those who said there is no God at all in the Creation,they are 100% wrong,they simply cannot reason.Being reasonable is not out of worldly knowledge but from the heart that fears God.I will very soon prove the so-called atheist scientists wrong,let them wait a little.

And to the American pastor who would like to burn the Qur'an on 11th Sept,let him do so if his country allows that.Anyone can do anything that is permissible in his country,others can only condemn him.And by what he wanted to do,he can't burn all the Qur'an in the world,and no one will stop Islam,it will exist for ever.

On Palestine and Israel again,I heard what Israel foreign minister said that he preferred that their peace talks should focus on security for Israel and prosperity for the Palestinians rather than on boundary determination.I like it myself,remember,I said I favour that both of them live together as a single entity or country where both the Israelis and the Palestinians have equal rights.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,A Threat To World Peace.

I may not yet be in the public but I'm certain of who I am and by the grace of God I am a very important person.Whether people believe me or not,it cannot prevent me from being what I am.It is they who will gain if they believe,otherwise,I assure them that they will be the losers.

I removed my blog last time because I did not want to write again,but some people were opposed to it,they said I should at least leave what I had already written.But the problem is,so long as my blog is there on the internet,there is no way I won't want to say something again.I hate writing because people don't believe me now and I even have many impediments that are preventing me.

What I want to say now is to declare the so-called nuclear non-proliferation treaty a threat to world peace because it is unbalanced,unjust and ungodly.How can it say that no one should make bomb again while those that have already made it can continue to keep it? That is injustice that can eventually lead to another world war.

Now that the United Nations will begin their annual get-together,they should quickly promulgate another treaty to replace the unbalanced nuclear non-proliferation pact.What is needed now is Nuclear Weapons Elimination Treaty that will compel those having the evil weapons to get rid of them within certain time target and also prevent anyone again from making it.It should also allow equal use of peaceful nuclear technology.

If America and her allies having the bombs are sincere to world peace,I don't know why it should be difficult for them to quickly eliminate them since the knowledge to make it again is with them should in case the need to use it again arises(which I pray God forbid).

The UN should act speedily on this for there to be justice on this issue and the enhancement of world peace.Like I said earlier,I am an important person that the world powers should not ignore.I am a very peaceful person,I hate all terrorists and all wars,but I like justice and the Almighty God,my life is nothing to me when it comes to fighting for justice and the doing of God's wish.

And I will warn the world powers that being a real prophet of God,they won't find me easy at all if they will refuse to follow the path of justice,and I swear that they will be foolish if they should want me eliminated,or get me imprisoned.

Thanks to the America government for re-starting the peace talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis,I don't think there is any better way than dialogue,Hamas should please join in the process,and let's be optimistic this time around.They will join up by being united with the main Palestinian Authority,and yes,I know that America is not a fair umpire,but that's how the UN is now.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pls,Let Me Quickly Say This.

Even though I'm no longer writing,at least for now,but being very sure and confident about myself,I just think I should do one more thing maybe it will help.It is to mention the names of some 'important people' from across the world whom I'm very sure had known about me,call on them to openly declare for Islam,they will be greatly blessed if they do so now rather than later.It will also help many others throughout the world to believe correctly.

If they refused me now,it will be difficult for them to ever impress me later by their beliefs.I will urge them not to disregard or ignore me,I know myself very well,I am an important person of God that no one wanting to enter paradise should ignore.I am very sure that no inhabitant of paradise but must owe me gratitude.I'd said it many times that I cannot fail,people should trust me.If I should fail,no single person including the leader of mankind,prophet Muhammed,(PBOH),will enter paradise.God will use me to open the door of paradise that was shut after Adam and all his progenies from beginning to the end,no other person can do that.

Adam had to sin that we can come to this world to prove ourselves,that everyone can choose to believe in God or not and consequently go to paradise or hell.Also to choose which of the paradise or hells as there are 7 different hells and 8 paradise to pick from.Each hell with varying degrees of sufferings and paradise with different grades of enjoyments,the choice will be automatically determined by whatever we do on earth.

I had seen that many of the christians' ideas are absolutely wrong,they should accept Islam to believe correctly,and this is apart from the major mistake they made when they worship Jesus of Nazareth,calling him son of God or God Himself.And it is because of these that Christianity as of today cannot and will never be the way to paradise,the greatest curse of God be upon me(Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) if I'm not sure of what I am saying.I admit that there are many problems with muslims all over the world,but still,Islam is the only correct way to the Almighty God,no one should doubt me.

These people that are all christians,I want to urge them to believe in me and the Qur'an and not in their Bible,remember I told you that Bible is Reported words of God that can never be absolutely correct,Qur'an is 100% accurate or truthful because it was dictated from God.Though,there are many words of the Qur'an that are not clear to muslims now,and it will even very soon,have a completely different meaning as every verse of it has two distinct meanings,one each for our two different lives on earth(that is,the lives of Adam and that of Jesus,our two progenitors).But notwithstanding,the most important requirements for believers are clear,so accept Islam now and don't wait.

To digress from my point,it is on the current issue in America regarding the mosque site near ground zero.Despite the fact that it would have been better if muslims look elsewhere to site their worshipping house to avoid unnecessary controversy,however,to say that they shouldn't build a mosque there is WRONGLY ACKNOWLEDGING that Islam or all muslims were responsible for the 9/11 terrorists attack,can they say that all the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth were at fault for his crucifixion because one of them betrayed him?

Another matter bothering my mind is to ask Congress members in America that why don't they change their law to enable any ex-president contest again especially if he has not served twice before? It would help any incumbent to concentrate during his first term,be himself and take decisions that he's convinced of rather than being desperate to win re-election.

Finally,I am not saying that other religions should not exist alongside Islam,Islam is only the religion for those wanting to go to paradise,hellfire is the alternative,so other ways of worship will also continue to be.

Let me now call on the said people to believe in me and openly accept Islam now,they are :-the president of my country,Nigeria -Goodluck Jonathan and his wife,governor of my state,Alao Akala and his wife,ex-president George W.Bush and his wife,HRM,Queen Elizabeth 2 of Great Britain,ex-UN Sec Gen and the current,Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon?,ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo,pastors Enoch Adeboye, Chris Oyakhilome and David Oyedepo,Senate president David Mark and wife,Nigerian Ministers-Dora Akunyili,Diezani Madueke and Josephine Anenih,ex-governor Peter Odili,current(2010) governors of Rivers,Delta,Cross River,Akwa Ibom,Benue,Ogun,Osun and others.

The current president of America,Barack Obama and his wife,ex-president Bill Clinton,Speaker of the US House,Nancy Pelosi,British PM,David Cameron,Russian president and PM,Dmitry Medvedev and Vladmir Putin,French President Nicolas Sarkozy,Italian PM,Silvio Berlusconi,EU Commission president,Jose Barroso,EU Foreign Minister,Catherine Ashton,Spain PM,Jose Zapatero,Brazil president,Lula da Silva,Venezuela president,Hugo Chavez,Argentina president,Christina Fernandez,Thailand PM,Abhisit Vejjajiva?,former PMs of Britain, Australia and Ukraine Gordon Brown, Kevin Rudd and Yulia Tymoshenko and the former Philippino president,Gloria Arroyo.

There are many many others I would want to mention but for lack of time,remember I said I never have time to plan any writing but I won't forget his eminence,the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury,the head of the Anglican church.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu's Blog For Record.

1- Today's  Muslims Have Chosen To Disobey Allah.(Tue,30-1-2007).

I am sure that Islam is the religion of God Almighty but unfortunately its followers today have decided not to obey Allah, the Almighty God.How?

Prophet Muhammed (pboh) is the religion’s leader and Allah has commanded all Believers (Muslims) to follow him and that it is only by doing so that they can obey Allah.

But where is Prophet Muhammed today? He has died of course. Who then is his successor? Nobody! A vacuum has been created and there is noway Muslims can really obey Allah except they have somebody to represent this leader,Muhammed,whom they will follow exactly as if he is Muhammed.

I make bold to say again that except they have a leader worldwide,they can't obey Allah properly.

Though the Almighty Allah has chosen someone secretly to lead all believers in One God and whose advent would bring joy to the whole world,he hasn't yet appeared.But if Muslims the world over know the significance of having a leader,they would quickly get together and choose one now.

The extremist Muslims that you hear their voices always can never speak for all Muslims, infact they are just harming the religion.

Islam is not the way they are portraying it,and some of what they do are evil,for example,suicide bombing – there can never be any justification for that.And I have always wondered why good muslims don’t usually come out to condemn such.

2- How I Wish The People Of The World Could Live Together In Peace.(Thur,21-6-2007).

There is God Almighty Who is responsible for everything.Whether one believes that God created everything or that everything was due to evolution,both are the same,as God was the invisible Hands behind the evolution( theory of Darwin ).

I want the world to know that this God has deliberately created two people,believers in Him and non-believers.No matter what,believers will believe in God while disbelievers will never believe eventually.

Don’t ask why God deliberately did that.He,as His principle,has created almost everything in pairs that we could reflect.It is like light and darkness,both must exist for life to be complete.

Now,how I wish the people of the world could live together in peace,live and let live,let’s accommodate other people,always look for common grounds to resolve all problems.

God hates extremist people,moderation is always good,let no one deride others.Just like believers could lay claim to God disbelievers can also,as both of us are from this One Source-God Almighty.

And I hope nobody blames God for deliberately making some believers and others unbelievers,because He had not told anybody what He made him so that everyone will willingly do whatever he would be rewarded for eventually.

Being very religious is not extremism.Extremists are people who are not tolerant of others,who,because they are believers would not want unbelievers to live.Believers should always moderate their behaviours to accommodate unbelievers and vice versa.

3- I Swear That There Is Life After Death.(Sat,25-8-2007).

Another life begins immediately one dies,irrespective of whether one is a believer in God or not.Whoever believed in God and did good deeds while on earth would be happy when he dies but a disbeliever and who did bad would begin to suffer immediately he died. This will continue until God decides to return the person to this earth, both believers and non believers in God are thus returned.

God did not mean to send anybody to live on this earth for only one time , we do come several times. Our whole earthly existence is in two phases and we are yet to complete the first phase.

This first phase is that of believing in God after He had sent Prophets and Messengers to tell people about the existence of One Mighty Being called God. Prophet Muhammed was the last of such prophets who came after Jesus and Moses (peace be upon them).

The second phase is Salvation which would soon begin, I say with all certainty that there has never been any salvation before. Adam was the progenitor of the first phase while Jesus would be the second, so expect him very very soon,I am 100% sure.

The purpose of writing this is that people,especially believers in God, could watch their ways of life very carefully. Don’t let the good things of this world distract you,rather,use them to do good deeds and serve God. I assure you that you will begin to enjoy those good deeds immediately your eyes are closed at death.

All the good things of this life with the new ones being discovered everyday are not worth it to distract any believer in God,only acquire them if you can, to serve God and humanity. Don’t be distracted by people- friends and family and the world at large from believing strongly in God and doing well.

4- Pls Beware That They Are Not Muslims.(Tue,4-9-2007).

There are many so-called muslims who had only accepted Islam but have no faith (iman) and they are driving people away from Islam,the religion of God Almighty.I urge people not to think that that is Islam,for example,the so-called muslims who bomb other muslims,who carry out suicide bombings,who want to islamise others by force (when there should be no compulsion in religion) or who because of their claim that another country is not fair to them,the only thing they can do to seek redress is carry out suicide bombings against them.Why don’t they protest any injustice they felt? Why can’t they sit down to dialogue and resolve any problem?

Though it may be true in some cases that those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable,it is not so for real muslims who should always do everything to avoid violence at all times and situations.We are not people of the world but of God and so should not make any mundane thing a do or die matter.

I urge genuine believers in God not to be alienated from the religion of their Lord,Islam,because of these few bad eggs.Islam is not at all the way they are portraying it.It is true that they may be drawing their inspirations from some previous muslims but I can say with certainty that Islam means peace not violence.Let anybody objectively look at the time of Prophet Muhammed (peace be on him),there was no violence except wars that were imposed on them and when they had to defend themselves.All the past muslims that they may be drawing inspirations from,lived after Prophet Muhammed had gone so he was not responsible for their evil deeds.Prophet Muhammed was never a violent person and so should any good muslims be.

I feel sad everyday whenever I hear of killings here and there especially in muslim countries and I wonder the kind of muslims that they are.I want to say emphatically again that Islam means peace not violence and people should stop looking at these evil-doers who carry out violence as muslims,they are really not.

People also complain about Sharia that it is too harsh.I want them to know that Allah has not imposed anything on us,but asked us to do things that are only good for us and we can’t be wiser than Our Creator.However,I want to say that Sharia is not a rigid thing that cannot be adapted to any situation or time.It is not wholly Allah’s command,because apart from Qur’an & Hadith,there are other two sources that make up Sharia and which can be changed.

I want to assure everybody that there is nothing to fear about Islam,it is the religion of Our Creator,God Almighty,and which I know with all certainty that all believers in One God would do sooner or later after they have been convinced.Though I don’t yet want any undue attention,I want the world to know however,that I am a person that is very sure about Our Creator,the Almighty God and that I am far from guessing.

5- Love God To Like Yourself.(Sat,29-9-2007).

People of the world,I have told you that God has created only two people,believers in Him and non-believers.And that for believers,Islam is your religion.Again,I urge you not to hesitate to study and embrace it wholeheartedly.Really,there is no problem with Islam only with some practitioners of it,let genuine believers enter the religion and help reform the bad ones.And know that if you do it,you don't do anyone any favour but yourself.I swear that if you could see any of the Prophets of God like Abraham,Moses,Jesus or Muhammed (peace be on them) today,they would confirm to you what I am saying.

And truly,what I'm saying would soon become obvious (when even those who confidently declare that they are atheists now would want to be seen as believers) but I always wish that believers could know what I am already absolutely sure of.

And matters of faith is not something that believers can afford to play with,it is more important than anything one can think of.We must love God,be His servant,have no other wish except His,and which is when we can truly become one with Him.

We made mistake thinking that God is separate from us,rather,He is within us as we are within Him.And an important truth is that one cannot love himself except he likes God.It is only by doing God's bidding that one can really help himself,you harm yourself unknowingly by avoiding God.

And the freedom we have is meant to be a trial for us because when we die,we would realise that only God has power and that nobody can do anything outside of Him.

So believers,please love God and obey His commands,know that this world is only a place of work,to rest small and go home,the first home being the grave,and the final paradise.God has made me to understand that there is no joy in this world that is comparable to that of the grave for believers,not to talk of that of the paradise.You waste everything by indulging in some of the good things of this world which distract you from serving God.

In reaction to some people's comment about the Qur'an,I want to say that it's revelation was the best thing to have happened to the world,please study how it was revealed carefully and objectively and you would know that no book on earth could be compared to it,it may not be yet understood,but I swear that it is completely perfect and 100% words of the Almighty God.

Qur'an has been revealed to last till the end of the world and our life in this world has two phases,so Qur'an has two meanings,to every verse of it,there are two meanings,one is already known,the other completely unknown now.When the time of salvation comes,you will then know that it is like Qur'an was revealed primarily for that time than now.For example,when God says in a verse of the Qur'an that "and fighting is good for you"inter alia,He did not mean the kind of violent fighting that you do now.So let all muslims who do not understand such verses desist from hiding under it's pretext to carry out violence.It is completely ungodly and unislamic to kill others the way you do now,please stop it forthwith,don't ignore my voice,it matters if you know.And let me add also that some aggrieved "muslims"who are bent on destroying America for example,should stop it,if you do,you harm the whole world as her economy is pivotal to all other economies of the world,also don't 'wipe out' Israel.Live and
let live,they are creatures of God like yourselves,let's sit down like brothers that we are from God and resolve any problem through dialogue.

Earlier muslims who carried out violence surely did not know that fighting or killing of selves in the Qur'an does not mean the physical killing of others that they did then.Reason why no such killing happened during the time of Prophet Muhammed (pboh).I understand what I'm saying far more than I can explain it now.So fellow muslims,please stop all these killings and violence happening in your countries,be shining examples to all,help prove to the world that Islam means peace and not violence.

Finally,let me ask the powers of the world to please help make this world peaceful by being just and fair to all and sundry.Know that if you truly uphold justice and fairness,everyone will enjoy and there would be less tension in the world.I urge you to quickly look inwards,make amends where necessary and make the world peaceful and enjoyable to all.A good news is that God is coming very soon to help us achieve a happiness never experienced before.

6- There Are Two Jesus.(Tue,9-10-2007).

People of the world, know that there is only One Being Who is the Almighty God, nothing else exists with Him, everything exists only within Him. Nothing at all to compare with Him. He created everything from Himself and into Himself so that He encompasses all.He had created and destroyed many beings before us and nobody knows what He would do after us. He promised that all believers would live forever in paradise and nonbelievers in hell but the truth is that nobody will know when He would put an end to the present creation to put up another one.

Though He had deliberately made some believers and others unbelievers,He was not unjust as everybody would willingly do whatever he would be rewarded for in the end. And moreover, He had created us from two different sources like light and darkness where He would only return us to eventually and both sources are from Him so that there would be no difference between believers and non-believers in the end, only we won't live to see that. What we would see forever is that believers would continue to enjoy in paradise and disbelievers suffer in hell.

Let me say something about salvation, Christians thought it has happened before, I say no with all certainty, the death of Jesus that you know,that is, Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him) on the cross was only a mock of salvation not the real salvation.

The death of salvation is not a physical death but a kind of death you don't know now. It is true that Jesus, son of Mary was killed on the cross and rose up to appear to his people few days later, but note that there was nothing so spectacular about it, he did not suffer at all on the cross, God would not allow that, reason why he was asking God to forgive his killers while being killed, he surely couldn't have done that if he was suffering.

And note that salvation does not mean that somebody has died or will die for your sins so that you should stop sinning.Original salvation will only open the door of paradise closed after Adam and salvation again will let you get the fullest reward of your good deeds in paradise. Without salvation, no one can enter paradise.

I know many secrets about the salvation which I cannot disclose now but I want the world to know that there are two Jesus, one you already know, the other you don't, and that it is the latter that would bring about the salvation, nobody else can do it.

To explain the two Jesus, Christians use to say God the father, the son and the holy spirit, the father being the Almighty God, the son, Jesus,son of Mary while the holy spirit is the Jesus that you don't know. He is a special creation of God who exists at all times in reality but physically only whenever God wants him - he is thus different from all other creatures of God which exist both physically and in reality at all times. God use to "assemble" this Jesus only whenever He needs him.In the Qur’an, the Jesus you know is known as Jesus, son of Mary while the other Jesus, the realJesus Christ is Ruh Qudus or Holy Spirit or God's Spirit - Ruhulaha.He would bring about the salvation when it is time and which is very near, but it would only be the beginning as all other Prophets of God would come later after him to follow his footsteps in carrying out salvation with their people.Later, there would be the Day of Judgement culminating in the people going to paradise or hell.

Again, I don't yet want any attention but be sure that I am far from guessing. And some of what I told you like all believers in the world willingly accepting Islam, unprecedented great happiness in the world, and the beginning of salvation will happen in my time, God has assured me.

And some people already fear the Antichrist, know that he won't come until after you have known the Real Christ and salvation has began,and know that Christ means the Saviour.When this Christ appears, nobody, especially believers ( Muslims,Christians, etc) would doubt him, be rest assured that no one would be able to impersonate him. And even later in life when the Antichrist comes, believers then would easily know him.

7- Re-There Are Two Jesus.(Fri,26-10-2007).

People don't know what salvation is and that's why they could believe that it has happened before.The most important thing about it is that it cannot be done by anybody that was born.Jesus of Nazareth (peace be on him) was born before,reason why he couldn't have started salvation.

Here let me ask you to be relaxed with me,I am competent in saying what I write,I've made some remarkable statements before which not just anybody can say,so believers especially should be patient with me and wait till when God would make me public.

The only creation of God that could start salvation is the Jesus that you don't know,the real Jesus Christ (peace be on him).The former Jesus is known mainly by two names in the Qur'an viz: Jesus son of Mary or simply Son of Mary while the other Jesus is by four namely:Jesus,Messiah,Messiah son of Mary,or Messiah Jesus son of Mary.His sonship of Mary however,is not biological,it is a kind of birth you don't know now.

He has appeared several times on the earth planet before but never as a resident.Now that he would start salvation,he has to be well known and resident on earth.But he is a person that won't be born by anybody,he would only be 'assembled' by God,how this would happen,wait till then.

Again,I'm not guessing,I know what I am saying very well but it is only difficult at times to reveal God's secrets.For example I use to marvel at the way people have misconstrued many things genuinely said by the last two prophets,Jesus son of Mary and Muhammed (peace be on them)

Finally,note that the two Jesus are not extra ordinary beings,they are just prophets of God,God alone is the Extra Ordinary and Most wonderful.So stop thinking that anybody is particularly God in human flesh.It is true that our body is His Temple on earth but that does not make us anything apart from Him.God only makes any of His creation whatever He wants and so He alone is worthy of being praised,you can only love and respect prophets and men of God,please stop exceeding boundaries.

In reaction to somebody who said there would always be Christians and Muslims and that there is noway all believers could embrace Islam.Yes,it is true that Qur'an recognises Christians and Jews as People of the Book(Nasara and Yahudi),but I want to say that you don't yet know the People of the Book mentioned there,they would be within Islam.

And these Christians and Jews are not necessarily the Christians and Jews of today.They are the people that would first experience salvation which I am almost sure have geographical boundary.

8- Pls Stop Being Disconnected.(Sun,11-11-2007).

 Again, I want to state that God had deliberately made only two people,believers and non-believers. Some are still wondering why God could deliberately do that, the reason is that nothing can happen if God had not planned it. For example, there would be no believer if He had not made some to be so, same with unbelievers. And He had to do this for life to be meaningful. If He had wanted, all of us could have been believers or unbelievers. However it has to be said that God likes good,He only allows bad to also happen for things to balance out.

Now, I want to tell you that God does not treat the two people the same way because of their nature. He is usually very generous with disbelievers on earth while believers have to endure. Believers have faith so they can be patient, disbelievers don’t have, they want instant enjoyment. So God would reward unbelievers instantly for any good they do, making this world their own paradise but in the hereafter they would have nothing.

For believers, God would want to help them save their good deeds to be enjoyed later so that He usually gives them basic needs.But this may not be so obvious as we do come to this world several times and God sometimes do let believers also enjoy exceedingly in this world.The most observable difference is that believers are not as free as non-believers.

And like I had said before, believers should always use any surplus they have to serve God and humanity and hope in God for His later reward. There is no joy in this world that can be compared to that of the grave let alone that of the paradise for believers.In the grave we would enjoy God Himself and not the material things of this world and which can be better, the created things or the Creator?

And believers, the time to enjoy your good deeds is not far, how many years do we live on earth before we die to go to our first home, the grave. Whichever way our life is terminated there is nobody that won’t be woken up in the grave and at that time, all the people (friends,family and the world) that you fear to please instead of God won’t be
there with you, it would be you alone with your Lord. At that time, you would wish you had spent your life on earth differently, so be warned now.

I swear that there is nothing in this life that’s more enjoyable than God. Love God, He would give you joy and contentment that the most affluent cannot buy. And when you get to the grave, you will be rich in God and have plenty to enjoy. Those who don’t believe in God will have nothing in their graves except suffering.

I know it is difficult for people to really believe in God, many who say they do, are just paying lip service, real believers are few right now.They are people who love God, and others derive happiness and joy from them, they don’t do good because of anything they want from people in return, just to please their Lord. They are happy when they can make others happy, not their family members alone but including people they don’t even know.

And let me tell you about something that has made it difficult for people to believe in God and be patient with Him, it is one thing that you like to do, and which you do very often and which God hates. If you ask people not to do it, its like you want to ‘kill’ them,though I don't want to kill anyone but I'd better tell you that it is your committing of adultery and fornication. When you do this, you instantly get disconnected from God and you find believing in Him or even mentioning Him foolish and naive, you become wiser than God. You will be suspended and remain so, as long as you do it, making it difficult for you to have genuine faith,it is the worst enemy of believers,nothing can be more dangerous.

I am not guessing, God told me, it may be allowed tomorrow but today it is a sin, please avoid it and do the legitimate one.If you do the right one,apart from the joy derived,you also get heavenly rewards ,and reason why it is a sin to do the one forbidden.Women are therefore very important,they need to be well educated and God fearing, they are the hidden controllers of our world.

And believers, whoever you are and from wherever in the world, start imbibing what I have said so far, if you don’t you will only be wasting your time because God has put inside of any believer something that would make him/her believe in God no matter what,it is the absence of that thing in a non-believer that won’t make him/her believe eventually.

So if you will believe, why not now, though a good news is that when the person to lead us into the next life appears, he would come with great powers that will help believers to willingly and happily do the right thing but whoever has been enlightened now would be happier then. And again, don’t doubt me, I don’t write on my own volition, God is the One driving me, and I cannot fail, you will never find out later that I am a liar, anyone trying to do something on his own cannot be so confident.

I won't end this write-up without saying this:to make the world safer,why can't the United Nations be more democratic,empowered to be able to play the role of world policeman? I wish that no country in the world be allowed to keep these deadly nuclear weapons let alone seek to have it.Democratic principles being preached by the West is a very good thing,I wish all countries in the world embrace it so that they can relate very well.Religious countries should note that in every country,there are believers and non-believers,both should be allowed to live their lifes unhindered and according to the rule of law.

9- Tell Anybody About Me.(Thur,29-11-2007).

 Believers from across the world,let whoever amongst you that are reading my blog be bold enough to inform any other believer in the world,pass on the information,they are very correct and nothing can change them.Especially: that your religion is Islam,there has never been any salvation before,there are two Jesus,there is life after death (before
the day of judgement),we do come to this world more than once in our present life (before that of salvation),nothing can change all these,nobody either on earth or in heaven can change them,they are real facts.

Seize the opportunity that you have to read from me direct,it is good to be humble,but some things have to be said for people to be really rest assured.Know that your contact with me is like that with the Almighty God,I will be rightly guided by Him and will never mislead.I have a connection with Him,the type of which nobody else can have so long as I live,I am 100% sure.

Though I am like a nonentity now,but I have discovered myself,God has told me who I am and what I was before so that I am not new, and He has given me an authority which will soon manifest.I am not just praying to be somebody,nothing can change what God has already made me and which everyone including non- believers will rejoice at when I'm made public.

Here,let me urge everyone to have strong faith in God that you can discover yourself,nobody is new on earth now,all of us had come before,God had stopped creating new persons more than one thousand years ago when He informed Prophet Muhammed (peace be on him) that he was the last prophet to be chosen by Him.The Jesus that has never been resident on the earth before is also not new,I wish I can disclose everything I know about him but just wait a little while.

While I congratulate those who are already imbibing what I have said,I want to let those who don't to know that I bear no grudge or resentment against them.Anybody should be free to believe or do whatever he/she likes so long its within the ambit of the law promulgated by any democratic government.Religious countries should not deny non-believers,this world is their own paradise,let them enjoy it.Believers will even get more reward if they can tolerate non-believers and yet be able to hold on tightly to their faith in God.

I mentioned women last time,again,note that you are very important,believers amongst you should fear God and help our world,God will bless you greatly.Societies differ and God recognises that,so that what a woman can do in a particular environment,God may frown at it in another society.This thing is logical and we know it ourselves,so
women,please fear God,you have a very great impact on our lifes.It is my belief that women should especially be catered for, they should have special privileges that would encourage them to willingly help our societies.

On the relaunched peacetalks between Israel and the Palestine,it is a very good thing,thanks to President George W.Bush of America for the initiative.There is nothing as good as dialogue,they should never have fought before.Now,I wish the Palestinians will be so magnanimous to accept anything Israel is ready to offer and wait for great blesings from Allah.Please and please never fight again and let bygones be bygones,God hates violence,the only time a believer can fight till death is when he's asked not to worship his God,and I don't think Israel has ever done that before.All mundane problems can be resolved through dialogue,it is non-believers who take such things as do or die matter.

And let Hamas threatening President Mahmoud Abbas know that the Almighty Allah is on his side,please stop your in-fighting.You should together reach agreement with Israel and that is when Allah will really bless you greatly.

10-  COMMENT. (Sat,1-12-2007).

The nature of the authority I have from the Almighty God is such that whoever disobeys me will be disowned by his/her Prophet.For instance,Christians will be disowned by the Jesus they believed in if they disobey me,likewise Muslims by Prophet Muhammed if they don't obey me,I swear by the Almighty God.And I will add that:May the curse of the Almighty God be upon me(Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) if I am lying,Amen.

Now Christians,Muslims,Jews and indeed all believers in the Almighty God from all over the world should have no excuse from believing in me.



11- Only Because I love You.(Thur,14-2-2008).

 People of the world,God has not yet made me public when it would be mandatory for me to guide you but meanwhile let me write these few words to further help you.

Somehow,I have told you who I am,I am a person that know God very well,I am far from guessing,I know Him more than anybody who had only read Books on God,revealed or written ones and so I can confidently write about Him.

Again,note that there are only two people:believers and non-believers in God,for believers,Islam is their religion.If you are doing any other religion,I am 100% sure that you are wasting your time and you will have yourself to blame later.Your situation is different from those of the past, God knew before that you will do what you have been doing,but now, He will guide you,so quickly accept guidance.

I can afford to keep quiet for now but I love you and would want you to do the right thing.I have no ulterior motive,just to help and guide you.If you believe,good for your own sake,if you don't,God will not punish me for your faults,everybody will be responsible for whatever he/she willingly do by himself/herself.

Though this write-up is meant to focus on Christians,Muslims also have their shortcomings.For example,those that carry out violence should stop it,its very hateful to God,He likes peace,believers are like strangers on earth,they don't take mundane matters as do or die at all,suicide bombings is a great sin,nobody seeking God's favour should ever contemplate doing it.

Muslims, the world over,learn to dialogue with people try and explain yourselves clearly always rather than fighting.If people take to your reasoning,good,if not, be patient and pray to God to help you.I wish that you practise Sharia that is understandable,you can't do sharia exactly as it was done during the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (peace be on him),times are changing,we must move with time which of course, does not mean that we condone any immorality or heresy.

For Christians,I would want that you stop reading the Bible,read Qur'an instead,you can't be absolutely sure about the Bible,the,Qur'an,however,is 100% words of the Almighty God,may He destroy me if I am lying.I remember that God told me directly in 1993 when having informed me in 1991 that He would send me to the whole world,not to read Bible so that I won't be confused.There is nothing important in the Bible that is not in the Qur'an and moreover Qur'an is the latest of all Books on God and which would last till the end of the world.

Christians,believe in the Almighty God alone and worship Him,only love Jesus of Nazareth like you should do for any Prophet of God,don't worship him,he is not the same at all as the Almighty God,he is a creature of God like you and any other Prophet of God,stop ascribing what is not his to him.Here,I pray again that the Almighty God destroy me(Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) if I am lying.Don’t be carried away by the special nature of his birth,why don't you wonder at how Adam came into being,the Almighty God does whatever He likes with His creation and He alone is Most Wonderful and should be worshipped.

I swear to God that Jesus,son of Mary hates your not yet doing Islam,for there is nothing like Christianity religion with the Almighty God,especially as you have it done today.Stop wasting your time,embrace Islam immediately,it is the religion of your Creator,the Almighty God.Don't say Christianity has been the religion of your fathers and
forefathers and you would want to continue or because of your large numbers worldwide,know that it is time for you to do the right thing,don't wait till when somebody with great powers will come to explain further and help you do it.There are many good muslims around,anywhere that you are in the world,who can guide you,don't let the actions of the few misguided muslims distract you,also read books on Islam and begin to practise it.

Again,please and please,don't hesitate,there is nothing to wait for,matters of faith is more important than anything,you can't afford to procrastinate.I know that to most of you,its like I am daydreaming to expect you to change so suddenly or to even imagine that you will ever change.But I am absolutely sure that all believers that would enter
paradise will do Islam sooner or later,no other way,and nobody will force anyone.

I'd had contact with your Jesus (son of Mary) and all the most important known Prophets of God before and nobody will come to tell you anything different.If anybody is saying anything that is different,the person is not yet guided.I have listened and heard some of the most outspoken Christian leaders in my area here in Nigeria on television and I used to laugh when they speak authoritatively about Jesus i.e the son of Mary or the Almighty God and I tell myself that later when they know the real truth,they too will laugh at themselves.

12-  Further Comment. (Wed,12-3-2008).

 People of the world,your condition is pathetic,it's like everybody is groping in the dark but one thing is sure,you may not know it,but I know and though I've told you,I will further tell you.The Almighty God has chosen someone in my humble self to lead you,truly I am like a nonentity now but God has chosen me and nothing can change that and it would be better for you if you believe straight away.

To further tell you who I am,the Almighty God gave me an authority since 22/10/1993 and the nature of the authority is such that whoever is on this earth planet must obey me to qualify as a believer in the Almighty God.Though this may not be effective until He made me public to all of you when I am sure everyone will like to listen to me-believers and non-believers alike,but I like to tell you beforehand and for you to be blessed even before then if you take heed.

Believe in me,whoever you are and from wherever in the world,there is no alternative for all believers in God,even if any of the past Prophets and Messengers of God were to be on earth now,he will be bound to believe in me and follow me.That is,if any of Prophets:Muhammed,Abraham,Moses,David,Solomon,Jesus of Nazareth and all of the
others were to be on earth now,he won't have any other choice but to follow me,that is the authority I have from the Almighty God.And to this,I swear and pray that the Almighty God destroy me (Hamid AdigunTiamiyu) if I am lying or telling you what I am not sure about.

So what else are you waiting for? While non-believers can do whatever they like,believers should never procrastinate in matters of faith especially when your condition is pitiful as it is now.Islam is your religion,embrace it without hesitation,stop fornication and committing of adultery,it is a major destroyer,it is far worse than terrorism which
we all fear now.I know most people do it nowadays,some will even consider me naive to mention it but if you know the implication of doing it,you will prefer to die than committing the fornication or adultery.I may not be able to tell you whether it would be allowed tomorrow or not,but today it is a great sin.Once you do it,you get disconnected from God,Satan will take over your control and so it is the devil that is controlling the world today,free yourself from him now and you will see that to do good will be easier.

You think that the world is okay now,but you don't know that your situation is very bad,all that you care for is your economic wellbeing forgetting the more important,the spiritual.Nowadays,one can hardly distinguish between believers and non-believers which should not be so.This world is the paradise of non-believers,believers have to work
here for their own paradise and I swear that anyone will prefer to suffer in this world if that is what will make him/her enjoy when he/she dies.In your grave you will use God Himself for your sustenance and not the material things of this world so that no joy in this world can be compared to that in the grave.But those who don't believe in God may have nothing in their graves,and let me tell you that this grave is not the ones you dug for your deads so that even if you are cremated,you will have it.

And like I said before which can be better,God,the Creator or what He creates? And don't you see that all that we call joy in this world are deceitful things,they are not lasting,believe in God and have permanent joy.

13- More About The Real Jesus Christ.(Fri,4-4-2008).

When Adam sinned, himself and none of his progenies can open the door of paradise that was shut after him and his wife,Eve. Jesus of Nazareth (peace be on him) cannot then be our saviour because he was also a progeny of Adam.

I have told you that we have two lifes to live on earth, the first being the time of believing in God started with Adam and the second, salvation will begin with Jesus. So the Jesus is comparable to Adam as stated in the Qur'an, both are our progenitors, however, while Jesus Christ will never be a progeny of Adam, Adam must be his progeny to enter paradise again. He will open the door that was closed after Adam and everybody must follow his footsteps to be able to be saved and qualify to enter paradise.

However, entering paradise is not everything, but what you will have there and which will be determined by your good deeds on earth is very important.So the Christian notion of no one else can be pure,only believe in somebody to be saved is laughable.It is true that you must believe in somebody but then you have to work hard for whatever you will get in your grave and later in paradise,Prophets of God only provide enabling environment for believers to achieve success.

And that there are two Jesus,I had said it before:I am not guessing at all,God had shown me and no one on this earth can disprove it.This and all what I'd said before are in the Qur'an, but surprisingly some muslims also don't believe in me because they are yet to know.And I would have explained by quoting verses from the Qur'an if I had time,but unfortunately I am the busiest person in the world.If you know what I go through everyday to be able to bear the message that God is sending me with to the world,you will be very grateful that I could still write the few things I had done.

That we will have to come to this world several times to be able to achieve what God intended with our first creation is in the Qur'an.In this first life,God had sent Prophets and Messengers to tell people about Himself,our Creator,the Almighty God.Some had believed while others rejected and the last Prophet (Prophet Muhammed) had come and gone.Now the second life will begin during my lifetime with Jesus.This will be salvation,and let me tell you that the salvation will not be for anybody who wants it but only for those who had believed in the first life.At that time,everybody will want to be saved,but it will be impossible for those who never believed in God before,and probably the frustration of the unbelievers will bring about the advent of the Antichrist later.

And only God knows those who are real believers,not those saying it by their mouths but they will be proven at salvation.And this salvation is something you will do and see physically not by mere confession.

14- Why You Must Fear God. (Sat,3-5-2008).

Believers,you need to fear God,you are not like the unbelievers who can afford to do whatever they like,and fearing God is not for God's sake but for yourself.There are two Guides for any person on earth,God or the Devil(Satan) that was created by God Himself.God did this to serve as a trial for man,so if you are not guided by God,the devil will automatically be your mentor,you can never be neutral.

Everybody wants to be guided by God and everyone is always quick to say that he/she is under His control,but it is not by any wishful thinking.To be guided by God,it is a sine qua non (i.e. required) that you fear Him,the more you fear Him (by doing His wish),the more and the easier He guides you aright.And you know what it entails to fear God? A lot of self denials,most importantly you have to avoid fornication or committing of adultery but most people can't do this,they say their God is not harsh.It is true that God doesn't want hardship for anyone but it is just a fact that you can't move near God except you fear Him,there is no other way.

Once you are indulgent and lazy in obeying God's command,satan is there to quickly take over your control,no one can escape from him,not even the Prophets of God-reason why they are always strict in the observance of God's commands  or injunctions and avoidance of His dislikes.And of course,that's the only way they can be one with God feeling Him within themselves and dwelling in Him with joy,their happiness is in doing God's wish,nothing else can make them happier.But most people today derive their joy in doing what God hates,they can't imagine a life without fornication or adultery,for example.

And the evil of being under the devil's control is that you won't know when all your good deeds will be destroyed,Satan will lead you to doing things that are very hateful to God and which will consequently lead to your spiritual destruction while you know not.Many are contented that afterall they don't commit any major evil,so what would make God consign them to hell but they don't know that there are many seemingly minor sins that could make paradise forbidden to them.

And Christians,I am always particular about you because of your large numbers worldwide,I wonder what your leaders are saying about me.Those of you reading my blog,tell your leaders,particularly his eminence the Pope and the others,ask them to find out for you from the Almighty God about me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) - my pictures are on the internet,let them tell you specifically about me so that you can hold them later by whatever they say.I am a very truthful person,and I stand firmly by all that I had written in my blog and always remember something I said in one of my postings that I cannot fail and that you will never find out later that I am a liar.

Islam is the religion of all believers,so that if you are not doing it,quickly embrace it,otherwise you will be wasting your time,no one will force anyone,there should never be any compulsion in religion,but it would soon be obvious,then you will blame yourself for the delay.I swear that Jesus of Nazareth(peace be on him) is coming again but he won't be born as a Christian so that he wouldn't have to convert.Samething with all those who had gone before,they will come back to do Islam and also Salvation.Though Jesus of Nazareth has the ability to descend from heaven but his next coming will not be that one,that time,he will be born and as a Muslim,I am sure.

Muslims may be uninteresting,unorganized ( in fact, I use to wonder why they always choose old people who are not well educated on all fronts to lead them) but they have in their Qur'an all instructions,every details to attain perfection in God's way.Right now, they may not know most things but they will soon be well guided and the bad image created by the few misguided will be corrected,I assure you all,by God's grace.

15- On Peace In The World. (Thur,5-6-2008).

I want to state again that,let there be a truly democratic United Nations,fully empowered to control all countries in the world,the present world arrangement is not sustainable,there is injustice in it.One thing God hates and of course, which I also do, seriously, is injustice.

On nuclear issue for example,what are the nuclear power countries doing with their nuclear arsenals? Why can they keep theirs while others must not have it? That's injustice,they say they are holding it as deterrent,what makes others not do so for the same purpose,probably if Iraq had been a nuclear power too,America and her allies would have been more patient to invade her in 2003.

Since all countries in the world cannot have it,let no one have it,and moreover a truly democratic UN is better positioned to police the world than any single country or a selected few or those calling themselves allies.But I should also urge those who may be secretly  trying to have it not to do so,don’t say because some already had it you will go ahead and  acquire it at all cost,at least, a world body,the IAEA,has been authorized to prevent that.

But doesn't the US for example,realise that she can't effectively control the world? You can't at all because you have allies and you are liable to being biased.Moreover,no sovereign country usually will want another to dictate to it on what it should or should not do,such efforts will always be fruitless and dangerous as it will only embolden criminals.

Now that a new administration is being elected in the most powerful country,the US,whoever is chosen should change from the past,work hard to see a more democratic,powerful UN which all countries of the world can submit to.When there is only one effective leader,there is bound to be orderliness and peace.And note that it will also be in your own interest as the huge money you  spend on securities around the world can now be better utilized at home for your own people and the less privileged in the world. And consequently, you will be more loved,and you will see all countries in the world willingly acknowledging your greatness.

Though I am like a nonentity now,but God is sending me to the world to bring about peace and justice and to let the world know His correct religion.I am a very very peaceful person who usually will not want to hurt a fly let alone any person,but I have to tell the world that I don't fear anybody or country,and I will achieve what God is sending me to the world to do,no one will be able to stop me and why would any good person or country try to do that anyway?

I hate war and I like peace and peace around the world,I wish there could be no single war in the world,and I believe that it is possible.Why can't all matters be resolved through dialogue? People should note that no one can have everything,so,there should always be compromise in resolving issues.


I am not saying that Iran or any other country for that matter be allowed to have nuclear weapons but to those of you having it,YOUR CONTINUED HOLDING ON TO IT IS A DANGER,as it will always be an inspiration for others to at least secretly want to have it.


Personally,I wish to stop writing till when the Almighty God will make me public to all of you( which will surely happen very soon as He had decreed it ),but if He deliberately asked me to do so again,I will,insha Allah.
Two reasons for this,one,I always find it difficult to write now and two,I think I have succeeded in letting you know about what God intends to do with me.
Finally,I want to state again that I stand firmly by what I had written and that I am ABSOLUTELY sure that WHOEVER is a believer in God and has read my blog and does not yet believe in me  is wasting time and will blame himself/herself later for the delay.

16-  Re-More About The Real Jesus Christ. (Sun,29-6-2008).

I had said it before,I will say it again now, that Jesus of Nazareth (peace be on him) is not the same as the Almighty God,Christians,stop ascribing to him what is not his.He is a creature of God like any of us and  a Prophet and of course,one of the 25 most important Prophets.These Prophets are all named in the Qur'an,you need to know them by heart for they are really important.Why they are very important is a secret of God which I cannot disclose publicly to the world that has both believers and non-believers mingled together.And although he (Jesus of Nazareth) has something special amongst the 25 prophets but that does not even make him the most important in their midst,this I am 100% sure about,don't doubt me.

Now I am baffled and I begin to wonder what makes some Christians different from idol worshippers,imagine an important,respected Christian leader in my area in Nigeria saying 'Oh Jesus you are mighty God',this is not right at all,there is noway you can pinpoint any particular creature of God and call him/her or it God,the Almighty God is far and far beyond that,stop making this ridiculous mistake,NO ONE THAT YOU CAN SEE PHYSICALLY IN THIS WORLD CAN EVER BE GOD!,so no Jesus will ever be God Almighty.

Actually,I don't know whether I can reveal this secret of God but I will because I am perfectly and totally sure that it is true,the saviour of mankind is a person,a Prophet of God well known before who lived after Noah but before Jesus of Nazareth was born,this person is different from all creatures of God in that he had been endowed with two different souls,one he was born with,the other is given to him as and at when God wants,it is never born, himself has no control over it,but the Almighty God alone.

This other soul which is the real Jesus Christ has never lived on this earth before though he had appeared several times and at different occasions before. Whenever God wants to use him,He assembles him and make him physical and will be completely different from the other personality which he can also be but like I said earlier he himself has no control over it except the Almighty God.

And let me warn everyone to be careful about this,it is a secret of the Almighty God,I wish I can explain better,I have some impediments now,but be patient as God will very very soon make me public.

As the last word,I want to say that in writing this and what I had done before,I don't fear anybody and I don't have to,because it is the truth that I am sure about,I am far from guessing.And again my name is Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu from Ibadan,Oyo State,Nigeria,e mail address, ..


And to help the Christians, I swear that you know very little about the entire life of Jesus of Nazareth,even the circumstances of his birth was made hidden to you,but you don't need to know everything if you truly follow God and believe in all His Prophets before you are well guided.Believe what I had written so far,they are real truths and again I pray that the greatest curse of the Almighty God be upon me(Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) if I am a deceitful person.

17- Pls Stop Your Attacks. (Wed,13-8-2008).

Some people have always been on my watch on the internet,they disable my antivirus,antispyware to break into my system,they steal information,most importantly make my browsing almost impossible.Though I have limited internet access and also very little time,despite that  anytime I'm logged on,they are sure to attack me.Please stop this,I wonder why you do that,I am a pretty clean person and I have no ulterior motive on the internet,I wish those in authority can help track down the internet criminals.The followings are their IP Addresses:


And to you believers,if I don't write,it's not because I am afraid or retreating but for the two reasons I stated earlier.Hold on tightly to the little I had said, they are real truths and what I call myself,I see and  feel it everyday since 22/10/1993,the fact that it's taking too long for it to happen does not mean that it won't happen,it will surely one day,let no one have any slight doubt.

And to the Christians,the irony of it is that it was a Christian soothsayer whom God first told about me in 1977,no one knew the man before,he seemed to have appeared from nowhere,and he told my parents when they called me too,that later in life God would make me important and that I will have great influence in the world and that they should take great care  of me.After he had left,I used to think that maybe I would be very rich and being always a good person,I determined from then that I must use the wealth to help people greatly in life.

It was later after school and national service in 1991 when I was deeply involved in some prayers which took me about 40 days that God asked me to go to an important muslim woman whom you will soon know.The woman told me exactly what the Christian soothsayer said 14 years earlier,but again after more prayers and fasting and in confinement (khalwa),God made me discover my real self and consequently gave me the work I have been doing ever since.

From that time (1991) till date I  have lived mainly in confinement for God as directed by Him and this work that I do,the result will be of immense help to all and sundry especially Believers and even till the end of the world.It has been very strenuous,very hard and difficult,nothing can be more tasking and painful to the extent that I can almost say that no Prophet of God had ever suffer that much on faith and strong belief in God Almighty before,the duration is insignificant compared to what I go through everyday.

.When I come out I will  tell you the nature of what I do,but to put it simply,God has been using me privately to wrest power from satan,which he uses to control the world.I assure you that when I finish you will see how easy it would be for people to really believe in God,now most people are deceiving themselves when they say they have strong faith in God.Search your mind and see where your faith and trust lie and what you do privately when you are in need.Also,you believe more in common sense than in God and work almost exclusively for your bodies’ desires at the expense of the more important spiritual.

People thought that I was daydreaming when I called myself what I said that I am,far from it,in fact what I do,NO ONE can do it except you are compelled by God and enabled spiritually by Him to do it,I'm not fantasizing,no one will willingly accept to do it,that is, be in my shoes, judging by what I had gone through in the past 17 years,I never even had time to think about the grandeur of the position.

And don’t say that mine is different,all the Prophets of God are with me at least in the spirit and I swear that I've had contact with all the most important ones (25) before, especially on the night of Friday 22/10 /1993 when the Almighty God gave me the authority which I have.The Prophets are all the same bearing the message of the only one GOD,disbelieving in one of them is tantamount to rejecting all the others and consequently disbelief in God Almighty.

18- You Need To Note This. (Sat,30-8-2008).

Yes, God would want me to tell you this, that Islam is not a religion formed by His Prophet and servant, Muhammed (peace be on him), rather Himself named the religion Islam (Qu. 5 v 3), it is thus the religion of all Believers in the Almighty God. Moreover, what most people don't realise is that the religion of God has always been the same right from the beginning of man's existence on earth. It was only perfected during the time of the last Prophet (Muhammed, PBOH).

The religion of Believers has ever been to have faith in God, the day of Judgement, to believe in God's Angels and the Prophets with Books revealed from God through them. The only thing which is usually different is the detailed code of conduct or the canons comprising of ways and mode of worship, the standards of behaviour and laws that prescribe and judge between right and wrong.

So all the Prophets had the same religion but each of them had different Sharia or canon law, however the final Sharia is the one brought by Prophet Muhammed. But however, this Sharia as we have it today is again subject to revisions as it must move with time, its never meant to be static. Also the Sharia takes its root from Qur'an, ( there are other 3 sources),and the Qu'an  will soon have a completely different meaning as it has two different interpretations, one for each of our two lifes on earth. Another important point is that when a new Prophet comes, believers in the previous Prophet(s) must pledge their allegiance and loyalty to the new one and believe in him as he would only update the knowledge of God with them.

It's like people pledging their allegiance to a new president or government, anybody who wants to hold on to the previous government would be deemed as a rebel, not even the past presidents can disobey the new one talkless of the people who believed in them. So when Jesus of Nazareth came, followers of Moses (Jews) ought to surrender and believe in him likewise when Prophet Muhammed came, Christians ought to believe in him. Muslims are thus the correct people in faith, they believe in all the previous Prophets as well as their own. The problem of Muslims today is their lack of a leader to occupy Prophet Muhammed's left throne, the position is not supposed to be vacant, its like they are not connected to God Almighty for they have allowed a vacuum to subsist. And that's why they may have nothing to show for it that they are the only correct believers in God.

What they took for granted was Prophet Muhammed's last words that so long as they hold on tightly to Quran and Hadith they will never go astray but they forgot that Quran and Hadith per se cannot direct them as anybody can interprete them anyhow. Added to this, is a very great problem of muslims, many of them worship with their bodies and not with their hearts, making their hearts as hard as stones, such don't really believe in God, reason for their violence.

Believers must have a strong leader and who MUST be obeyed by all of them otherwise, Satan will always come in to mislead them, No one, however strong in faith can lead himself perfectly in the ways of success to God without somebody or a leader to guide him/her through, and leaders themselves must have an overall leader that will connect them and their followers to God Almighty.

Finally and again, I want you to know that there are only two people in this world, Believers and Non-believers in God. And for Believers  today, you will never be doing the right thing until you are connected under one leadership. Though I've told you that God had chosen someone for you but the person hasn't yet appeared, in the meantime, what are you doing?, I am referring to you Jews, Christians, Muslims and indeed all believers in the Almighty God, worldwide.


Don't say you want to appreciate anything I had written but being prevented when I said I don't want attention,it's not that kind you should know.Also,if for any offence committed,I am available anytime,I stand firmly by all that I wrote.

19-  Re-Only Because I Love You. (Sat,4-10-2008).

 Hey people, what is the essence of this world? Have you forgotten or you don't know. To remind you, Adam and Eve (peace be on them) did not really sin against God or themselves but it was a set up. God,initially did not want them to live in the Paradise indefinitely since they could not procreate there,or what would have happened to you and I, their offsprings? And if they  born us there, life would have been uninteresting as everyone will have same things and God would be unjust to give us different things. That's why He decreed that we come to this world to prove ourselves and work for what  we would get in Heaven later.

Everyone was initially endowed by God but one can make or mar the provisions by whatever he does on earth,and it is also a decree of God that no man will have anything except that which he worked for. Here, I should differentiate between Prophets of God and other beings, the Prophets, all have  fixed positions with God which is above any other beings so they must work on earth willy- nilly to qualify for the exalted positions but other beings have some freedom to do whatever they like but surely it is whatever they do that they will be rewarded for in the end.

So this world is a place of work not of enjoyment, it's like you leave your home to go to farm, you don't go there to  play, you must work if you will have food to eat later back home. If you have the opportunity to play while on the farm, can you afford to do it, is it not even better to do your work on the farm and quickly go back home to rest? Home is the place to rest not the farm some people mistakenly compared this world to a market but it is not so, it's only like a farm.

Our initial provision or endowment must be worked upon for one to be in paradise and enjoy there. It is like one's savings in a bank, everyone has an account with God, if one believes in God and does good deeds, his account will multiply manyfolds but if one disbelieves and does evil, his account will be exhausted, become red and be rewarded with Hell later.

Now, if anyone is allowed to withdraw his money and spend it anyhow, will any sensible person  do that?  There is no physical joy that you will have in this world but deducted from your account, the more you choose to enjoy, the less your account. And any joy in this world is always costly and wasteful if sought too much, and it does not even last.

So any reasonable person will choose to enjoy rationally in this world and save his resources by doing good deeds plentifully with it and go back home (when he dies) to enjoy his savings. On the other hand, a foolish person would think that he's lucky if he has much worldly provisions and will spend it anyhow, but later when he dies,he would regret.

Life is full of trials from God, we do come to this world several times and each time, God will test us differently. And like I said ealier,everyone has provisions or account with God, at times God will withdraw somebody's account for him making him rich, He would then watch him to see what he does with it, at other times or with another person, God will help save his provisions for him, only give him basic needs,or even allow some to be poor, but what is certain is that one will never lack basic needs if one believes in God and works hard.  If one believes and doesn't have plenty,he's not unlucky at all, it is actually the wish of God to give believers just basic needs so that they don't think that they are lucky and squander their provisions on earth, while He likes to give unbelievers all their provisions on earth since they won't need it in hell. But in reality, He would test everyone of us with different conditions at different times.

On the reason why believers must have a leader is that they can be guided by God. God will not direct anyone who doesn't have somebody he believes in and obeys completely. If leaders also do not have an overall leader, they won't be guided by God so that they and their followers would be astrayed.

It isn't that God does not want to guide people but because of Satan who will always want to make such guidance useless. God has created Satan and made him wiser than any human being, he also knew many secrets of God which he would want to use to mislead people.And because he is condemned by God he has made it a duty to mislead all of humanity, also because of his knowledge and power there is no one he cannot control except he who fears God and one cannot fear God enough to pass all or the most important tests of God except one has a leader guided by Him who will ask you to do something that you must do to pass, this thing may not be so difficult to know or do but Satan will not let you do it because he knows that once you do it you will be promoted by God and have more power over him.

Therefore, people of the world, especially Believers, are in a terrible spiritual state now, as they don't have a general or topmost leader whom God can guide to direct them. They are failing everyday the many tests of God, and if not for God's kindness they would have destroyed themselves and the world.

 I laugh when I see people making jest of me over what I had written especially some Christians, I laugh because they don't know my resolve, how bold and strong I am, and of course, how sure I am from God. During the time of Abraham (peace be on him) right from when he was a youth he told his people who were all idol worshipers that what they were doing was not right, all of them laughed at him that you small boy telling the whole world then that they were wrong, they asked who taught him and wondered that the religion they had been doing from time immemorial should then be condemned by him, but did he not prevail over them?

Such is the case of a person being sent by God and reason why I said I cannot fail and that you will never find out later that I am a liar.  When I said Islam is the only way for Believers I mean it absolutely and no one will force anybody to believe but your delaying or disbelieve now is just a waste of time on your part,and remember I said Believers will willingly believe no matter what in the end, but imagine how regretful you will be if something you ought to do in the morning you deferred it till the evening.

By the little I had said, its enough for anyone who has genuine faith to believe in me totally. No one had said exactly what I wrote before and God knew that I had told you now, you cannot say you never heard, but only that you don't yet believe. Of course you will be happy and willingly do the right thing when I come out but you are being watched by God and anything you do after you have heard about me matters.Your disbelief now or waiting till I come out is only similar to waiting till you see God Himself before you believe in Him.
 And to clear air on something I wrote earlier, if men will have access to other women apart from their wives later, it will only be strictly a religious affair and not the secret and sinful one that you do now. And from what I had said, if you could be allowed indiscriminate sex now, you should willingly not want to do it because it will be very costly on you. I wrote before that you will prefer to die than to do it had you know the implication because if you die the good deeds you had already done will be intact.But if you continue to sin Satan can lead you to spiritual destruction when all your good deeds will become nought. But no one will not want to do it except he follows Sharia, our body desires will always want to take control over our spirits, so let women dress well and men comport themselves and here,culture matters a lot.

And something is very very important in Islam, that is Salat, other believers don't do it and it is the most important act of worship to show that anyone really believes in God. Anybody can swear that he believes in God but salat is only done by believers. Non-believers who observe it won't be able to do it correctly but if anyone would believe he must do it as required. All acts of worship were given to Prophet Muhammed through Angel Gabriel (peace be on them) except salat, that God sent for him to give him directly.And of the hidden knowledge is that it was Moses (peace be on him) who helped reduced the number of salat from 50 that was initially commanded by God to 5 that we now perform everyday.

And to further let you know how important it is, the authority I have today from the Almighty God was given to me while I was observing the Salat. In the evening of Friday 22/10/1993, I was performing the last of the 5 Salat (Ishai) when in prostration and while supplicating to God, I got transformed and carried to the heavens where I met the other Prophets, their leader (also my leader) was about to lead the same prayer (Ishai) when I entered, he immediately stepped down, took my hand without talking and asked me to lead all of them, I remembered vividly everything that happened there when I woke up about 20 mins later to complete my own salat of that night on earth.And since then the authority which I said I see and feel everyday was conferred on me,again just to further show how important Salat is.

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Angels of God are the 'law enforcement' agents of God and there is no human being but has an angel watching over him.These angels hate any act of disobedience to God,though they may not harm anyone directly but do curse women when they dress provocatively,and this is another reason why they should dress well.And when I said that culture is important,I don't mean that people should only dress in their native or traditional costumes but there are some differences in our cultural BEHAVIOUR which should be taken cognizance of.

Also there are angels of God accompanying us anytime or any moment who do record anything we do,good or bad.They also take note of our thoughts so that when anybody does something and mean another,it is recorded for or against him, i.e.actions will be judged according to intentions.

20- Just To Say Something. (Tue,6-1-2009).

I am touched and greatly surprised by what is happening between the Palestinians and the Israelis.Both of them are condemnable and the world at large is in a pathetic situation,you don't know but I'd said it before,you are groping in the dark,you think your condition is Ok but far from it,some even call themselves civilised world when the opposite is the case.Satan,the devil is far more intelligent than you are but what would be his end,you cannot be wise until you love others exactly like yourselves.

It is true that the Arabs and the Palestines first made a mistake when they waged war on Israel.God in the Qur'an says obey Him,His Prophet and those in authority amongst you,the UN that divided the land between the Jews and the Arabs was the authority the Arabs ignored when instead of complaining to her and seeking dialogue they chosed war.Israel,however was not merciful to pardon them and return the Arabs's seized properties for peace and love of God,ask yourselves wouldn't you have survived if you only had what was given to you initially? After their original mistake,I'm sure the Arabs are willing to make peace with Israel once most of their seized land is returned.

I am a very busy person,it's just that I should say something now,pardon me if I did not write good enough,my genuine intention is more important.However,let me urge the politicians across the world to fear God that you could lead your people well,first consider God before your  people,He is more important.Look at God before you think about people that you could serve them well,if you always first consider people before thinking about God,Satan will be your guide,and you don't have to show this on your face as politics should be as neutral as possible.

If you fear God,other peoples' lives will matter to you like your own and you will always avoid war,in fact, I wonder why people always consider war to settle anything,HOW HEARTLESS THEY ARE! they don't want to die but don't mind killing others.It is my belief that there is no disagreement that cannot be resolved through dialogue and compromise,this world and everything in it is not so important,God is by far more important,He alone is the One that can actually give and take.The only time a person should fight is when he's asked or prevented from worshipping God,nothing else is worth dying for,and even then you must not commit suicide,as it is a great sin.

As far as I am concerned,the time of war should be over,it is a period of ignorance,let there be no war again in any part of the world,the fact that this is hardly possible today makes it necessary to change the present world arrangement,where powerful country or a group of countries can oppress the weaker ones,and also a country can deny her citizens of basic rights.Don't you see that many evils are being committed across the world and the powerless UN cannot do anything to change them?


Groping in the dark,you like many things that are not important,frivolous,you like things hated by God and hate many of those liked by Him.Watching people behave,I see that you always score zero in many of God's tests and it is these marks that would earn you paradise or hell eventually,these marks would determine how much of God you will have in your graves i.e for believers.

And these tests are not so difficult if you are with God and not under the devil's control, but your following of your egos or just anything that you like not minding God and also, some of your inactions cost you a lot.

Christians, also calling themselves children of God,they turn themselves into other beings with Him,they behave carelessly,thinking that they are free to do whatever they like similar to the devil's.Note that there is only ONE BEING,GOD,those who know Him try to be His servants,they do all that He wants and avoid His hates,thereby becoming one with Him,existing only within Him.Children are not required to ALWAYS do what their fathers want,so if the father is the only right,they become rebellious like Satan,the devil.Again,overlook anything I didn't write well,I am a very busy person,and if you know what I do everyday for God and on behalf of all of you,you will always thank God for me.

21- Again On Arabs And Israel. (Mon,23-2-2009).

The behaviour of Europe and especially America has been ungodly on the issue of Arab and Israel relation which has made their problem persisted ever since.When two people are at loggerheads,God is always more considerate with the weaker than the stronger even if the latter is the right,this has never been the case with the Western world,they obviously prefer Israel,which has always emboldened her making the problem unresolvable.Change your attitude and let there be solution quickly,to the imbroglio.

I wonder why you continue to pamper Israel as if she is still a toddler,Israel is now strong and well-to-do and by far capable to stand on her own.Or is it the so-called holocaust of Jews that happened several decades ago that's responsible for your behaviour? In fact, I want to ask why it should be a sin in your countries to deny it when anybody can reject the existence of God and walk about freely there,which is more grievous.I'm sure that if asked to choose one between Israel and God,most Americans will prefer Israel,then where would that land you?

Most of the hatred many Muslims have for America is born out of her glaring partiality between Israel and the Arabs.If Israel wants peace,it can quickly be achieved,withdraw from most of the Arabs' seized lands and you will see them making peace with you.But if you can't,then consider absorbing the Palestinians into your country so that you live together as one nation (though this is my own opinion).

I believe it is time to quickly solve this age-old problem,civilians on both sides especially, the Palestinians,have suffered enough.

I won't end this without condemning the incessant sectarian killings of Muslims in Pakistan,Iraq and others,it is senseless to say the least,AND YOU ARE A DISGRACE to the entire muslim world,Islam is not like that at all.I don't even know why your Islam  is divided into Sunni and Shia,this division does not exist with the Almighty Allah,there is only one Islam and prophet Muhammed (peace be on him) was neither a Sunni nor Shite,but a Muslim and so should any believer be.

22- My Last World. (Tue,19-5-2009).

 Again,I've not been made public when it would be mandatory for me to guide people but somehow I'd told you who I am and it is necessary for me to say this last word before keeping quiet if I have to meanwhile.

I am not a fanatic or an extremist or an ignorant person that would want people do my wish at all cost,God Himself had deliberately created Believers and Non-believers,so why would I want to force anyone to believe if he chooses otherwise.Anybody should be free to believe and worship anything,if there is anybody or government compelling people such are ignorants.

But what is not acceptable to me by virtue of who I am is for anyone (whoever the person is) to call himself true believer in the Almighty God and yet not worship Him accordingly,it is imperative upon me to condemn such a person,and tell him that he's not truly worshipping the Almighty God,however I won't do more than that,never will I force anybody.

I told you that there is only one God,the Almighty Allah,Who had sent Prophets as His vicegerents on Earth to guide people right from Adam to Prophet Muhammed (peace be on them).This God has finally chosen Islam as His religion and whoever will believe in Him must be a Muslim,no other religion is now acceptable to Him.

Though many claim that they believe in the Almighty God especially Jews and Christians but I have to tell them that you must accept Islam to truly believe.For instance,the Christians' belief that Jesus is Lord or God is TOTALLY wrong,also there is nothing like 3-in-1 God,it is disgusting to God,there is only an absolutely one God,nauseating to Him to hear:God the father,the son and the holy spirit which they say often.Equally wrong is their saying that Jesus is the son of God,God has no child,like I said before there is nothing so extraordinary about the birth of Jesus of Nazareth (peace be on him),the circumstances of it was only made hidden to them.The origins of only two people were special,that is Adam and the real Jesus Christ,both had no parents,all other people were born!

And to be sure that I mean what I'm saying,I swear that I will never be a Christian or worship the way they are doing today or do any other religion other than Islam,if I should do,I pray that God never accept it from me and that His greatest curse be on me ( Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu ).I challenge Christians and Jews to curse themselves also if they should ever accept Islam,but note that if they can't do that,it simply means that they are only guessing,and for how long will they continue to do that.If I come out before they believe it won't be the same again,the reward for any of their worship may not be fullest,especially for those who had read about me.And better tell the whole world, others may seize the opportunity.

Before I stop I cannot but pity those who said they want Shariah and are being killed like animals,but note that God recognises the politicians and they should be obeyed,if you want shariah,join politics and pass the law in your parliament,that is the only acceptable way,and why would you impose anything on people? Your behaviour is akin to terrorists,I can't imagine what Islam,the religion of peace,has to do with the guns you carry about.

23-  Re-My Last Word. (Sat,4-7-2009).

 Life is a test,God likes to test people,if you would wait till I come out even if it is in a month's time,it won't be the same,you would have missed a lot,a lot of great rewards.What you may not know is that God rewards our actions differently,according to our intentions,how readily,how willingly we do His command.For instance,any good deed is rewarded from 10 to 700 and even more - see the wide gap !

Belief or faith is not only about what you can see but also the unseen,I overheard somebody saying I should come out with proof,then they will believe,sure,I will bring out great proofs but for now there is one already,I'd cursed myself if I should be deceitful,that is enough with the explanations I made, for any sincere Believer.

Again I will use this medium to call on the Pope and all the Christian leaders together with the Jews and other believers in the Almighty God to take action immediately,don't wait,waiting is harmful to you.I am a man of truth and exactly what I call myself in my blog,NO ONE IN THE HEAVENS OR ON EARTH WILL OVERRULE ANYTHING I'D SAID,I swear (by the name of the Almighty God),even if I made a mistake,God Himself will correct me later,it is not for any believer in God to disobey me.

You don't have any excuse at all not believing me once you have read my blog,and I know a lot of people had done that.Many important people in the world had read it,people who have influence,I wonder why they don't take action.And I'm sure a particularly important government has been watching me from the satellite long ago,they know I'm very real,they can get to me in a matter of hours if they want.I am not hiding at all,only I am very busy doing what God asked me to do on behalf of all humanity,alive and yet to be born.

I know many are wondering at how what I said could be possible,they lack strong faith,there is only one God Who is sending me,nothing can frustrate His plan,I am 100% sure that what I said will come to pass,I will prevail,I don't have any slight doubt.And it would be a thing of joy,don't you know? By now you can guess the type of person that I am,I'm not an extremist,I believe that Believers and Non believers should be allowed to live their lives unhindered.

If what I said about myself is true as it is,then any believer who ignored me should know that he's wasting his time,I am not God,but I represent Him,so if God asked you to do something and you continue to do another,you should know that you are wasting your time or which other God will reward you,it's like you are worshipping yourself not the Almighty God.

Again forget what you have been doing before,that is different,know that it is time to do the correct thing.For all believers in the Almighty God,Islam is your religion,start doing it right now,it is only the Unbelievers that can worship anything.And to comment on what an important Christian leader said that if they had not been doing the right thing,why were their prayers being answered? It is not only those worshipping Jesus of Nazareth that their prayers are answered,ask those worshipping Stones,Rivers or other Creatures of God,I swear ,their prayers are also answered.The reason is that whether one worships God or not it is COMPULSORY for God to provide for all of us in this world since none of us asked Him to create us in the first instance.He would even care more for Non believers who would have nothing after their death than Believers who can have both the world and the hereafter.

And let me warn you that you like this world too much, something that is hardly visible in the universe,look at the stars at night,uncountable,and there is no single one of them that's not several hundreds greater than this earth that you want to die for,those who would prefer the world and waste their resources there may have little or nothing when they die,beware.


People don't know what faith in God really means,it is not when you have seen God Himself before you can believe in Him,similarly,it is not when you are 100% sure that I am right that you should trust me.It is enough to believe since you cannot come out and CURSE yourself in order to disprove me,if later I was wrong, that would be no fault of theirs,the Almighty God will reward them 100% as if it was correct,that is faith.

But the truth is that I am absolutely sincere and truthful,anyone that is not cannot write and curse himself like I did.So believe me completely.

Some people expect me to write them personally,that is not necessary,if you believe you don't do me any favour but yourselves,some even think that I should come out and visit them, especially those around me in Nigeria,what for? I am fully engaged,very occupied,I've never done that since 1991 when God gave me the work that I'm doing.When I finish I would reach every nooks and crannies of the world,but now I'm busy indoors.

24- The Three In One. (Mon,3-8-2009).

There are many secrets of God that I know but always fear whether I can tell you  before I come out to  guide people or deliver God's Message.One of them is about the Christian notion of' three-in-one'.Earlier,I said there was nothing like it,but truly,there is, though  it doesn't describe God but someone that would act like God,representing Him.Christians got the idea from a whisper from Satan.I would want to tell you the power of Satan but I can't now,God has given him free access to man's heart,the only place inhabitable to God in His whole creation,there he can whisper anything to man,it takes only the fear of God and a Spiritual guide to be saved from him.That is a useful digression from what I'm saying.

Remember I said the real Jesus Christ is 'assembled' before being made physical,he is made bodily from three sources,though his soul is one indivisible like any person.Just like Adam  was  made bodily from Sand,Clay and Water (i.e,earth) before being blown into by God from His Spirit,this Jesus was created from three former well-known Prophets of God.One of them is the one that also doubles as the real Jesus Christ,the end product of the three combined,and again, note that this is only bodily,the real soul from God is one, the holy spirit from God.The other two bodies are however not God the father and the son that Christians use to say,they are old Prophets of God.

Adam's wife,Eve was raised from him,not born,similarly God will raise a woman who is well-known before from this Jesus Christ when it is time for the two to begin our second creation or second life on earth.This is in the Qur'an,but I know far more than anyone who had only read it.God had shown me many things directly so that I don't guess at all.And be warned again that this is a secret of God and not anything Believers should play with,or joke about.

Finally,I swear that this piece of information is very correct and again I pray that the Greatest Curse of the Almighty God be upon me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu) if I am lying or saying something that I'm not sure of.

N B.

As far as I am concerned,there are only two options for you,if you still don't believe: (1) you want to waste your time now and believe later or (2) you would want to go to hell fire.To me,both are bad,'waste your time now and believe later' because I am sure you will eventually be convinced (i.e, if you are really a believer).

25- Denial Of Holocaust. (Fri,18-9-2009).

As far as I am concerned,there is no reason why the Iranian President,Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would want to deny the Nazi Holocaust if not because the West took it as an excuse to overindulge Israel and allow the Palestinians suffer.I am sure no real muslim would ever like any mass killing of people talkless of the holocaust.But Muslims all over the world are always unhappy whenever the Western world overlook the sufferings of the Palestinians and only talk of the Jewish holocaust that happened many decades ago.What is important is that we don't allow any such killing of people to happen again.They have taken the holocaust as an object of worship,but by the grace of God,I will never join them in doing that.

Know that so long as the Palestinians' problem remains,Muslims all over the world can never be happy,I appreciate what President Barack Obama of the US is doing now,but last time when I said Americans generally would prefer Israel over God,I mean it and they ought to be afraid for that has being the implication of their behaviour before.

Again,I call on the Western powers to do anything to check Israel so that the Palestinians' problem can be quickly solved.Personally,I don't see any reason why they can't live together in one country where the Palestinians and the Jews will have equal rights,but if that is not desired,the Palestinians must no longer be made to suffer for the holocaust they did not cause.

And let me use this opportunity to call on the western media to stop focussing ONLY on the threats of Iran's nuclear ambition but begin to talk on how the countries that already have the nuclear weapons would get rid of them.Countries like Russia,the US,France,Britain,China and the others that have them should start to address how they would help the world rid of their weapons of mass destruction.If they would want to continue to keep them,what moral justification do they have to ask others not to have it? But note that this does not mean that I want Iran or any other country to have the weapons, a nuclear weapons free world is what I desire.

 26- On Iran Again. (Thur,24-9-2009).

I am not saying that Iran intends to have nuclear weapons but let the world powers think themselves,why will any country like Iran not contemplate having a necessary defence mechanism.Because Iraq was weak,America and her allies illegally (without being authorized by the UN) invaded her on the wrong pretext that she had weapons of mass destruction,but how many did they find? None! See the consequences of the incursion,the numbers of people that have died so far! And the fact that any country could enter and attack another without being authorized by the UN makes the UN almost irrelevant in protecting the world.Though I have very little time listening to news, but I overheard something said by Libya's leader,Muammar Gadhafi yesterday at the UN General Assembly and I nodded my head in support.Were the permanent members of the UN Security Council democratically chosen and given their powers of vetoes?

 A new UN is necessary that will be truly democratic and powerful to control all countries.That way,no one country will be able to invade another illegally.As it is now,I see the permanent members as endangering the world rather than protecting it especially because of their having allies.If they want to be TRUE WORLD LEADERS,then they must have no allies.How can one choose favourites amongst his children,except he wants to break up his family.They use double standard approach on many issues,its easy for any country to defy UN resolution and get away with it for example, once you are an ally of the US.But if you are not,you could be severely dealt with, this is an unjust condition that must be corrected.

For sometimes now,Iran had been sanctioned and sanctioned with innocent Iranian civilians suffering untold hardship because of nuclear weapons that she may not even have in many years to come but those who have these deadly weapons in excess,even very close to Iran, are threatening her of outright attack that can again, like in Iraq, lead to thousands of blameless civilian deaths.

Though I'm yet to come out,but I know myself very well,and I've tried to explain it,people may not believe but there is nothing anyone can do to change what God has done.Respect my words,they are important,don't learn the hard way,this is not threatening you with any violence,I am EXTREMELY a peaceful person (I hate those giving Islam bad names by their terror attacks),but when a real Prophet of God is ignored and or attacked,people do learn the hard way.I challenge any of the so-called world powers to try me,probably to be sure if I am  really God-sent or not. I live in Ibadan,Oyo state,Nigeria,e-mail address,, or you write me,I will explain how you can get to me and even give you my phone numbers,but it is even easier getting to me by those who watch me from the satellite.

I hate all acts of injustice and there are a lot of them in the world now.Sometimes ago when I heard it on a world news,I reflected it in my blog then,but its not true that Iran intends to really destroy the people of Israel,the wiping off of Israel allegedly claimed was meant to reverse the region back to the former state when the Arabs and Jews lived together and didn't fight themselves,that, I'm sure was the wiping off from the map means.Any peace lover could contemplate such a thing if the status quo will not bring  peace,so Israel's claim that Iran wanted to destroy them through another holocaust was unfounded. If Iran had been bad as they always tried to portray her,last time when Israel was killing the people of Gaza,that angered all Muslims,Iran would have attempted to hit Israel back,but she did not do that.And to correct the wrong impression Israel gave the world then,it was the Palestinians of Gaza that they launched the attack on and not Hamas.Hamas was chosen by the people of Gaza in a democratic election,they did not force themselves on them,so attacking Hamas is attacking the Gaza people.

I urge the 5+1 countries trying Iran on sanctions for her nuclear program to tread carefully,fear God and consider the plight of innocent civilians in Iran that would bear the brunt of your crippling sanctions,you should really be persuasive with lots of incentives to encourage her to do your wish.So long as some of you are having the weapons,any other country feared to be secretly trying to have it,must only be pleaded with not to have it.You will be unjust to attack the country or even impose too much sanctions.Let all the countries that have the weapons come out,tell us the amount they have and begin to talk on how to get rid of them,to me,they are the real criminals.Unfortunately,people envy them for the amount of the dangerous weapons they had accumulated instead of despising them.Israel,in the same region as Iran should first of all let the world know about her nuclear weapon status by submitting herself to the IAEA,I wonder why she is being covered up.If you had use the same force on Israel as you are doing to Iran,I'm sure the region's problem would have been solved long ago.BUT WITH THE HELP OF GOD,THE UNJUST WILL NOT FOREVER CONTINUE TO HAVE THEIR WAY.

There are a lot of things I always want to say but can't because I'm busy,people should not expect me to talk on many things,even I've chosen to keep quiet meanwhile,except I'm really compelled and if you care, pray for me that I quickly come out,the whole world will benefit from it,I'm sure.

27- My Advice To Muslim Countries. (Sun,4-10-2009).

First practise true democracy where peoples' wish prevails,don't force anything on people,if the government desires something,explain and explain it to the people and put it to them for final decision,and whatever they say should be last.It may not be good enough,many times the majority is wrong but notwithstanding,after some patience and further explanations,the wish of the right will prevail.Also I urge you to be law-abiding in the world,many of your actions are difficult to defend,one is disgraced and disappointed several times by what you do,things that are not Islamic and you call yourselves Muslims.If you will practise true Islam,the whole world will envy you,no matter how much they hate your religion,they will be forced to reckon with you.

On the Palestinian issue,stop expecting America or the EU to solve your problem,looking back, have they been able to do that? This is the reality,most government executives are weak, they can hardly do anything that is not popular with their people.Muslims generally are not liked in the West,mainly because they are Christians and you don't expect their governments to be different.Their society too, is not perfect contrary to what they want us to believe.For example,see how blacks are discriminated against as if they made themselves.I was surprised last time when I saw on television when the PM of a country was making jokes about the skin colour of another.And he is not different,that's how most whites are,but I always wonder,can't they just think,blacks are not responsible for the colour of their skin,they don't make themselves.And these people  don't know that no one is permanently black or white,we do come to this world several times and God only can decide what colour or region of the world,and whether poor or rich anyone would be.

Again,I urge Hamas and Fatah to be united and make peace with Israel,that's the only way you can have your own state,don't expect America especially to help you do it,it has been the policy of America to support Israel at all times,even blindly - don't ask me to prove this,look at history.So when you are united and peaceful,the Americans and the International community,particularly the EU will assist you to have your own viable state,and God willing you will be greatly blessed.If you resort to violence,and the no nonsence Israel begins to kill you like animals again,don't expect me in particular,to pity you.

Let me advise Iran also to obey international law especially regarding nuclear non-proliferation pact,notwithstanding that the treaty is unbalanced.It oughts to ask the nuclear weapon countries to destroy them within certain time target,and I would want to advise media people again to begin to ask these governments,the whole world does not need their EVIL WEAPONS,let them begin to scrap it.When you do your international obligations,no country can invade you,don't say because certain country or countries have defied UN resolutions before and got away with it,you will try it,such countries usually have backers,they are the real offenders and no one dare talk to check them,but I've promised that they will not forever continue to have their way.When you are not loved,the only means you can have your way is by being law-abiding,that way,they won't have excuse to launch any attack on you.The noise they make about you and some other Muslim countries is too much,please think,note that whenever they talk about you,other Muslims feel concerned,please be peaceful and take the interest of your people more seriously, and God will be with you.

28- Take Action Today.(Sun,11-10-2009).

I am not a person who likes publicity or who wants to lead people,right from my childhood,I've always being a private person who likes to worship God intensely.It was God Who told me He would send me to the whole world,and since He did that,I never wish to let people know until I'm made public.Part of the reason being that I have some impediments now,I can hardly explain what I know (reading through my blog,you can guess that),and God has added to it by the work He gave me,I rarely have time for any other thing.But about two and a half years ago,He inspired me to write on the internet,and since then much as I always desire to write small,I'm surprised that I did what I've done so far.

Now believers must take action,I've not being trying to woo anybody into Islam,and I can even pray that whoever does not like Islam,God will never let him/her do it,but I want people to know what I'm sure about.When I had not talked,people may care less but now that I'd revealed myself to the whole world they should not behave as if they don't know.I am sure that there is no part of the world that people have not read my blog,all the most important and influential people in the world had read it,so they should not waste their  time now and defer their belief in me till later.

I am not desperate at all,I will never force anyone to believe,I'm sure no Prophet of God had ever forced people to believe.And remember what I said before about Believers and Non-believers,they have been made deliberately by God,there is nothing anyone can do to change this.But the unfortunate aspect of it is that there are many Non-believers posing as Believers and many believers from God who are careless now.This is the reason why preaching is good - to wake them up,and let the impostors realise where they belong.If genuine believers don't rise up,the pretenders may hold sway for long.I am 100% sure about myself,I don't guess,I want real believers in the Almighty God to trust me,even more than anyone else.If you tell anybody about me and he/she asked you to disregard me,that person is the one that you should ignore.

There is no single Believer in the world who should show indifference to me after they had read my blog.Now I've called on his eminence the Pope,all the Christian leaders,the Jews and all Believers in the Almighty God,to believe truly.Islam is the only certified religion of God now,don't hesitate,begin to do it TODAY,don't say because your leaders have not given you the go ahead,IGNORE THEM HENCEFORTH if they don't ask you to accept Islam instantly.Remember that nobody will do your work for you,people can only help you,your leaders will not enter Paradise or Hell for you,it is what you yourself, intentionally do by yourself, that will take you to either of the two places.I am always afraid for you that after you have known about me,you still, even with greater intensity, continue in your old ways.It is not good to be adamant,especially in matters of God,recall that I told you that you cannot love yourself except you like God.If you will avoid God,then you will enter Hellfire,condemned and rejected.

Its a pity people don't know God's ways,He would not punish anybody,but it is what you did or failed to do that will punish you.In this world God has given us freedom that He could try us,He doesn't usually want to show Himself directly,He tries to hide and let people do whatever they like.If He would quickly reveal Himself,then everybody would believe and He has destined that many should disbelieve and go to Hell,none of the two abodes of Hell and Paradise will be vacant in the end.I know that many of you after seeing my pictures would wonder that this wretched looking person with no visible authority could be a true leader or a person being sent by God,but have you forgotten the stories of past Prophets,remember that Jesus of Nazareth that some misled Christians turned to God was born in a manger! But it is you who don't recognise my importance,Satan knows me very well,he has tried and still trying to get rid of me,many evil people across the world also have tested me and failed through their evil machinations.And let me challenge anyone again who thinks he/she has power and would want to eliminate me to try it,I assure them that they can never succeed because I'm being sent by God and I will deliver His message before I go.

Christians especially,I'm always surprised by your boldness,as if you have a different God,what worship do you really do? Believers must worship God and do good deeds to be successful in God and have Him for inheritance,those who only do good deeds and not worship God will have all their rewards in this world and go to Hell later.Out of the 5 pillars of worship,Christians only do one,that is,faith in God (or Iman),and it is the one that is susceptible of corruption.Others that they don't do are (2) Salat - five times daily prayer,(3)Saom - thirty days fasting in Ramadan,(4) Zakat - specified alms given to the poor,and (5)Hajj - holy pilgrimage that is a worship.In the four that Christians don't do,we derive no direct benefit from them,it is done specifically for God,but the one that Christians do,the faith in God, or Iman, there is instant gain,its a spiritual tonic needed to strenghten one and keep one conscious of God.The problem with it is that Satan can spoil it for anyone giving him false hope in God,it is  only God that can help one to have genuine faith.And when one does the other four,especially Salat,Satan will never be able to corrupt the faith.As far as I am concerned,Christians' confidence is a false hope of achievement in God,they shouldn't be that confident,I always look at them as daydreamers.They sing,dance and enjoy themselves to beautiful spiritual songs,they also listen to their eloquent leaders preaching words of God, ( in my area,once you can speak fluent English,you are qualified to be a Bishop or God's prophet)!They also supplicate to God for their worldly needs,tell me any other thing that they do,all these do not amount to any real worship.What they do are enjoyable,not for God as such,going to church is like going to any social gathering where people are useful to themselves.Real worship are specific things that you must do for God and which you don't necessarily benefit directly from them.Salat is particularly important,nothing can replace it,it's a must for all Believers.

And when I said that our second life will soon begin and that Qur'an will have a different meaning,it would not be for all people yet,may be about 10% or less of the world's population would do that,the rest 90% or more of Believers across the world will do Islam as it is today.There are a lot of things I could say here but I'm always afraid of revealing God's secrets now.Also I'm never encouraged by people,nobody likes to waste knowledge.I will be happy when I see Christians,Jews and Believers from across the world declaring for the religion of God,Islam.It would be better if they do it now rather than when I come out,and it's you who don't know,I'm absolutely sure that all believers will willingly believe in me later.So take the little I'd said very seriously,God's plan with me is VERY IMPORTANT,to me, nothing can be more important.And I will not be alone,there are very important spiritual people on earth now who will work with me,God had shown them to me.I can almost say that there has never been anytime before in the history of mankind when God would raise such important people together at the same time.So if anyone is contemplating whether what I had said will happen or not,the person is simply wasting his/her time, to say the least.


And to further help the daydreaming Christians,Jesus of Nazareth,(peace be on him),is not on your side,your relying on him is like trusting your enemy.Even with the little I'd said about myself,if you will reject me publicly today,I swear (by the Almighty God) that he would disown all of you that had read my blog.

29- The Extremists And Terrorists Are Not Muslims.(Thur,15-10-2009).

It is with the greatest sadness that I see what is happening in Pakistan concerning the Extremist 'Muslims'.And this country is not alone,look at some other so-called Muslim countries,its always disheartening to observe.Surely these people are not real muslims,ISLAM DOES NOT TEACH VIOLENCE AT ALL,people may be surprised at this,because the western media had always tried to portray Islam as such,they depict Islam as having nothing but horror and fear,and unfortunately, their governments  also see it that way.

So let me call on the people of the West and their governments to change this stereotype view of Islam,the religion really means peace, and all that is good. You will find out later that many calling themselves Muslims are really not,but for this to be quickly evident,real believers from Christianity,Judaism,and others from all over the world have to stand up,embrace Islam,the religion of God,and we will quickly overcome the extremists and terrorists.

Again,let me tell you, it is something I am absolutely sure about,Islam is the only religion of God,it would prevail over all others,PEACEFULLY,nothing can change that,it is a promise from God.The earlier Believers from all over the world note this the better, that we can quickly have a peaceful world and put the terrorists under check,if not, they may continue to perpetrate their evils and be difficult to curb.It is one of the tactics of Satan to keep genuine believers away from Islam.

30- Re-Take Action Today.(Thur,22-10-2009).

  Christians,I've noticed that you believe in the Bible more than the Almighty God Himself Whose words you claimed are contained therein.However,you are not alone,some 'Muslims' have also taken the reported words of prophet Muhammed,peace be on him,(i.e, Hadith) like God,they hardly read the Qur'an except the hadith,they fear it even more than God. But unfortunately for them,many of the hadith they quote and use are doubtful or ones they don't really understand,they are the Extremists,and they don't know that they have almost become Non-believers.

Christians,I had told you before not to rely so much on the Bible,the Almighty God Himself,Our Creator told me directly not to read it so that I wouldn't be confused.There are not so  many people who would say that they don't have faith in God but many who acknowledges that they are Believers are really not because of the type of their beliefs and what they do.But let me further help Christians that are real Believers but are yet to have faith in me to think and take action today.

Don't rely wholly on Bible again,if you will continue to do that,I swear that you will never be a true Believer in God,even if you see Jesus of Nazareth,peace be on him,you won't believe him.The words of Bible,especially the New Testament that Christians believe in are all Reported Words of God which cannot be 100% correct.It is unlike Qur'an that was dictated by archangel Gabriel to prophet Muhammed,peace be on the two,and which is completely perfect and accurate.So keep an open mind,reason with me,believe, and take action today.

How can you trust the Bible and disbelieve in me,Bible was written by people you never met but you can read from me and even have direct contact with me.And the way you think about God is completely wrong,why will God need Jesus, the son and the Holy spirit to complement Himself,what for? You behave like an infant or baby who cannot yet reason.This is how God is, He planned the whole creation like someone writing a play and all of us are helping Him to act it.He is very powerful and very great,never like a small god that Christians thought,there is nothing He cannot do,if He had wanted all of us to believe,its easy for Him. He's not desperate at all,it was He Himself that decreed that there be Believers and Non-believers (for the reason I told you before),so why would He need a son and the holy spirit to make Himself complete?

And let me tell you that He is not even in charge of the day to day running of the whole Creation,that's not necessary for Him,it would have been boring.When it was Him that wrote the play,the best thing is what He did, entrusts the Control to some chosen Servants of His,sits down on His Throne and watches it with delight,nothing can change what He had planned,and the reason of course, why I said no one in the heavens or on earth can stop me.

Now I expect all Christians to believe in me without hesitation,but if you will still not yet believe,why don't we provoke God to act so that we can know who is right.I believe in all that I had said and I am ready to curse myself on it if I should be wrong.I want to challenge all Christians too: if you would still not believe in me,appoint leaders from amongst yourselves who can stand for all of you, worldwide, to meet me directly at a chosen place,preferably in Nigeria,let us curse ourselves fervently and incite God to show who is right,Islam or Christianity.Please write me stating the venue of the meeting,I'm waiting for you.

31-  CORRECTION. (Sun,1-11-2009).

Again,I call on the people of the world to believe in me completely,I am a very truthful person,don't doubt me.The Almighty God is the One sending me,and I swear that you've never seen my type before.I am like the last prophet of God (Muhammed,peace be on him ) that came about 1,500 years ago.Read about the stories of those 25 most important Prophets to have an understanding about me.I promise you that during my time you will see clearly the real signs and miracles of God the type you have never witnessed before.It would be a great help to make people believe in God and live a normal life - now, it's like we are all groping in the dark.

Maybe because of my impediments and lack of time,are the reasons I cannot really convince you,but the absolute truth which nothing can change is that I am being sent by God and believers must obey me to be successful in God,THERE IS NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE.The earlier you note this the better,otherwise you will just be wasting your time.

Like I said before,I never wanted to lead it was God Who chose me,I prefer to be unknown,and be worshipping God privately.This world is very strange to me,I often feel uncomfortable there,I wish to be with God and avoid people as much as I can.So take what I had said very seriously,I don't have any ulterior motive.

I told you earlier that Angels are like law enforcement agents of God,they are also the armed forces,so the arch-angel Gabriel,should be the Chief of defence and not Jesus of Nazareth,peace be on the two.But like I had said and explained,I am 100% sure that there are two Jesus,the relationship between the two may then be 1st and 2nd Minister of Defence,both are civilians like the rest members of the 25 most important Prophets.

Once more,I urge you not to have any slight doubt in this,few days ago,I read about the leader of a church in my area saying that they will never believe in any other Jesus other than that of Nazareth,I pity him,and I'm sure that even if he sees that Jesus of Nazareth he wouldn't believe him since he would not be having his name strapped to his body from God.I think I've tried enough to explain,and even cursed myself profoundly if I should be lying,can anyone do that if he was not sure? Also,some Muslims after reading my explanations,do not yet believe,I'm surprised,and it's clear in the Qur'an,even though,I know it far more than mere reading it.And maybe I need to further explain by quoting verses,but this is difficult for me now.

The quickest response to a Muslim who said there will be nothing new again in Islam is in the opening chapter of Qur'an where we say:Guide us to 'siratal mustaqim',this is what is coming now.Also remember that God indicated that there will be two lives for us before we return to Him,many verses to cite,e.g,Qu 30/11,21/104,10/4,10/34,30/27,and that we do come to the world many times Qu 80/17-23.

Finally,I wish to make this clear:I am not afraid and will never be intimidated by anyone,I will deliver the message God is sending me with and which is one that will last till the end of the world,there is nothing anyone can do to prevent that.If the whole world were to face me in opposition,I swear to God Almighty,that I will prevail.

 32- The Birth Of Jesus Of Nazareth. (Sat,7-11-2009).

First,let me also correct something I wrote earlier,arch-angel Gabriel is known in the Qur'an as Our spirit or Ruhana and not Jesus of Nazareth but truly, it is the real Jesus Christ that is the holy spirit or God's spirit - Ruh Qudus,or Ruhulaha.

Last time,I said there was nothing so extraordinary about the birth of Jesus of Nazareth,peace be on him,it was only made hidden because of the circumstances behind it.But let me explain it,when her mother Mary was in confinement for God,angel Gabriel appeared to her in the form of a perfect man,she screamed,but the angel allayed her fears.He told her that he was a Messenger of God and had only come to bestow on her a pure son, Qu 19/17-19.(And for your information,angel Gabriel also showed up to prophet Muhammed like a man during his Prophethood).

That was how she conceived Jesus of Nazareth,the details could not be stated further and it is difficult for anyone who knew it to say openly.But I can tell you authoritatively that Jesus of Nazareth had both father and mother like any other human being,his father was only somehow different but definitely not the Almighty God,and to this I swear by His Mighty Name.

Also another secret I can tell you confidently about him is that after he appeared to his people,having been crucified,he didn't go back to the heaven immediately,he spent another  87 years on earth (in a different place) making about 120 years before he died.This is also in an hadith of prophet Muhammed,peace be on him.God even let me know that he had children before he died which is in accordance with His Words in the Qur'an that there was none of the Prophets that did not marry and bore children.

And that there are two Jesus is very clear in the Qur'an,both will bring Clear proofs or Bayyinah,and it is the two that they will want to kill.But while they will succeed in killing the real Jesus Christ for salvation,Qu 3/55,the other Jesus will be spared by God, Qu 5/110,and remember that I said that it won't be a physical death that we know now,but spiritual.It's also in this verse Qu 3/55 that all those that will enter Paradise must follow him which is the 'siratal mustaqim'.

The actual 'assemblage' of Jesus Christ whom I said is the 'three in one' will happen inside of Mary,the same mother of the former Jesus,peace be on them,Qu 4/171,but this is spiritual and not biological.It is just like the molded body of Adam that was placed on the earth before God breathed into him,the earth did not give birth to Adam,so Mary will not born the real Jesus Christ.

God Himself compared the two,Jesus and Adam, that they were not born by anybody,Qu 3/59,another clear reason that there are two Jesus,(the former Jesus was surely born).And both had to be created from nothing to be our progenitors in the 1st and 2nd lives.

33-  SALVATION. (Mon,9-11-2009).

I think I'd said it before,Salvation, which is the act of saving Believers from the wrong committed by Adam,peace be on him,CANNOT be done by anyone possessing only one soul.The person who will save Believers must die which is not a physical death that we know now but a spiritual one that automatically will make him become an Unbeliever and go to Hell.This is why God has to cleanse Jesus from amongst the Unbelievers, Qu 3/55, and which can only be possible after he must have entered  Paradise with another soul.

And remember I told you that Jesus is made bodily from three Prophets one of which is a different soul of him,THERE IS NO ONE ELSE THAT GOD HAS DONE THAT FOR,making him special,and the reason of course: to save all Believers!

And I want to say it clearly again that that special person is no one other than my humble Self.It is good to be modest but I need to make this clear that you can be sure.I swear by the Almighty God that I am a person having two different souls,I'd been in the company of the other Prophets before when I was introduced and addressed as such.Also,God had shown me in 'ruya' or trance performing roles in those capacities in the past.

And in conclusion,I will pray again that the Greatest Curse of the Almighty God be upon me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu ),if I am lying or saying something that I'm not sure of.

N B.

The person to save mankind MUST also be new,not from Adam,a quality only possessed by Jesus Christ,Jesus of Nazareth was a progeny of Adam.

34-  Christians Are Idol Worshippers. (Wed,11-11-2009).

Because of who I am and which I'd explained to the whole world, I want to say that those who had read my blog can no longer behave as if they did not know.And it is because I love you that I care to say this, that those Christians that had read it and are still calling God: 'three in one',and, are still worshipping Jesus of Nazareth,are idol worshippers.

Islam is the only religion of God Almighty and He has said that He won't accept any other religion other than it,Qu 3/85,Qu 3/19.Those who didn't do Islam will automatically go to Hell.When God had not raised me up,and also, when I had not spoken,people may careless,but now if you would not want to go to Hellfire,YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW,NOT LATER!

There should be no compulsion in religion,Qu 2/256,people should be free to believe in God or not,those who believe will have Paradise for reward and Non-believers,Hellfire. For believers,Islam is the only religion to worship God,no other religion is now acceptable to Him.I want to say this authoritatively:if you are a Believer in the Almighty God and you would want to continue in your old religions of Christianity and Judaism,know that you are wasting your time,HENCEFORTH,THE ALMIGHTY GOD WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR WORSHIP.From today on,(Thur, 12-11-2009),you are not different from the Unbelievers,in fact,your condition is worse,you are Hypocrites,and Hypocrites will suffer more than the Unbelievers,because of their deception.

I have told the Almighty God and He would treat you as such from now on,you cannot escape it,and please note again, that it's because I love you that I'm taking this decision.

35-  Re-Christians Are Idol Worshippers. (Sat,21-11-2009).

I saw on television today when the archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope met urging themselves to foster a closer relationship in their Christianity worship.This is different from what I said you should do and I'm sure that both men of God had known about me.

It's true that I've not been mandated to come out and preach to the whole world,but nothing will prevent that from happening,it's only a matter of time.And when I do that,there is nothing I will tell you other than what I had already said,nothing will change the truth.So if you don't want to believe now and wait till then,you would only have succeeded in wasting your time,and of course, in incurring the wrath of God as He would henceforth treat you as Hypocrites.

If seeing me physically is what will give you confidence to tell all your congregations openly that Islam is now the right religion of worship,invite me to any venue in Nigeria (because now I don't have any traveling paper,also,I cannot stay out for too long due to the God's work that I'm doing).But remember,it's just to see me,no argument, and it must be briefed.

And if you are sure that what you are doing is right and you would want to contest what I said that Islam is the only right religion now,then choose 1 or 2 people to represent all of you worldwide,I will stand for the Muslims.We would curse ourselves fervently and ask the Almighty God to take the life of the liar within say,7 days.

It is true that in the Qur'an,God recognises some variations in His worship,but all of them will be within Islam,He wouldn't accept any other religion other than Islam.For instance,the Yahudi and Nasara interpreted as Jews and Christians in the Qur'an will be within Islam,the world is yet to know them now,they will be the first people to experience salvation or the 2nd life.

I am a blessing to you Christians and Jews for telling you what I had said.I've been able to let Christians know that Jesus of Nazareth,peace be on him,is not Lord or God to be worshipped,anybody worsipping him is practising idolatry,the greatest curse of God be upon me if I'm lying.Also,I'd explained the 'three in one' that it doesn't really mean the Almighty God.God is absolutely One indivisible,He has neither child nor partner.He created us from Himself and into Himself,so that He encompasses everything.There is nothing you can do to thank me if you know the gravity of your mistake in worshipping Jesus of Nazareth.

I know you have always wondered that if what you are doing is wrong,why hadn't God tell you ever since,something you have been doing from time almost immemorial,and also considering your great numbers worldwide.That is part of God's ways,He allows many things to happen,even for a very long time,but that does not mean that He likes all of them,ALLOW IS DIFFERENT FROM LIKE.Also,in many bad things,there are some good that are beneficial,and He could have used it maybe,to punish some careless Believers before.

In God's ways,it is a punishment to let someone or a people to continue to err or do something that is wrong without being corrected.If God likes someone,He penalizes him as soon as he made a mistake,this is because to suffer in this world is by far better than when you die.

 36- Let Muslim Countries Be United.(Thur,17-12-2009).

  I have noticed that the US House of Representatives had passed a law to further sanction Iran,the Senate should also quickly act and President Barack Obama put his assent.That is what you know how to do because Iran is not an ally but for Israel that is your ally you can't do such a thing.You have asked her to completely freeze her illegal settlement buildings on the Palestinians' land and has bluntly refused but you can never contemplate sanctioning her.You and your European allies only pay lip service,you can't act to stop Israel and let the peace talks quickly begin. And if the Palestinians after frustrations, resort to violence again,you will all back Israel to continue to kill them like chickens,their lives are not important to you,no wonder you are equating the 13 Israelis killed last time with the over 1,400 Palestinians! You call them terrorists,what were you called when you fought the British to gain your independence or did you consider the French that helped you then like Iran supporting the Palestinians?

If you like God,the Palestinians  leader's resolve should be more respected  than your ally Israeli PM.And see the almost useless UN,she knew that Israel is building on the Palestinians' land illegally and there is nothing she can do,she can only act as the US commanded her to.I wonder why Muslim countries still belong to such an almost irrelevant organisation.I had said that resolving the Palestinian problem is imperative to all Muslims worldwide,but you consider us as unimportant,the over one billion people of the world!

And probably if Muslims have 1 or 2 representatives in the permanent seat of the UN ,this all important issue would have been resolved long ago.There are many other problems in the world which the UN as it is today cannot tackle,the whole world is at the mercy of a few, even though they too cannot do it.It's a pity I don't have time now but I always wonder why you can't think of any other alternative.To you what you have now is the best,when I talk of a new UN you consider  me as having no knowledge of how the world works.

Muslims,look at it,4 of the 5 permanent members of the UN are strong Christians,belonging to Christianity,the religion of idol worshippers,if you quit that organisation now,there is nothing they can do,you can only suffer for a while,but if you are all united,God will be with you and you will soon overcome.Those of you taking the US as your ally should know that Iran and other Muslim countries should be your best friend while America should be secondary.The US as it is now SHOULD NEVER be your number one friend though I don't say that you  take her as an enemy,in fact I don't like Iran for always saying 'death to America',please stop this henceforth.

America,note that Iran has never said that she would want to build nuclear weapons, and why should she really worry you.You already possessed these weapons in great numbers and which you cherish  as a deterrent,protecting your people.And if you cite nuclear non-proliferation treaty,that law is unbalanced.Then consider your ally Israel,don't you see that she is like an illegal entity regarding this nuclear weapon issue?

She did not sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and has refused to let the world know her nuclear weapon status,which other country in the world is like that? And you and your European allies have continued to cover her up ever since,but it's easier to sanction Iran,how unjust you are! Let me ask you again,why do you treasure keeping your own nuclear weapons? If you can begin today to destroy them,all of you possessing it,then you will be justified to punish any other country who may be trying to have it.

37-  Muslims Will Laugh Last. (Tue,5-1-2010).

It was God Himself Who had deliberately created Believers and Non-believers (Qu 64/2) and both should be allowed to live their lives on earth unhindered and according to the rule of law.There should never be any compulsion in religion,God Himself said this (Qu 2/256). So in the world,there are only two people:Believers and the Unbelievers,but while Non-believers can worship anything,believers can only be Muslims,worshipping in the Islamic manner.Though in Islam today,there are many who claimed to be Muslims but are really not - who are Unbelievers from God.Also,there are people worshipping in other religions or who are Atheists now but that are really true Believers from God and who will sooner or later accept Islam and worship God rightly.

This is what God has done but I urge the people of the world to live together in peace,let us not fight ourselves, and the only way to ensure this is by being just.There are a lot of injustices in the world now and this is what usually leads to tensions or ill feelings and conflicts.Though there are some criminally minded people but the harm they can cause is not much if governments around the world and especially the world powers will act justly or fairly at all times thereby preventing people  from taking to criminality and terrorism to fight back perceived injustices.

The common enemy of the world is Satan or the devil,if not for him,it would be easier to achieve peace in the world.It is this devil that has made it difficult for people to live together in peace.I call on the people of the world to recognise him and take steps to prevent him from destroying them and the world.Unfortunately,God has made him invisible and it is easy for him to use lots and lots of people at the same time without them knowing it by whispering into their hearts making them do whatever he wants.Non-believers are the easiest to use by Satan,followed by those who don't believe correctly and also those who don't fear God,they are his agents.But if Believers are united and work together as one,no matter the number of the Unbelievers and their Cohorts,they wouldn't succeed in terrorising the world,their harmful effects would be easily curtailed,and we would have a peaceful world.

Muslims are the only true Believers,Christians and Jews are not - they are like people of the world,they prefer the world,they don't care what happens later.Though I don't say that terrorists attack is in any way justifiable or good but the people of the world fear it far more than going to Hell.That Islam is the only religion of the Almighty God is what I'd seen and known from Him,it is also in the Qur'an,the religion was not founded by prophet Muhammed (PBOH) but by God,prophet Muhammed was only it's leader.And let me ask those of you calling yourselves Christians and Jews,don't you see that your leaders whom you follow don't truly believe in God? If not,why haven't they find out for you from God ever since and be able to come out and tell the whole world that I am a liar and that all of you should disregard me or even try to stop me from condemning them? Let them come out,tell all the media in the world what they have found out about this writer,that is myself - Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu,why are they keeping quiet? And if you know that I'm right as I am truly,why don't you believe in me straight away,and do what I said you should do,embrace Islam!

I always feel sorry and sad for the Christians,especially.Faith in God and His worship is the most important thing in the world,why will you base your entire faith on something that is doubtful? You have made the cornerstone of your faith in God the belief that Jesus of Nazareth is God or His son,something that you are not sure of and which of course is 100% wrong,the greatest curse of the Almighty God be upon me if I'm lying! So you want to find out after you have died and you can no longer make any correction, what a careless people all of you are! Remember I said that before is different from now,when God had not raised me up and when I had not talked is different from now,you cannot behave as if you don't know.

As for the Muslims,the only problem you have is your lack of a leader who will command you and that you will all obey.You can't be practising the religion on your own with everybody or group interpreting the religion as they like.Right now it's like you don't believe in prophet Muhammed,the leader of the religion.Once you don't have a single leader worldwide,its the samething as not believing in prophet Muhammed and consequently disbelief in the Almighty God.Remember,Allah says "man yutihi rasula faqad ato'a lah" meaning that it is he who follows or believes in the prophet that truly believes in God,(Qu 4/81).God also said that if you want Him to like you,you must obey and follow the prophet,(Qu 3/31).

To really believe in God Almighty,the Prophet's position MUST NEVER be vacant,since he had died you must choose somebody to represent him and obey the person exactly as if he is prophet Muammed,peace be on him.And when God said that you should hold on tightly to His rope and be not disunited,(Qu 3/103),this rope is the overall leader that you must have at all times.What makes America and other democratic governments powerful? It's because they have leaders whom they obey according to their constitutions.

Though the Almighty God has chosen someone in my humble self to lead all Believers in the world,but I'm not yet ready,even it is with difficulty that I wrote the few things I had done to guide you.So if I'm not ready you should quickly choose someone to lead you.What you always fear does not matter at all,that how will you be able to know the best person.Just pick anyone that you think is good,God will recognise the person,and once you obey him,God will be guiding him to lead you aright.The result will be instant God's favour descending upon you and you will no longer be ignored in the world.

Last time,I asked you to be united,please do so quickly and overlook any differences that may be existing between you.What is most important is what is common to all of you,the five pillars of worship,namely,iman,salat,zakat,saom and hajj.Other differences are minor as they are not as important as the real worship mentioned.

Muslims,know that you are already more than 1 of the 7 billion population of the world,if you are united and practise Islam rightly,if the rest of the world were to face you in opposition,the Almighty God will assist you and overcome them with ease.One Muslim will easily defeat 10 or even 20 Non-muslims,that is a promise from God.But this is not calling you to fight,please and please be peaceful in the world,those who carry out terror attacks are enemies of Islam,the only time you should fight is when you are asked not to practise your religion.

I read a paragraph from an article on the internet where a Christian was comparing Islam with Christianity because of the man that said he was a Muslim and attempted terror attack,Christianity is not a religion in the eyes of God,so no basis for comparison at all.Moreover,it was not Islam that taught him the evil that he tried to do.Remember that Judas was of the same religion as the other apostles of Jesus of Nazareth,so why was he different? Like I said earlier,Christians are like people of the world,examine yourselves, what makes you different from those who don't believe in God,that you worship Jesus of Nazareth? That is even a grievous sin! And let me tell you,God  can intentionally kill some people in order that He can quickly raise them up again to enjoy a better life,though this is different from someone trying to kill others.All terrorists are evil people,suicide killing is a great sin.I am sure that suicide killers will be punished by God,they are evil people,there can never be any justification for committing suicide.If it is only stone that you have to fight your enemy that has sophisticated weapon use it and get killed in the process,then God will regard you as a martyr,rather than deliberately killing yourself to commit sin.

Finally,let me call on the western governments that are Christians and who hate Islam, to stop their hatred, samething with their journalists,know that Islam is the religion of the Almighty God,there is nothing you can do to stop it,it will prevail.Anybody disliking it,who hates Islam,is simply wanting to go to Hell,make no mistake about it.No matter your economic and technological greatness,no matter how united against Islam you may be,Islam will prevail to your uttermost surprise,I promise you that.Nobody will stop God from achieving His aim,NO ONE OR COUNTRY, however powerful,will frustrate God.All your oppositions and plottings will only give genuine Believers rewarding work to do in serving the Almighty God.I urge Muslims throughout the world to always be peaceful and steadfast,I am absolutely sure that we will laugh last.

 38- Advice To Alqaida And Taliban.(Mon,25-1-2010).

I saw it in a news headline now that Osama bin Laden hailed Farouk Abdumutallab who attempted terror attack last time as a hero,what hero? And for what cause? What he tried to do then was totally condemnable.Islam did not teach us that,to commit suicide,a great sin and then kill others who are presumed innocent!

I have deliberately never mentioned Alqaida or Taliban,not for fearing them but that maybe after reading about me they would change.Now I am sure that they had known about me,then let me ask them officially to change their behaviour.Allah,SWT,does not like what they are doing,many of the Quran verses that they quote like Qu.4/89,Qu.47/4 are not relevant now.There are many verses in the Qur'an that cannot be used superficially,they should first consider the reasons why God revealed them.

Prophet Muhammed,PBOH,was a very peaceful person like any of his predecessors,he would never have fought a single war if not because the Unbelievers first attacked the Muslims.They feared that Islam might take root and be a threat to their way of life,so they wanted to completely eliminate the religion.Then Allah revealed verses asking prophet Muhammed never to surrender but fight back.And it was after the Muslims conquered their enemies that such instructions were given that they must now believe or pay tax to the Muslim state.

If such circumstances happen again now and God gives the command that we fight then we will fight and be sure that I will do it even more fiercely.But now,there is no justification at all for what they are doing.Please stop your extremist's and terrorist's activities henceforth,let there be peace in the Muslim countries you have held to ransom.Also,use dialogue in dealing with the western world,Muslims should learn to explain themselves clearly to the world rather than fighting.

It's only through persuasions and exemplary behaviours that you should seek to convert people,never by force! What you (Alqaida,Taliban,etc) are doing is simply making people hate Islam and run away from it rather than accepting it.Religion is never by force but by conviction,you have alienated genuine Believers from Islam,the religion of the Almighty God.You have made people look at all Muslims with suspicion.I'm sure that if one says he/she is a Muslim in America or any of the western world today,they will look at him/her twice with fear,suspecting if he/she is a terrorist or not.But let me say here that such people are also guilty,alqaida,taliban or extremist 'Muslims' are very few in Islam,what's their percentage? Why looking at other Muslims in the same way?

I want to beg the Alqaida and Taliban in the name of Allah,SWT,to change their ways of behaviour,call people to Islam only as God has directed in the Qur'an,for example,Qu.16/125, where He says"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good exhortation,and argue with them in a way that is best.Indeed,your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way,and He is most knowing of who is rightly guided"

And if you want to use Shariah,join politics and pass the law in your parliament,never force anything on people.Please take my advice now,know that EXTREMISTS AND TERRORISTS WILL NEVER CONTROL ISLAM EVENTUALLY.When God says Islam will prevail,it is not by force but peacefully.But I wonder,can't you just think? In the world today,can you force Islam on people?They already hate Islam,even though ignorantly.The only way to conquer the world is by being good,practising Muslims,and without calling them,they will seek you and join your religion happily.

And if you think that what you are doing is right,why are you hiding? Any good Muslim should not hide,you should be open and reachable.Even if the world wants to fight you and your religion,you must not hide or run away,face your enemies directly like prophet Muhammed did.I will never hide in my life and never will I fear anybody to say or do whatever God wants me to do.

Lastly,let me appeal to the Christian and Jewish leaders.You can help the world a lot,ask God sincerely and fervently about me,He would tell you that He is the One sending me,then do what I said you should do,embrace Islam and save your people.And if you are sure that I am not what I call myself,then come out and say it openly.Though whatever you say that is contrary to what I had said will not affect me in any way,it can only harm you.I am absolutely sure about myself,reason why I had cursed myself profoundly if I should be lying.And I must say that I don't need anybody's confirmation to be able to deliver the God's Message I'm being sent with.Nobody will be able to stop me,I will accomplish whatever God wants me to do before I go. But I will try to be patient and do as much as I can when finally I'm given the go ahead,it is those of you who will waste your time to believe that will have yourselves to blame later.I am not your God,I will only represent Him,so why will I be unnecessarily anxious?

39- UK Iraq War Inquiry.(Fri,29-1-2010).

Though I didn't have time listening to the former British PM defending his actions in the UK Iraq war inquiry that was just shown live but I overheard what he said that the invasion was right and that he would do it again if he has to.While it was true that Saddam Hussain had defied many UN resolutions before the invasion,he was not alone,other countries especially Israel had done that for years and she was never checked.

But no matter how dangerous any country or government is,no single country or group of countries should invade another without the direct authorisation of the UN,what they did then was illegal and criminal.There will be no peace in the world until people and countries obey laws and order.

40- Don't Misunderstand Me.(Mon,1-2-2010).

Permit me to say this again,and I don't want anyone to misconstrue my point,it is not that I want Iran to acquire nuclear bombs but I've always been interested in what is just,fair and impartial.

My desire and surely that of  any peace loving person is that the whole world be nuclear weapons free.And THE BEST WAY to begin is for all the nuclear-bomb weaponized countries TO COME TOGETHER NOW and take action on destroying their dangerous,evil armaments.Iran or North Korea should not be the starting point.It is only when these countries - US,Russia,France,Britain,China,India, Pakistan and (Israel) have started talks and actually began destroying their deadly bombs that they should further punish Iran which of course cannot make a single bomb in many years to come!

Another thing you can quickly do is to offer many incentives to Iran,go to any length (if you are truly sincere) to placate her not to venture into any nuclear bomb making.And I will want to ask Iran also not to make bombs because two wrongs do not make a right,those countries already having the evil weapons are the first wrong,please don't join them.

On this important issue,let me advise the US to be careful in dealing with Iran,if you or Israel attack her,you will be unjust and God will not forgive you.I also warn Muslim countries having friendship with the US now not to prefer America over your Muslim brother Iran.You also can help her with any incentives to encourage her and be peaceful in the world.I wouldn't like you joining America and her allies in isolating Iran.There is nothing Iran has done for me,(and I don't look forward to any) but I love God and I like justice.

I may not yet be given the go ahead,but I know myself very well.By the grace of the Almighty God,I am a prophet of God not just now but from yesterday and forever,NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT.The earlier the world recognises that the better,If you will ignore me,there is no way God will not show you,when you will learn it the hard way.Please don't make any mistake about that.

41- US, France, Britain And Russia Are No Angels.(Wed,10-2-2010).

The United States,France, Britain and Russia which are the four Christian countries of the UN security council now leading the campaign for more sanctions against the Muslim Iran are themselves no angels.Remove the lots in your eyes before you see the jot in another is a popular saying in my area,why won't they at least first reduce the THOUSANDS of the dangerous bombs that they are having before they impose more sanctions on Iran? There is none of these countries that does not have several hundreds of the evil bombs, and for what,let's ask them - something they cannot freely use! 

I'm sure that far less than a hundred nuclear bombs can destroy the whole world talkless of the thousands these countries are keeping now. The best thing is for no country in the world to have the deadly bombs,but if that is not immediately possible,then let them at least begin to reduce the number.Once they begin to do this, the world will know that they are sincere,and they will be justified to take swift action on any other country that may be pursuing the undesirable goal.

I'm surprised to hear Israel also asking for crippling sanctions against Iran,what about you,are you clean yourself? The Palestinians are daily being humiliated by you and there is no one to check you,where is the UN? And Muslims,is that the irresponsive organisation you want to continue to belong to? I expect none of you to join America and her allies in isolating or sanctioning Iran. Ask them to first start reducing their own evil weapons before obeying any of their punitive actions on Iran.If they don't,you also should not cooperate,let them punish all of you together or pull out of their almost useless UN.

N B.

Muslims,if you want to be important in the world,you must always speak with one voice.And note that no matter what,Non-muslims will never be your best friend.This is not calling for the hatred of others,in fact,Non-muslims will like me later because I will defend their rights as well.God likes tolerance,and Muslims should be accommodating.But for Muslims now and always,UNITY is the most important thing,please take note,and God will help you.

N B.


42- Let Me Share This With You.(Sat,20-2-2010).

I want to share this my personal experience with you that you can learn from it.Sex is a very important thing,its importance can never be over-emphasized.However,it's real significance does not lie only in enjoyment or for procreation but more importantly,spiritual.

I'd said it before that the easiest way to be caught by Satan is by having unlawful sex.God does not want anyone to have sex indiscriminately except with his/her spouse.Apart from being a great sin,fornication or adultery would only put one under the devil's control or influence.If one is persistent at it,God will remove the ability of the person to have genuine faith in Him,during which time one could be permanently destroyed spiritually,becoming dead alive.

However,as sex is very risky,it is also very important,especially spiritually.No one should avoid the lawful one,that is after marriage.Celibacy is never ordained by God,a man or woman is incomplete until marriage.Similarly,any worship that is done for God is incomplete,that is,will fetch half reward when single or unmarried.This is the reason why no Believer should  unnecessarily delay marriage in order to get full compensation for any of his/her worship or devotion to God.

As to what I said I would like to share with you,it was right from my childhood that I had been God-fearing,I use to admonish myself to avoid anything God hates,I particularly counsel myself never to have sex before marriage.And I have been successful despite many temptations.Then when God revealed myself to me,He even forbade me from marriage until I finish what I'm doing for Him now. And remember I told you earlier that by what I'm doing,God will make me wrest power from Satan,have full control over him and thereby help all Believers in God to succeed in God's way to Paradise.

And for this to be possible,God told me clearly never to have any sexual intercourse now,talkless of marriage,and I swear by the Almighty God that I've never in my life had sex with anyone - the greatest curse of God be upon me if I'm lying.

I am saying this that you can know that sex is not a thing to be played with,it is very important in the eyes of God and all Believers should take it seriously.That is why God wants women to always dress well.Because we human beings are very weak when it comes to sex,there is noway we will control ourselves from doing it when exposed.Women's bodies are always inviting to touch,reason why God has said in the Qur'an that they cover the most sensitive parts of their bodies,e.g.Qu.33/59.Also,males and females alike should comport themselves in a way to prevent unnecessary distractions.

God does not hate sex,He knows that we need it for harmony in our homes,for procreation and more importantly for our spiritual upliftment as there are great rewards for couples that are legally married in having sex.But to go outside of marriage and have sex is what is dangerous.There is nothing preventing anyone from marrying more than one wife if he cannot control himself in being contented with one wife.It is far better to have another wife than committing adultery.And there is a spiritual reason which I am absolutely sure of that does not make it compulsory for a man to marry only one wife.The Christians' doctrine of one man one wife does not exist with the Almighty God - the greatest curse of God be upon me if I'm lying.

This does not mean that Islam ignores the concern of women who cannot have two husbands at a time,in fact,the world will come to know later that there is no way of life that caters for women more than Islam.The equality of man and woman they always talk about is misleading.When God was creating us,He did not create the two people separately,Adam was the only one that was created,Eve,his wife was only taken out of his body.So that rather than being separate,they are one in essence.And,does the fact that a person has two arms and two legs make him more than one person? Anyway,that's a matter for another time.

But let me call on the Catholic Christians,that is, their Priests to marry in order that their worship may be complete.Also,embrace Islam,for anybody wanting to go to Heaven has no alternative.I am 100% sure,believe me,AS NO ONE WILL IGNORE ME AND ENTER PARADISE.That's what God has created me purposely for.

As for the people having different orientations to sex,I mean the Gays and Lesbians,it is true that you really have genuine reason,you have been created differently,but that does not mean that you should follow your body desires.When one is fasting,lawful food is forbidden,you have to see yourselves as fasting for God,you must not follow your inclinations.Obey God,the men amongst you should marry only women,and women only men,that is what is allowed by God.He has only made your condition a trial for you that you could get extra rewards for your endurance. But nevertheless,like anyone is at liberty to believe in God or not,gays and lesbians should be allowed to live their lives as they wish,subject to the rule of law.

To conclude,and again,let me say that I don't always have time,no one can really imagine what I do for God everyday.As of now,I am not like any normal human being,I only manage to write those things I had done,people should overlook anything I did not write well.I never have time to plan any writing,but the contents are absolutely correct and should be taken seriously by anyone who fears God.

43- There Is One More Thing.(Sat,6-3-2010).

I consider it very necessary to tell you one more thing even if I won't say any other again for now.It is something I am very sure about and which I believe the whole world should know especially from me.I told you earlier that God had created us from Himself into Himself,but this is how He started.First is the reason,He said in an 'hadith qudzi','I was a hidden treasure,I would fain be known,so I created man'.The man that was first created (spiritually) was prophet Muhammed, Adam was only the first bodily,peace be on the two.It was after Muhammed was created that all other creatures of God were made from him.This was so that all the creations of God could be linked together.There is nothing that God has created that does not have a particular spot where it belonged in the body of this most important person,Muhammed.

I believe that the world should know prophet Muhammed who is the leader of mankind that they can love him,accept God's only religion that was perfected through him,that is,Islam.Everyone cannot see what I had known from God but you just have to believe me for you to succeed in His way to Heaven.Think of it,can everyone live his life the way I had done so far,the sacrifice I've made, but anyway,you don't know what I do.And even if anyone will want to do it,he cannot,as he had not been chosen by God,only one person is selected at a time to lead,others MUST just follow to succeed,if they would hate the leader,then they will go astray.

Prophet Muhammed was created and divided into 5 parts in accordance with the letters (Arabic) of his name,the 3 'mims' standing for the head,the chest and the abdomen while 'haal' and 'daal' are for the hands and legs.He is also the head of all the Prophets and there are five other Prophets who are next to him in spiritual hierarchy and who act as checks and balances over him.They represent the 5 regions of his body.Other Prophets are under them and who also control the people and other creations of God assigned to them.

The first time I saw prophet Muhammed in a trance in 1991,he showed me the region I control in his body and from where I belonged.And since all human beings have the same body,it thus mean that all other creatures of God are traceable in any human body,the only problem being the identification of their real location.This is how God has joined all His creations together,so that there is noway anyone can love himself except he likes others.But one's love should be first for God,next,the leader and then the others.What I'm saying,I swear by God,that I see it everyday and people who know me,can also bear witness.

Anyone who wants to go to Paradise and inherit God must first love prophet Muhammed,the leader and the first spiritual creation of God.We must also love ALL the other Prophets with no exception,and remember I told you before that rejection of one is the same as denial of all of them which is also equaled to disbelief in the Almighty God.Whenever any of the Prophets is on earth,all Believers MUST love him and follow him for God's sake,they cannot reject him simply because they had believed in an earlier Prophet. If they do that,their faith will become nought.

To inherit God,we must believe in Him by trusting in the Prophets.And though the whole world may not know,I'm very sure that all the other Prophets had acknowledged Muhammed as their leader.I swear that they will come to this world again and declare their allegiance to him.It is therefore compulsory for all believers to love him,as we all have our real selves, first in him,before God - if anyone hates him,he would simply be hating himself,loving him is also liking oneself.

Prophet Muhammed will never stay behind anyone,being the leader,not even the closest to him in spiritual hierarchy,Abraham.But remember I told you before of my first encounter with all the Prophets of God on 22/10/1993 when their leader,Prophet Muhammed had to stand down for me and prayed behind me.He would never do that for any other creation of God,and the reason why he did that for me? Because of who I am,the Saviour,no one will enter Paradise except he follows my foot steps,Qu.3/55.I'm not being inmodest but I have to say it again that those who will believe can be grateful to God.It is the two Jesus that will be given 'Bayyinah',the Proof,or Guidance to Paradise,but the other Jesus(of Nazareth) can only use his own after he must have been strengthened with the Holy spirit,which the real Jesus Christ stands for (Qu.2/253).

Each of the 25 most important Prophets of God has something God assigned him for,none of them including their leader will enter Paradise except and until after Jesus Christ has opened the door closed after Adam.And this will happen during Salvation,our 2nd life,that will soon begin.Christians had better believe correctly now,embrace Islam,there is no alternative.If you know what lies ahead,you will see clearly that there is noway anyone can enter paradise (to inherit God) except he first accept Islam - the greatest curse of God be upon me if I'm lying.

The truth is that you are wasting your time now and of course,incurring the wrath of God (for those of you who had known about me),believing in me now will have being a greatest blessing to you from God.When I said that Believers must avoid fornication and adultery,they say that their God is not harsh,that Jesus of Nazareth has died for their sins.That their Jesus was the only pure,no one else can,no matter how much he tried - this is wrong belief that will only lead anyone to Hellfire,I swear.It is the same as believing that once you have a good leader,you don't need to work again.I swear again that no one will enter Heaven except he works very hard for it,nobody can guarantee anyone free passage.

All the Prophets,Muhammed and Jesus of Nazareth inclusive must work hard,even far more than any Believer to enter Paradise.What is certain is that they will automatically qualify and they will have the best of places in the Almighty God,nothing will stop them,and that is the reason why they must work hard WILLY-NILLY to achieve it.Other Believers will get whatever they WILLINGLY do (Qu.53/39-41),Prophets can only provide enabling environment for them to succeed (not do their work for them).

Jesus of Nazareth is not God,I ask Christians again to stop their idolatry.In my area,whenever Christians achieve worldly success,they rejoice by saying that it shows that they are worshipping a living God,I laugh at them and wonder that which God is dead,it just shows that they are Polytheists,there is only one God,the Almighty Allah and Who is Ever Living.There is no big deal in worldly achievements,anyone can attain it,what is special is success in God.And it is a promise from God that no one will truly believe in Him and lack basic needs in this life,Qu.65/3.And having basic needs is what is most important in life - too much wealth,can even at times,lead to spiritual destruction,rather than being a blessing!

44- How Little America Could Be.(Wed,24-3-2010).

What has just happened between America and Israel has again exposed America of how selfish,self-centered and lacking in ability to lead the world she is,she should be treated like any other state in the world.Any country that is not neutral is not worth to be in front,commanding others.

The international community has asked Israel to stop building on the Palestinians' land but she has refused,and instead of the giant America using her might to call Israel to order,she had only bowed to her in shame.How disgraceful you are,America!

I want to state it again that your behaviour towards Israel has always been preference for her over the Almighty God because when it comes to Israel,you don't care whether God likes a thing or not.And what do you gain from your partiality for Israel against the Palestinians and the Arabs if I may ask you? Nothing,except hatred for you from all Muslims around the world,and yet it is you who pay for the relationship in cash and kind,especially the weapons you give Israel to kill and maim the Palestinians!

You have descended so low in your relationship with Israel that it is she who now dictates to you - in spite of your sponsoring her.Whenever you have a disagreement,it is you who must surrender,YOU BOW AND SCRAPE for her even though she is the one owing you gratitude,what an irony!

And it is a pity that the Arabs and the Palestinians have never comported themselves well,otherwise the alliance between you and Israel would have being of no consequence to them.But I want to urge the Quartet members to move speedily to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian problem and let the latter also have their independence.Once the negotiations are concluded,the Palestinians must recognise Israel and live side-by-side in peace. May God help you.

45- REFLECTIONS.(Fri,9-4-2010).

(1) I am sure that whenever Israel killed any Palestinian it is music in the ears of America and her European allies (because they are terrorists?).

(2) They say that Iran is a threat to Israel,but I'm 100% sure that it is Israel that is a GREATER THREAT to Iran and the region.

(3) The decision of the US and Russia to reduce their nuclear weapon numbers is good but not so significant till all nuclear weapon countries sit down together and jointly address the gradual elimination of their evil weapons.

(4) As the Christians are about to celebrate Easter,I want to warn them that there is no alternative to Islam if they will go to Paradise.Those of them who had read about me may think that they are wiser by ignoring me,but on the contrary,they cannot be more ignorant - that's what they will find out later.

(5) The opposition to all Prophets of God was always the STRONGER but the Prophets AT ALL TIMES did prevailed because whatever God wants must come to pass.People,all the time,will oppose them because what they are bringing is new - replacing or supplementing the existing one.Also,there is Satan who always fought tooth and nail to prevent people from believing the Prophets.

(6) I am an old and new Prophet of God,my views and what God is sending me to do are now somehow clear,people should decide to stand by me,against or be neutral.I ASSURE those who will oppose that they will be the losers,nothing will prevent that.And though being neutral is better than outright antagonism,the end result is the same as there are only two rewards - Hell or Paradise.I will remind the world again of something I emphasized before that I CANNOT FAIL.No matter what,I and those who will believe in God through me will be victorious,and our legacies will be everlasting.

(7) I knew what I was saying when I wrote 'those who will believe in God through me' and not 'believe in God with me'.It is not clear now but will be later.While I may not be able to guarantee anybody believing with me,anyone who believes through me will be 100% sure to enter Paradise.All the Prophets have demonstrated this with me,so when the groundwork is done at Salvation they can come later and be saviours for their people.

(8) But what I mean is not like today's Christians who rely wholly on,and worship Jesus of Nazareth.Believers are not to worship their leaders,Muslims don't worship prophet Muhammed,but the Almighty God.Believers should only love their leaders,help them and serve GOD through them.Also,showing love to all creatures of God should be seen as serving God through them.

(9) Christians around the world may look important in numbers,education and wealth but I KNOW how insignificant they are in the eyes of the Almighty God because of their worshipping of Jesus of Nazareth.The greatest curse of God be upon me if I'm lying,they are not important at all with God! I understood very well how God described them to me when He first told me that I would be their guide in 1991.And again,forget the fact that they call on God and He answers them,those who worship stones and rivers similarly get solutions to their problems.The Almighty God is a Lord of all in this world,but will only recognise later those who had believed correctly in Him.

(10) Though I've not yet come out but anyone can attest to it that I am greater than any Christian,how? I am SURE and I'd cursed myself if I should be wrong that Christianity today is idolatry which should not be practised by any genuine Believer in God,and that Islam is God's only way to Paradise.While all their most important leaders had known about me,NONE of them could come out,CURSE himself/herself in order to disprove me!

(11) I've told any true Believer around the world NEVER to be discouraged by some "Muslims" or "Muslim countries" for example,Pakistan,Iraq and Afghanistan,where what we hear and see everyday is violence upon violence,I SWEAR that it is not Islam that taught them that.Islam means peace and all that is good,they will soon see what I mean.

(12) God had shown John the Baptist to me more than 10 years ago.There are other important personalities that I'm absolutely sure of and who will work with me.John or Yahya is an helper of the two Jesus,he baptised Jesus of Nazareth before but now will be ''baptised'' by the real Jesus Christ.He would be the closest person to me.

(13) AMERICA,YOU ARE BIASED,YOU KNOW HOW TO COVER UP ISRAEL BUT EXPOSE IRAN AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY.But what is important is that laws be applied equally on all countries of the world.Israel should now be compelled to sign nuclear non-proliferation treaty or be made to declare to the whole world that she has nuclear weapons and the amount.I don't see the nuclear summit hosted by America as humiliating as adjudged by someone,rather,it is very important that terrorists be not allowed to have access to nuclear materials.

(14) I hate Muslim countries that are currently receiving aids from America,I don't like my country Nigeria also for begging America to delete her name from its terrorists watch list,why won't Nigerians stay at home and develop their own country too?

(15) Many important people from across the world had known about me but are only disregarding or paying no attention to my words.And there has never being a time that God would send someone and ignored except with consequences.In the world now,there are Believers (Muslims) and Non-believers,Muslims have got to stand out,otherwise they will suffer more whenever there is consequence for ignoring me.God used to punish people to humble them and that they can listen to His sent Prophets who were always from humble background.

(16) Let me remind the whole world that God has never created us for any other thing except that we can know Him and worship Him.It is easy for Him to provide all our desires once we do His wish.He doesn't want us to love the world or our lives BUT HIMSELF ALONE because He has bought the lives of Believers with His Own.However,people should not misconstrue me - going to your places of work everyday is also an act of worship.

(17) A statement I would want to make many times is that I hate Muslim countries that are currently receiving aids from America - Muslim countries should stop taking subventions from America.Although there is nothing bad in being helped but there is a very strong reason for this which they ought to know.They should be united and trade freely amongst themselves.If they think they can't make it on their own,they will never be able to.It is also shameful that their brother,the Palestinians depend almost entirely on grants from America and Europe.


(19) Ask yourself EVERYDAY,what you have done for God,the only ONE you should really love.There are some things He has made compulsory for you to do (the pillars of worship) and others that you must always strive to do and outdo others in (good deeds).When you die all your worldly acquisitions will become useless to you except what you had intentionally done for God,that is,your worship and good deeds.Those who did not believe in the Almighty God but had done good deeds will have all their rewards in this world (now or later).But when they die they will have nothing because THE ONLY REWARD after death is the ALMIGHTY GOD that they never believed in.

(20) Hear what God said in an hadith qudzi :- ''The person I hold as a beloved,I am his hearing by which he heareth,I am his sight by which he seeth,I am his hands by which he holdeth,and I am his feet by which he walketh'.Then He further said,'O Man! only follow thou My laws,and thou shalt become like unto Me,and then say,'Be' and behold,'It is''.


(22) ON GOOD DEEDS:Who is the most favoured of God? He from whom the greatest good comes to His creatures.

(23) Do you love your Creator? Love your fellow-beings first (though ONLY for God's sake).And God is not merciful to him who is not so to mankind - prophet Muhammed,(PBOH).

(24) A Believer in God who mixes with people and bears inconveniences,is better than one who does not mix with them and bears no inconveniences.

(25) Do you know that Hell is veiled in too much delights and enjoyments while Paradise is shrouded in some kind of hardships and privation? Surely,the love of the world is the root of all evil.

(26) OF PROPHET MUHAMMED'S SAYINGS: He is the most perfect Muslim whose disposition or character is best,and the best of you are they who behaves best to their wives for a virtuous wife is a man's best treasure.



(29) I wish the world could be divided into two - Muslim and Non-muslim countries.I don't like the United Nations as it is now,I consider it an Unjust Organisation.For example,a Non-muslim country,the US,leading the UN and that just declared that she has over 5,000 nuclear weapons is seriously punishing a Muslim country Iran that has NONE simply because it feared that she could have ONE,what a great injustice!

(30) The Almighty God and His reward - Paradise is by far too great as compensation for Believers than the World.Believers ought not to have anything in the world except the basics - though not compulsory,while Non-believers should have everything there as they would have nothing after death.But wrongly or mistakenly,the thought of most people is that Believers should enjoy more in the world and again have God and His Paradise after death while Non-believers should suffer both on earth and after death.Ha,God is not that unkind! The only enjoyment Believers should necessarily have over Non-believers in this world is contentment.So let me warn Believers (Muslims) to be prepared at all times for humiliation from people of the world,stick firmly to your faith in God and He will never disappoint you.

(31) Another truth is that we do come to the world several times and each time God will test us differently under different circumstances.

(32) Believers could be very rich but so long as there are needy people on earth,they should not amass wealth for their personal enjoyment.Accumulating worldly goods or wealth is wasteful for believers - it is BY FAR worse than keeping your excess funds at home uninvested.


(34) As new governments take-charge in my country,Nigeria and the United Kingdom,I want to advise GOVERNMENTS all over the world: 'Do not say that if people do good to you, you will do good to them,and if people oppress you, you will oppress them,BUT DETERMINE THAT if people do you good you will do good to them,and if they oppress you,you will NOT oppress them',for that is the way of our Lord,the Almighty God.

(35) The joy of a Believer is in obeying God,that of a Non-believer is in the world,he wants to control it,he is only happy when he can oppress others.

(36) The world may be at the brink of a nuclear war with Iran on one side and the US and her allies on the other.Where should any good person belong? Though war is not good but he shouldn't be neutral especially when there is a great injustice like one happening there.To me and to any reasonable person,the US and her allies having nuclear weapons and who have been sanctioning Iran not to have something they got and are not ready to do away with are the unjust,biased and morally wrong countries.Peace in the world is not their aim in punishing and stigmatising Iran,they surely have ulterior motives.Which is more dangerous,Iran that has none or the US and her allies that have several thousands of the evil weapons? And it is because they possess these weapons that they are confident to invade and oppress any country that they are sure doesn't have.

(37) While it is good to say that no country should produce nuclear weapon again,it is more imperative that those having the weapons already should come out now and set a time target to destroy them.They should not be allowed to continue to hold on to the dangerous weapon - they are the evildoers that deserve stigmatisation not Iran.I'm sure that once all of them begin to destroy their evil weapons no other country in the world will ever contemplate having it again,which is what should be desired by everyone.

(38) Countries that have signed never to produce the weapons may seem reasonable on one hand but they are like fools on the other for keeping quiet,not asking those having the bombs to begin to destroy them immediately.They have joined with the US and her allies to continue to punish Iran and stigmatise her,they are unjust and God does not like them for their double standard.The foolishness of these countries is that they have made themselves vulnerable to America and her allies that have the bombs to be terrorised and oppressed at will - for that is what they usually do and will continue to do anytime and the reason of course while many countries willy-nilly surrender to them begging to be allies.

(39) Disunity amongst Muslim countries is very harmful to Islam,Islam is by far more important than any single country,I will never be happy with anyone or country who will want Islam divided.I'd said it before that the current division into Shia and Sunni does not have any standing with God,there is only one Islam to which all Believers in God should belong to.

(40) One single day with God is like a thousand years on earth,(Q22/47,Q32/5),Non-believers whose Paradise is this world deserve to be super-rich there,while Believers that their Paradise is with God should try to manage in the world.