1-If you are something from God,you've got to work for it on Earth,reason why I've really suffered doing what I'm doing for God..
2-And God has also said that Man will have nothing but what he strives for.Qur'an(53/39).
3-In the eyes of God,no Sin can be greater than associating anything with Him,something the Christians proudly do proclaiming Trinity.
4-Who has told the Greatest Lie,punishable Only by Hellfire? The Christians,saying God is 'Three-in-One',the Only Sin God will Never Pardon!
5-If Unbelievers act together,Muslims,why won't you too? In fact,you deserve to always lead the way..
6-And again,Muslims,your unity is most important.That exactly,is what the Almighty God wants..
7-We are Two in the World,not One - Believers and Unbelievers,even though we should always cooperate to have a peaceful world.
8-Muslims,NEVER be carried away by the worldly success of the Unbelievers,they deserve everything Now,as they would have nothing in Heaven!
9-By the Grace of God,Muslims will one day,become united and the Devil would be shamed and disgraced!
10-Yes,I know that some autocratic Arab Leaders will never want Muslims to be united.Why?..
11-Because the autocratic Arab Leaders don't really represent their people,their personal interests matter more..
12-Also,the autocratic Arab Leaders are allies of Powerful People in the world who hate Muslims' unity..
13-But the Good News is that God is more powerful than the autocratic Arab Leaders and their influential godfather!
14-I pray that all Muslim countries have a truly democratic governance,autocratic rulers and dictators are Very Harmful to Islam,God hates them
15-I also pray that the whole world be truly democratically controlled,America's overbearing influence on the UN and World is bad and ungodly.
16-America's hegemony in the world is bad,and reasonable countries ought to distance themselves from it,how?..
17-On one hand America preaches democracy,but on the other she is the godfather of Arab's autocratic rulers..
18-America will overlook any country violating United Nations' law so far as the country is an ally (for example,Israel),but..
19-America can punish very severely any country that's not an ally,even for merely suspecting that she is flouting UN law,e.g Iran.
20-Why shd Israel fear rising Islamic parties in Arabs democratic polls?Becos Israeli Govt is a repressive regime benefitg frm Arab's Dictators
21-Genuine Politicians will always respect the wish of the people,whatever it is..
22-Lack of democracy in Arab lands have been beneficial to America and Israel in achieving their evil intentions.
23-While Israel is punishing and killing the Palestinians for choosing Hamas in democratic polls,America and UK want to..
24..America and UK want to be punishing countries abroad for passing anti-Gay laws in their parliaments..
25-Gay right may not be a serious human right because it is not that a Gay person cannot marry and have a child with a woman..
26-But I don't like secular countries passing laws to punish anyone doing it (Gay),only it needs not be given any undue recognition..
27-Being a Christian worshipping Jesus is by far a greater sin than a Gay,and since you cannot punish any Christian,why would you a Gay?
28-To imagine the power of Satan,see how bold the Christians are,and to which I swear by the Almighty God,is over NOTHING!..
29-I admonish the Christians,and strongly urge them to stop fooling themselves..
30-The religion of God had been developing from Adam through Noah,Abraham,Moses,Jesus,until Muhammed,when it was perfected,and named Islam..
31-True Believers must now accept Islam,there is no alternative,because our Creator,the Almighty God is Only One.
32-Arabs denounce Gingrich remarks -BBC.
33-I also condemn,very strongly,Newt Gingrich for calling Palestinians 'an invented' people and wonder if he can ever be a good Prez for USA.
34-I swear,you can easily know whether you belong to God or the Devil by this simple test:
35-Do you generally like how Israel behaves towards the Palestinians? If yes,you are a friend of the Devil,God curse me if I'm not sure!
36-If Muslims are United,God-fearing,and Law-abiding,then NO ONE,however powerful,will be able to stand in their way..
37..And this,by the Grace of God,we would soon attain,it's my goal.The status quo is too bad,Muslims worldwide,are most vulnerable.
38..Is anyone intimidating you (UK Prime Minister)? Muslims and Unbelievers should be able to live freely in the world.
39-UK is a Christian country - UK Prime Minister. - BBC.
40-Celebrating Christmas only reinforces Christians' IDOLATRY,and as Unbelievers,they grow in their Sins,God's curse be on me,if I'm not sure!
41-The Unbelievers will hear what will save them only they will not believe.
42-Be a Muslim,or you are an Unbeliever,no further option.That's what God has done Now.
43-No one can save anyone destined for Hell because what will take him there is what he would always do,even with passion!
44-I am 100% sure that Christians are a people being used by Satan,or the Devil.God,curse me if I'm not saying the truth.
45-Anyone with certainty about God will easily know that what the Christians are doing that they call worship can NEVER be the right thing..
46-God is completely different from the way Christians are thinking..
47-I swear by God,and curse myself should I be telling a lie: If Jesus of Nazareth were to be on earth now,he would have being a Muslim.
48-Why will Christians in Nigeria fight Muslims because of Boko Haram?..
49-Boko Haram people do not represent the Nigerian Muslims,I'd said it before,they are Criminals that should be dealt with as such..
50-Boko Haram people are terrorising all Nigerians,and the Nigerian Leadership should be held accountable for failing to check them.
51-One of the ways of God: If God wants to do good to somebody,He first afflicts him with trials.
52-God rewards all sufferings endured by Muslims (i.e,Believers) as acts of Service to Him,the more the pain,the greater the reward.
53-While the Unbelievers plan,God also plan,but God is the best of Planners.(Qur'an 3/54).
54-I swear by God,if everyone could be like me,with the best of intentions,the world would be a Paradise for both Muslims and the Unbelievers.
55-When people act against fear rather than with justice,what they don't want is what usually happens.
56-Take ONLY just and reasonable actions (don't overdo),to counter the threat of any fearful thing from happening.
57-The Idol Worshippers of Mecca first attacked Muslims fearing that Islam might take root and be a threat to their way of life..
58..But what happened? Exactly what they feared,even though Prophet Muhammed NEVER planned to fight them before!
59-Instead of adding to the sufferings of the Nigerian masses,the Government should have taxed political officeholders getting excessive pay.
60-Nigerian political officeholders can make-do with say 1/3 of what they get now as salaries and benefits if they really want to serve people.
61-Nigerian Govt can also ask rich Nigerians to help pay for the fuel subsidy,then publish their names and amounts being donated to thank them.
62-America,Europe,that are Christians,try and be just,shun double standards,you are not supposed to suffer in the world,it is your Paradise.
63-On Iran versus West,maybe Iran is not exactly right,but America and Europe are surely Unjust,and..
64..And let me warn Muslims across the world,especially the Arabs,that an enemy Iran is by far better than a friend America,or Europe.
65-Nigerian sect (Boko Haram) 'has high-up ties' -BBC.
66..Mr President,God is on your side,move quickly to get rid of Boko Haram sympathisers in your government and security agencies..
67-No doubt,America and Europe are the ones leading the world now,but I swear by God that they are not Sincere,and do apply Double standards.
68-Many problems plaguing the world today are indirectly caused by the injustices and reckless behaviours of world powers,esp America,and..
69..And everyone should just pray that the Unjust world powers do not plunge the Earth's inhabitants into another world war.
70-I will always be on the side of the Right,no matter how weak they are,I will live and die there.
71-Everything has God created in proportion and measure,His command is carried out by only one word,in the twinkling of an eye.(Q54/49-50).
72-No one asked God to create him,therefore,God must reward everybody..
73..But while Believers will get their rewards MAINLY in Heaven,the Unbelievers shall be compensated FULLY on Earth.
74-I had told the whole World who I am.I am very sure about myself,and I want to say again that..
75..Whenever God sent someone,he MUST BE OBEYED,to reject him is to reject God,and therefore become an Unbeliever.
76-Muslims don't fear death because the World is not their Paradise,it is the Unbelievers who never want to die (lest they lose everything)!
77-I swear to God,I hate Injustice so much,and common people across the world will support me to check the Unjust anywhere in the world.
78-The Unjust and the powerful rejoice thinking that they're right,but it's only that God is very patient,He'd make them pay for their excesses
79-Applying rules unfairly to different peoples is Injustice,with one severely punished for an offence while another is treated very leniently.
80-I am very mindful of others.Anyone that is just,considerate,and law-abiding is my friend,no matter his religion or wherever he comes from.
81-It's good to be flexible and open-minded.Many will regret and cry bitterly when they find out that I am really what I called myself.How?..
82-Because no one will ignore me but MUST regret and be grieved,he would have missed a lot,if not eternal failure..
83-God knew everything I had told you,and He watches how you are reacting to them.
84-But who can save anyone destined for Hell? No one.To try to do so will always be an exercise in futility.
85-Boko Haram wanting to Islamise Nigeria is like the Devil promising anyone Paradise.Are Boko Haram people themselves real Muslims? I swear,No
86-Countries of the Unbelievers are generally more peaceful than the Muslims' because the World is their Paradise,even they deserve far more.
87-God is not at all inconsiderate,many expect the Unbelievers to suffer both on Earth and after death,but instead,God will reward them here.
88-Let me say again that the Almighty God is my witness,I am not of those guessing about God,Everyone should listen to me..
89-Man! You are not the ones to tell God what He should do.But this is what He has done..
90-Right now,you can either be a Muslim,or you are an Unbeliever,I swear and swear again,there is NO other option..
91-Jesus of Nazareth CANNOT and WILL NOT save any Christian from going to Hell if he/she does not accept Islam,God,curse me if I'm not sure!
92-I swear by the Almighty God that created me,no matter what,He (God) would not allow me to fail,I cannot fail!
93-All that I said I would do will surely be accomplished by God's help before I leave this world,NO ONE will be able to stop me.
94-Islam will prevail in the world and shall be the best thing ever becos we'll never oppress or condone injustice as done by US,Israel,or EU.
95-The Islam that will prevail,UNDER MY CARE,shall be the true Islam,the only religion of God,anyone rejecting it will be rejecting God.
96-When I come out (that is very near now),Believers in the Almighty God worldwide,MUST join and re-join Islam with me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu).
97-Does anybody wonder why I speak so confidently at times?..
98-Reason is,God has chosen me,He would not choose two persons to lead at the sametime,and that makes me different from EVERYONE on Earth now.
99-I sometimes look at the so-called World Powers like small kids,they never realise that God gave them the powers and could take them back!
100-How possibly could the World Powers realised that Anybody gave them their powers,do they REALLY believe in God? Reason why they are Unjust!
101-And let me quickly remind again that the World is the ONLY Reward for the Unbelievers!..
102-America,the Superpower,you know how big a Star is,how many of them can you see in the sky,and how many have you created? SUPERPOWER indeed!
103-Okay,America has landed on the Moon,when would she touch down on the Sun,or in the Sun,our own very Star on Earth planet?
104-I am sure that my life will make the whole world know that TRULY there is One Very Great God,The Owner of Everything that sent me.
105-By what I know of God that is indisputable,I have NEVER seen any FOOL bigger than the Christians that are worshipping Jesus,calling him God...
106-Yes,there are Profs,very educated people,Heads of Govts & Coys worldwide that are Christians,BUT I SWEAR,no Fools can be bigger than them.
107-Christians,mark my words because I'm very sure,later,you will confess that you had being a Very Big Fool when you worshipped Jesus.
108-Jesus owns NOTHING,not even his own soul,but God owns EVERYTHING.
109-I just listened to one renowned Pastor in Nigeria (E.A.Adeboye) on Television,and I say...
110-Christians,I AM NOT GUESSING AT ALL,please stop this your DAYDREAMING or FOOLISHNESS,and believe in the Only One God,ALLAH.
111-Believers MUST do Worship for God,Christians don't worship,they only ask Jesus to do things for them,similar to other devoted Unbelievers.
112-Doing good deeds and avoiding bad ones are ABSOLUTELY necessary for any Believer,but they CANNOT replace Worship for God.
113-Terrorists may not be the worst human beings,but those who don't believe in God or glorify others beside God,e.g.Christians praising Jesus.
114-There is no god but God (Allah),the Living,the Self-Subsisting,Eternal.No slumber can seize Him nor sleep.And to Him belongs All Things.
115-America's behaviour has made her UNSUITABLE to lead the world.
116-Christians say God's children when He has none.No surprise,they are Polytheists or Unbelievers destined for Hell..
117-God created Everything from Himself into Himself,NOTHING else exists with Him.Man can only serve (Servants) God within God..
118-Children live separate lives frm their fathers,but servants don't have any other wish aside frm their masters,Believers must be ONE with God
119-If not for God Mercy,Unbelievers wd'v owned almost everythg the world,then Believers wd'v fd it v hard wait til aft death,their own Paradise
120..But also God will test Believers and Unbelievers alike in the world.
121-Netanyahu (Israeli PM) warns on Iran timetable (before Israel attacks Iran)....BBC.
122-If I were God,I would destroy Israel's own nuclear arsenal too..
123-Again,I want to warn America and her evil Arab supporters that they will not forever succeed in dividing Muslims.
124-The main enjoyment for Believers is after death just like the real punishment for the Unbelievers is after death.
125-If Israel could kill all the Palestinians as she is doing now,then the two-state solution palaver will be over.
126-Truce 'agreed' after Gaza clashes...BBC.
127..What truce,let Israel complete the killings,because Israel is always pleased to frustrate the Palestinians.
128-'More than 8,000' killed in Syria...BBC.
129-I can hardly believe it,why wouldn't President Assad step aside and create an alternative to the way he's been doing leading to these deaths
130-Only Muslims with lack of understanding would envy Prosperous Unbelievers,but doesn't mean that they should be complacent in the world.
131-Generally,Believers have faith while Unbelievers money but becos Believers also need money,they have to be careful and manage in the world.
132-Generally,God gives EVERYONE a sense of belonging,the Unbelievers look important in the world,while Believers shall be great in Heaven.
133-Man desires the world but God desires for him the Hereafter.And God has said that the world is a temporary enjoyment of deceitful things.
134-I am 48,and still I'm sure,by the Grace of God,that the end would by far justify the means.
135-I hate the World as it is now being controlled by the Unjust America,Israel and Europe.
136-I heard one Useless Arab Leader saying they joined America in imposing toughest ever sanctions on Iran becos of the international community.
137..What international community? The one that CANNOT stop Israel from illegal settlement buildings on Palestinian lands!..
138..What international community? The one that CANNOT stop Israel from ever punishing and frustrating the Palestinians!..
139..What international community? The one that CANNOT check Israel for her illicit nuclear weapons but Iran!..
140..What international community? The one that CANNOT stop Israel from wanting to attack Iran even without UN authorisation!
141..Again,what international community? The one that says some can keep Nuclear weapons to terrorise others that should and must NOT have!..
142-If truly Nuclear weapons are dangerous,then NO ONE in the World must be allowed to keep them.
143-Let anyone tell the Saudi Arabian leadership that I DON'T LIKE THEM for preferring America over their Muslim brother Iran.
144-Why are some countries still being allowed to keep Nuclear weapons that are most destructive,that NOBODY should ever think of using again?..
145..Countries like USA,Russia,France,Britain,China,etc having nuclear bombs are like Terrorists,enemies of Mankind..
146..USA,France,Britain,Israel esp. lack MORALS,they punish very harshly anyone suspected of trying to have what they got and guard jealously..
147-World Leaders in S/Korea on Nuclear issues shd be wise enough to start talk on how to disarm Nuclear weapons armed countries like USA,Russia.
148-No One can make any Believer to disbelieve just like Nobody can save anyone destined for Hell.This is God's Decree..
149..Prophets and Men of God can only help but cannot change what has been decreed..
150..But the real problem is No One can be 100% sure of what is decreed for anyone before death..
151..However,what I am sure of is that nobody will get to Heaven but must believe in the Almighty God and worship Him till death..
152..Islam is the ONLY religion that can guarantee anyone Paradise.I don't have any slight doubt about Christians,they are 100% wrong.
153-What Prophets can do to help Believers and Unbelievers.For Believers,assuming getting to Heaven is having money...
154..Prophets cannot make anyone without money to have (God's Decree),but they can help turn a dollar owner into a billionaire..
155..Prophets can also help to reduce the punishment of an Unbeliever.
156-Again,why Christians are 100% wrong,their Faith is based on a wrong notion that Jesus is God,or son of God.GOD WILL NOT PARDON THAT..
157..Referring to any other Being as God is most hateful to the Only God,That is The ALMIGHTY..
158..Jesus is ONLY like Abraham,Moses,or Muhammed,who are Prophets of God.Peace and blessings of God be upon all the Prophets,amen..
159..No matter the good deeds Christians do,it cannot take them to Heaven,they will be paid back on Earth like any other Unbeliever..
160..People should also take note that not all those who say they are Muslims can go to Heaven,but ONLY the good ones.
161-America,mark my words,your efforts at dividing Muslims will come to NOUGHT and autocratic Arab rulers cooperating with you will be SHAMED.
162-I am a Prophet of God from the Old,NO ONE however powerful will frustrate me or hold me to ransom,I will do what God is sending me to do..
163..Cooperate with me and help me,and you will GAIN,but oppose me,and you will FAIL.
164-America's intention is EVIL,planning with some Muslim countries to build missile defence against another Muslim country..
165..And the two sides are not at war and actually expected by God to be united.
166-I swear again,JUSTICE is something I desire so much.If no one is allowed to produce nuclear weapons,no one must be allowed to keep them..
167..Therefore,with the Help of God,America and others having nuclear weapons WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to continue to keep them.
168-If anyone thinks that I am joking,then the person must be a very big Fool...
169..A very big Fool for doubting me and what God can and will do.
170-Islam is right and Qur'an,v perfect,but it's Satan that's USING some Muslims,and those who don't know Quran,giving the God religion bad name
171-Though I will ask God to help us in getting rid of all the world's nuclear weapons,but..
172..But if I should come out today,this would be my stand regarding the dangerous nuclear weapons..
173..So long as those possessing the nuclear weapons are not ready to do away with them,anyone who wants to make it should be free to do so..
174..This would make the World realise the URGENCY in starting talk on the total elimination of all nuclear weapons.
175-That my stand is what is JUST,God so hate INJUSTICE that He said in the Qur'an that the Unjust shall be the firewood,or fuel for Hell-fire.
176-Nuclear non-proliferan treaty is an unbalanced,unjust law,the Almighty God will not support it,and so do I,His Representative..
177..Nuclear non-proliferation treaty is an Unjust law because it says some can have nuclear weapons,only others cannot.
178-No One on Earth now had seen a sent Prophet of God,last one was more than 1,400 years ago.When I come out,the World w'd see how they behave.
179-I disagree wth Nig Prez thou I pray for his success,not everything that happens is what God chose,God allows others that He did not choose..
180..And the wish of the majority of people is not necessarily that of God.
181-If Journalists fear USA and couldn't discuss disarming her and others with Nuclear weapons,I WILL NOT,it shall be a priority for me in life.
183-Make the possession of Nuclear weapons illegal,and no one will contemplate having them again,a condition that is best for the World.
184-Being tha many Xtians were born into Xtianity and their propag mach,XTIANS COULDN'T REALISE THA WHAT THEY DO CAN NEVER BE REAL GOD WORSHIP..
185..Like other previous Prophets before Muhammed,the time Jesus of Nazareth came,the REAL religion of God,Islam,was still evolving..
186..The religion was completed during the time of the last Prophet,Muhammed.Peace and Blessings of God be upon all the Prophets of God,amen.
187-When God was revealing myself to me in 1991,the first thing He told me was that Christians were 100% wrong,God curse me if I say the untruth.
188..The first thing God made me realise was that Christians were 100% wrong,I swear,and swear again...
189-I don't read Bible,but surprisingly I came across two verses in the Bible that foretold EXACTLY about myself:(1)John 14/26,and (2)John 16/13..
190-(1)The Advocate,the Holy Spirit,whom the Father will send in my name,w'd teach you all things and w'd remind you of everything I'd said to you.
191-(2)But when he,the Spirit of truth,comes,he will guide you into all the truth.He will not speak on his own..and will tell you what's yet to come
192..So Christians know these,and they still not believe,but by what I told them,they don't need any Angel again to confirm that it is me..
193..That is,the Spirit of truth,the Holy Spirit that God will send in Jesus of Nazareth's name is my humble self..
194..I swear by the Almighty God that the Spirit of truth,the Advocate,or the Holy Spirit is me (Hamid Adigun Tiamiyu),the second Jesus..
195..And when I said that there are two Jesus,here now is the evidence right in the Bible,John 14/26..
196..Later I will explain clearly,and precisely what Jesus of Nazareth told people last time,but now I've been saying what is yet to come.
197-I hate USA for wanting to expand use of Drones in Yemen,NO ONE SHOULD LIKE TERRORISTS,but they should be dealt with in a reasonable manner..
198..America shd use her military along with Yemens against the terrorists.That's what is rational rather than arbitrary killings with Drones.
199-Apart from what God made known to me,I am a very thoughtful person,I meant exactly what I said that there is NOTHING in todays Christianity.
200-So Jesus of Nazareth told Christians about my coming in the Bible (John 14:26),I ask them NOW and again to believe in me without hesitation.