1-The UN as it is now is not what it ought to be,many times,most people are at the mercy of a very few.
2-The Palestinians and the rest of the world are now at the mercy of America and Israel.
3-The UN Security Council can severely punish a country of millions of people simply on mere suspicion,e.g.Iran.
4-If they know that having nuclear weapon is dangerous,then they should be ready to get rid of theirs too.
5-The UN unjust behaviour has undoubtedly promoted terrorism worldwide.
6-Nigerian political officeholders get bloated salaries and allowances while the masses are groaning in poverty.
7-Politicians in Nigeria will do anything to get to office because of the huge salaries and allowances.
8-What we have in Nigeria are many insincere politicians going to office to get rich rather than serve people.
9-What Nigeria needs badly now is real development,politicians' emoluments should be slashed to say one third of what they get now.
10-Whoever can bear the proposed reduced salaries and allowances should contest or seek political office in Nigeria.
11-Politicians in Nigeria will want to get same or more remunerations than their counterparts in developed country like America.
12-So long as politicians in Nigeria are paid huge salaries and allowances,there will be no end to the persistent corruption there.
13-Competition in worldly increase has diverted man away from God till he gets to the grave when he will know the reality.
14-God is gracious to him that earns his living by his own labour and not by begging.
15-God will help people according to their behaviour,as if they had been destined therefor.
16-If you like to do good,God will help you to paradise,but if it is bad,He will aid you to hell.
17-Countries around the world belonging to the UN now are like fools for there is no real UN but America,and the US has become un-challengeable.
18-I don't hate America but by her behaviour,I swear that she is becoming a real threat to world peace,how? No one can control her.
19-But I will not mind if the rest of the world will choose America to govern them provided that she is NEUTRAL and subject to checks and balances.
20-I strongly dislike extremist people,but what the West should have done is to protect their countries,rather than invading others.
21-Muslims,blame no one else but yourselves for your failures as you have ignored many things I said God would want you to do.
22-I think the greatest losers are those who are not very rich and are still not muslims for non-believers deserve to be super-rich on earth.
23-Non-believers will be NOTHING in heaven,so why won't they be EVERYTHING on earth?
24-And one thousand years on earth is just a single day in heaven! Q22/47,Q32/5.
25-I disagree with former US Sec of St. that invading Iraq was right,there can never be any justification for illegality.
26-You end up creating more problems for yourself by ignoring justice or due process.
27-Pakistani govt is a disgrace to all muslims for allowing America to continue to kill her people indiscriminately.
28-The kind of UN I want is one that will be able to check any country that wants to oppress others like the US,or Israel.
29-People will do anything to have a good public image while their privacy is an eyesore.
30-The reason why people prefer fake lifestyle is because Satan is reigning.
31-God is the helper of believers,Satan that is reigning now,non-believers.
32-No doubt,Satan is in control now,but I'm sure that very soon believers will take-charge.
33-Western media with evil intent,Iraqi PM visits a fellow muslim Iran,why do you want to die because of that?
34-The best of Jihad (Holy war) is that for the conquest of self.
35-God will give him a great reward who withheld his anger when he had in his power to show it.
36-That person is wise and sensible who suppresses his carnal desires and hopes for rewards from God.
37-No father had given his child anything better than good manners.
38-One with God is a majority,and better be alone than in company with the bad.
39-Worship God as if you see Him,for if you don't see Him,He sees you.
40-Man's deeds will be brought back to him as if he himself was the creator of his own punishment.
41-Muslims,don't forget that God is One and He likes unity.
42-Believers should be persistent in good actions.
43-The best of good acts is that which is constantly attended to although in a small degree.
44-Be a perfect person by doing good to people when they do not do good to you.
45-Kindness is a major indicator of faith,whoever has no kindness has no faith.
46-Exactly from 17yrs ago,I'd being unlike any person on earth,had they know,people would credit me for making sense by what I write.
47-Hamid Tiamiyu,deserving of commendation for still being able to make sense by what he writes despite his special condition.
48-May God exalt his eminence - that person that is humble to people for God's sake.And all kinds of modesty are best.
49-Acquisition of knowledge is a duty that is incumbent on every muslim,male and FEMALE - prophet Muhammed (PBOH).
50-Whether you conceal what you say or make it public,God knows what is in your minds - Q67/13.
51-Allah (God) is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth should frustrate His plans - Q35/44.
52-A true believer is thankful to God in prosperity,resigned to His will in adversity and must keep on struggling.
53-Muslims,who are you worshipping? If it is Allah,remember that He is One,so be united.
54-I'm sure that it is Satan that is between S/Arabia and Iran that they cannot yet embrace each other,will they let him continue?
55-Detractors - enemies of Islam,why should Afghanistan not receive money aid from a fellow muslim Iran?
56-America's role in the Middle East has been most destabilising,and why would she not want the Shites and the Sunnis united?
57-America,become muslim or let muslims live their lives the way they want,okay?
58-America has sustained more losses when she went out than when the terrorists attacked her at home due to her carelessness.
59-America doesn't need to invade muslim countries,instead,she should protect herself from extremist 'muslims'.
60-Muslims are better positioned to fight extremists within themselves,America should only intervene when her help is sought.
61-This life is a tillage for the next,do good that you may reap there,whatever God had ordained can only be attained by striving.
62-Man rejoices in the worldly life while it is but little comfort in comparison with that of the hereafter - Q13/26.
63-Once thy ar not ready 2 eliminate thm,I pray to God 2 punish thse countries havng nuclear bombs that ar punishng othrs suspctd of tryin 2 hav it.
64-Desist from seeing and speaking of the defects of people that you know are in yourself.
65-Misfortunes can happen to muslim and his wife (to cleanse them) until death,when there is no fault upon them again.
66-Divorce or termination of marriage,though lawful,is disliked by God.
67-True believers don't fear death because it is only a bridge that unites friend with friend (in life after death).
68-The day when secrets (of what he has done) will be open,man shall have neither power nor helper - Q86/9-10.
69-Man desires the frail goods of this world while Allah desires for him the hereafter - Qur'an.
70-Don't they know that whoever acts in opposition to Allah and His messenger,he shall surely have fire of hell to abide in?-Q9/63.
71-Believers,speak what is good or remain silent.
72-Hezbollah is Lebanese,Susan Rice is American,who should Lebanese affairs concern more?
73-One thing I'd said many times and which I would want to restate again and again is that 'I cannot fail'.
74-Another thing I will like to emphasize is that 'whoever will oppose me shall be the loser'.
75-God is mild or gentle,and He is fond of mildness,He gives to the mild what He does not to the harsh.
76-God will exalt his dignity and diminish his faults that man that was wounded and he pardoned the giver of the wound.
77-The lawful and the forbidden are clear,but doubtful things between the two are better avoided.
78-Prophet had been sent as a witness over people,bearer of glad tidings,warner and to invite people to God - Q33/44,45.
79-Israeli PM said threat of extremist 'muslims' increasing,I say it would decrease once Israel and the US behave properly.
80-Though I strongly hate it but some people will take to terrorism simply to fight back injustice.
81-Injustice and terrorism are both hateful but there can be no end to terrorism until justice is assured.
82-World powers are hypocrites,they play double standard by condoning injustice while they hate terrorism.
83-I'm sure that if the West will fight injustice as they do terrorism,Israel will not be their ally,but the reverse is the case.
84-Also I'm certain that were Europe to hate injustice like terrorism,they will not see eye to eye with the US on many issues as they do now.
85-And I'm confident that were the world powers to fight injustice as they do terrorism,the whole world would have been more peaceful.
86-The worldly life is not but play and amusement,but best is the home in the hereafter for believers - Q6/32.
87-I hate extremist 'muslims' and I don't like those whose love of the world is to the detriment of others,do both have any faith?
88-I'm ALWAYS disappointed in muslims worldwide,they have forgotten whom they are and have taken the West as their God.
89-Rather than look up to God,use their strengths and be self-sufficient,muslims now only copy the West and rely on them.
90-There ought to be distinction between muslims and non-muslims,like people of God and of the World,as our values are different.
91-Those who reject Qur'an and treat it with arrogance are companions of the fire wherein they will dwell for ever - Q7/36.
92-Those who reject faith,it is the same whether prophet warns them or not,they will not believe - Q2/6.
93-Pakistani PM condemnd suicide attack in mosq,condemntn not enough,take more decisive action on extremists,u disgrace urself & othr muslims.
94-Good muslims and non-muslims in Pakistan,Iraq,Somalia,Afghanistan,etc,deserve to live in peace.
95-God has created everything for man while He created man for Himself.
96-When people have might,they become aggressive,but something is stronger,faith.
97-Some people say we believe in God but do not really believe - Q2/8.
98-Man,worship your God that you may be righteous - Q2/21.
99-Religion is not for prosperity or one's prayers being answered but salvation,which is only by worshipping and re-uniting with the Almighty God.
100-Arabs were naive to have started war with Israel,they forgot that those that helped set it up would never stand idly by and watch her attacked.
101-Unfortunately,all good muslims worldwide had ever being suffering emotionally for the mistakes of the Arabs in the Middle East.
102- Many times the behaviour of some muslims and mslm countries had being damaging to Islam e.g Extrmst 'muslims',Arabs in general,Pakistan,Iran.
103-But even if it remains myself alone that is upright in the religion,I swear that no one will stop Islam from prevailing.
104-I call on genuine believers in God again,stop wasting your time,no one can better tell you than me,Islam is the only way to paradise.
105-Not 4 d fear of Israel's powerful backers,I would NEVER av supportd the Arabs when they launchd war on Israel,instead complain & wait 4 d UN.
106-Good muslims are very peaceful people,hardly would they ever first start a war.
107-No prophet of God will intentionally first start a war - when they fought it was usually imposed and God always helped them to win.
108-I swear I can never fear America or any powerful organisation if I have to fight and being righteous success will surely be mine.
109-Whenever any muslim misbehaves,it is distressing on all good muslims but while they suffer emotnally,God will reward them 4 their concern.
110-Anytime I watch America & Israel's relationship,I feel a kind of pity for America and wonder whether she cannot think properly.
111-Israel's building on Palestinians' land had been worldwide describd as illegal,but America is begging Israel wth incentives 2 do d right thg
112-Israel,stop building on Palestinians' land,that has nothing 2 do wth ur security,rather,it will only inflame angry Palestinians against you.
113-Like Germany has just done ,I urge the West to always raise their terror alerts hopefully those agents of Satan will no longer succeed.
114-Pakistan,you don't have any other choice,you have begged for and received US aids,the drone attacks will continue,shame on you.
115-What America is doing in Pakistan regarding drone attacks is nothing but sheer oppression.
116-US cannot hate terrorists more than I do & my belief is that outsiders that are not particularly invited should not fight them 4 any country
117-America,why don't U give Pakistan d drones & teach them how 2 use it agst d terrorists in their cntry,or av U been invited 2 do that 4 them?
118-It is always good to be peaceful and law-abiding,the Arabs that first attacked Israel ought to have learnt their lessons now.
119-What the Arabs are now clamouring to have back from Israel is just a fraction of what was initially given to them and which they rejected.
120-But Israel should also be careful and make peace with the Arabs,remember the former Pharaoh and his people,what was their end?
121-Very important that believers be especially cautious,Satan is always after them,what non-believers will do & go scot-free,believers may not.
122-Some Arabs said,'We believe',God says,they have not believed yet,rather,they should say,'We have accepted Islam' - Q49/14.
123-Surely,those who are near to God turn not away with pride from His worship,but they glorify Him & prostrate themselves before Him - Q7/206.
124-Whoever turns away from God,He will appoint for him a Satan who becomes his companion - Q43/36.
125-Allah will surely help one who helps His cause,He is full of Strength and Exalted in Might - Qur'an.
126-Doing the right thing is the best of behaviours.
127-Who has seen God now? He is not visible to the naked eyes but the hearts perceive Him through Iman (faith).
128-Fallout from Wikileaks,Iran should behave as if she had not known,make efforts & reach out to the Saudis to ensure Muslims unification.
129-Muslims unification is more important than anything.
130-God is my witness,I don't guess about Him,if I can't feel Him directly,what I'm doing for Him everyday would be impossible.
131-Once I cannot fix God from my heart,look at Him and concentrate which is someth I do everyday,I will be off balance & vulnerable to Satan.
132-And I swear that the Almighty God has communicated directly with me before on many occasions.
133-I suffer for God everyday to be able to do what I'm doing for Him but once I cannot focus God and concentrate,Satan becomes deadlier.
134-I'm sure no one lives the kind of life I live now which makes me different,but very soon I will be normal and most valuable to humanity.
135-What I do for God is a joint effort between Him and myself,THERE IS NOWAY I can do it without Him (the Almighty God) been with me.
136-So what would make me fail when I 'see' and work with God everyday? My affairs will surely conclude with joy,that I can say by God's grace.
137-That I'm confident I will succeed is because what I'm doing is really not my work but God's,and in fact,no one will willingly want to do it.
138-So if God will not fail I can never fail,and I swear that God's whole aim of creating us depends & revolves around what He had sent me to do.
139-Do men think that they will be left alone on saying,'We believe',and that they will not be tested? - Q29/2.
140-People,be mindful of Satan who watches you from a position where you cannot see him - Q7/27.
141-God had always tested people and will continue to do so that He would know those who are true from those who are false - Q29/3.
142-God has made the evil ones friends to those without faith -Q7/27.
143-Man,call on ANYTHING,your prayers will be answered once you have faith in it,the only problem:no Heaven for those who call on others but God.
144-In this world,the Almighty God is 4 all,regardless of what you believe in,He would provide 4 everyone,but not so in Heaven,only 4 believers.
145-No bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another,and there will not be for anyone except what he strives for - Q53/38-39.
146-What man has done,he will soon see,when he will be recompensed with the fullest recompense - Q53/40-41.
147-Those who believe find peace of mind in the remembrance of God,surely,it is with God's remembrance that hearts are assured - Q13/28.
148-God has said,'Seek help from Me through patience and prayer,indeed I AM with the patient' -Q2/153.
149-No compulsion in religion,whoever refuses thse who transgressd & believes in Allah has graspd a strong handle which knows no breaking Q2/256.
150-Charity is a duty unto every muslim.Every good act is charity.Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.
151-God has said,'Remember Me that I can remember you,give thanks to Me,don't be ungrateful' -Q2/152.
152-Remember God in retirement from the people,and do not kill your hearts with too much eating and drinking.
153-The most effective way for real self to have power over body is through fasting,you illuminate your hearts & draw nearer to God by hunger.
154-UN Sec Council inability to utter a single word on the situation in 'Ivory Coast' is because of its non-neutrality,again,there is no real UN.
155-America dropping objection to Israel's building on Palestinians' land is condoning injustice.Once more,America has bowed to Israel in shame.
156-America may be the most powerful country in the world but not to Israel that does control her.
157-Fasting that is not the obligatory should be done only once in a while,(not everyday).Some hunger is surely great for spiritual health.
158-Let Arabs pledge:they will no longer fight Israel,Israel shd release Arabs seized lands & pref absorb all Palestinians & live togther as one.
159-If the permanent members of the UN Security Council will truly represent the world,then they MUST have no allies,they MUST be neutral.
160-Once all d perm members of the UN Sec Council are neutral,I can possibly agree that they keep their nuclear weapons 4 d security of d world.
161-Pakistan,stop distractg us,let d US announce drone attacks,moreover,U know what U shd do if U don't like it,U v bn a disgrace 2 oth muslims.
162-No reasonable muslim country ought to be friend of America as of now,she had been mainly responsible for the continued problem in the M/East.
163-The US had further exposed herself when she said nothing as such she could do to solve the Middle East imbroglio.
164-If America had been neutral,treat Israel the way she had done to Iran,the Middle East problem would have been resolved long ago.
165-Also, the inability of Shia and Sunni muslims to come together and be united cannot be without America's ingenious manipulation of muslims.
166-Proph Muhammed said,'do not exceed bounds in praising me as d Xtians do in praising Jesus calling him,God,son of God,I'm only God messenger'
167-Greatest crimes - Associate another with God,Vex parents,Kill one's children,Commit suicide, and Swear to a lie.
168-I can say this without doubt:Whoever loves to meet God,God loves to meet him.
169-God said,'I will accomplish the faith of whoever puts his faith in Me,I AM with him and near him when he remembers Me'.
170-Prophet Muhammed said,'to honour an old person is showing respect to God'.
171-Muslims are brothers,they must not abandon each other,or hold one another in contempt or derision.
172-When a muslim is sick,then God restores his health,his illness has covered his former faults,let him watch his future actions.
173-If Shia and Sunni muslims cannot come together and be united,it simply means they are not practising real Islam.
174-If Saudi Arabia cannot go to Iran,or vice versa,and openly embrace each other,it simply means their Islam is not correct.
175-Then I was right when I said many muslims had lost track of whom they are,as they have taken the West as their 'God'.
176-No wonder then many Arab leaders were reportedly praying to America (their 'God') to help them attack their muslim enemy Iran.
177-It is with utmost disgust that I saw the Sunni attack on Shiates in Iran today,and such will continue until the leaders come together united.
178-God has not created anything better than Reason,the benefits which God gives are on its account.
179-God has commanded all muslims to acquire knowledge,it lights the way to Heaven,our companion when friendless,and it guides to happiness
180-The Qur'an was sent down in 7 dialects,and in every one of of its sentences,there is an external and internal meaning - Hadith.
181-Prophet Muhammed said,'the other messengers of God had their miracles,mine is the Qur'an,and will remain forever'.
182-There is only One God,the Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will disobey me except him who would be denied Heaven.
183-Today I learnt US drones killed 54 Pakistanis,anything the Pakistanis can do? That's the oppression their government has plunged them into.
184-America,you can continue to oppress,but God that is more powerful is watching.
185-The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith,and they scoff at those who believe - Q2/212.
186-Everything is vanity except God.Nothing is more important for any believer in this world than the fear of God.
187-Salat,an act of worship is believers' means of uniting with God.The key of Paradise is Salat,and the key of Salat is ablution.
188-God will not accept Salat in which the heart does not accompany the body.
189-He,whom Salat does not prevent from wrongdoing and evil increases in nothing but remoteness from God.
190-Religion is admonition,counsel or warning that its adherents be pure and stay clean.
191-A great harm to worshipping God is keeping enmity and malice,they tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.
192-Do a good deed after every bad deed that it may erase the latter.
193-There is only One God,d Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will reject my spiritual tutelage but him who has been destined 4 hell
194-Let me say that I really appreciate Brazil,Argentina,& Bolivia,etc,for recognising d Palestinians,oth reasonable countries shd pls do d same
195-The world is like a prison and famine to muslims,when they leave it (turn to God or die),they leave famine and prison.
196-People of the world are contented with the world while those of the Heaven find fulfillment only by been with God through His remembrance.
197-Having problems in this world is not a sign that God is not with you,the person that should worry is he that does not have.
198-For believers,the reward is as great as the misfortune,the more unfortunate one is,the greater and more perfect the reward.
199-There are two qualities that are both loved by God and all His prophets:fortitude and gentleness.
200-He is not a perfect man of strength or resilience who has not fallen into misfortunes.
1-The UN as it is now is not what it ought to be,many times,most people are at the mercy of a very few.
2-The Palestinians and the rest of the world are now at the mercy of America and Israel.
3-The UN Security Council can severely punish a country of millions of people simply on mere suspicion,e.g.Iran.
4-If they know that having nuclear weapon is dangerous,then they should be ready to get rid of theirs too.
5-The UN unjust behaviour has undoubtedly promoted terrorism worldwide.
6-Nigerian political officeholders get bloated salaries and allowances while the masses are groaning in poverty.
7-Politicians in Nigeria will do anything to get to office because of the huge salaries and allowances.
8-What we have in Nigeria are many insincere politicians going to office to get rich rather than serve people.
9-What Nigeria needs badly now is real development,politicians' emoluments should be slashed to say one third of what they get now.
10-Whoever can bear the proposed reduced salaries and allowances should contest or seek political office in Nigeria.
11-Politicians in Nigeria will want to get same or more remunerations than their counterparts in developed country like America.
12-So long as politicians in Nigeria are paid huge salaries and allowances,there will be no end to the persistent corruption there.
13-Competition in worldly increase has diverted man away from God till he gets to the grave when he will know the reality.
14-God is gracious to him that earns his living by his own labour and not by begging.
15-God will help people according to their behaviour,as if they had been destined therefor.
16-If you like to do good,God will help you to paradise,but if it is bad,He will aid you to hell.
17-Countries around the world belonging to the UN now are like fools for there is no real UN but America,and the US has become un-challengeable.
18-I don't hate America but by her behaviour,I swear that she is becoming a real threat to world peace,how? No one can control her.
19-But I will not mind if the rest of the world will choose America to govern them provided that she is NEUTRAL and subject to checks and balances.
20-I strongly dislike extremist people,but what the West should have done is to protect their countries,rather than invading others.
21-Muslims,blame no one else but yourselves for your failures as you have ignored many things I said God would want you to do.
22-I think the greatest losers are those who are not very rich and are still not muslims for non-believers deserve to be super-rich on earth.
23-Non-believers will be NOTHING in heaven,so why won't they be EVERYTHING on earth?
24-And one thousand years on earth is just a single day in heaven! Q22/47,Q32/5.
25-I disagree with former US Sec of St. that invading Iraq was right,there can never be any justification for illegality.
26-You end up creating more problems for yourself by ignoring justice or due process.
27-Pakistani govt is a disgrace to all muslims for allowing America to continue to kill her people indiscriminately.
28-The kind of UN I want is one that will be able to check any country that wants to oppress others like the US,or Israel.
29-People will do anything to have a good public image while their privacy is an eyesore.
30-The reason why people prefer fake lifestyle is because Satan is reigning.
31-God is the helper of believers,Satan that is reigning now,non-believers.
32-No doubt,Satan is in control now,but I'm sure that very soon believers will take-charge.
33-Western media with evil intent,Iraqi PM visits a fellow muslim Iran,why do you want to die because of that?
34-The best of Jihad (Holy war) is that for the conquest of self.
35-God will give him a great reward who withheld his anger when he had in his power to show it.
36-That person is wise and sensible who suppresses his carnal desires and hopes for rewards from God.
37-No father had given his child anything better than good manners.
38-One with God is a majority,and better be alone than in company with the bad.
39-Worship God as if you see Him,for if you don't see Him,He sees you.
40-Man's deeds will be brought back to him as if he himself was the creator of his own punishment.
41-Muslims,don't forget that God is One and He likes unity.
42-Believers should be persistent in good actions.
43-The best of good acts is that which is constantly attended to although in a small degree.
44-Be a perfect person by doing good to people when they do not do good to you.
45-Kindness is a major indicator of faith,whoever has no kindness has no faith.
46-Exactly from 17yrs ago,I'd being unlike any person on earth,had they know,people would credit me for making sense by what I write.
47-Hamid Tiamiyu,deserving of commendation for still being able to make sense by what he writes despite his special condition.
48-May God exalt his eminence - that person that is humble to people for God's sake.And all kinds of modesty are best.
49-Acquisition of knowledge is a duty that is incumbent on every muslim,male and FEMALE - prophet Muhammed (PBOH).
50-Whether you conceal what you say or make it public,God knows what is in your minds - Q67/13.
51-Allah (God) is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth should frustrate His plans - Q35/44.
52-A true believer is thankful to God in prosperity,resigned to His will in adversity and must keep on struggling.
53-Muslims,who are you worshipping? If it is Allah,remember that He is One,so be united.
54-I'm sure that it is Satan that is between S/Arabia and Iran that they cannot yet embrace each other,will they let him continue?
55-Detractors - enemies of Islam,why should Afghanistan not receive money aid from a fellow muslim Iran?
56-America's role in the Middle East has been most destabilising,and why would she not want the Shites and the Sunnis united?
57-America,become muslim or let muslims live their lives the way they want,okay?
58-America has sustained more losses when she went out than when the terrorists attacked her at home due to her carelessness.
59-America doesn't need to invade muslim countries,instead,she should protect herself from extremist 'muslims'.
60-Muslims are better positioned to fight extremists within themselves,America should only intervene when her help is sought.
61-This life is a tillage for the next,do good that you may reap there,whatever God had ordained can only be attained by striving.
62-Man rejoices in the worldly life while it is but little comfort in comparison with that of the hereafter - Q13/26.
63-Once thy ar not ready 2 eliminate thm,I pray to God 2 punish thse countries havng nuclear bombs that ar punishng othrs suspctd of tryin 2 hav it.
64-Desist from seeing and speaking of the defects of people that you know are in yourself.
65-Misfortunes can happen to muslim and his wife (to cleanse them) until death,when there is no fault upon them again.
66-Divorce or termination of marriage,though lawful,is disliked by God.
67-True believers don't fear death because it is only a bridge that unites friend with friend (in life after death).
68-The day when secrets (of what he has done) will be open,man shall have neither power nor helper - Q86/9-10.
69-Man desires the frail goods of this world while Allah desires for him the hereafter - Qur'an.
70-Don't they know that whoever acts in opposition to Allah and His messenger,he shall surely have fire of hell to abide in?-Q9/63.
71-Believers,speak what is good or remain silent.
72-Hezbollah is Lebanese,Susan Rice is American,who should Lebanese affairs concern more?
73-One thing I'd said many times and which I would want to restate again and again is that 'I cannot fail'.
74-Another thing I will like to emphasize is that 'whoever will oppose me shall be the loser'.
75-God is mild or gentle,and He is fond of mildness,He gives to the mild what He does not to the harsh.
76-God will exalt his dignity and diminish his faults that man that was wounded and he pardoned the giver of the wound.
77-The lawful and the forbidden are clear,but doubtful things between the two are better avoided.
78-Prophet had been sent as a witness over people,bearer of glad tidings,warner and to invite people to God - Q33/44,45.
79-Israeli PM said threat of extremist 'muslims' increasing,I say it would decrease once Israel and the US behave properly.
80-Though I strongly hate it but some people will take to terrorism simply to fight back injustice.
81-Injustice and terrorism are both hateful but there can be no end to terrorism until justice is assured.
82-World powers are hypocrites,they play double standard by condoning injustice while they hate terrorism.
83-I'm sure that if the West will fight injustice as they do terrorism,Israel will not be their ally,but the reverse is the case.
84-Also I'm certain that were Europe to hate injustice like terrorism,they will not see eye to eye with the US on many issues as they do now.
85-And I'm confident that were the world powers to fight injustice as they do terrorism,the whole world would have been more peaceful.
86-The worldly life is not but play and amusement,but best is the home in the hereafter for believers - Q6/32.
87-I hate extremist 'muslims' and I don't like those whose love of the world is to the detriment of others,do both have any faith?
88-I'm ALWAYS disappointed in muslims worldwide,they have forgotten whom they are and have taken the West as their God.
89-Rather than look up to God,use their strengths and be self-sufficient,muslims now only copy the West and rely on them.
90-There ought to be distinction between muslims and non-muslims,like people of God and of the World,as our values are different.
91-Those who reject Qur'an and treat it with arrogance are companions of the fire wherein they will dwell for ever - Q7/36.
92-Those who reject faith,it is the same whether prophet warns them or not,they will not believe - Q2/6.
93-Pakistani PM condemnd suicide attack in mosq,condemntn not enough,take more decisive action on extremists,u disgrace urself & othr muslims.
94-Good muslims and non-muslims in Pakistan,Iraq,Somalia,Afghanistan,etc,deserve to live in peace.
95-God has created everything for man while He created man for Himself.
96-When people have might,they become aggressive,but something is stronger,faith.
97-Some people say we believe in God but do not really believe - Q2/8.
98-Man,worship your God that you may be righteous - Q2/21.
99-Religion is not for prosperity or one's prayers being answered but salvation,which is only by worshipping and re-uniting with the Almighty God.
100-Arabs were naive to have started war with Israel,they forgot that those that helped set it up would never stand idly by and watch her attacked.
101-Unfortunately,all good muslims worldwide had ever being suffering emotionally for the mistakes of the Arabs in the Middle East.
102- Many times the behaviour of some muslims and mslm countries had being damaging to Islam e.g Extrmst 'muslims',Arabs in general,Pakistan,Iran.
103-But even if it remains myself alone that is upright in the religion,I swear that no one will stop Islam from prevailing.
104-I call on genuine believers in God again,stop wasting your time,no one can better tell you than me,Islam is the only way to paradise.
105-Not 4 d fear of Israel's powerful backers,I would NEVER av supportd the Arabs when they launchd war on Israel,instead complain & wait 4 d UN.
106-Good muslims are very peaceful people,hardly would they ever first start a war.
107-No prophet of God will intentionally first start a war - when they fought it was usually imposed and God always helped them to win.
108-I swear I can never fear America or any powerful organisation if I have to fight and being righteous success will surely be mine.
109-Whenever any muslim misbehaves,it is distressing on all good muslims but while they suffer emotnally,God will reward them 4 their concern.
110-Anytime I watch America & Israel's relationship,I feel a kind of pity for America and wonder whether she cannot think properly.
111-Israel's building on Palestinians' land had been worldwide describd as illegal,but America is begging Israel wth incentives 2 do d right thg
112-Israel,stop building on Palestinians' land,that has nothing 2 do wth ur security,rather,it will only inflame angry Palestinians against you.
113-Like Germany has just done ,I urge the West to always raise their terror alerts hopefully those agents of Satan will no longer succeed.
114-Pakistan,you don't have any other choice,you have begged for and received US aids,the drone attacks will continue,shame on you.
115-What America is doing in Pakistan regarding drone attacks is nothing but sheer oppression.
116-US cannot hate terrorists more than I do & my belief is that outsiders that are not particularly invited should not fight them 4 any country
117-America,why don't U give Pakistan d drones & teach them how 2 use it agst d terrorists in their cntry,or av U been invited 2 do that 4 them?
118-It is always good to be peaceful and law-abiding,the Arabs that first attacked Israel ought to have learnt their lessons now.
119-What the Arabs are now clamouring to have back from Israel is just a fraction of what was initially given to them and which they rejected.
120-But Israel should also be careful and make peace with the Arabs,remember the former Pharaoh and his people,what was their end?
121-Very important that believers be especially cautious,Satan is always after them,what non-believers will do & go scot-free,believers may not.
122-Some Arabs said,'We believe',God says,they have not believed yet,rather,they should say,'We have accepted Islam' - Q49/14.
123-Surely,those who are near to God turn not away with pride from His worship,but they glorify Him & prostrate themselves before Him - Q7/206.
124-Whoever turns away from God,He will appoint for him a Satan who becomes his companion - Q43/36.
125-Allah will surely help one who helps His cause,He is full of Strength and Exalted in Might - Qur'an.
126-Doing the right thing is the best of behaviours.
127-Who has seen God now? He is not visible to the naked eyes but the hearts perceive Him through Iman (faith).
128-Fallout from Wikileaks,Iran should behave as if she had not known,make efforts & reach out to the Saudis to ensure Muslims unification.
129-Muslims unification is more important than anything.
130-God is my witness,I don't guess about Him,if I can't feel Him directly,what I'm doing for Him everyday would be impossible.
131-Once I cannot fix God from my heart,look at Him and concentrate which is someth I do everyday,I will be off balance & vulnerable to Satan.
132-And I swear that the Almighty God has communicated directly with me before on many occasions.
133-I suffer for God everyday to be able to do what I'm doing for Him but once I cannot focus God and concentrate,Satan becomes deadlier.
134-I'm sure no one lives the kind of life I live now which makes me different,but very soon I will be normal and most valuable to humanity.
135-What I do for God is a joint effort between Him and myself,THERE IS NOWAY I can do it without Him (the Almighty God) been with me.
136-So what would make me fail when I 'see' and work with God everyday? My affairs will surely conclude with joy,that I can say by God's grace.
137-That I'm confident I will succeed is because what I'm doing is really not my work but God's,and in fact,no one will willingly want to do it.
138-So if God will not fail I can never fail,and I swear that God's whole aim of creating us depends & revolves around what He had sent me to do.
139-Do men think that they will be left alone on saying,'We believe',and that they will not be tested? - Q29/2.
140-People,be mindful of Satan who watches you from a position where you cannot see him - Q7/27.
141-God had always tested people and will continue to do so that He would know those who are true from those who are false - Q29/3.
142-God has made the evil ones friends to those without faith -Q7/27.
143-Man,call on ANYTHING,your prayers will be answered once you have faith in it,the only problem:no Heaven for those who call on others but God.
144-In this world,the Almighty God is 4 all,regardless of what you believe in,He would provide 4 everyone,but not so in Heaven,only 4 believers.
145-No bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another,and there will not be for anyone except what he strives for - Q53/38-39.
146-What man has done,he will soon see,when he will be recompensed with the fullest recompense - Q53/40-41.
147-Those who believe find peace of mind in the remembrance of God,surely,it is with God's remembrance that hearts are assured - Q13/28.
148-God has said,'Seek help from Me through patience and prayer,indeed I AM with the patient' -Q2/153.
149-No compulsion in religion,whoever refuses thse who transgressd & believes in Allah has graspd a strong handle which knows no breaking Q2/256.
150-Charity is a duty unto every muslim.Every good act is charity.Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.
151-God has said,'Remember Me that I can remember you,give thanks to Me,don't be ungrateful' -Q2/152.
152-Remember God in retirement from the people,and do not kill your hearts with too much eating and drinking.
153-The most effective way for real self to have power over body is through fasting,you illuminate your hearts & draw nearer to God by hunger.
154-UN Sec Council inability to utter a single word on the situation in 'Ivory Coast' is because of its non-neutrality,again,there is no real UN.
155-America dropping objection to Israel's building on Palestinians' land is condoning injustice.Once more,America has bowed to Israel in shame.
156-America may be the most powerful country in the world but not to Israel that does control her.
157-Fasting that is not the obligatory should be done only once in a while,(not everyday).Some hunger is surely great for spiritual health.
158-Let Arabs pledge:they will no longer fight Israel,Israel shd release Arabs seized lands & pref absorb all Palestinians & live togther as one.
159-If the permanent members of the UN Security Council will truly represent the world,then they MUST have no allies,they MUST be neutral.
160-Once all d perm members of the UN Sec Council are neutral,I can possibly agree that they keep their nuclear weapons 4 d security of d world.
161-Pakistan,stop distractg us,let d US announce drone attacks,moreover,U know what U shd do if U don't like it,U v bn a disgrace 2 oth muslims.
162-No reasonable muslim country ought to be friend of America as of now,she had been mainly responsible for the continued problem in the M/East.
163-The US had further exposed herself when she said nothing as such she could do to solve the Middle East imbroglio.
164-If America had been neutral,treat Israel the way she had done to Iran,the Middle East problem would have been resolved long ago.
165-Also, the inability of Shia and Sunni muslims to come together and be united cannot be without America's ingenious manipulation of muslims.
166-Proph Muhammed said,'do not exceed bounds in praising me as d Xtians do in praising Jesus calling him,God,son of God,I'm only God messenger'
167-Greatest crimes - Associate another with God,Vex parents,Kill one's children,Commit suicide, and Swear to a lie.
168-I can say this without doubt:Whoever loves to meet God,God loves to meet him.
169-God said,'I will accomplish the faith of whoever puts his faith in Me,I AM with him and near him when he remembers Me'.
170-Prophet Muhammed said,'to honour an old person is showing respect to God'.
171-Muslims are brothers,they must not abandon each other,or hold one another in contempt or derision.
172-When a muslim is sick,then God restores his health,his illness has covered his former faults,let him watch his future actions.
173-If Shia and Sunni muslims cannot come together and be united,it simply means they are not practising real Islam.
174-If Saudi Arabia cannot go to Iran,or vice versa,and openly embrace each other,it simply means their Islam is not correct.
175-Then I was right when I said many muslims had lost track of whom they are,as they have taken the West as their 'God'.
176-No wonder then many Arab leaders were reportedly praying to America (their 'God') to help them attack their muslim enemy Iran.
177-It is with utmost disgust that I saw the Sunni attack on Shiates in Iran today,and such will continue until the leaders come together united.
178-God has not created anything better than Reason,the benefits which God gives are on its account.
179-God has commanded all muslims to acquire knowledge,it lights the way to Heaven,our companion when friendless,and it guides to happiness
180-The Qur'an was sent down in 7 dialects,and in every one of of its sentences,there is an external and internal meaning - Hadith.
181-Prophet Muhammed said,'the other messengers of God had their miracles,mine is the Qur'an,and will remain forever'.
182-There is only One God,the Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will disobey me except him who would be denied Heaven.
183-Today I learnt US drones killed 54 Pakistanis,anything the Pakistanis can do? That's the oppression their government has plunged them into.
184-America,you can continue to oppress,but God that is more powerful is watching.
185-The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith,and they scoff at those who believe - Q2/212.
186-Everything is vanity except God.Nothing is more important for any believer in this world than the fear of God.
187-Salat,an act of worship is believers' means of uniting with God.The key of Paradise is Salat,and the key of Salat is ablution.
188-God will not accept Salat in which the heart does not accompany the body.
189-He,whom Salat does not prevent from wrongdoing and evil increases in nothing but remoteness from God.
190-Religion is admonition,counsel or warning that its adherents be pure and stay clean.
191-A great harm to worshipping God is keeping enmity and malice,they tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.
192-Do a good deed after every bad deed that it may erase the latter.
193-There is only One God,d Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will reject my spiritual tutelage but him who has been destined 4 hell
194-Let me say that I really appreciate Brazil,Argentina,& Bolivia,etc,for recognising d Palestinians,oth reasonable countries shd pls do d same
195-The world is like a prison and famine to muslims,when they leave it (turn to God or die),they leave famine and prison.
196-People of the world are contented with the world while those of the Heaven find fulfillment only by been with God through His remembrance.
197-Having problems in this world is not a sign that God is not with you,the person that should worry is he that does not have.
198-For believers,the reward is as great as the misfortune,the more unfortunate one is,the greater and more perfect the reward.
199-There are two qualities that are both loved by God and all His prophets:fortitude and gentleness.
200-He is not a perfect man of strength or resilience who has not fallen into misfortunes.
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