Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 2.


1-A believer cannot be said to have no problem when there are others that are having.

2-No one can become a true believer until he loves others like himself.

3-God is not favourably disposed to blessing that family in which is one who deserts his relations.

4-A man is duty-bound to do good to his parents,although they might have offended him.

5-He who shall do good to a destitute or needy person,God will do good to him in this world and the next.

6-The best of alms is that which the right hand gave,and the left hand knew not of.

7-Charity that is concealed pacifies the wrath of God.

8-No one should beg for anything unless absolutely necessary,then only from the righteous.

9-Every person who shall beg in order to increase his possession,God will diminish it.

10-Christians,you have just celebrated your Christmas and the New Year,I greet you,but..

11-But I'd asked you and the rest of the world to believe in me and that no one can be better trusted than me.

12-I will say it again,stop wasting your time,read my blog,imbibe it and obey me immediately.

13-If you delay,you will regret by losing marks,and spiritual rewards are like money in Heaven.

14-I know myself and I say it WITH ALL CERTAINTY,that no one can be in my front spiritually while I'm on earth.

15-And anyone who cannot follow me spiritually from God will not live on earth while I am there.

16-Those who will reject my spiritual leadership shall automatically end up in hell,that I'm sure of.

17-What I am saying,I see it everyday,I don't guess at all,no one can be in my front spiritually while I'm on earth.

18-God's curse be on me if I am lying,Christians' holding on tightly to Jesus of Nazareth (PBOH) is like pledging loyalty to an ex-president.

19-Samething with Muslims and other Believers in the Almighty God,let them know that God has sent someone NOW (myself) whom they must obey.

20-I am proud and grateful to God to say WITH ALL CERTAINTIES that no one is like me.

21-No one will enter Paradise but MUST owe me gratitude.

22-Let anyone in heavens or on earth say that he will never follow me and God will assure him/her of hellfire.

23-Muslims,the leader of mankind (PBOH),never refused to say 'Ihdina siratal mustaqim' which is what I'm bringing to the world.

24-Yes,prophet Muhammed will lead to Paradise because the person who shall open the door (the SAVIOUR) must first die.

25-The Saviour w'd have bn consigned 2 eternal suffering in hell if not becos he has an alternative,a two-in-one person,d like of whom is NONE.

26-A muslim must not hate his wife,if displeased with one bad quality in her,he should be pleased with another that is good.

27-Women are the twin-halves of men.

28-V Rewarding acts:to gladden someone's heart,feed the hungry,help the afflicted,lighten somebody's grief,and remove the wrongs of the injured.

29-All God's creatures are His family,the most beloved of God is he that does most good to God's creatures.

30-Indeed,the religion with the Almighty God is Islam..Q3/19.

31-Whoever desires other than Islam as religion,it will never be accepted from him,in the end,will be among the losers..Q3/85.

32-There is only ONE God,the Almighty Who has NEVER been static,He updates Himself.

33-Does anybody worry that I've been too long on what I'm doing?

34-First,I don't have any control over it,and what I am doing is most important,no time may be too long.

35-I am not worried since I will surely succeed,my life is a sacrifice.Only people who don't yet believe should be disquieted.

36-Arab Leaders,America is not yet your friend,merely using you,Iran is surely a better ally.

37-I know that America is very rich and influential,but better than God?

38-God loves a muslim family though poor but had withheld himself from anything unlawful and from begging.

39-Arab Leaders,ask America if she is really sincere,to treat Israel like Iran for transparency on nuclear issue,the world deserves to know.

40-US Sec of state had wrongly alleged that she was sure Iran does not want a negotiated solution to the Arab-Israeli problem,but..

41-But Arab Leaders,who is the obstacle NOW,Iran or Israel?You had been unwise joining America against Iran.

42-Two people on earth for the two abodes of Heaven and hell,no way we would ever be the same.

43-But I strongly dislike extremist people,people on earth must learn to live together in peace.

44-God is gentle and He loves gentleness - Hadith.

45-Prophet Muhammed said,'God instructs me to be humble,lowly and not proud,and that no one should oppress another'.

46-I swear by the Almighty God that I am 100% credible,let no one doubt me.

47-When the World Powers are biased,I don't look at them as my friend.

48-Whoever God wants to guide,He expands his breast to Islam,but..

49-But those God willed to leave straying,He makes their breasts tight and constricted,rejecting Islam..Q6/125.

50-For anyone whom Allah leaves astray,there is no protector thereafter..Q42/44.

51-Those who don't believe,if they have everything on earth or even twice,never will it be accepted from them as substitute for hell.Q5/36.

52-A sincere repenter of faults is like one who has committed none.

53-God's love and caring for His creatures is more than a mother's towards her baby.

54-Jesus of Nazareth had NEVER died for anybody's sins,the Greatest curse of God be upon me if I am lying.

55-If anyone still believe that someone had died for his sins after I had come,such will SURELY have no one to save him from hell fire.

56-To the Alabama state Gov who said if anyone does not believe that Jesus of Nazareth died for his sins,he is not his brother:

57-My reply is if I am not your brother and the Almighty God is for me,why should I care?

58-Actually,I may not need to worry whether people believe in me NOW or not,because..

59-Because God had already known those who will go to paradise or hell,which NOTHING can change.

60-It was God from the beginning Who had destined that some will return to paradise while the others go to hell.

61-If people will not live in those two houses,God would not have created them in the first instance.

62-And God is not unkind at all because people will intentionally choose which of the abodes they will go to.

63-And again God is not unkind,He would only return people to where they had been created from.

64-The two abodes of hell and paradise are like darkness and light.Both had originated from God Himself making the whole Creation complete.

65-No doubt the two peoples,believers & non-believers will have a completely difft experience in Heaven & hell which,would last till eternity.

66-The only reason why I'm worried now that the Almighty God had sent me and people had known about me is because:

67-The more believers delay their faith in me,the more they lose marks,and spiritual rewards are like money in Heaven.

68-Getting to paradise is not everything,what is also VERY IMPORTANT is what one gets there.

69-I had said it before and I am 100% SURE about it,the death of Jesus of Nazareth on the cross was not the death of Salvation.

70-The death of Salvation is a spiritual death,not physical or bodily,that Jesus of Nazareth died.

71-And there was nothing so spectacular about his death,first,he did not suffer,God would not allow that.

72-Second,he was not the only one that was killed,many other prophets were also assassinated,e.g.John the Baptist.

73-Christians,stop dramatising it,you just allow Satan to deceive you,believe me,I'M ABSOLUTELY SURE.

74-Jesus of Nazareth had to die on the cross to indicate or hint at the real death of Salvation that will happen in our second life.

75-The second life is like a repetition of the first though very different in essence..Q21/104,10/4,30/11,10/34...

76-And the two progenitors,Adam and Jesus,both had no parents unlike Jesus of Nazareth..Q3/59.

77-Salvation means second life (Q1/6,3/51),Jesus of Nazareth's death in the first life CANNOT be death of salvation.

78-Please,take the next two sentences (tweets) seriously,they are authoritative,I swear by God Almighty.

79-God is not unkind at all,anyone who wishes to go to paradise or Heaven will be able to,but..

80-But once you couldn't do what I said you should do,it simply means that you had been destined for hell.

81-Ex-PM Tony Blair was quoted as saying that president Obama had been too soft on Iran despite all the crippling sanctions.

82-I am sure that if he had being in power,he would have re-enacted his illegality for invading Iraq on Iran.

83-But he didn't see anything wrong in neighbouring Israel where her nuclear adventures had for ever been kept secret.

84-There is a polish for everything that takes away rust,the polish for the heart is the remembrance of God.

85-While on earth,the two peoples of Heaven and hell will always have something they believe in,giving them confidence.

86-Islam started in a forlorn state,and it has returned to that condition now,but those who are steadfast will very soon rejoice,I'm confident.

87-Sunni Muslims in Lebanon are behaving like enemies of Islam,they are dividing the religion because of America.

88-Islam is more important than any country or interest group,the unity of Muslims worldwide is a prerequisite for God to really help them.

89-Muslims,believe in yourselves,God can help you better than America that some of you are relying on now.

90-What is Islam? Peace,Purity of speech and Charity.Also,the only way to our Creator and the Almighty God,Allah.

91-Prophet Muhammed said,'abusing a Muslim is disobedience to God,fighting with one is an act of infidelity'.

92-Muslims have to come together and be united,it is a commandment from the Almighty God,(Q3/103).

93-But America is opposed to Muslims Unity as she wouldn't want her allies have anything to do with those Muslims who cannot be her puppet.

94-So,those so-called US Muslim allies MUST choose between America or ALLAH,their Creator.

95-When people don't change their behaviours,God will not change their conditions,Muslims must be united for God to really help them.

96-Who are the Spiritual leaders of the Sunnis & Shiites?Let all of you meet,embrace each other & call on your followers never to fight again.

97-My reaction to protests in Arab Lands:I like people's genuine desires respected,and their wish to prevail.

98-There would have been no need for demonstrations and protests had their governments been responsive enough.

99-Peoples of the Heaven and the World are inter-dependent.Believers must learn some things from the people of the World to live well on earth.

100-You had read my Blogs and Tweets,still doubting me?You are not likely to be of God,of the devil.I swear it's true.

101-Again,I admit that I'm like a nonentity now,but already,I'm most certain of who I am,and which of course is what I had stated.

102-And let anyone seriously think of it,I,being what I call myself,do I really need anybody? Rather,it is the people of the world that need me.

103-Whether people like me or not,I will live my life as comfortably as the Almighty God wants,no one will deprive me.Love me to like yourself.

104-To love me,do what I said God wants you to.Be a believer that will go to Heaven.Accept God's only religion,and believe correctly NOW.

105-Love God to like yourself.If you fear God in private,He will reverence you in public.

106-God respecting you is caring for you,especially your real self,making you INVINCIBLE.

107-Israeli PM,reportedly said that Iran wants 'another Gaza' in Egypt,but I like Gazans for one thing:they are not American puppet.

108-O Man! God had created you for NO OTHER REASON than to worship Him..(Q51/56).

109-Praise be to God,Who begot no son,and has no partner in His dominion..(Q17/111).

110-Praise be to God,Who had revealed the Qur'an and had allowed therein no crookedness..(Q18/1).

111-Whoever is for God,God is for him.Keep a continous confidence in God,no matter what happens.

112-The patient will be rewarded without measure..(Q39/10).

113-I want to state clearly again that Islam,God's ONLY Religion,is in a forlorn state now with no effective leadership.

114-Good Muslims are at the background with their voices hardly ever heard.

115-The moderate Muslims the West like ARE NOT TRUE Muslims by their behaviour.

116-And the extremist Muslims the West hate do not portray real Islam,they always mis-interpret it.

117-This day have I perfected your religion for you,completed My favour upon you,and have chosen for you ISLAM as a Religion..(Q5/3).

118-The place of patience in Faith is like the place of the head in the body.

119-Vie with one another in showing patience..(Q3/200).God is with the patient..(Q2/153).

120-Anti-Islam protest staged in north London.Anti-Heaven protest.Why will those of the World care about the Heaven?

121-Christians,you went to church again today (Sunday) to worship Jesus of Nazareth.

122-Your doing that is the same as worshipping the devil.God! destroy me NOW,if I'm lying!

123-Nothing can take the place of the Almighty God.Anything worshipped apart from Him is the same as worshipping the devil.

124-I'd told you,Jesus of Nazareth is not the Almighty God.And only two can be worshipped,the Almighty God or the devil.

125-I swear to God Almighty,Jesus of Nazareth (PBOH),will DISOWN anybody who worshipped him.No one will save the person from going to hell.

126-Tell all Christians in the world:If you worship Jesus of Nazareth,you will go to hell,no one will save you,don't say you never heard.

127-Man found himself in the world and does whatever he likes forgetting why he was created.Why?Of course,ONLY to worship God..(Q51/56).

128-Muslims love God,they want to do His wish,but let them have a correct understanding of God's Words in the Qur'an and also the Hadith.

129-Non-Muslims love the world,doing God's wish is secondary,anything that is not EASY or according to their DESIRE is not from God,but..

130-But man may dislike something that is actually good for him while he likes another that is bad for him.Why?

131-Because man does not know,only God knows..(Q2/216).

132-Apart from following their desires,non-Muslims also rely on incorrect books from 'God',misleading them.

133-Whatever American allies may be saying on d situatn in Egypt,what is MOST important is 4 d general wish of Egyptians to prevail,US take note

134-One thing anyone can do to make him/her automatically qualify for hell is to intentionally hate me.

135-Today is Fri,I call on all believers 2 attend Jumu'ah 2 worship God as commanded by Him (Q62/9),othr ways of worship can only be 4 the devil

136-I will say the absolute truth though I know many will make jests at me.

137-I seemed simplistic when I said othr ways of worship can only be 4 the devil,but God Himself said that He won't accept any other than Islam.

138-No one can know better than God,those destined for the Heaven will sooner or later accept Islam,NOW,or when they come back again.

139-It's not good to be adamant,I'm sure that no one can be better trusted than me - people would be better-off believing me now.

140-Though there will be countless number of religions,but those for the Almighty God will be within Islam e.g.People of the Book.

141-And Muslims,note that you don't yet know the People of the Book mentioned in the Qur'an.

142-I don't like how most people in the world (led by the West),depict or portray Islam,like something to run away from.

143-And except you will go to hell,I swear,AND SWEAR again that you don't have alternative,Islam is the only religion of the people of Heaven.

144-There can be NOTHING wrong with Islam,the LONE religion sanctioned by the Almighty God,if at all,it is only with some of it's adherents.

145-God is my witness,I love Islam Very Dearly,I can NEVER desire any othr religion.To the Light I'd attained and in the Light I'll live forever

146-I also like Arabic,the official language of Islam and the people of Heaven.Anyone that gets to Paradise will be able to speak Arabic.

147-I disagree with America that the situations in Egypt and Tunisia that warranted protests were the same as in Iran.

148-In Iran,I don't think any President can serve consecutively for more than 8 years.

149-Muslims in Iran and ELSEWHERE should always be wary of Western Intentions,and our norms and values are not exactly the same.

150-Egyptians should be allowed to evolve their own democracy not American's,Muslims' values different from Christians'.Egyptians,be yourselves.

151-The No.1 Priority of Muslims is to Worship God,that of non-Muslims is to Make More and More Money,even AT ANY COST,aren't we different?

152-Of course,Muslims also need Money,Good governance and Better living conditions,but the World should let them have these things their own way

153-Though whether the World likes it or not,Muslims will soon be United and Prosperous.But..

154-But it is even in the interest of the West RIGHT NOW that Muslims become United,Not distracted,And allowed to Worship their God.How?

155-Because God will change their condition INSTANTLY,become successful & flourishing and the West will be free of Muslim Migrants.Also..

156-Also,the West will no longer need to give Subvention or Aid to any Muslim country again.

157-But to achieve this success,Muslims need UNITY,HARMONY and NO DISTRACTION from the West.

158-Truth leads to piety,and piety to Paradise.

159-While Falsehood leads to transgression,and transgression to hell-fire.

160-Who are the best Muslims? Those that are best to their wives.

161-To know believers that exhibit most perfect faith:They are those with the best behaviour.

162-I also believe that Protesters in Yemen,Libya & Bahrain have genuine reasons,GOVTS there had better listen and let them have what they want.

163-Shame on Arabs that are friends of America.She had again vetoed their Resolution at the UN,a resoln that was supported by ALL othr countries.

164-America is an oppressor and she had ever been using the Arabs to achieve her selfish ends in the Middle East.

165-But by the grace of God,America WILL NOT BE ABLE to continue to oppress forever.

166-Don't look elsewhere for Fools,they are those who cannot distinguish between friend or enemy.

167-I swear:Arab countries that are making friends with America and Israel are like Enemies of Islam and Allah,the Almighty God.

168-Palestinians (not Hamas) said they won't boycott America despite voting against them,how would they,when they are dependent on her for food?

169-So long as you depend on your enemy,God WILL NOT help you,and your ambition WILL NEVER be realised.

170-Whatever gains Arab countries befriending America and Israel might be making,they are at the expense of ISLAM and ALLAH.

171-Palestinian problems are not only the problems of the Palestinians but all sincere Muslims worldwide.

172-I join all well-meaning peoples of the world to condemn the violence in Libya.

173-You know that what somebody is doing is bad,but you cannot tell him lest he becomes angry,any sense in that?

174-WHATEVER people want let them have it,so long as they are not forced.

175-There can never be a 100% homogenous society,what is important is for the majority to lead while the minority is respected.

176-Arabs not befriending America or Israel does not mean War,but they should INSIST on their legitimate demands.

177-Faith in God,is stronger than any weapon.

178-Like Moses,(peace be on him),Muslims don't need any weapons to be victorious,but GOD.

179-God had created man frm a single pair,made thm into nations & tribes tht they may know each oth,the most honourd of thm,the most righteous.

180-Believers,don't raise your voices above that of the Prophet,lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not..Q49/2.

181-I wish the international community can help stop the reckless use of force against peaceful protesters in Libya.

182-That person is sincere who protects his brother both present and absent.

183-Whenever a person visits the sick,he enters into and swims in a sea of God's mercy until he sits down when he is drowned therein.

184-God wishes 2 pardon everyone at d point of death,by d suffering at that time,He exacts d punishment of every fault that lies on his shoulder.

185-Once there are no popular protests in any country,outsiders should not instigate,or aid any civil war there.

186-Usually when people are fed up with anything,they EASILY change it themselves.

187-Say not ''Trinity'',desist,it will be better for you,for Allah is One Allah,Glory be to Him,far exalted is He above having a son..Q4/171.

188-Allah will ask,'O Jesus son of Mary! Did you say unto men,''worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah?''.

189-He will reply,'Glory to Thee! never could I say that which I had no right to say,had I said it,Thou would have known'.Q5/116.

190-I condemn Very Strongly,a statement credited to someone,but read on CCTV News today that a terrorist might have been motivated by Islam.

191-Let it be clear to the whole world that Islam is ONLY a religion of Believers,not of Terrorists,nor of Hypocrites.

192-To any real Muslim,religion is no.1,while love of country is secondary.Reason:God is more important than Anything.

193-Though love of one's home town is also part of faith,but a Muslim should hold God more dearly,to help him develop,or transform his country.

194-Hypocrites behave like Believers but they are not,they will suffer more than Non-believers in Hell fire.

195-An example of Hypocrites are those who worship Jesus of Nazareth,calling themselves Christians.

196-I once praised the democracy invented by the West.Yes,I mean it,but Muslim countries should adapt it to suit themselves.

197-Natural Disasters will happen from time to time to call man's attention to God.He hates rivals,He wants Himself alone loved and preferred.

198-And remember that God alone is the Giver of All Things that Man needs.

199-People of Paradise are the God-fearing,though may be weak,poor,and obscure persons that others look down upon.

200-While the People of Hell-fire are Non-religious and World-loving.They can also be violent,arrogant and stubborn persons.

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