Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 4.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/hamidtiamiyu.

1-I may not know any other thing but one thing I'm ABSOLUTELY sure about is that NO OTHER BEING CAN SAVE MANKIND EXCEPT MY HUMBLE SELF.

2-The hand of the Almighty God is on me,there is noway I will mislead people,and it is COMPULSORY for all Believers in God to believe in me..

3-(It is important or compulsory for their own sake,though no one will ever be forced).

4-Though no time as such,but I just watched briefly a program on TV dramatising our purpose in life...

5-I want to say authoritatively that there is no other purpose other than to worship God.And..

6-To worship God,Believers must  know that there is One God,Perform Salat for Him 5x daily,Pay Zakat,Fast in Ramadan,& Observe Hajj for Him..

7-Also,the Almighty God Himself said that He had not created us for any other thing than to worship and serve Him (Q51/56)..

8-Those 5 things I mentioned are the Pillars of Worship,they differentiate Real Believers from those MERELY claiming to believe in God.

9-Yes,Believers must not do any other thing than to worship and serve God because He is the ONE and ONLY in us.

10-Without doubt,Everyone will reap whatever he/she does.

11-The Greatest Curse of God be upon me if what I'm saying is wrong: NO ONE WILL BELIEVE IN ONLY THE BIBLE AND ENTER PARADISE.

12-Christians,ask the Pope and all your Leaders to curse themselves that Jesus is son of God as contained in the Bible,if really they are sure..

13-If they cannot swear that Jesus is son of God,then stop following them in worshipping Jesus,it will only lead you and them to Hell-fire.

14-It is FAR better for anyone not to believe in the Almighty God at all than being a Christian worshipping Jesus.

15-Oh the Almighty God! To further demonstrate my unalloyed belief in You,I declare as follows:

16-Jesus is NOT the son of God,or God Himself,if I'm wrong,I pray that the Almighty God makes Paradise or the Heaven FORBIDDEN to me,Amen.

17-Everything about the Unbelievers in the World ought to be Excellent for this is their Paradise,Believers should just try to manage there...

18-However,Believers should also aspire to be their best (in worldly affairs) though like I had said before,they have to work extra.

19-Heh Unbelievers,the fact that you do good deeds cannot take you to Heaven since you've not really worshipped God,rather...

20-All the good deeds of an Unbeliever will be recompensed on earth leaving him/her with nothing after death.

21-To worship God,first you have to believe correctly,know that there is only One God,the Almighty...

22-Second,you must do all the five things the Almighty God commanded us to do in the Qur'an for His worship..

23-Those worshipping Jesus (Christians) and other created Things are amongst the Unbelievers.

24-Prophets Abraham and Muhammed (PBOT) were both looked down upon when they came and asked their peoples to stop idol worshipping...

25-But did they not prevailed? Christians also look at me with disdain,but I swear that I will prevail over them in their idol worshipping,..

26..For Jesus is NOT God.But take note that I don't intend to force anyone to believe.

27-I always wonder why someone will put ALL HIS FAITH in something that is DOUBTFUL,Christians really seem destined for Hell.

28-Christians,I want to tell you AUTHORITATIVELY,that in Christianity,you have absolutely NOTHING that you stand on.

29-Nothing in the world can be more important than what God is sending me to do...

30-And no matter how long it takes,I will succeed.

31-Christians,don't be cowardly,I'm waiting for you,write me,and let's put an end to the lies that you are saying about Jesus.

32-I am real,very very sincere person,Believers thr'out the world DO NOT HAVE CHOICE but to believe in me & follow me,that's what God has done.

33..(But I assume that everybody knows that no one will be compelled,everyone should be free to believe in the Almighty God or not).

34-(Reply).God has said in the Qur'an 2/256 that there should be no compulsion in religion,I being His rep on earth will try & ensure that.

35-(Reply).And if what you mean is that you'd not believe in me know that disbelief in God's Messenger is disbelief in God Himself Q4/80.

36-If you will believe,believe fully and correctly,partial belief is part of being an hypocrite.And God hates Hypocrites more than Unbelievers.

37-A person that is doubting (hypocrite) is by far more harmful than a stark unbeliever...

38-Christians,you want to continue worshipping in doubt? But you cannot curse yourselves that Jesus is son of God,or God Himself!

39-People of the world,there is a 100% assurance that the Almighty God is sending me to you,read my blogs & tweets and believe in me completely.

40-What God is sending me to do is very compulsory,and there is absolutely NOTHING that can prevent it from happening.

41-On 9/11,much as we hate terrorists and extremists,let's also be determined never to condone injustice and oppression anywhere in the world.

42-But the Extremist Muslims  shd learn their lessons v. well,GOD generally WILL NOT ALLOW them deny the Unbelievers of their earthly Paradise..

43-God is not at all inconsiderate like the Extremist Muslims,He won't let the Unbelievers suffer on earth when they will have no Heaven.

44-If you worship Prophet Muhammed,Abraham,Moses,or Jesus,etc,I SWEAR THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANY HOPE,only the Almighty God should be worshipped.

45-Thank you Turkey for your interest in the Palestinians',the whole OIC ought to show similar commitment.I appreciate the others in the world.

46-Muslim countries,if you want God to help you on the Palestinians',once the US blocks their statehood bid,ask her to stop funding them...

47..Do the samething to the Europeans if they too should join America,then take up their roles,and very soon God will help you.

48-There is NOTHING that the Christians know about God that I don't know better and even,CORRECTLY...

49-I see many of them very bold and confident,but I swear by God that their self-assurance or positivism is based on NOTHING..

50-The idol worshippers of yore,during Prophets Abraham and Muhammed were more confident,but were they right?..

51-God has told me,and it was the first thing that He said while revealing myself to me in 1991 that Christians stand on NOTHING..


53-Yes,people had worshipped Jesus for centuries,but those times were periods of ignorance,GOD HAS SENT ME NOW!

54-If the Almighty God Himself should come down to earth,those destined for Hell will not believe,why?..

55..Because they were not made to believe.And even on seeing God,they will be more defiant,saying it's all magic!..

56..They will never believe until it is too late!

57-Israeli PM's boast that the Palestinians' statehood bid will fail is based on nothing but the WRONG SUPPORT from the US backed by Europe..

58..Had the UN being truly democratic,the Palestinians would have succeeded long ago..

59..But while they may fail now,they won't fail forever,i'm sure.

60-Lawmakers in America have a way of bypassing the Veto Power of the President,and it's good for democracy,the UN should do the samething.

61-The UN Organisation must find a way of overruling any reckless use of Veto Power by any permanent member of the UN Security Council.

62-The whole World knows that the Palestinians do not refuse negotiation,but israel is the one PREVENTING it.US,France,STOP IGNORING THE FACT!

63-When Israel realizes that America's Veto Power can be overruled,she would begin to behave more responsibly.

64-And let me pray that whatever America does to the Palestinians,the Almighty God will do it to her,Amen!

65-A lot is wrong with America and Israel,why should the US have to use Pressures and Vetoes ALL THE TIME for Israel that is already in the UN?

66-While they may use Force and Pressure to achieve their aims,God knows that America and Israel are not really right on the Palestinian issue.

67-America,though a great country,but she behaves like a FOOL on Israel...

68-If Israel is doing anything America does not want,NOWAY America can stop her..

69-But anything Israel wants from America must be gotten willy-nilly..

70-Had America been able to control Israel,the last attempt at resolving Israel/Palestine imbroglio would not have failed..

71-So I wonder why anyone if not a fool,will pledge his whole life for someone he cannot control!..

72-Because America's second,or is it the first? National Anthem is: OUR RESOLVE TO STAND BY ISRAEL IS UNSHAKABLE!

73-Ordinarily,any independent country is not supposed to be under the control of another..

74..But what America is doing for Israel is more than for just an ally..

75..It is like someone pledging his entire life for another.

76-Again,why I said America behaves like a fool over Israel..

77..God will hold America responsible for some certain (or maybe all) wrongs Israel commits against the Palestinians.

78-God says,He wonders how we always love the present life,neglecting the hereafter.(Q75/20-21).

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 1:

79-Devotion to God is my occupation.Firm belief in God,my sustenance..

80-Obedience to God is my dignity.Truth,my protection..

81-Patience is my cloak.Grief,my helper.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 2:

82-Enthusiasm in the way of God is my vehicle..

83-Striving in the cause of God is my natural disposition..

84-Reason is the root of my religion.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 3:

85-Faith in God is my strength.And learning is my weapon..

86-Remembrance of God is my companion.And prayer is the coolness of my eyes..

87-Humility is what I am proud of.And love is the foundation of my being.

88-Man rejoices in the world while the worldly life is nothing,compared to the Hereafter,but a brief enjoyment.(Q13/26).

89-Palestinians,you disappointed me,and God Almighty, for complaining that America is cutting some of her aids..

90..Why did you depend on America and Europe in the first instance,the very people that had been WRONGLY supporting Israel against you?..

91..And I'm afraid that your ambition may never be realised so long as you lean or hang on them (i.e. US and EU)..

92..But here I must say that the so-called Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is almost a USELESS body!

93-Though they never say it openly,but I'm 100% sure that Nigerian President and most important govt officials in the country know about me..

94-Therefore I expect Nigeria (and Gabon) to also vote for the Palestinians' statehood like the good peoples of India,Brazil,etc..

95-If Nigeria shd abstain from voting for the Palestinians,it means that the Govt prefers America & Israel over Myself and God that I represent

95-Any country that votes against or abstains from voting for the Palestinian's statehood CERTAINLY prefers America & Israel over Myself & God.

96-A person WILL NOT experience the sweetness of Faith until he can guarantee three conditions,namely:

97..(1) Till he loves people,and loves them ONLY for God's sake..

98..(2)Till it becomes DEARER to him to be thrown into the fire than go back to disbelief after he has believed..

99..(3)Till he loves God and His Prophet MORE THAN anything else.

100-Let me remind the people of the world once more:-

101..By the Grace of God,I am what I told you,God's ONLY Representative on Earth for as long as I live..

102..Though one may not believe,but he cannot change what God has done..

103..If he believes in what God has done,he will gain,otherwise he will lose..

104..NEVER have I had the slightest of doubt about WHO I AM since 1991 that the Almighty God revealed myself to me.

105-But somebody may ask,how can we be sure of what you call yourself?:-

106..An essential part of Faith in God is believing in the Unseen. (Q2/3)..

107..Anyone who says he will not believe until he sees God face to face will become an Unbeliever that will go to Hell-fire..

108..Moreover,read my story very well,do I look like an impostor?

109-People of the world,NO ONE can tell you any Truer Word,stop wasting time,believe in the Almighty God NOW by accepting Islam..

110..By what I already know,THERE IS NOWAY anyone can go to Heaven (Paradise) without first accepting and practising Islam..

111..It's like someone wanting to enter University without first passing through Elementary,or High School.

112-What I already know God has decreed...

113..If you are hungry,you must first eat (food) to be OK.Miracle,or magic? No!..

114..If you want to have the greatest joy (Paradise),you must first practise Islam.Any shortcut? No!

115-If anybody asked me what I prefer in Israeli/Palestinian relation...

116..I desire that they both live together as one country where there will be no discrimination..

117..That is,equal rights for both the Palestinians and Israelis..

118..But neither Israel nor Palestine had openly talked about that,what I always hear is two-state solution..

119..And if that is the case,for God's sake,let the Palestinians have their own state NOW!

112-Remind yourself everyday if necessary,of the God's Decree I said I was sure of (I swear,NO alternative)..

113..Or you've agreed to be a Muslim? Not yet? Maybe you are not destined for God's Greatest Reward (Paradise).Yes,you may count yourself out!

114-May God curse me if I'm not sure: NOTHING God hates more than the saying of,"In the name of Jesus".

115-An adult man or woman is not supposed to be alone at any time,but married to be complete in God..

116-It is by far more rewarding (from God) to have females as children than males..

117-Male children (unlike females) belong to their parents,the parents get commission (not full reward) from God for their doing good..

118-But when female children become matured and married,their parents get full rewards from God..

119..However,if the parents of the bride disturb the husband,their reward from God becomes diminished..

120..Because parents had only helped to raise women,women belong to their husbands,they should also bear their husbands names only..

121-It is VERY WASTEFUL to have many male children,instead spend your excess money to help others.

122-When you help others,you get FAR MORE REWARDS from God than spending your resources on children (especially males) born by you..

123..But at the same time you must never leave any child born by you uncatered for.

124-By no means shall you attain righteousness or blamelessness unless you spend for God's sake of that which you love.(Q3/92).

125-Why God hates,"In the name of Jesus".Nobody is anything,God is everything.Rather say "In the name of God".

126-Who really is a Strong person? The One who can control himself.

127-The most excellent Jihaad is that for the conquest of self.(Hadith).

128-Man's first enemy is his body.

129-It is only those who believe in the Almighty God that He guides from their hearts.(Q64/11).

130-Pakistan,please allow America's ground troops and together go after terrorist and extremist groups..

131..No one should like terrorist and extremist people,and ground troops is better than indiscriminate killings with drones.

132-Today is 22/10/2011: It's like I should remind the people of the world everyday:

133-By what God made me exactly 18 years ago (22/10/1993),I don't need to know whom anybody is on this earth planet..

138-Anyone there (in this world) must obey and follow me to be a Believer in the Almighty God..

139-Reject me and you will be rejecting all the Prophets of God,and the Almighty God Himself that sent me..

140-I will say it for the umpteenth time that I WILL NOT FAIL,it is whoever wants to fail and go to Hell that should ignore me..

141-And I swear that NO ONE (whoever and from wherever in the world) will disobey me and find favour with the Almighty God!

142-Do they not know that for those who oppose God and His Messenger is Hellfire wherein they shall dwell? That is the supreme disgrace (Q9/63).

143-Western media,being closely copied across the world,are always with evil intent towards Islam..

144-What is democracy,isn't it the demonstration or expression of of the general wish of the people?..

145-But why do Western media always fear when this democratic wish is shown by Muslims in any part of the world?..

146-For example,their tongues are now wagging that an Islamic party is poised to lead  a free and fair election just held in Tunisia..

147-Or do they want Muslims to abandon their God-given Way of Life for theirs?..

148-Muslims throughout the world should be sure about Islam,had they know,they are the ones to guide others..

149-And I swear that the Western dominated world is sick and groping in the dark,they had better listen to the One God had sent to guide them.

150-Some verses in the Qur'an about Jesus needed to be explained,but there is noway I will do it without disclosing some secrets of God..

151-But those worrying about them should know that they are very clear to me..

152-Maybe I will write to reveal the most important of them later,especially about Jesus mother.

153-One place where God told us that we do come to the world more than once.Qur'an(80/17-23).Its summary..

154-I created you,make life easy for you,then you will die,and a grave assigned to you..

155..Then when I like I will raise you up again,why? Because you have not completed what I wanted you to do.

156-Noway anyone will get to the University without passing thro Elementary/High School,NO ONE will enter Heaven without first accepting Islam.

157-The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam,He created him from dust (no parents),then said to him:'Be'.And he was.Qur'an(3/59).

158-It is not for God to take a son,exalted is He! When He decrees anything,He only says to it,'Be',and it is.Qur'an(19/35).

159-Not a Messenger did I send before you,Muhammed without this Inspiration that there is no god but I,therefore,worship and serve Me.Q(21/25)..

160-And they say,'God,Most Gracious has begotten offspring',Glory to Him! They are only Servants raised to honour.Qur'an(21/26)..

161..They speak not before He speaks,and they act only by His Command.Qur'an(21/27).

162-They indeed have disbelieved who say that God is the Christ,son of Mary..Qur'an(5/17).

163-Christ,the son of Mary was no more than a Messenger of God.Many were the Messengers that passed away before him.Qur'an(5/75).

164-Jesus said,'It is God Who is my Lord and your Lord,then worship Him.This is a Way that is straight.Qur'an(3/51).

165-If anyone does a religion other than Islam,NEVER will it be accepted of him,and in the Hereafter,he will be among those who have lost.Q3/85.

166-Surely,the only religion with the Almighty God is Islam.Qur'an(3/19).

167-America,Europe,Pls stop fooling us.Instead of you taking action to stop Israel's illegal settlement buildings,you ALWAYS MERELY condemn it!

168-Believers that are God-fearing & Law abiding should never fear the Unbelievers (includng today's Christians) no matter their military might.

169-I also condemn very strongly the terrorists attacks in northern Nigeria.Boko Haram members must repent to become Muslims again.

170-Three things about me that are not Mere Coincidence:

171-My uneducated parents (of blessed memories) made three small marks on each of my two cheeks,which is not my fault.(JESUS,made from Three)..

172-My parents also gave me the middle name 'Adigun',meaning somebody or something craftily invented,or made perfectly.(JESUS,''assembled'')..

173-The village I was born is called 'Ikuseunla',meaning ''Death did a Great thing'',(JESUS' death is Salvation,a very great thing)!

174-While some may be disbelieving,the Almighty God will never allow them to stop me,I WILL SUCCEED.

175-On Palestinians' statehood bid: Justice is what is good and godly,the United Nations is Unjust,being controlled by only one country,America.

176-Christians,and Christian Leaders: Listen to me again,Christianity will take you to nowhere but Hellfire,may God curse me if I'm not sure.

176-The Yorubas,my tribe,also call God,'Adigun',though I'm not God,but by His Grace,'Ruhullah',or God's Holy Spirit.

177-President Bashar Assad of Syria seems determined to rule for life,and groom his child to succeed him like they used to do..

178-But the international community can help stop the daily,needless civilian deaths in Syria.

179-When man forgets God,he forgets himself unknowingly.

180-People living in the world are two,though we always like to behave as if we are one..

181-Some people are for the Heaven while the others are for Hell,our behaviours on earth must be different.

182-Something about me again that is not a coincidence: My State in Nigeria (Oyo) is known as the Pacesetter State..

183-What God is making me to begin is what will last till the end of the world (Siratal Mustaqim)..

184-I am 100% sure that No One will enter Paradise but must follow in my footsteps..

185-By the Grace of God,I am the real Pacesetter,a model to be imitated..

186-I have suffered a lot for it,just like the making of any Model or Standard is not easy,others can then follow with ease..

187-Consequently,No One will get to the Heaven,or enter Paradise but must owe me gratitude.

188-Again,I don't have any doubt that Christians don't really worship God (God curse me if I'm not sure)...

189-The worship Christians are doing is the involuntary one that all creatures,or creations of God are doing,willy-nilly..

190-Because God has said that everything He created is worshipping Him by doing certain things that He had destined that he does..

191-But who knows what God had really destined? Everyone will willingly do whatever God will reward him for eventually.

192-Even if Jesus that Christians worship were to be God,still,they don't really do any worship...

193-What Christians do is to ask,ask and ask from Jesus all that they want,which is not a real worship..

194-Worship is something you do for God,and not a request for anything from Him..

195-If as a Parent,you have two children,one likes to do things for you and the other only ask for things,which of the two will you like?..

196-Then Christians also read Bible,the Reported Words of 'God',many of which are not correct (God curse me if I'm not sure)!..

197-Christians also sing and dance to praise Jesus who is not God,and when all praise should belong to God..

198-And is there anyone saying I talk too much about Christians? I will always say whatever God wants me to say,okay?

199-Let not the Unbelievers think that God's respite to them is good,God gives them respite that they can grow in their iniquity..Q3/178.

200-And it is the same to the Unbelievers whether Prophet warns them or not,they will not believe.Q2/6.

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