Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 6.


1..And I am very sure that genuine Believers amongst the Christians will have faith in me,and accept Islam,the REAL religion of God Almighty.

2-Those pledging to assist Nigeria fight Boko Haram shd really do sth tangible NOW to put an end to the increasing attacks of the terror group

3-I may not have followers on Twitter,but all those people considered most important in the world do read anything I wrote..

4..Now I want to implore again the Pope and all the Christian Leaders worldwide to ask God,with prayers and fastings,about me..

5..Let them tell the world media what they found out regarding my claim that I am the one former Jesus foretold to be coming after him..

6..I asked the Christian Leaders,ONLY that I can hold them by their words,they cannot however disprove who I am..

7..The greatest Curse of God be upon me should I be telling a lie that I am the Saviour,Jesus Christ,NO ONE ELSE CAN BE HIM..

8..I will let the World know the True Religion of God,Islam,and bring the 'SIRATAL MUSTAQIM' that Muslims have ever prayed for.

9-White House explains drone policy....BBC.

10..I disagree that America has been careful in the use of Drones,especially in Pakistan,..

11-Any observer,even from a distance,can easily know that America does oppress in Muslim countries in her use of Drones..

12..And why should a suspected terrorist American citizen be treated differently from say,a Pakistanis?

13-One of my greatest pleasant surprises was when I saw in the Bible (John 14:26) where Jesus of Nazareth said ANOTHER JESUS is coming aft him.

14-The West and their Likes generally look down on Muslims because they love life,Muslims love God..

15-Those who love life ONLY want to do what people want,but those who love God want to do what God want,regardless of wheth pple like it or not

16..And many times,what Man want is different from what God wants,for example,Man want this world,but God desires for him the Hereafter.

17-German FM said,'World Powers will stop Nuclear Iran',to whom I replied,'AND GOD WILL DISARM NUCLEAR WORLD POWERS.

18-I hate people referring to Terror Groups as Islamists simply because they called themselves Muslims,or maybe Islamists don't mean Muslims..

19..I swear,NO Real Muslims will EVER seek for anything through violence,they can only fight if first attacked..

20..Alqaeda,Boko Haram,etc,are therefore NOTHING but TERRORISTS GROUPS.

21-If violent activities carried out by Alqaeda,Boko Haram,etc,are necessary and justifiable,why do they hide from law-enforcement agents? 

22-The simple fact that Alqaeda,Boko Haram's members are always on the run means that they are evil-doers,God hates them.

23-Anytime Israel committed a major,serious wrong,America and Europe ONLY condemn her,but NEVER take any action,do they treat Iran similarly?

24-If America,Europe,and UN do question Israel and hold her accountable for her wrongs,the Palestinian problem would have been solved long ago.

25-No One should wish that Israel/Palestine problem be resolved violently,but America and Europe must REALLY play their leadership role.

26-The US military and 'total war' on Islam?....BBC.

27..No One can stop Islam and it is anyone destined for Hellfire that will reject the religion.To these,I swear to God Almighty.

28-God said anyone loved by Him,He makes Islam easy and understandable to him,while the religion is strange and difficult for the Unbelievers..

29..To Alqaeda,Boko Haram members,Islam is also difficult,they couldn't understand it,always on the run,as they have become Criminals thro it.

30-People of the world,believe in the Almighty God Allah,I am 100% sure that there is life after death..

31..And to confirm what I said before that we do come to this world again and again (at least more than two times)..

32..I know someone NOW who died in Jan 1981 but whom God had sent back to this world since Nov 1993..

33..After God revealed myself to me in 1991,He showed the person to me while asleep telling me of some good she did while on Earth before..

34..She informed me wth great joy of those good deeds,I wanted to ask her questions,but God didn't allow me,unaware she was coming back soon..

35..The greatest curse of God be upon me if I am telling a lie by this account..

36..And maybe I will reveal the person later,she is very close to me and very important.

37-Christian Leaders,don't keep quiet,what have you found out from God about me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu)?..

38-Christian Leaders should not hesitate to tell world Media about me,as important Journalists across the world already know me..

39-And if Christian Leaders will say the truth concerning me,they can really help many people worldwide.

40-God will not forgive America or Israel,if either or both of them attacked Iran without the United Nations' Security Council authorisation.

41-If you desire this world,to fear God may be unnecessary,but if it's God that you want you must love and obey Him and He will satisfy you..

42-To do things God doesn't want is always much easier than what He wants,and only God's mercy has made some people to truly believe in Him.

43-God said,and the World will bear witness:Muslims are the best of peoples ever created,they enjoin good,forbid evil,and truly believe in God.

44-I swear: Muslims are the ONLY true Believers in God,though I NEVER doubt that God also answers the prayers of ALL devoted Unbelievers.

45-God also answers the prayers of all devoted Unbelievers like Christians and Buddhists because He caters for all His creations..

46-And had they know,devoted Unbelievers need not waste their time praying because God that created them willingly will surely provide for them

47-Again,for anyone to TRULY believe in the Almighty God,he/she must accept the religion God Himself chose,ISLAM,and worship Him as prescribed.

48..ISLAM is not merely for supplication,but a complete way of life leading to the Almighty God that created Man and Everything else.

49-A simple definition of an Unbeliever,worshipping and praying to other than the Almighty God,e.g Christians pray to Jesus that is not God.

50-Let anyone who cares listen,since Man will willingly choose Heaven or Hell by his/her action or inaction..

51-Prophets only tell people what God wants,they don't force.However God has said that whoever obeys the Prophets actually obeys Him..

52-Anyone who knows about me but trying to ignore me is surely a big Fool because he doesn't have any other choice except he prefers Hellfire.

53-Many w'd think I'm probably mad when I say todays Christians,including his eminence,the Pope,are Unbelievers,but I SWEAR,God is 100% with me

54-Anytime I look at the Pope for example,on Television,carrying the big Cross,I tell myself that,that (the Cross) is the sign of their God..

55-Search your mind,you know me but you don't like me,it means you belong to the Devil.God curse me if I say the untruth!

56-Throughout my entire life,only two groups of people will be in existence in this world,my group and that of Satan.God help us live peaceably

57-Muslims and the Unbelievers have one common enemy,Terrorists.I won't mind enlisting America's help for example,(if needed) in tackling them.

58-The kind of United Nations Organisation I want is one that will be able to act swiftly to stop any country from misbehaving..

59-What is happening in Syria is very sad - like there is no UN.The veto powers of the UNSC P/members must be bypassable to have effective UN.

60..And why is America blaming Russia,or China for blocking UN action on Syria,is it not the same way you do for Israel?

61-One will be surprised that many people do a lot of great things but still won't get to Heaven,why?..

62..Because they don't believe in the Almighty God and also,do not worship Him as prescribed.However,God will pay them back here on Earth.

63-The only Reward in Heaven is the Almighty God that the Unbelievers do not believe in,it is not Jesus,or Buddha,or any other at all..

64-The Almighty God has prescribed how He should be worshipped in His dictated,revealed Book - Qur'an.Know and observe the Pillars of Worship..

65..Doing good deeds is also compulsory for Believers but it is only secondary to God's Worship.

66-God's worship is most important,it can never be over-emphasised:God said,He has not created Man for any other thing than to worship Him.

67-It's easy to become an Unbeliever:Once you reject a person sent by God (Prophet,Messenger),you are already one,doomed and condemned by God..

68-Satan,the Leader of the Unbelievers,became doomed and accursed only after he rejected Prophet Adam that God made His Representative then..

69-And Muslims will not be able to worship God as expected except they are united,take orders from one source,God,thro His only Representative.

70..Disbelief in God's Representative is disbelief in God just like obedience to him is obedience to God..

71-If Muslims are not united,it's like they believe in more than One God as they would be instructed variously.How I wish I can explain better!

72-Muslims and the Unbelievers will not co-exist peacefully if one will oppress the other like America is doing to Pakistan.

73-The Muslims I will lead will not fear anybody but God,WE WILL BE LAW-ABIDING but would defeat anyone,however powerful,that would oppress us.

74-I just watched briefly the United Nations briefing on Syria,and I conclude that:

75..The UN should take a stand that President Bashar Assad steps aside because he's been unable to stop the wanton killings in his country..

76-What matters most is that the killings must stop NOW,and this may not happen so long as President Bashar Assad stays on.

77-Rather than being adamant,Presd Assad should be ready to take responsibility for the huge loss of lives in his country by stepping down NOW.

78-Pres Assad shd note that the excuse that the West want Regime change in Syria not as important as the great number of peoples that had died.

79-I'm baffled by the kind of UN we have,there's only talk and more talk,no action,and a country (Syria),busy killing her own people everyday!

80-Syrians are being killed everyday in dozens,most likely because,President Bashar Assad cannot imagine himself leaving office..

81..If I were President Bashar Assad,I would have stood down long ago,may be it would end the killings,and the political problems resolved..

82..President Bashar Assad is also probably thinking that there is no other qualified person that can rule Syria again.

83-Syria's case has again shown how almost useless the United Nations Organisation can be...

84..The permanent members of the UN Security Council with veto powers are actually using the UN for their own selfish ends..

85-The veto powers of the UNSC permanent members must be able to be bypassed in a democratic way to have a desirable,effective UN body..

86-Once any country is misbehaving,the United Nations Organisation must,and be able to,act as quickly as possible to stop her as..

87..As human lives are more important (sacrosanct) than for any country to be left alone to waste.

88-Everything about the Unbelievers ought to look good as the World is their Paradise.It's not easy to believe in God,though we are contented.

89-Satan rejected Prophet Adam saying arrogantly:I am better than you,how can God make you my Leader? And God cursed him for the disobedience..

90-Muslims are not friendly to Satan unlike the Unbelievers,they must therefore be aware that Satan watches them always,in order to harm them..

91..Satan will always keep an eye on Muslims from a position that they cannot see him,therefore,they are not as free as the Unbelievers.

92-Pres Barack Obama of USA,HRM Queen Elizabeth 2,PM David Cameron of Britain,Germany Leader,Angela Merkel,and Pres Vladmir Putin of Russia...

93..I am 100% sure,these Leaders know me,but they are Christians.I ask them directly: Become Muslims,please,don't go to Hell..

94..Because NO ONE will oppose me and get to Heaven.God curse me if I'm not sure.

95-If becoming a Muslim is very strange to you,most likely,it is Paradise,or Heaven that had been forbidden to you.I swear,and swear to God!

96-Islam is the natural religion of people of Heaven,I first came long before Prophet Muhammed or Jesus of Nazareth,but see,today,I'm a Muslim!

97-When Muslims do what God wants them to do,i.e,Unite worldwide,that will happen very soon,the Satanic bombings in Iraq,Pakistan,etc,will end.

98-Xtians,your Jesus said someone is coming after him,and I'd sworn by God (you also found out) that it's me,why aren't you doing what I said?

99-Jesus of Nazareth was NEVER a Christian,his religion then,in the making,was Islam..

100..And except Christians want Hell for an everlasting abode,they don't have any other choice but Islam.

101-I'd said it before,Boko Haram don't represent the Nigerian Muslims,people should stop talking of Christians' reprisal attacks on Muslims..

102-Boko Haram are terrorists,or criminals that Nig Govt should deal with,and I think they are trying,others across the world can also help..

103-Christians will be taking the law into their hands if they shd attack Muslims indiscriminately.Blame Nig Govt if Boko Haram are not stopped.

104-Plan against me and you will fail woefully,because I am not on my own,I'm being sent by the Almighty God..

105..I also have the best of intentions,and I am absolutely God-fearing..

106..I am very peaceful,I hate forcing anybody to do anything,though I can go extra mile to convince people to do good..

107..So ordinarily,I don't see any reason why anyone will hate me,Believers or Non-believers.

108-On my being sent by God,I cannot fail because I must not fail:God's aim in creating Man will fail if I should fail.So,God will not allow it.

109-And I am the only one God will use to make Man choose which of the two Abodes,Paradise or Hell,they will go to eventually.

110-The most favoured of God's Creations,His Prophets (all of them,without exception),MUST follow in my footsteps,talkless of other Believers.


112-France,tell America and the rest of you having the dangerous Nuclear bombs:I urge you,FOR GOD'S SAKE,please give up all the Nuclear weapons.

113..The world will never see a repeat of the likes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings again,but..

114..But the Amen to this prayer can only be a complete ban on all Nuclear weapons' acquisitions or possessions,worldwide.

115-I swear,I am a very considerate person,very mindful of others,just like the Almighty God that is sending me..

116..You know,because the Unbelievers will not have Heaven,God in His consideration,has made the Earth - this world,their Paradise?.

117-Though I never have much time listening to people talk,but I was disgusted by many Western Journalists commenting on Egypt's revolution..

118-I hate Muslims who always accept whatever the West called them,such are never proud of themselves (or lost their identities)..

119-In the West whatever the Public want goes,but in many Muslim countries,their peoples are nothing,only what the West dictated matters.

120-I am far from guessing,I stand for the real Truth.Hate me to hate Islam,choosing Hellfire instead.There's no other way,God curse me if I lie

121..You cannot like the Almighty God while you reject Islam.And you cannot like Islam or Prophet Muhammed (pboh) while you reject me.

122-To disbelieve in just one Prophet of God is tantamount to a rejection of,or a disbelief in the Almighty God that sent them (the Prophets)..

123..It's compulsory,and Muslims take it seriously,they believe in all the Prophets of God,therefore,they are true Believers in God..

124..Christians and Jews don't believe in the last Prophet of God,Muhammed (pboh),consequently,they are Unbelievers,according to God.

125-Many Muslims denoting today's Christians and Jews as Peoples of the Book,mentioned in the Qur'an,are totally ignorant..

126..Christianity and Judaism as of today,are NO religions,the Almighty God will have NOTHING to do with them,God curse me if I lied..

127..The real Peoples of the Book (Ahlal Kitab) are just about to be known,like I said before.God will not accept any other religion but Islam.

128-The truth must always be said,however bitter,without any fear.

129-Each Prophet had his own people with little variations in how they worshipped,all are described in the Qur'an,and contained within Islam.

130-Disregard whatever your mind says,but believe ANYTHING I told you about the Almighty God,I am that trustworthy,I swear..

131..And it is even compulsory that all Believers in the Almighty God,worldwide,accept ANYTHING I told them about God as true..

132..May the Almighty God curse me profoundly and immensely,should I be deceiving people that I was really trustworthy,and being sent by God.

133-Happy Birthday America! President Barack Obama,and Speaker John Boehner,both of you know me,please take the lead,and urge the others too..

134..America,lead the way and urge the others to please give up all your Nuclear weapons.This is for World Peace,I am from God,don't ignore me.

135-Peace-lovers worldwide,stop keeping quiet,it's divine to ask the very few countries having the dangerous Nuclear bombs to get rid of them.

136-I may not be sophisticated or refined in matters of the world,but I'm never worried,because the world is not my Paradise..

137..What matters to me,anytime anyday,is God's worship,and doing good to Mankind.I'm always busy,and I never have enough time to do these.

138-America will gain nothing but hate from God for her aid to Pakistan so long as she continued to oppress the Pakistanis.

139-And if I were the Pakistani government,I would stop receiving aid from someone who oppresses my people..

140-Of the peoples on Earth now,some Muslims will go to Hell while many Non-Muslims will embrace Islam,and with the rest Muslims enter Paradise.

141-Money is what we spend in this world but God's worship and Good deeds are the ONLY means with which to live happily after death..

142..Either God's worship (i.e,of the Almighty God) or Good deeds is not complete but the two combined.

143-Two related verses about Jesus in the Qur'an that nobody can really understand except God reveals the secrets behind them are:Q21/91,Q66/12,

144..I would have explained them in a blog,but will not for now due to some reasons..

145..But on the two verses,I swear by the Almighty God that No One living on Earth now can know them as much as I do.

146-Anybody can think out or come up with and say anything,but the difference between a sent Prophet of God and the other Peoples is..

147..God will always stand by His Prophet in whatever he does,and Peoples (Believers,especially) must not disobey him.

148-Believers,stop fearing death.I swear,No One can be killed without God's knowledge and permission..

149-Death is actually good for a Believer if he did not kill himself deliberately.Life after death is by far better in enjoyment,for Believers.

150-Enjoyment in the world of things created by God,but enjoyment after death (for Believers) of God Himself,the Creator,which should be better?

151-No alternative to Islam except that Great Sadness or Suffering called Hellfire..

152-Inspite of some calling themselves Muslims,but that are Satanic,who believe in fighting or killing others,Islam is still God's ONLY religion

153-Islam ALONE provides the correct way to WORSHIP the Almighty God,and teaches proper GOOD DEEDS,the only two that are needed in Heaven.

154-The Unbelievers will hear what would save them only they will not believe.And who can rescue anyone destined for Hell? No One,I swear!

155-Women,remember that it is not a Good Deed for you to dress exposing most of your bodies to the public,how?..

156..Women revealing sensitive parts of their bodies in public distracts men unnecessarily,encouraging illegal sex that is much hated by God..

157-But more importantly,our Creator,the Almighty God just does not like believing-women exposing their bodies in public.

158-Obeying God is,many times difficult,but whenever you do,Angels record great positive marks for you. 

159-There is no human being without Angels watching over him/her - Qur'an..

160-When man do good or bad deed,unseen Angels accompanying them record positive or negative marks for them,that'll take them to Heaven or Hell.

161-But the Good Deeds of the Unbelievers are rewarded here on Earth as the Enjoyment after death is of God the Unbelievers didn't believe in.

162-Looking back at the first man and woman,husband and wife are actually one,so no point about wife being subservient to the husband..

163..And as the body will not disobey the command of the head,wife should not go against the husband because they are a united being.

164-What plan can be better than God's?

165-Islam's division into Shia and Sunni must end.I will re-establish the correct Islam,and Believers in the Almighty God,worldwide,must join me

166-In David and Goliath,God was obviously better than man in planning.

167-David was not merely a champion of the Israelites,or their king,but a Prophet and Messenger of God.

168-America's policy in the Middle East is ungodly,not ideal,and very biased,makes real Muslims feel insignificant and submissive to others.

169-The present world order too,where America dictates,is not good enough and must change..

170-America's behaviours in the world make Muslims subservient to Christians,and their likes..

171-And others are ONLY tolerating America because of her power,and being a Christian,the world's (not God's) fashionable religion..

172-Take Iran's case for example,others may have a different view,but cannot say it,as they are forced by America..

173-Also,America's use of Drones in Muslim countries,others may not like it,but dare not talk,fearing the World's Dictator.Many other examples.

174-Any country with veto power at the United Nations must not be biased like America has ever been doing for Israel.

175-Israel has flouted many laws of the United Nations,why didn't America take ANY action against her?..

176-Iran was only suspected to breach UN law,and USA mobilised the WHOLE WORLD and unjustly imposed stringent,suffocating sanctions against her.

177-And America's tight friendship with the Arab Rulers,an alliance between democracy and autocracy,deceptive and clearly unwholesome!

178-One way to choose between God or the world is,observe the ongoing Ramadan fast or abstain,an Unbeliever will not believe in any Ramadan fast

179-God,punish me severely shd I be saying the untruth: Were Jesus of Nazareth to be on Earth now,he would be observing the ongoing Ramadan fast

180-Again,punish me oh God if I wasn't sure: Were the following Prophets of God to be on Earth now,all of them w'd be taking part in the Ramadan

181..Adam,Noah,Abraham,Lot,Ishmael,Isaac,Jacob,Joseph,Moses,Aaron,David,Solomon,Job,Enoch,Zechariah,Elias,Elisha,Jesus,and Muhammed (PBOT)..

182-Therefore,anyone willingly not observing the Ramadan fasting is banking on nothing but Hellfire,as it is compulsory for all Believers in God

183-Though still like a nonentity outwardly,but I am a 100% confident person,I don't doubt at all,who I am..

184-I am a two-in-one person,I have more than one body parts from God,and all will soon be joined with me..

185-God has made me unique,two different personalities in one (both Prophets),and I can only marry those from me from God..

186-All the most important Prophets of God are my colleagues,and no one will disobey me and find favour with the Almighty God,I swear.

187-If anyone will disobey me,it is better for the person not to worship God at all.

188-A Believer doubting a Prophet is an Hypocrite,and God hates an Hypocrite more than a stark Unbeliever!

189-A total disbelief is by far less harmful than a pretence.

190-I pity the suffering Palestinians,instead of the opulent Arab Rulers backing them,they're supporting USA & Israel to deny them their freedom

191-God is good and considerate,everyone - Believer or Non-believer,will have his/her own time of enjoyment,or happiness.

192-The US and the so-called world powers are very ignorant about God,otherwise,being powerful,they w'd have been careful,just and fair to all..

193-But it would be better if the world powers realise that now is different from before,someone being sent from God is right now here with them

194-The world Powers are aware about me,and I don't doubt at all who I am,but I sincerely wish that they do not learn the hard way because..

195..It is customary or habitual,anytime God just sent someone,the Powers in the world looked down on the person only to learn the hard way.

196-The United States of America,world's richest country,and capital of the Unbelievers' Paradise.

197-In remembering America's evil,brutal atomic bombings of Japanese cities 67 years ago..

198..I want to ask Japan to lead the World in the divine campaign to stop USA and others from continuing to keep the dangerous nuclear weapons.

199-But if Japan cannot do what I asked of her,it means she did not mind America's atomic bombings that killed over 100,000 Japanese in 1945.

200-Mankind are two,not one - Believers and the Unbelievers,they are not similar at all..

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 5.


1-If you are something from God,you've got to work for it on Earth,reason why I've really suffered doing what I'm doing for God..

2-And God has also said that Man will have nothing but what he strives for.Qur'an(53/39).

3-In the eyes of God,no Sin can be greater than associating anything with Him,something the Christians proudly do proclaiming Trinity.

4-Who has told the Greatest Lie,punishable Only by Hellfire? The Christians,saying God is 'Three-in-One',the Only Sin God will Never Pardon!

5-If Unbelievers act together,Muslims,why won't you too? In fact,you deserve to always lead the way..

6-And again,Muslims,your unity is most important.That exactly,is what the Almighty God wants..

7-We are Two in the World,not One - Believers and Unbelievers,even though we should always cooperate to have a peaceful world.

8-Muslims,NEVER be carried away by the worldly success of the Unbelievers,they deserve everything Now,as they would have nothing in Heaven!

9-By the Grace of God,Muslims will one day,become united and the Devil would be shamed and disgraced!

10-Yes,I know that some autocratic Arab Leaders will never want Muslims to be united.Why?..

11-Because the autocratic Arab Leaders don't really represent their people,their personal interests matter more..

12-Also,the autocratic Arab Leaders are allies of Powerful People in the world who hate Muslims' unity..

13-But the Good News is that God is more powerful than the autocratic Arab Leaders and their influential godfather!

14-I pray that all Muslim countries have a truly democratic governance,autocratic rulers and dictators are Very Harmful to Islam,God hates them

15-I also pray that the whole world be truly democratically controlled,America's overbearing influence on the UN and World is bad and ungodly.

16-America's hegemony in the world is bad,and reasonable countries ought to distance themselves from it,how?..

17-On one hand America preaches democracy,but on the other she is the godfather of Arab's autocratic rulers..

18-America will overlook any country violating United Nations' law so far as the country is an ally (for example,Israel),but..

19-America can punish very severely any country that's not an ally,even for merely suspecting that she is flouting UN law,e.g Iran.

20-Why shd Israel fear rising Islamic parties in Arabs democratic polls?Becos Israeli Govt is a repressive regime benefitg frm Arab's Dictators

21-Genuine Politicians will always respect the wish of the people,whatever it is..

22-Lack of democracy in Arab lands have been beneficial  to America and Israel in achieving their evil intentions.

23-While Israel is punishing and killing the Palestinians for choosing Hamas in democratic polls,America and UK want to..

24..America and UK want to be punishing countries abroad for passing anti-Gay laws in their parliaments..

25-Gay right may not be a serious human right because it is not that a Gay person cannot marry and have a child with a woman..

26-But I don't like secular countries passing laws to punish anyone doing it (Gay),only it needs not be given any undue recognition..

27-Being a Christian worshipping Jesus is by far a greater sin than a Gay,and since you cannot punish any Christian,why would you a Gay?

28-To imagine the power of Satan,see how bold the Christians are,and to which I swear by the Almighty God,is over NOTHING!..

29-I admonish the Christians,and strongly urge them to stop fooling themselves..

30-The religion of God had been developing from Adam through Noah,Abraham,Moses,Jesus,until Muhammed,when it was perfected,and named Islam..

31-True Believers must now accept Islam,there is no alternative,because our Creator,the Almighty God is Only One.

32-Arabs denounce Gingrich remarks -BBC.

33-I also condemn,very strongly,Newt Gingrich for calling Palestinians 'an invented' people and wonder if he can ever be a good Prez for USA.

34-I swear,you can easily know whether you belong to God or the Devil by this simple test:

35-Do you generally like how Israel behaves towards the Palestinians? If yes,you are a friend of the Devil,God curse me if I'm not sure!

36-If Muslims are United,God-fearing,and Law-abiding,then NO ONE,however powerful,will be able to stand in their way..

37..And this,by the Grace of God,we would soon attain,it's my goal.The status quo is too bad,Muslims worldwide,are most vulnerable.

38..Is anyone intimidating you (UK Prime Minister)? Muslims and Unbelievers should be able to live freely in the world.

39-UK is a Christian country - UK Prime Minister. -  BBC.

40-Celebrating Christmas only reinforces Christians' IDOLATRY,and as Unbelievers,they grow in their Sins,God's curse be on me,if I'm not sure!

41-The Unbelievers will hear what will save them only they will not believe.

42-Be a Muslim,or you are an Unbeliever,no further option.That's what God has done Now.

43-No one can save anyone destined for Hell because what will take him there is what he would always do,even with passion!

44-I am 100% sure that Christians are a people being used by Satan,or the Devil.God,curse me if I'm not saying the truth.

45-Anyone with certainty about God will easily know that what the Christians are doing that they call worship can NEVER be the right thing..

46-God is completely different from the way Christians are thinking..

47-I swear by God,and curse myself should I be telling a lie: If Jesus of Nazareth were to be on earth now,he would have being a Muslim.

48-Why will Christians in Nigeria fight Muslims because of Boko Haram?..

49-Boko Haram people do not represent the Nigerian Muslims,I'd said it before,they are Criminals that should be dealt with as such..

50-Boko Haram people are terrorising all Nigerians,and the Nigerian Leadership should be held accountable for failing to check them.

51-One of the ways of God: If God wants to do good to somebody,He first afflicts him with trials.

52-God rewards all sufferings endured by Muslims (i.e,Believers) as acts of Service to Him,the more the pain,the greater the reward.

53-While the Unbelievers plan,God also plan,but God is the best of Planners.(Qur'an 3/54).

54-I swear by God,if everyone could be like me,with the best of intentions,the world would be a Paradise for both Muslims and the Unbelievers.

55-When people act against fear rather than with justice,what they don't want is what usually happens.

56-Take ONLY just and reasonable actions (don't overdo),to counter the threat of any fearful thing from happening.

57-The Idol Worshippers of Mecca first attacked Muslims fearing that Islam might take root and be a threat to their way of life..

58..But what happened? Exactly what they feared,even though Prophet Muhammed NEVER planned to fight them before!

59-Instead of adding to the sufferings of the Nigerian masses,the Government should have taxed political officeholders getting excessive pay.

60-Nigerian political officeholders can make-do with say 1/3 of what they get now as salaries and benefits if they really want to serve people.

61-Nigerian Govt can also ask rich Nigerians to help pay for the fuel subsidy,then publish their names and amounts being donated to thank them.

62-America,Europe,that are Christians,try and be just,shun double standards,you are not supposed to suffer in the world,it is your Paradise.

63-On Iran versus West,maybe Iran is not exactly right,but America and Europe are surely Unjust,and..

64..And let me warn Muslims across the world,especially the Arabs,that an enemy Iran is by far better than a friend America,or Europe.

65-Nigerian sect (Boko Haram) 'has high-up ties' -BBC.

66..Mr President,God is on your side,move quickly to get rid of Boko Haram sympathisers in your government and security agencies..

67-No doubt,America and Europe are the ones leading the world now,but I swear by God that they are not Sincere,and do apply Double standards.

68-Many problems plaguing the world today are indirectly caused by the injustices and reckless behaviours of world powers,esp America,and..

69..And everyone should just pray that the Unjust world powers do not plunge the Earth's inhabitants into another world war.

70-I will always be on the side of the Right,no matter how weak they are,I will live and die there.

71-Everything has God created in proportion and measure,His command is carried out by only one word,in the twinkling of an eye.(Q54/49-50).

72-No one asked God to create him,therefore,God must reward everybody..

73..But while Believers will get their rewards MAINLY in Heaven,the Unbelievers shall be compensated FULLY on Earth.

74-I had told the whole World who I am.I am very sure about myself,and I want to say again that..

75..Whenever God sent someone,he MUST BE OBEYED,to reject him is to reject God,and therefore become an Unbeliever.

76-Muslims don't fear death because the World is not their Paradise,it is the Unbelievers who  never want to die (lest they lose everything)!

77-I swear to God,I hate Injustice so much,and common people across the world will support me to check the Unjust anywhere in the world.

78-The Unjust and the powerful rejoice thinking that they're right,but it's only that God is very patient,He'd make them pay for their excesses

79-Applying rules unfairly to different peoples is Injustice,with one severely punished for an offence while another is treated very leniently.

80-I am very mindful of others.Anyone that is just,considerate,and law-abiding is my friend,no matter his religion or wherever he comes from.

81-It's good to be flexible and open-minded.Many will regret and cry bitterly when they find out that I am really what I called myself.How?..

82-Because no one will ignore me but MUST regret and be grieved,he would have missed a lot,if not eternal failure..

83-God knew everything I had told you,and He watches how you are reacting to them.

84-But who can save anyone destined for Hell? No one.To try to do so will always be an exercise in futility.

85-Boko Haram wanting to Islamise Nigeria is like the Devil promising anyone Paradise.Are Boko Haram people themselves real Muslims? I swear,No

86-Countries of the Unbelievers are generally more peaceful than the Muslims' because the World is their Paradise,even they deserve far more.

87-God is not at all inconsiderate,many expect the Unbelievers to suffer both on Earth and after death,but instead,God will reward them here.

88-Let me say again that the Almighty God is my witness,I am not of those guessing about God,Everyone should listen to me..

89-Man! You are not the ones to tell God what He should do.But this is what He has done..

90-Right now,you can either be a Muslim,or you are an Unbeliever,I swear and swear again,there is NO other option..

91-Jesus of Nazareth CANNOT and WILL NOT save any Christian from going to Hell if he/she does not accept Islam,God,curse me if I'm not sure!

92-I swear by the Almighty God that created me,no matter what,He (God) would not allow me to fail,I cannot fail!

93-All that I said I would do will surely be accomplished by God's help before I leave this world,NO ONE will be able to stop me.

94-Islam will prevail in the world and shall be the best thing ever becos we'll never oppress or condone injustice as done by US,Israel,or EU.

95-The Islam that will prevail,UNDER MY CARE,shall be the true Islam,the only religion of God,anyone rejecting it will be rejecting God.

96-When I come out (that is very near now),Believers in the Almighty God worldwide,MUST join and re-join Islam with me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu).

97-Does anybody wonder why I speak so confidently at times?..

98-Reason is,God has chosen me,He would not choose two persons to lead at the sametime,and that makes me different from EVERYONE on Earth now.

99-I sometimes look at the so-called World Powers like small kids,they never realise that God gave them the powers and could take them back!

100-How possibly could the World Powers realised that Anybody gave them their powers,do they REALLY believe in God? Reason why they are Unjust!

101-And let me quickly remind again that the World is the ONLY Reward for the Unbelievers!..

102-America,the Superpower,you know how big a Star is,how many of them can you see in the sky,and how many have you created? SUPERPOWER indeed!

103-Okay,America has landed on the Moon,when would she touch down on the Sun,or in the Sun,our own very Star on Earth planet?

104-I am sure that my life will make the whole world know that TRULY there is One Very Great God,The Owner of Everything that sent me.

105-By what I know of God that is indisputable,I have NEVER seen any FOOL bigger than the Christians that are worshipping Jesus,calling him God...

106-Yes,there are Profs,very educated people,Heads of Govts & Coys worldwide that are Christians,BUT I SWEAR,no Fools can be bigger than them.

107-Christians,mark my words because I'm very sure,later,you will confess that you had being a Very Big Fool when you worshipped Jesus.

108-Jesus owns NOTHING,not even his own soul,but God owns EVERYTHING.

109-I just listened to one renowned Pastor in Nigeria (E.A.Adeboye) on Television,and I say...

110-Christians,I AM NOT GUESSING AT ALL,please stop this your DAYDREAMING or FOOLISHNESS,and believe in the Only One God,ALLAH.

111-Believers MUST do Worship for God,Christians don't worship,they only ask Jesus to do things for them,similar to other devoted Unbelievers.

112-Doing good deeds and avoiding bad ones are ABSOLUTELY necessary for any Believer,but they CANNOT replace Worship for God.

113-Terrorists may not be the worst human beings,but those who don't believe in God or glorify others beside God,e.g.Christians praising Jesus.

114-There is no god but God (Allah),the Living,the Self-Subsisting,Eternal.No slumber can seize Him nor sleep.And to Him belongs All Things.

115-America's behaviour has made her UNSUITABLE to lead the world.

116-Christians say God's children when He has none.No surprise,they are Polytheists or Unbelievers destined for Hell..

117-God created Everything from Himself into Himself,NOTHING else exists with Him.Man can only serve (Servants) God within God..

118-Children live separate lives frm their fathers,but servants don't have any other wish aside frm their masters,Believers must be ONE with God

119-If not for God Mercy,Unbelievers wd'v owned almost everythg the world,then Believers wd'v fd it v hard wait til aft death,their own Paradise

120..But also God will test Believers and Unbelievers alike in the world.

121-Netanyahu (Israeli PM) warns on Iran timetable (before Israel attacks Iran)....BBC.

122-If I were God,I would destroy Israel's own nuclear arsenal too..

123-Again,I want to warn America and her evil Arab supporters that they will not forever succeed in dividing Muslims.

124-The main enjoyment for Believers is after death just like the real punishment for the Unbelievers is after death.

125-If Israel could kill all the Palestinians as she is doing now,then the two-state solution palaver will be over.

126-Truce 'agreed' after Gaza clashes...BBC.

127..What truce,let Israel complete the killings,because Israel is always pleased to frustrate the Palestinians.

128-'More than 8,000' killed in Syria...BBC.

129-I can hardly believe it,why wouldn't President Assad step aside and create an alternative to the way he's been doing leading to these deaths

130-Only Muslims with lack of understanding would envy Prosperous Unbelievers,but doesn't mean that they should be complacent in the world.

131-Generally,Believers have faith while Unbelievers money but becos Believers also need money,they have to be careful and manage in the world.

132-Generally,God gives EVERYONE a sense of belonging,the Unbelievers look important in the world,while Believers shall be great in Heaven.

133-Man desires the world but God desires for him the Hereafter.And God has said that the world is a temporary enjoyment of deceitful things.

134-I am 48,and still I'm sure,by the Grace of God,that the end would by far justify the means.

135-I hate the World as it is now being controlled by the Unjust America,Israel and Europe.

136-I heard one Useless Arab Leader saying they joined America in imposing toughest ever sanctions on Iran becos of the international community.

137..What international community? The one that CANNOT stop Israel from illegal settlement buildings on Palestinian lands!..

138..What international community? The one that CANNOT stop Israel from ever punishing and frustrating the Palestinians!..

139..What international community? The one that CANNOT check Israel for her illicit nuclear weapons but Iran!..

140..What international community? The one that CANNOT stop Israel from wanting to attack Iran even without UN authorisation!

141..Again,what international community? The one that says some can keep Nuclear weapons to terrorise others that should and must NOT have!..

142-If truly Nuclear weapons are dangerous,then NO ONE in the World must be allowed to keep them.

143-Let anyone tell the Saudi Arabian leadership that I DON'T LIKE THEM for preferring America over their Muslim brother Iran.

144-Why are some countries still being allowed to keep Nuclear weapons that are most destructive,that NOBODY should ever think of using again?..

145..Countries like USA,Russia,France,Britain,China,etc having nuclear bombs are like Terrorists,enemies of Mankind..

146..USA,France,Britain,Israel esp. lack MORALS,they punish very harshly anyone suspected of trying to have what they got and guard jealously..

147-World Leaders in S/Korea on Nuclear issues shd be wise enough to start talk on how to disarm Nuclear weapons armed countries like USA,Russia.

148-No One can make any Believer to disbelieve just like Nobody can save anyone destined for Hell.This is God's Decree..

149..Prophets and Men of God can only help but cannot change what has been decreed..

150..But the real problem is No One can be 100% sure of what is decreed for anyone before death..

151..However,what I am sure of is that nobody will get to Heaven but must believe in the Almighty God and worship Him till death..

152..Islam is the ONLY religion that can guarantee anyone Paradise.I don't have any slight doubt about Christians,they are 100% wrong.

153-What Prophets can do to help Believers and Unbelievers.For Believers,assuming getting to Heaven is having money...

154..Prophets cannot make anyone without money to have (God's Decree),but they can help turn a dollar owner into a billionaire..

155..Prophets can also help to reduce the punishment of an Unbeliever.

156-Again,why Christians are 100% wrong,their Faith is based on a wrong notion that Jesus is God,or son of God.GOD WILL NOT PARDON THAT..

157..Referring to any other Being as God is most hateful to the Only God,That is The ALMIGHTY..

158..Jesus is ONLY like Abraham,Moses,or Muhammed,who are Prophets of God.Peace and blessings of God be upon all the Prophets,amen..

159..No matter the good deeds Christians do,it cannot take them to Heaven,they will be paid back on Earth like any other Unbeliever..

160..People should also take note that not all those who say they are Muslims can go to Heaven,but ONLY the good ones.

161-America,mark my words,your efforts at dividing Muslims will come to NOUGHT and autocratic Arab rulers cooperating with you will be SHAMED.

162-I am a Prophet of God from the Old,NO ONE however powerful will frustrate me or hold me to ransom,I will do what God is sending me to do..

163..Cooperate with me and help me,and you will GAIN,but oppose me,and you will FAIL.

164-America's intention is EVIL,planning with some Muslim countries to build missile defence against another Muslim country..

165..And the two sides are not at war and actually expected by God to be united.

166-I swear again,JUSTICE is something I desire so much.If no one is allowed to produce nuclear weapons,no one must be allowed to keep them..

167..Therefore,with the Help of God,America and others having nuclear weapons WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to continue to keep them.

168-If anyone thinks that I am joking,then the person must be a very big Fool...

169..A very big Fool for doubting me and what God can and will do.

170-Islam is right and Qur'an,v perfect,but it's Satan that's USING some Muslims,and those who don't know Quran,giving the God religion bad name

171-Though I will ask God to help us in getting rid of all the world's nuclear weapons,but..

172..But if I should come out today,this would be my stand regarding the dangerous nuclear weapons..

173..So long as those possessing the nuclear weapons  are not ready to do away with them,anyone who wants to make it should be free to do so..

174..This would make the World realise the URGENCY in starting talk on the total elimination of all nuclear weapons.

175-That my stand is what is JUST,God so hate INJUSTICE that He said in the Qur'an that the Unjust shall be the firewood,or fuel for Hell-fire.

176-Nuclear non-proliferan treaty is an unbalanced,unjust law,the Almighty God will not support it,and so do I,His Representative..

177..Nuclear non-proliferation treaty is an Unjust law because it says some can have nuclear weapons,only others cannot.

178-No One on Earth now had seen a sent Prophet of God,last one was more than 1,400 years ago.When I come out,the World w'd see how they behave.

179-I disagree wth Nig Prez thou I pray for his success,not everything that happens is what God chose,God allows others that He did not choose..

180..And the wish of the majority of people is not necessarily that of God.

181-If Journalists fear USA and couldn't discuss disarming her and others with Nuclear weapons,I WILL NOT,it shall be a priority for me in life.


183-Make the possession of Nuclear weapons illegal,and no one will contemplate having them again,a condition that is best for the World.

184-Being tha many Xtians were born into Xtianity and their propag mach,XTIANS COULDN'T REALISE THA WHAT THEY DO CAN NEVER BE REAL GOD WORSHIP..

185..Like other previous Prophets before Muhammed,the time Jesus of Nazareth came,the REAL religion of God,Islam,was still evolving..

186..The religion was completed during the time of the last Prophet,Muhammed.Peace and Blessings of God be upon all the Prophets of God,amen.

187-When God was revealing myself to me in 1991,the first thing He told me was that Christians were 100% wrong,God curse me if I say the untruth.

188..The first thing God made me realise was that Christians were 100% wrong,I swear,and swear again...

189-I don't read Bible,but surprisingly I came across two verses in the Bible that foretold EXACTLY about myself:(1)John 14/26,and (2)John 16/13..

190-(1)The Advocate,the Holy Spirit,whom the Father will send in my name,w'd teach you all things and w'd remind you of everything I'd said to you.

191-(2)But when he,the Spirit of truth,comes,he will guide you into all the truth.He will not speak on his own..and will tell you what's yet to come

192..So Christians know these,and they still not believe,but by what I told them,they don't need any Angel again to confirm that it is me..

193..That is,the Spirit of truth,the Holy Spirit that God will send in Jesus of Nazareth's name is my humble self..

194..I swear by the Almighty God that the Spirit of truth,the Advocate,or the Holy Spirit is me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu),the second Jesus..

195..And when I said that there are two Jesus,here now is the evidence right in the Bible,John 14/26..

196..Later I will explain clearly,and precisely what Jesus of Nazareth told people last time,but  now I've been saying what is yet to come.

197-I hate USA for wanting to expand use of Drones in Yemen,NO ONE SHOULD LIKE TERRORISTS,but they should be dealt with in a reasonable manner..

198..America shd use her military along with Yemens against the terrorists.That's what is rational rather than arbitrary killings with Drones.

199-Apart from what God made known to me,I am a very thoughtful person,I meant exactly what I said that there is NOTHING in todays Christianity.

200-So Jesus of Nazareth told Christians about my coming in the Bible (John 14:26),I ask them NOW and again to believe in me without hesitation.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 4.


1-I may not know any other thing but one thing I'm ABSOLUTELY sure about is that NO OTHER BEING CAN SAVE MANKIND EXCEPT MY HUMBLE SELF.

2-The hand of the Almighty God is on me,there is noway I will mislead people,and it is COMPULSORY for all Believers in God to believe in me..

3-(It is important or compulsory for their own sake,though no one will ever be forced).

4-Though no time as such,but I just watched briefly a program on TV dramatising our purpose in life...

5-I want to say authoritatively that there is no other purpose other than to worship God.And..

6-To worship God,Believers must  know that there is One God,Perform Salat for Him 5x daily,Pay Zakat,Fast in Ramadan,& Observe Hajj for Him..

7-Also,the Almighty God Himself said that He had not created us for any other thing than to worship and serve Him (Q51/56)..

8-Those 5 things I mentioned are the Pillars of Worship,they differentiate Real Believers from those MERELY claiming to believe in God.

9-Yes,Believers must not do any other thing than to worship and serve God because He is the ONE and ONLY in us.

10-Without doubt,Everyone will reap whatever he/she does.

11-The Greatest Curse of God be upon me if what I'm saying is wrong: NO ONE WILL BELIEVE IN ONLY THE BIBLE AND ENTER PARADISE.

12-Christians,ask the Pope and all your Leaders to curse themselves that Jesus is son of God as contained in the Bible,if really they are sure..

13-If they cannot swear that Jesus is son of God,then stop following them in worshipping Jesus,it will only lead you and them to Hell-fire.

14-It is FAR better for anyone not to believe in the Almighty God at all than being a Christian worshipping Jesus.

15-Oh the Almighty God! To further demonstrate my unalloyed belief in You,I declare as follows:

16-Jesus is NOT the son of God,or God Himself,if I'm wrong,I pray that the Almighty God makes Paradise or the Heaven FORBIDDEN to me,Amen.

17-Everything about the Unbelievers in the World ought to be Excellent for this is their Paradise,Believers should just try to manage there...

18-However,Believers should also aspire to be their best (in worldly affairs) though like I had said before,they have to work extra.

19-Heh Unbelievers,the fact that you do good deeds cannot take you to Heaven since you've not really worshipped God,rather...

20-All the good deeds of an Unbeliever will be recompensed on earth leaving him/her with nothing after death.

21-To worship God,first you have to believe correctly,know that there is only One God,the Almighty...

22-Second,you must do all the five things the Almighty God commanded us to do in the Qur'an for His worship..

23-Those worshipping Jesus (Christians) and other created Things are amongst the Unbelievers.

24-Prophets Abraham and Muhammed (PBOT) were both looked down upon when they came and asked their peoples to stop idol worshipping...

25-But did they not prevailed? Christians also look at me with disdain,but I swear that I will prevail over them in their idol worshipping,..

26..For Jesus is NOT God.But take note that I don't intend to force anyone to believe.

27-I always wonder why someone will put ALL HIS FAITH in something that is DOUBTFUL,Christians really seem destined for Hell.

28-Christians,I want to tell you AUTHORITATIVELY,that in Christianity,you have absolutely NOTHING that you stand on.

29-Nothing in the world can be more important than what God is sending me to do...

30-And no matter how long it takes,I will succeed.

31-Christians,don't be cowardly,I'm waiting for you,write me,and let's put an end to the lies that you are saying about Jesus.

32-I am real,very very sincere person,Believers thr'out the world DO NOT HAVE CHOICE but to believe in me & follow me,that's what God has done.

33..(But I assume that everybody knows that no one will be compelled,everyone should be free to believe in the Almighty God or not).

34-(Reply).God has said in the Qur'an 2/256 that there should be no compulsion in religion,I being His rep on earth will try & ensure that.

35-(Reply).And if what you mean is that you'd not believe in me know that disbelief in God's Messenger is disbelief in God Himself Q4/80.

36-If you will believe,believe fully and correctly,partial belief is part of being an hypocrite.And God hates Hypocrites more than Unbelievers.

37-A person that is doubting (hypocrite) is by far more harmful than a stark unbeliever...

38-Christians,you want to continue worshipping in doubt? But you cannot curse yourselves that Jesus is son of God,or God Himself!

39-People of the world,there is a 100% assurance that the Almighty God is sending me to you,read my blogs & tweets and believe in me completely.

40-What God is sending me to do is very compulsory,and there is absolutely NOTHING that can prevent it from happening.

41-On 9/11,much as we hate terrorists and extremists,let's also be determined never to condone injustice and oppression anywhere in the world.

42-But the Extremist Muslims  shd learn their lessons v. well,GOD generally WILL NOT ALLOW them deny the Unbelievers of their earthly Paradise..

43-God is not at all inconsiderate like the Extremist Muslims,He won't let the Unbelievers suffer on earth when they will have no Heaven.

44-If you worship Prophet Muhammed,Abraham,Moses,or Jesus,etc,I SWEAR THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANY HOPE,only the Almighty God should be worshipped.

45-Thank you Turkey for your interest in the Palestinians',the whole OIC ought to show similar commitment.I appreciate the others in the world.

46-Muslim countries,if you want God to help you on the Palestinians',once the US blocks their statehood bid,ask her to stop funding them...

47..Do the samething to the Europeans if they too should join America,then take up their roles,and very soon God will help you.

48-There is NOTHING that the Christians know about God that I don't know better and even,CORRECTLY...

49-I see many of them very bold and confident,but I swear by God that their self-assurance or positivism is based on NOTHING..

50-The idol worshippers of yore,during Prophets Abraham and Muhammed were more confident,but were they right?..

51-God has told me,and it was the first thing that He said while revealing myself to me in 1991 that Christians stand on NOTHING..


53-Yes,people had worshipped Jesus for centuries,but those times were periods of ignorance,GOD HAS SENT ME NOW!

54-If the Almighty God Himself should come down to earth,those destined for Hell will not believe,why?..

55..Because they were not made to believe.And even on seeing God,they will be more defiant,saying it's all magic!..

56..They will never believe until it is too late!

57-Israeli PM's boast that the Palestinians' statehood bid will fail is based on nothing but the WRONG SUPPORT from the US backed by Europe..

58..Had the UN being truly democratic,the Palestinians would have succeeded long ago..

59..But while they may fail now,they won't fail forever,i'm sure.

60-Lawmakers in America have a way of bypassing the Veto Power of the President,and it's good for democracy,the UN should do the samething.

61-The UN Organisation must find a way of overruling any reckless use of Veto Power by any permanent member of the UN Security Council.

62-The whole World knows that the Palestinians do not refuse negotiation,but israel is the one PREVENTING it.US,France,STOP IGNORING THE FACT!

63-When Israel realizes that America's Veto Power can be overruled,she would begin to behave more responsibly.

64-And let me pray that whatever America does to the Palestinians,the Almighty God will do it to her,Amen!

65-A lot is wrong with America and Israel,why should the US have to use Pressures and Vetoes ALL THE TIME for Israel that is already in the UN?

66-While they may use Force and Pressure to achieve their aims,God knows that America and Israel are not really right on the Palestinian issue.

67-America,though a great country,but she behaves like a FOOL on Israel...

68-If Israel is doing anything America does not want,NOWAY America can stop her..

69-But anything Israel wants from America must be gotten willy-nilly..

70-Had America been able to control Israel,the last attempt at resolving Israel/Palestine imbroglio would not have failed..

71-So I wonder why anyone if not a fool,will pledge his whole life for someone he cannot control!..

72-Because America's second,or is it the first? National Anthem is: OUR RESOLVE TO STAND BY ISRAEL IS UNSHAKABLE!

73-Ordinarily,any independent country is not supposed to be under the control of another..

74..But what America is doing for Israel is more than for just an ally..

75..It is like someone pledging his entire life for another.

76-Again,why I said America behaves like a fool over Israel..

77..God will hold America responsible for some certain (or maybe all) wrongs Israel commits against the Palestinians.

78-God says,He wonders how we always love the present life,neglecting the hereafter.(Q75/20-21).

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 1:

79-Devotion to God is my occupation.Firm belief in God,my sustenance..

80-Obedience to God is my dignity.Truth,my protection..

81-Patience is my cloak.Grief,my helper.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 2:

82-Enthusiasm in the way of God is my vehicle..

83-Striving in the cause of God is my natural disposition..

84-Reason is the root of my religion.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 3:

85-Faith in God is my strength.And learning is my weapon..

86-Remembrance of God is my companion.And prayer is the coolness of my eyes..

87-Humility is what I am proud of.And love is the foundation of my being.

88-Man rejoices in the world while the worldly life is nothing,compared to the Hereafter,but a brief enjoyment.(Q13/26).

89-Palestinians,you disappointed me,and God Almighty, for complaining that America is cutting some of her aids..

90..Why did you depend on America and Europe in the first instance,the very people that had been WRONGLY supporting Israel against you?..

91..And I'm afraid that your ambition may never be realised so long as you lean or hang on them (i.e. US and EU)..

92..But here I must say that the so-called Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is almost a USELESS body!

93-Though they never say it openly,but I'm 100% sure that Nigerian President and most important govt officials in the country know about me..

94-Therefore I expect Nigeria (and Gabon) to also vote for the Palestinians' statehood like the good peoples of India,Brazil,etc..

95-If Nigeria shd abstain from voting for the Palestinians,it means that the Govt prefers America & Israel over Myself and God that I represent

95-Any country that votes against or abstains from voting for the Palestinian's statehood CERTAINLY prefers America & Israel over Myself & God.

96-A person WILL NOT experience the sweetness of Faith until he can guarantee three conditions,namely:

97..(1) Till he loves people,and loves them ONLY for God's sake..

98..(2)Till it becomes DEARER to him to be thrown into the fire than go back to disbelief after he has believed..

99..(3)Till he loves God and His Prophet MORE THAN anything else.

100-Let me remind the people of the world once more:-

101..By the Grace of God,I am what I told you,God's ONLY Representative on Earth for as long as I live..

102..Though one may not believe,but he cannot change what God has done..

103..If he believes in what God has done,he will gain,otherwise he will lose..

104..NEVER have I had the slightest of doubt about WHO I AM since 1991 that the Almighty God revealed myself to me.

105-But somebody may ask,how can we be sure of what you call yourself?:-

106..An essential part of Faith in God is believing in the Unseen. (Q2/3)..

107..Anyone who says he will not believe until he sees God face to face will become an Unbeliever that will go to Hell-fire..

108..Moreover,read my story very well,do I look like an impostor?

109-People of the world,NO ONE can tell you any Truer Word,stop wasting time,believe in the Almighty God NOW by accepting Islam..

110..By what I already know,THERE IS NOWAY anyone can go to Heaven (Paradise) without first accepting and practising Islam..

111..It's like someone wanting to enter University without first passing through Elementary,or High School.

112-What I already know God has decreed...

113..If you are hungry,you must first eat (food) to be OK.Miracle,or magic? No!..

114..If you want to have the greatest joy (Paradise),you must first practise Islam.Any shortcut? No!

115-If anybody asked me what I prefer in Israeli/Palestinian relation...

116..I desire that they both live together as one country where there will be no discrimination..

117..That is,equal rights for both the Palestinians and Israelis..

118..But neither Israel nor Palestine had openly talked about that,what I always hear is two-state solution..

119..And if that is the case,for God's sake,let the Palestinians have their own state NOW!

112-Remind yourself everyday if necessary,of the God's Decree I said I was sure of (I swear,NO alternative)..

113..Or you've agreed to be a Muslim? Not yet? Maybe you are not destined for God's Greatest Reward (Paradise).Yes,you may count yourself out!

114-May God curse me if I'm not sure: NOTHING God hates more than the saying of,"In the name of Jesus".

115-An adult man or woman is not supposed to be alone at any time,but married to be complete in God..

116-It is by far more rewarding (from God) to have females as children than males..

117-Male children (unlike females) belong to their parents,the parents get commission (not full reward) from God for their doing good..

118-But when female children become matured and married,their parents get full rewards from God..

119..However,if the parents of the bride disturb the husband,their reward from God becomes diminished..

120..Because parents had only helped to raise women,women belong to their husbands,they should also bear their husbands names only..

121-It is VERY WASTEFUL to have many male children,instead spend your excess money to help others.

122-When you help others,you get FAR MORE REWARDS from God than spending your resources on children (especially males) born by you..

123..But at the same time you must never leave any child born by you uncatered for.

124-By no means shall you attain righteousness or blamelessness unless you spend for God's sake of that which you love.(Q3/92).

125-Why God hates,"In the name of Jesus".Nobody is anything,God is everything.Rather say "In the name of God".

126-Who really is a Strong person? The One who can control himself.

127-The most excellent Jihaad is that for the conquest of self.(Hadith).

128-Man's first enemy is his body.

129-It is only those who believe in the Almighty God that He guides from their hearts.(Q64/11).

130-Pakistan,please allow America's ground troops and together go after terrorist and extremist groups..

131..No one should like terrorist and extremist people,and ground troops is better than indiscriminate killings with drones.

132-Today is 22/10/2011: It's like I should remind the people of the world everyday:

133-By what God made me exactly 18 years ago (22/10/1993),I don't need to know whom anybody is on this earth planet..

138-Anyone there (in this world) must obey and follow me to be a Believer in the Almighty God..

139-Reject me and you will be rejecting all the Prophets of God,and the Almighty God Himself that sent me..

140-I will say it for the umpteenth time that I WILL NOT FAIL,it is whoever wants to fail and go to Hell that should ignore me..

141-And I swear that NO ONE (whoever and from wherever in the world) will disobey me and find favour with the Almighty God!

142-Do they not know that for those who oppose God and His Messenger is Hellfire wherein they shall dwell? That is the supreme disgrace (Q9/63).

143-Western media,being closely copied across the world,are always with evil intent towards Islam..

144-What is democracy,isn't it the demonstration or expression of of the general wish of the people?..

145-But why do Western media always fear when this democratic wish is shown by Muslims in any part of the world?..

146-For example,their tongues are now wagging that an Islamic party is poised to lead  a free and fair election just held in Tunisia..

147-Or do they want Muslims to abandon their God-given Way of Life for theirs?..

148-Muslims throughout the world should be sure about Islam,had they know,they are the ones to guide others..

149-And I swear that the Western dominated world is sick and groping in the dark,they had better listen to the One God had sent to guide them.

150-Some verses in the Qur'an about Jesus needed to be explained,but there is noway I will do it without disclosing some secrets of God..

151-But those worrying about them should know that they are very clear to me..

152-Maybe I will write to reveal the most important of them later,especially about Jesus mother.

153-One place where God told us that we do come to the world more than once.Qur'an(80/17-23).Its summary..

154-I created you,make life easy for you,then you will die,and a grave assigned to you..

155..Then when I like I will raise you up again,why? Because you have not completed what I wanted you to do.

156-Noway anyone will get to the University without passing thro Elementary/High School,NO ONE will enter Heaven without first accepting Islam.

157-The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam,He created him from dust (no parents),then said to him:'Be'.And he was.Qur'an(3/59).

158-It is not for God to take a son,exalted is He! When He decrees anything,He only says to it,'Be',and it is.Qur'an(19/35).

159-Not a Messenger did I send before you,Muhammed without this Inspiration that there is no god but I,therefore,worship and serve Me.Q(21/25)..

160-And they say,'God,Most Gracious has begotten offspring',Glory to Him! They are only Servants raised to honour.Qur'an(21/26)..

161..They speak not before He speaks,and they act only by His Command.Qur'an(21/27).

162-They indeed have disbelieved who say that God is the Christ,son of Mary..Qur'an(5/17).

163-Christ,the son of Mary was no more than a Messenger of God.Many were the Messengers that passed away before him.Qur'an(5/75).

164-Jesus said,'It is God Who is my Lord and your Lord,then worship Him.This is a Way that is straight.Qur'an(3/51).

165-If anyone does a religion other than Islam,NEVER will it be accepted of him,and in the Hereafter,he will be among those who have lost.Q3/85.

166-Surely,the only religion with the Almighty God is Islam.Qur'an(3/19).

167-America,Europe,Pls stop fooling us.Instead of you taking action to stop Israel's illegal settlement buildings,you ALWAYS MERELY condemn it!

168-Believers that are God-fearing & Law abiding should never fear the Unbelievers (includng today's Christians) no matter their military might.

169-I also condemn very strongly the terrorists attacks in northern Nigeria.Boko Haram members must repent to become Muslims again.

170-Three things about me that are not Mere Coincidence:

171-My uneducated parents (of blessed memories) made three small marks on each of my two cheeks,which is not my fault.(JESUS,made from Three)..

172-My parents also gave me the middle name 'Adigun',meaning somebody or something craftily invented,or made perfectly.(JESUS,''assembled'')..

173-The village I was born is called 'Ikuseunla',meaning ''Death did a Great thing'',(JESUS' death is Salvation,a very great thing)!

174-While some may be disbelieving,the Almighty God will never allow them to stop me,I WILL SUCCEED.

175-On Palestinians' statehood bid: Justice is what is good and godly,the United Nations is Unjust,being controlled by only one country,America.

176-Christians,and Christian Leaders: Listen to me again,Christianity will take you to nowhere but Hellfire,may God curse me if I'm not sure.

176-The Yorubas,my tribe,also call God,'Adigun',though I'm not God,but by His Grace,'Ruhullah',or God's Holy Spirit.

177-President Bashar Assad of Syria seems determined to rule for life,and groom his child to succeed him like they used to do..

178-But the international community can help stop the daily,needless civilian deaths in Syria.

179-When man forgets God,he forgets himself unknowingly.

180-People living in the world are two,though we always like to behave as if we are one..

181-Some people are for the Heaven while the others are for Hell,our behaviours on earth must be different.

182-Something about me again that is not a coincidence: My State in Nigeria (Oyo) is known as the Pacesetter State..

183-What God is making me to begin is what will last till the end of the world (Siratal Mustaqim)..

184-I am 100% sure that No One will enter Paradise but must follow in my footsteps..

185-By the Grace of God,I am the real Pacesetter,a model to be imitated..

186-I have suffered a lot for it,just like the making of any Model or Standard is not easy,others can then follow with ease..

187-Consequently,No One will get to the Heaven,or enter Paradise but must owe me gratitude.

188-Again,I don't have any doubt that Christians don't really worship God (God curse me if I'm not sure)...

189-The worship Christians are doing is the involuntary one that all creatures,or creations of God are doing,willy-nilly..

190-Because God has said that everything He created is worshipping Him by doing certain things that He had destined that he does..

191-But who knows what God had really destined? Everyone will willingly do whatever God will reward him for eventually.

192-Even if Jesus that Christians worship were to be God,still,they don't really do any worship...

193-What Christians do is to ask,ask and ask from Jesus all that they want,which is not a real worship..

194-Worship is something you do for God,and not a request for anything from Him..

195-If as a Parent,you have two children,one likes to do things for you and the other only ask for things,which of the two will you like?..

196-Then Christians also read Bible,the Reported Words of 'God',many of which are not correct (God curse me if I'm not sure)!..

197-Christians also sing and dance to praise Jesus who is not God,and when all praise should belong to God..

198-And is there anyone saying I talk too much about Christians? I will always say whatever God wants me to say,okay?

199-Let not the Unbelievers think that God's respite to them is good,God gives them respite that they can grow in their iniquity..Q3/178.

200-And it is the same to the Unbelievers whether Prophet warns them or not,they will not believe.Q2/6.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 1.


1-The UN as it is now is not what it ought to be,many times,most people are at the mercy of a very few.

2-The Palestinians and the rest of the world are now at the mercy of America and Israel.

3-The UN Security Council can severely punish a country of millions of people simply on mere suspicion,e.g.Iran.

4-If they know that having nuclear weapon is dangerous,then they should be ready to get rid of theirs too.

5-The UN unjust behaviour has undoubtedly promoted terrorism worldwide.

6-Nigerian political officeholders get bloated salaries and allowances while the masses are groaning in poverty.

7-Politicians in Nigeria will do anything to get to office because of the huge salaries and allowances.

8-What we have in Nigeria are many insincere politicians going to office to get rich rather than serve people.

9-What Nigeria needs badly now is real development,politicians' emoluments should be slashed to say one third of what they get now.

10-Whoever can bear the proposed reduced salaries and allowances should contest or seek political office in Nigeria.

11-Politicians in Nigeria will want to get same or more remunerations than their counterparts in developed country like America.

12-So long as politicians in Nigeria are paid huge salaries and allowances,there will be no end to the persistent corruption there.

13-Competition in worldly increase has diverted man away from God till he gets to the grave when he will know the reality.

14-God is gracious to him that earns his living by his own labour and not by begging.

15-God will help people according to their behaviour,as if they had been destined therefor.

16-If you like to do good,God will help you to paradise,but if it is bad,He will aid you to hell.

17-Countries around the world belonging to the UN now are like fools for there is no real UN but America,and the US has become un-challengeable.

18-I don't hate America but by her behaviour,I swear that she is becoming a real threat to world peace,how? No one can control her.

19-But I will not mind if the rest of the world will choose America to govern them provided that she is NEUTRAL and subject to checks and balances.

20-I strongly dislike extremist people,but what the West should have done is to protect their countries,rather than invading others.

21-Muslims,blame no one else but yourselves for your failures as you have ignored many things I said God would want you to do.

22-I think the greatest losers are those who are not very rich and are still not muslims for non-believers deserve to be super-rich on earth.

23-Non-believers will be NOTHING in heaven,so why won't they be EVERYTHING on earth?

24-And one thousand years on earth is just a single day in heaven! Q22/47,Q32/5.

25-I disagree with former US Sec of St. that invading Iraq was right,there can never be any justification for illegality.

26-You end up creating more problems for yourself by ignoring justice or due process.

27-Pakistani govt is a disgrace to all muslims for allowing America to continue to kill her people indiscriminately.

28-The kind of UN I want is one that will be able to check any country that wants to oppress others like the US,or Israel.

29-People will do anything to have a good public image while their privacy is an eyesore.

30-The reason why people prefer fake lifestyle is because Satan is reigning.

31-God is the helper of believers,Satan that is reigning now,non-believers.

32-No doubt,Satan is in control now,but I'm sure that very soon believers will take-charge.

33-Western media with evil intent,Iraqi PM visits a fellow muslim Iran,why do you want to die because of that?

34-The best of Jihad (Holy war) is that for the conquest of self.

35-God will give him a great reward who withheld his anger when he had in his power to show it.

36-That person is wise and sensible who suppresses his carnal desires and hopes for rewards from God.

37-No father had given his child anything better than good manners.

38-One with God is a majority,and better be alone than in company with the bad.

39-Worship God as if you see Him,for if you don't see Him,He sees you.

40-Man's deeds will be brought back to him as if he himself was the creator of his own punishment.

41-Muslims,don't forget that God is One and He likes unity.

42-Believers should be persistent in good actions.

43-The best of good acts is that which is constantly attended to although in a small degree.

44-Be a perfect person by doing good to people when they do not do good to you.

45-Kindness is a major indicator of faith,whoever has no kindness has no faith.

46-Exactly from 17yrs ago,I'd being unlike any person on earth,had they know,people would credit me for making sense by what I write.

47-Hamid Tiamiyu,deserving of commendation for still being able to make sense by what he writes despite his special condition.

48-May God exalt his eminence - that person that is humble to people for God's sake.And all kinds of modesty are best.

49-Acquisition of knowledge is a duty that is incumbent on every muslim,male and FEMALE - prophet Muhammed (PBOH).

50-Whether you conceal what you say or make it public,God knows what is in your minds - Q67/13.

51-Allah (God) is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth should frustrate His plans - Q35/44.

52-A true believer is thankful to God in prosperity,resigned to His will in adversity and must keep on struggling.

53-Muslims,who are you worshipping? If it is Allah,remember that He is One,so be united.

54-I'm sure that it is Satan that is between S/Arabia and Iran that they cannot yet embrace each other,will they let him continue?

55-Detractors - enemies of Islam,why should Afghanistan not receive money aid from a fellow muslim Iran?

56-America's role in the Middle East has been most destabilising,and why would she not want the Shites and the Sunnis united?

57-America,become muslim or let muslims live their lives the way they want,okay?

58-America has sustained more losses when she went out than when the terrorists attacked her at home due to her carelessness.

59-America doesn't need to invade muslim countries,instead,she should protect herself from extremist 'muslims'.

60-Muslims are better positioned to fight extremists within themselves,America should only intervene when her help is sought.

61-This life is a tillage for the next,do good that you may reap there,whatever God had ordained can only be attained by striving.

62-Man rejoices in the worldly life while it is but little comfort in comparison with that of the hereafter - Q13/26.

63-Once thy ar not ready 2 eliminate thm,I pray to God 2 punish thse countries havng nuclear bombs that ar punishng othrs suspctd of tryin 2 hav it.

64-Desist from seeing and speaking of the defects of people that you know are in yourself.

65-Misfortunes can happen to muslim and his wife (to cleanse them) until death,when there is no fault upon them again.

66-Divorce or termination of marriage,though lawful,is disliked by God.

67-True believers don't fear death because it is only a bridge that unites friend with friend (in life after death).

68-The day when secrets (of what he has done) will be open,man shall have neither power nor helper - Q86/9-10.

69-Man desires the frail goods of this world while Allah desires for him the hereafter - Qur'an.

70-Don't they know that whoever acts in opposition to Allah and His messenger,he shall surely have fire of hell to abide in?-Q9/63.

71-Believers,speak what is good or remain silent.

72-Hezbollah is Lebanese,Susan Rice is American,who should Lebanese affairs concern more?

73-One thing I'd said many times and which I would want to restate again and again is that 'I cannot fail'.

74-Another thing I will like to emphasize is that 'whoever will oppose me shall be the loser'.

75-God is mild or gentle,and He is fond of mildness,He gives to the mild what He does not to the harsh.

76-God will exalt his dignity and diminish his faults that man that was wounded and he pardoned the giver of the wound.

77-The lawful and the forbidden are clear,but doubtful things between the two are better avoided.

78-Prophet had been sent as a witness over people,bearer of glad tidings,warner and to invite people to God - Q33/44,45.

79-Israeli PM said threat of extremist 'muslims' increasing,I say it would decrease once Israel and the US behave properly.

80-Though I strongly hate it but some people will  take to terrorism simply to fight back injustice.

81-Injustice and terrorism are both hateful but there can be no end to terrorism until justice is assured.

82-World powers are hypocrites,they play double standard by condoning injustice while they hate terrorism.

83-I'm sure that if the West will fight injustice as they do terrorism,Israel will not be their ally,but the reverse is the case.

84-Also I'm certain that were Europe to hate injustice like terrorism,they will not see eye to eye with the US on many issues as they do now.

85-And I'm confident that were the world powers to fight injustice as they do terrorism,the whole world would have been more peaceful.

86-The worldly life is not but play and amusement,but best is the home in the hereafter for believers - Q6/32.

87-I hate extremist 'muslims' and I don't like those whose love of the world is to the detriment of others,do both have any faith?

88-I'm ALWAYS disappointed in muslims worldwide,they have forgotten whom they are and have taken the West as their God.

89-Rather than look up to God,use their strengths and be self-sufficient,muslims now only copy the West and rely on them.

90-There ought to be distinction between muslims and non-muslims,like people of God and of the World,as our values are different.

91-Those who reject Qur'an and treat it with arrogance are companions of the fire wherein they will dwell for ever - Q7/36.

92-Those who reject faith,it is the same whether prophet warns them or not,they will not believe - Q2/6.

93-Pakistani PM condemnd suicide attack in mosq,condemntn not enough,take more decisive action on extremists,u disgrace urself & othr muslims.

94-Good muslims and non-muslims in Pakistan,Iraq,Somalia,Afghanistan,etc,deserve to live in peace.

95-God has created everything for man while He created man for Himself.

96-When people have might,they become aggressive,but something is stronger,faith.

97-Some people say we believe in God but do not really believe - Q2/8.

98-Man,worship your God that you may be righteous - Q2/21.

99-Religion is not for prosperity or one's prayers being answered but salvation,which is only by worshipping and re-uniting with the Almighty God.

100-Arabs were naive to have started war with Israel,they forgot that those that helped set it up would never stand idly by and watch her attacked.

101-Unfortunately,all good muslims worldwide had ever being suffering emotionally for the mistakes of the Arabs in the Middle East.

102- Many times the behaviour of some muslims and mslm countries had being damaging to Islam e.g Extrmst 'muslims',Arabs in general,Pakistan,Iran.

103-But even if it remains myself alone that is upright in the religion,I swear that no one will stop Islam from prevailing.

104-I call on genuine believers in God again,stop wasting your time,no one can better tell you than me,Islam is the only way to paradise.

105-Not 4 d fear of Israel's powerful backers,I would NEVER av supportd the Arabs when they launchd war on Israel,instead complain & wait 4 d UN.

106-Good muslims are very peaceful people,hardly would they ever first start a war.

107-No prophet of God will intentionally first start a war - when they fought it was usually imposed and God always helped them to win.

108-I swear I can never fear America or any powerful organisation if I have to fight and being righteous success will surely be mine.

109-Whenever any muslim misbehaves,it is distressing on all good muslims but while they suffer emotnally,God will reward them 4 their concern.

110-Anytime I watch America & Israel's relationship,I feel a kind of pity for America and wonder whether she cannot think properly.

111-Israel's building on Palestinians' land had been worldwide describd as illegal,but America is begging Israel wth incentives 2 do d right thg

112-Israel,stop building on Palestinians' land,that has nothing 2 do wth ur security,rather,it will only inflame angry Palestinians against you.

113-Like Germany has just done ,I urge the West to always raise their terror alerts hopefully those agents of Satan will no longer succeed.

114-Pakistan,you don't have any other choice,you have begged for and received US aids,the drone attacks will continue,shame on you.

115-What America is doing in Pakistan regarding drone attacks is nothing but sheer oppression.

116-US cannot hate terrorists more than I do & my belief is that outsiders that are not particularly invited should not fight them 4 any country

117-America,why don't U give Pakistan d drones & teach them how 2 use it agst d terrorists in their cntry,or av U been invited 2 do that 4 them?

118-It is always good to be peaceful and law-abiding,the Arabs that first attacked Israel ought to have learnt their lessons now.

119-What the Arabs are now clamouring to have back from Israel is just a fraction of what was initially given to them and which they rejected.

120-But Israel should also be careful and make peace with the Arabs,remember the former Pharaoh and his people,what was their end?

121-Very important that believers be especially cautious,Satan is always after them,what non-believers will do & go scot-free,believers may not.

122-Some Arabs said,'We believe',God says,they have not believed yet,rather,they should say,'We have accepted Islam' - Q49/14.

123-Surely,those who are near to God turn not away with pride from His worship,but they glorify Him & prostrate themselves before Him - Q7/206.

124-Whoever turns away from God,He will appoint for him a Satan who becomes his companion - Q43/36.

125-Allah will surely help one who helps His cause,He is full of Strength and Exalted in Might - Qur'an.

126-Doing the right thing is the best of behaviours.

127-Who has seen God now? He is not visible to the naked eyes but the hearts perceive Him through Iman (faith).

128-Fallout from Wikileaks,Iran should behave as if she had not known,make efforts & reach out to the Saudis to ensure Muslims unification.

129-Muslims unification is more important than anything.

130-God is my witness,I don't guess about Him,if I can't feel Him directly,what I'm doing for Him everyday would be impossible.

131-Once I cannot fix God from my heart,look at Him and concentrate which is someth I do everyday,I will be off balance & vulnerable to Satan.

132-And I swear that the Almighty God has communicated directly with me before on many occasions.

133-I suffer for God everyday to be able to do what I'm doing for Him but once I cannot focus God and concentrate,Satan becomes deadlier.

134-I'm sure no one lives the kind of life I live now which makes me different,but very soon I will be normal and most valuable to humanity.

135-What I do for God is a joint effort between Him and myself,THERE IS NOWAY I can do it without Him (the Almighty God) been with me.

136-So what would make me fail when I 'see' and work with God everyday? My affairs will surely conclude with joy,that I can say by God's grace.

137-That I'm confident I will succeed is because what I'm doing is really not my work but God's,and in fact,no one will willingly want to do it.

138-So if God will not fail I can never fail,and I swear that God's whole aim of creating us depends & revolves around what He had sent me to do.

139-Do men think that they will be left alone on saying,'We believe',and that they will not be tested? - Q29/2.

140-People,be mindful of Satan who watches you from a position where you cannot see him - Q7/27.

141-God had always tested people and will continue to do so that He would know those who are true from those who are false - Q29/3.

142-God has made the evil ones friends to those without faith -Q7/27.

143-Man,call on ANYTHING,your prayers will be answered once you have faith in it,the only problem:no Heaven for those who call on others but God.

144-In this world,the Almighty God is 4 all,regardless of what you believe in,He would provide 4 everyone,but not so in Heaven,only 4 believers.

145-No bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another,and there will not be for anyone except what he strives for - Q53/38-39.

146-What man has done,he will soon see,when he will be recompensed with the fullest recompense - Q53/40-41.

147-Those who believe find peace of mind in the remembrance of God,surely,it is with God's remembrance that hearts are assured - Q13/28.

148-God has said,'Seek help from Me through patience and prayer,indeed I AM with the patient' -Q2/153.

149-No compulsion in religion,whoever refuses thse who transgressd & believes in Allah has graspd a strong handle which knows no breaking Q2/256.

150-Charity is a duty unto every muslim.Every good act is charity.Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.

151-God has said,'Remember Me that I can remember you,give thanks to Me,don't be ungrateful' -Q2/152.

152-Remember God in retirement from the people,and do not kill your hearts with too much eating and drinking.

153-The most effective way for real self to have power over body is through fasting,you illuminate your hearts & draw nearer to God by hunger.

154-UN Sec Council inability to utter a single word on the situation in 'Ivory Coast' is because of its non-neutrality,again,there is no real UN.

155-America dropping objection to Israel's building on Palestinians' land is condoning injustice.Once more,America has bowed to Israel in shame.

156-America may be the most powerful country in the world but not to Israel that does control her.

157-Fasting that is not the obligatory should be done only once in a while,(not everyday).Some hunger is surely great for spiritual health.

158-Let Arabs pledge:they will no longer fight Israel,Israel shd release Arabs seized lands & pref absorb all Palestinians & live togther as one.

159-If the permanent members of the UN Security Council will truly represent the world,then they MUST have no allies,they MUST be neutral.

160-Once all d perm members of the UN Sec Council are neutral,I can possibly agree that they keep their nuclear weapons 4 d security of d world.

161-Pakistan,stop distractg us,let d US announce drone attacks,moreover,U know what U shd do if U don't like it,U v bn a disgrace 2 oth muslims.

162-No reasonable muslim country ought to be friend of America as of now,she had been mainly responsible for the continued problem in the M/East.

163-The US had further exposed herself when she said nothing as such she could do to solve the Middle East imbroglio.

164-If America had been neutral,treat Israel the way she had done to Iran,the Middle East problem would have been resolved long ago.

165-Also, the inability of Shia and Sunni muslims to come together and be united cannot be without America's ingenious manipulation of muslims.

166-Proph Muhammed said,'do not exceed bounds in praising me as d Xtians do in praising Jesus calling him,God,son of God,I'm only God messenger'

167-Greatest crimes - Associate another with God,Vex parents,Kill one's children,Commit suicide, and Swear to a lie.

168-I can say this without doubt:Whoever loves to meet God,God loves to meet him.

169-God said,'I will accomplish the faith of whoever puts his faith in Me,I AM with him and near him when he remembers Me'.

170-Prophet Muhammed said,'to honour an old person is showing respect to God'.

171-Muslims are brothers,they must not abandon each other,or hold one another in contempt or derision.

172-When a muslim is sick,then God restores his health,his illness has covered his former faults,let him watch his future actions.

173-If Shia and Sunni muslims cannot come together and be united,it simply means they are not practising real Islam.

174-If Saudi Arabia cannot go to Iran,or vice versa,and openly embrace each other,it simply means their Islam is not correct.

175-Then I was right when I said many muslims had lost track of whom they are,as they have taken the West as their 'God'.

176-No wonder then many Arab leaders were reportedly praying to America (their 'God') to help them attack their muslim enemy Iran.

177-It is with utmost disgust that I saw the Sunni attack on Shiates in Iran today,and such will continue until the leaders come together united.

178-God has not created anything better than Reason,the benefits which God gives are on its account.

179-God has commanded all muslims to acquire knowledge,it lights the way to Heaven,our companion when friendless,and it guides to happiness

180-The Qur'an was sent down in 7 dialects,and in every one of of its sentences,there is an external and internal meaning - Hadith.

181-Prophet Muhammed said,'the other messengers of God had their miracles,mine is the Qur'an,and will remain forever'.

182-There is only One God,the Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will disobey me except him who would be denied Heaven.

183-Today I learnt US drones killed 54 Pakistanis,anything the Pakistanis can do? That's the oppression their government has plunged them into.

184-America,you can continue to oppress,but God that is more powerful is watching.

185-The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith,and they scoff at those who believe - Q2/212.

186-Everything is vanity except God.Nothing is more important for any believer in this world than the fear of God.

187-Salat,an act of worship is believers' means of uniting with God.The key of Paradise is Salat,and the key of Salat is ablution.

188-God will not accept Salat in which the heart does not accompany the body.

189-He,whom Salat does not prevent from wrongdoing and evil increases in nothing but remoteness from God.

190-Religion is admonition,counsel or warning that its adherents be pure and stay clean.

191-A great harm to worshipping God is keeping enmity and malice,they tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.

192-Do a good deed after every bad deed that it may erase the latter.

193-There is only One God,d Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will reject my spiritual tutelage but him who has been destined 4 hell

194-Let me say that I really appreciate Brazil,Argentina,& Bolivia,etc,for recognising d Palestinians,oth reasonable countries shd pls do d same

195-The world is like a prison and famine to muslims,when they leave it (turn to God or die),they leave famine and prison.

196-People of the world are contented with the world while those of the Heaven find fulfillment only by been with God through His remembrance.

197-Having problems in this world is not a sign that God is not with you,the person that should worry is he that does not have.

198-For believers,the reward is as great as the misfortune,the more unfortunate one is,the greater and more perfect the reward.

199-There are two qualities that are both loved by God and all His prophets:fortitude and gentleness.

200-He is not a perfect man of strength or resilience who has not fallen into misfortunes.