Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 4.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/hamidtiamiyu.

1-I may not know any other thing but one thing I'm ABSOLUTELY sure about is that NO OTHER BEING CAN SAVE MANKIND EXCEPT MY HUMBLE SELF.

2-The hand of the Almighty God is on me,there is noway I will mislead people,and it is COMPULSORY for all Believers in God to believe in me..

3-(It is important or compulsory for their own sake,though no one will ever be forced).

4-Though no time as such,but I just watched briefly a program on TV dramatising our purpose in life...

5-I want to say authoritatively that there is no other purpose other than to worship God.And..

6-To worship God,Believers must  know that there is One God,Perform Salat for Him 5x daily,Pay Zakat,Fast in Ramadan,& Observe Hajj for Him..

7-Also,the Almighty God Himself said that He had not created us for any other thing than to worship and serve Him (Q51/56)..

8-Those 5 things I mentioned are the Pillars of Worship,they differentiate Real Believers from those MERELY claiming to believe in God.

9-Yes,Believers must not do any other thing than to worship and serve God because He is the ONE and ONLY in us.

10-Without doubt,Everyone will reap whatever he/she does.

11-The Greatest Curse of God be upon me if what I'm saying is wrong: NO ONE WILL BELIEVE IN ONLY THE BIBLE AND ENTER PARADISE.

12-Christians,ask the Pope and all your Leaders to curse themselves that Jesus is son of God as contained in the Bible,if really they are sure..

13-If they cannot swear that Jesus is son of God,then stop following them in worshipping Jesus,it will only lead you and them to Hell-fire.

14-It is FAR better for anyone not to believe in the Almighty God at all than being a Christian worshipping Jesus.

15-Oh the Almighty God! To further demonstrate my unalloyed belief in You,I declare as follows:

16-Jesus is NOT the son of God,or God Himself,if I'm wrong,I pray that the Almighty God makes Paradise or the Heaven FORBIDDEN to me,Amen.

17-Everything about the Unbelievers in the World ought to be Excellent for this is their Paradise,Believers should just try to manage there...

18-However,Believers should also aspire to be their best (in worldly affairs) though like I had said before,they have to work extra.

19-Heh Unbelievers,the fact that you do good deeds cannot take you to Heaven since you've not really worshipped God,rather...

20-All the good deeds of an Unbeliever will be recompensed on earth leaving him/her with nothing after death.

21-To worship God,first you have to believe correctly,know that there is only One God,the Almighty...

22-Second,you must do all the five things the Almighty God commanded us to do in the Qur'an for His worship..

23-Those worshipping Jesus (Christians) and other created Things are amongst the Unbelievers.

24-Prophets Abraham and Muhammed (PBOT) were both looked down upon when they came and asked their peoples to stop idol worshipping...

25-But did they not prevailed? Christians also look at me with disdain,but I swear that I will prevail over them in their idol worshipping,..

26..For Jesus is NOT God.But take note that I don't intend to force anyone to believe.

27-I always wonder why someone will put ALL HIS FAITH in something that is DOUBTFUL,Christians really seem destined for Hell.

28-Christians,I want to tell you AUTHORITATIVELY,that in Christianity,you have absolutely NOTHING that you stand on.

29-Nothing in the world can be more important than what God is sending me to do...

30-And no matter how long it takes,I will succeed.

31-Christians,don't be cowardly,I'm waiting for you,write me,and let's put an end to the lies that you are saying about Jesus.

32-I am real,very very sincere person,Believers thr'out the world DO NOT HAVE CHOICE but to believe in me & follow me,that's what God has done.

33..(But I assume that everybody knows that no one will be compelled,everyone should be free to believe in the Almighty God or not).

34-(Reply).God has said in the Qur'an 2/256 that there should be no compulsion in religion,I being His rep on earth will try & ensure that.

35-(Reply).And if what you mean is that you'd not believe in me know that disbelief in God's Messenger is disbelief in God Himself Q4/80.

36-If you will believe,believe fully and correctly,partial belief is part of being an hypocrite.And God hates Hypocrites more than Unbelievers.

37-A person that is doubting (hypocrite) is by far more harmful than a stark unbeliever...

38-Christians,you want to continue worshipping in doubt? But you cannot curse yourselves that Jesus is son of God,or God Himself!

39-People of the world,there is a 100% assurance that the Almighty God is sending me to you,read my blogs & tweets and believe in me completely.

40-What God is sending me to do is very compulsory,and there is absolutely NOTHING that can prevent it from happening.

41-On 9/11,much as we hate terrorists and extremists,let's also be determined never to condone injustice and oppression anywhere in the world.

42-But the Extremist Muslims  shd learn their lessons v. well,GOD generally WILL NOT ALLOW them deny the Unbelievers of their earthly Paradise..

43-God is not at all inconsiderate like the Extremist Muslims,He won't let the Unbelievers suffer on earth when they will have no Heaven.

44-If you worship Prophet Muhammed,Abraham,Moses,or Jesus,etc,I SWEAR THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANY HOPE,only the Almighty God should be worshipped.

45-Thank you Turkey for your interest in the Palestinians',the whole OIC ought to show similar commitment.I appreciate the others in the world.

46-Muslim countries,if you want God to help you on the Palestinians',once the US blocks their statehood bid,ask her to stop funding them...

47..Do the samething to the Europeans if they too should join America,then take up their roles,and very soon God will help you.

48-There is NOTHING that the Christians know about God that I don't know better and even,CORRECTLY...

49-I see many of them very bold and confident,but I swear by God that their self-assurance or positivism is based on NOTHING..

50-The idol worshippers of yore,during Prophets Abraham and Muhammed were more confident,but were they right?..

51-God has told me,and it was the first thing that He said while revealing myself to me in 1991 that Christians stand on NOTHING..


53-Yes,people had worshipped Jesus for centuries,but those times were periods of ignorance,GOD HAS SENT ME NOW!

54-If the Almighty God Himself should come down to earth,those destined for Hell will not believe,why?..

55..Because they were not made to believe.And even on seeing God,they will be more defiant,saying it's all magic!..

56..They will never believe until it is too late!

57-Israeli PM's boast that the Palestinians' statehood bid will fail is based on nothing but the WRONG SUPPORT from the US backed by Europe..

58..Had the UN being truly democratic,the Palestinians would have succeeded long ago..

59..But while they may fail now,they won't fail forever,i'm sure.

60-Lawmakers in America have a way of bypassing the Veto Power of the President,and it's good for democracy,the UN should do the samething.

61-The UN Organisation must find a way of overruling any reckless use of Veto Power by any permanent member of the UN Security Council.

62-The whole World knows that the Palestinians do not refuse negotiation,but israel is the one PREVENTING it.US,France,STOP IGNORING THE FACT!

63-When Israel realizes that America's Veto Power can be overruled,she would begin to behave more responsibly.

64-And let me pray that whatever America does to the Palestinians,the Almighty God will do it to her,Amen!

65-A lot is wrong with America and Israel,why should the US have to use Pressures and Vetoes ALL THE TIME for Israel that is already in the UN?

66-While they may use Force and Pressure to achieve their aims,God knows that America and Israel are not really right on the Palestinian issue.

67-America,though a great country,but she behaves like a FOOL on Israel...

68-If Israel is doing anything America does not want,NOWAY America can stop her..

69-But anything Israel wants from America must be gotten willy-nilly..

70-Had America been able to control Israel,the last attempt at resolving Israel/Palestine imbroglio would not have failed..

71-So I wonder why anyone if not a fool,will pledge his whole life for someone he cannot control!..

72-Because America's second,or is it the first? National Anthem is: OUR RESOLVE TO STAND BY ISRAEL IS UNSHAKABLE!

73-Ordinarily,any independent country is not supposed to be under the control of another..

74..But what America is doing for Israel is more than for just an ally..

75..It is like someone pledging his entire life for another.

76-Again,why I said America behaves like a fool over Israel..

77..God will hold America responsible for some certain (or maybe all) wrongs Israel commits against the Palestinians.

78-God says,He wonders how we always love the present life,neglecting the hereafter.(Q75/20-21).

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 1:

79-Devotion to God is my occupation.Firm belief in God,my sustenance..

80-Obedience to God is my dignity.Truth,my protection..

81-Patience is my cloak.Grief,my helper.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 2:

82-Enthusiasm in the way of God is my vehicle..

83-Striving in the cause of God is my natural disposition..

84-Reason is the root of my religion.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (pboh) 3:

85-Faith in God is my strength.And learning is my weapon..

86-Remembrance of God is my companion.And prayer is the coolness of my eyes..

87-Humility is what I am proud of.And love is the foundation of my being.

88-Man rejoices in the world while the worldly life is nothing,compared to the Hereafter,but a brief enjoyment.(Q13/26).

89-Palestinians,you disappointed me,and God Almighty, for complaining that America is cutting some of her aids..

90..Why did you depend on America and Europe in the first instance,the very people that had been WRONGLY supporting Israel against you?..

91..And I'm afraid that your ambition may never be realised so long as you lean or hang on them (i.e. US and EU)..

92..But here I must say that the so-called Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is almost a USELESS body!

93-Though they never say it openly,but I'm 100% sure that Nigerian President and most important govt officials in the country know about me..

94-Therefore I expect Nigeria (and Gabon) to also vote for the Palestinians' statehood like the good peoples of India,Brazil,etc..

95-If Nigeria shd abstain from voting for the Palestinians,it means that the Govt prefers America & Israel over Myself and God that I represent

95-Any country that votes against or abstains from voting for the Palestinian's statehood CERTAINLY prefers America & Israel over Myself & God.

96-A person WILL NOT experience the sweetness of Faith until he can guarantee three conditions,namely:

97..(1) Till he loves people,and loves them ONLY for God's sake..

98..(2)Till it becomes DEARER to him to be thrown into the fire than go back to disbelief after he has believed..

99..(3)Till he loves God and His Prophet MORE THAN anything else.

100-Let me remind the people of the world once more:-

101..By the Grace of God,I am what I told you,God's ONLY Representative on Earth for as long as I live..

102..Though one may not believe,but he cannot change what God has done..

103..If he believes in what God has done,he will gain,otherwise he will lose..

104..NEVER have I had the slightest of doubt about WHO I AM since 1991 that the Almighty God revealed myself to me.

105-But somebody may ask,how can we be sure of what you call yourself?:-

106..An essential part of Faith in God is believing in the Unseen. (Q2/3)..

107..Anyone who says he will not believe until he sees God face to face will become an Unbeliever that will go to Hell-fire..

108..Moreover,read my story very well,do I look like an impostor?

109-People of the world,NO ONE can tell you any Truer Word,stop wasting time,believe in the Almighty God NOW by accepting Islam..

110..By what I already know,THERE IS NOWAY anyone can go to Heaven (Paradise) without first accepting and practising Islam..

111..It's like someone wanting to enter University without first passing through Elementary,or High School.

112-What I already know God has decreed...

113..If you are hungry,you must first eat (food) to be OK.Miracle,or magic? No!..

114..If you want to have the greatest joy (Paradise),you must first practise Islam.Any shortcut? No!

115-If anybody asked me what I prefer in Israeli/Palestinian relation...

116..I desire that they both live together as one country where there will be no discrimination..

117..That is,equal rights for both the Palestinians and Israelis..

118..But neither Israel nor Palestine had openly talked about that,what I always hear is two-state solution..

119..And if that is the case,for God's sake,let the Palestinians have their own state NOW!

112-Remind yourself everyday if necessary,of the God's Decree I said I was sure of (I swear,NO alternative)..

113..Or you've agreed to be a Muslim? Not yet? Maybe you are not destined for God's Greatest Reward (Paradise).Yes,you may count yourself out!

114-May God curse me if I'm not sure: NOTHING God hates more than the saying of,"In the name of Jesus".

115-An adult man or woman is not supposed to be alone at any time,but married to be complete in God..

116-It is by far more rewarding (from God) to have females as children than males..

117-Male children (unlike females) belong to their parents,the parents get commission (not full reward) from God for their doing good..

118-But when female children become matured and married,their parents get full rewards from God..

119..However,if the parents of the bride disturb the husband,their reward from God becomes diminished..

120..Because parents had only helped to raise women,women belong to their husbands,they should also bear their husbands names only..

121-It is VERY WASTEFUL to have many male children,instead spend your excess money to help others.

122-When you help others,you get FAR MORE REWARDS from God than spending your resources on children (especially males) born by you..

123..But at the same time you must never leave any child born by you uncatered for.

124-By no means shall you attain righteousness or blamelessness unless you spend for God's sake of that which you love.(Q3/92).

125-Why God hates,"In the name of Jesus".Nobody is anything,God is everything.Rather say "In the name of God".

126-Who really is a Strong person? The One who can control himself.

127-The most excellent Jihaad is that for the conquest of self.(Hadith).

128-Man's first enemy is his body.

129-It is only those who believe in the Almighty God that He guides from their hearts.(Q64/11).

130-Pakistan,please allow America's ground troops and together go after terrorist and extremist groups..

131..No one should like terrorist and extremist people,and ground troops is better than indiscriminate killings with drones.

132-Today is 22/10/2011: It's like I should remind the people of the world everyday:

133-By what God made me exactly 18 years ago (22/10/1993),I don't need to know whom anybody is on this earth planet..

138-Anyone there (in this world) must obey and follow me to be a Believer in the Almighty God..

139-Reject me and you will be rejecting all the Prophets of God,and the Almighty God Himself that sent me..

140-I will say it for the umpteenth time that I WILL NOT FAIL,it is whoever wants to fail and go to Hell that should ignore me..

141-And I swear that NO ONE (whoever and from wherever in the world) will disobey me and find favour with the Almighty God!

142-Do they not know that for those who oppose God and His Messenger is Hellfire wherein they shall dwell? That is the supreme disgrace (Q9/63).

143-Western media,being closely copied across the world,are always with evil intent towards Islam..

144-What is democracy,isn't it the demonstration or expression of of the general wish of the people?..

145-But why do Western media always fear when this democratic wish is shown by Muslims in any part of the world?..

146-For example,their tongues are now wagging that an Islamic party is poised to lead  a free and fair election just held in Tunisia..

147-Or do they want Muslims to abandon their God-given Way of Life for theirs?..

148-Muslims throughout the world should be sure about Islam,had they know,they are the ones to guide others..

149-And I swear that the Western dominated world is sick and groping in the dark,they had better listen to the One God had sent to guide them.

150-Some verses in the Qur'an about Jesus needed to be explained,but there is noway I will do it without disclosing some secrets of God..

151-But those worrying about them should know that they are very clear to me..

152-Maybe I will write to reveal the most important of them later,especially about Jesus mother.

153-One place where God told us that we do come to the world more than once.Qur'an(80/17-23).Its summary..

154-I created you,make life easy for you,then you will die,and a grave assigned to you..

155..Then when I like I will raise you up again,why? Because you have not completed what I wanted you to do.

156-Noway anyone will get to the University without passing thro Elementary/High School,NO ONE will enter Heaven without first accepting Islam.

157-The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam,He created him from dust (no parents),then said to him:'Be'.And he was.Qur'an(3/59).

158-It is not for God to take a son,exalted is He! When He decrees anything,He only says to it,'Be',and it is.Qur'an(19/35).

159-Not a Messenger did I send before you,Muhammed without this Inspiration that there is no god but I,therefore,worship and serve Me.Q(21/25)..

160-And they say,'God,Most Gracious has begotten offspring',Glory to Him! They are only Servants raised to honour.Qur'an(21/26)..

161..They speak not before He speaks,and they act only by His Command.Qur'an(21/27).

162-They indeed have disbelieved who say that God is the Christ,son of Mary..Qur'an(5/17).

163-Christ,the son of Mary was no more than a Messenger of God.Many were the Messengers that passed away before him.Qur'an(5/75).

164-Jesus said,'It is God Who is my Lord and your Lord,then worship Him.This is a Way that is straight.Qur'an(3/51).

165-If anyone does a religion other than Islam,NEVER will it be accepted of him,and in the Hereafter,he will be among those who have lost.Q3/85.

166-Surely,the only religion with the Almighty God is Islam.Qur'an(3/19).

167-America,Europe,Pls stop fooling us.Instead of you taking action to stop Israel's illegal settlement buildings,you ALWAYS MERELY condemn it!

168-Believers that are God-fearing & Law abiding should never fear the Unbelievers (includng today's Christians) no matter their military might.

169-I also condemn very strongly the terrorists attacks in northern Nigeria.Boko Haram members must repent to become Muslims again.

170-Three things about me that are not Mere Coincidence:

171-My uneducated parents (of blessed memories) made three small marks on each of my two cheeks,which is not my fault.(JESUS,made from Three)..

172-My parents also gave me the middle name 'Adigun',meaning somebody or something craftily invented,or made perfectly.(JESUS,''assembled'')..

173-The village I was born is called 'Ikuseunla',meaning ''Death did a Great thing'',(JESUS' death is Salvation,a very great thing)!

174-While some may be disbelieving,the Almighty God will never allow them to stop me,I WILL SUCCEED.

175-On Palestinians' statehood bid: Justice is what is good and godly,the United Nations is Unjust,being controlled by only one country,America.

176-Christians,and Christian Leaders: Listen to me again,Christianity will take you to nowhere but Hellfire,may God curse me if I'm not sure.

176-The Yorubas,my tribe,also call God,'Adigun',though I'm not God,but by His Grace,'Ruhullah',or God's Holy Spirit.

177-President Bashar Assad of Syria seems determined to rule for life,and groom his child to succeed him like they used to do..

178-But the international community can help stop the daily,needless civilian deaths in Syria.

179-When man forgets God,he forgets himself unknowingly.

180-People living in the world are two,though we always like to behave as if we are one..

181-Some people are for the Heaven while the others are for Hell,our behaviours on earth must be different.

182-Something about me again that is not a coincidence: My State in Nigeria (Oyo) is known as the Pacesetter State..

183-What God is making me to begin is what will last till the end of the world (Siratal Mustaqim)..

184-I am 100% sure that No One will enter Paradise but must follow in my footsteps..

185-By the Grace of God,I am the real Pacesetter,a model to be imitated..

186-I have suffered a lot for it,just like the making of any Model or Standard is not easy,others can then follow with ease..

187-Consequently,No One will get to the Heaven,or enter Paradise but must owe me gratitude.

188-Again,I don't have any doubt that Christians don't really worship God (God curse me if I'm not sure)...

189-The worship Christians are doing is the involuntary one that all creatures,or creations of God are doing,willy-nilly..

190-Because God has said that everything He created is worshipping Him by doing certain things that He had destined that he does..

191-But who knows what God had really destined? Everyone will willingly do whatever God will reward him for eventually.

192-Even if Jesus that Christians worship were to be God,still,they don't really do any worship...

193-What Christians do is to ask,ask and ask from Jesus all that they want,which is not a real worship..

194-Worship is something you do for God,and not a request for anything from Him..

195-If as a Parent,you have two children,one likes to do things for you and the other only ask for things,which of the two will you like?..

196-Then Christians also read Bible,the Reported Words of 'God',many of which are not correct (God curse me if I'm not sure)!..

197-Christians also sing and dance to praise Jesus who is not God,and when all praise should belong to God..

198-And is there anyone saying I talk too much about Christians? I will always say whatever God wants me to say,okay?

199-Let not the Unbelievers think that God's respite to them is good,God gives them respite that they can grow in their iniquity..Q3/178.

200-And it is the same to the Unbelievers whether Prophet warns them or not,they will not believe.Q2/6.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 1.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/hamidtiamiyu.

1-The UN as it is now is not what it ought to be,many times,most people are at the mercy of a very few.

2-The Palestinians and the rest of the world are now at the mercy of America and Israel.

3-The UN Security Council can severely punish a country of millions of people simply on mere suspicion,e.g.Iran.

4-If they know that having nuclear weapon is dangerous,then they should be ready to get rid of theirs too.

5-The UN unjust behaviour has undoubtedly promoted terrorism worldwide.

6-Nigerian political officeholders get bloated salaries and allowances while the masses are groaning in poverty.

7-Politicians in Nigeria will do anything to get to office because of the huge salaries and allowances.

8-What we have in Nigeria are many insincere politicians going to office to get rich rather than serve people.

9-What Nigeria needs badly now is real development,politicians' emoluments should be slashed to say one third of what they get now.

10-Whoever can bear the proposed reduced salaries and allowances should contest or seek political office in Nigeria.

11-Politicians in Nigeria will want to get same or more remunerations than their counterparts in developed country like America.

12-So long as politicians in Nigeria are paid huge salaries and allowances,there will be no end to the persistent corruption there.

13-Competition in worldly increase has diverted man away from God till he gets to the grave when he will know the reality.

14-God is gracious to him that earns his living by his own labour and not by begging.

15-God will help people according to their behaviour,as if they had been destined therefor.

16-If you like to do good,God will help you to paradise,but if it is bad,He will aid you to hell.

17-Countries around the world belonging to the UN now are like fools for there is no real UN but America,and the US has become un-challengeable.

18-I don't hate America but by her behaviour,I swear that she is becoming a real threat to world peace,how? No one can control her.

19-But I will not mind if the rest of the world will choose America to govern them provided that she is NEUTRAL and subject to checks and balances.

20-I strongly dislike extremist people,but what the West should have done is to protect their countries,rather than invading others.

21-Muslims,blame no one else but yourselves for your failures as you have ignored many things I said God would want you to do.

22-I think the greatest losers are those who are not very rich and are still not muslims for non-believers deserve to be super-rich on earth.

23-Non-believers will be NOTHING in heaven,so why won't they be EVERYTHING on earth?

24-And one thousand years on earth is just a single day in heaven! Q22/47,Q32/5.

25-I disagree with former US Sec of St. that invading Iraq was right,there can never be any justification for illegality.

26-You end up creating more problems for yourself by ignoring justice or due process.

27-Pakistani govt is a disgrace to all muslims for allowing America to continue to kill her people indiscriminately.

28-The kind of UN I want is one that will be able to check any country that wants to oppress others like the US,or Israel.

29-People will do anything to have a good public image while their privacy is an eyesore.

30-The reason why people prefer fake lifestyle is because Satan is reigning.

31-God is the helper of believers,Satan that is reigning now,non-believers.

32-No doubt,Satan is in control now,but I'm sure that very soon believers will take-charge.

33-Western media with evil intent,Iraqi PM visits a fellow muslim Iran,why do you want to die because of that?

34-The best of Jihad (Holy war) is that for the conquest of self.

35-God will give him a great reward who withheld his anger when he had in his power to show it.

36-That person is wise and sensible who suppresses his carnal desires and hopes for rewards from God.

37-No father had given his child anything better than good manners.

38-One with God is a majority,and better be alone than in company with the bad.

39-Worship God as if you see Him,for if you don't see Him,He sees you.

40-Man's deeds will be brought back to him as if he himself was the creator of his own punishment.

41-Muslims,don't forget that God is One and He likes unity.

42-Believers should be persistent in good actions.

43-The best of good acts is that which is constantly attended to although in a small degree.

44-Be a perfect person by doing good to people when they do not do good to you.

45-Kindness is a major indicator of faith,whoever has no kindness has no faith.

46-Exactly from 17yrs ago,I'd being unlike any person on earth,had they know,people would credit me for making sense by what I write.

47-Hamid Tiamiyu,deserving of commendation for still being able to make sense by what he writes despite his special condition.

48-May God exalt his eminence - that person that is humble to people for God's sake.And all kinds of modesty are best.

49-Acquisition of knowledge is a duty that is incumbent on every muslim,male and FEMALE - prophet Muhammed (PBOH).

50-Whether you conceal what you say or make it public,God knows what is in your minds - Q67/13.

51-Allah (God) is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth should frustrate His plans - Q35/44.

52-A true believer is thankful to God in prosperity,resigned to His will in adversity and must keep on struggling.

53-Muslims,who are you worshipping? If it is Allah,remember that He is One,so be united.

54-I'm sure that it is Satan that is between S/Arabia and Iran that they cannot yet embrace each other,will they let him continue?

55-Detractors - enemies of Islam,why should Afghanistan not receive money aid from a fellow muslim Iran?

56-America's role in the Middle East has been most destabilising,and why would she not want the Shites and the Sunnis united?

57-America,become muslim or let muslims live their lives the way they want,okay?

58-America has sustained more losses when she went out than when the terrorists attacked her at home due to her carelessness.

59-America doesn't need to invade muslim countries,instead,she should protect herself from extremist 'muslims'.

60-Muslims are better positioned to fight extremists within themselves,America should only intervene when her help is sought.

61-This life is a tillage for the next,do good that you may reap there,whatever God had ordained can only be attained by striving.

62-Man rejoices in the worldly life while it is but little comfort in comparison with that of the hereafter - Q13/26.

63-Once thy ar not ready 2 eliminate thm,I pray to God 2 punish thse countries havng nuclear bombs that ar punishng othrs suspctd of tryin 2 hav it.

64-Desist from seeing and speaking of the defects of people that you know are in yourself.

65-Misfortunes can happen to muslim and his wife (to cleanse them) until death,when there is no fault upon them again.

66-Divorce or termination of marriage,though lawful,is disliked by God.

67-True believers don't fear death because it is only a bridge that unites friend with friend (in life after death).

68-The day when secrets (of what he has done) will be open,man shall have neither power nor helper - Q86/9-10.

69-Man desires the frail goods of this world while Allah desires for him the hereafter - Qur'an.

70-Don't they know that whoever acts in opposition to Allah and His messenger,he shall surely have fire of hell to abide in?-Q9/63.

71-Believers,speak what is good or remain silent.

72-Hezbollah is Lebanese,Susan Rice is American,who should Lebanese affairs concern more?

73-One thing I'd said many times and which I would want to restate again and again is that 'I cannot fail'.

74-Another thing I will like to emphasize is that 'whoever will oppose me shall be the loser'.

75-God is mild or gentle,and He is fond of mildness,He gives to the mild what He does not to the harsh.

76-God will exalt his dignity and diminish his faults that man that was wounded and he pardoned the giver of the wound.

77-The lawful and the forbidden are clear,but doubtful things between the two are better avoided.

78-Prophet had been sent as a witness over people,bearer of glad tidings,warner and to invite people to God - Q33/44,45.

79-Israeli PM said threat of extremist 'muslims' increasing,I say it would decrease once Israel and the US behave properly.

80-Though I strongly hate it but some people will  take to terrorism simply to fight back injustice.

81-Injustice and terrorism are both hateful but there can be no end to terrorism until justice is assured.

82-World powers are hypocrites,they play double standard by condoning injustice while they hate terrorism.

83-I'm sure that if the West will fight injustice as they do terrorism,Israel will not be their ally,but the reverse is the case.

84-Also I'm certain that were Europe to hate injustice like terrorism,they will not see eye to eye with the US on many issues as they do now.

85-And I'm confident that were the world powers to fight injustice as they do terrorism,the whole world would have been more peaceful.

86-The worldly life is not but play and amusement,but best is the home in the hereafter for believers - Q6/32.

87-I hate extremist 'muslims' and I don't like those whose love of the world is to the detriment of others,do both have any faith?

88-I'm ALWAYS disappointed in muslims worldwide,they have forgotten whom they are and have taken the West as their God.

89-Rather than look up to God,use their strengths and be self-sufficient,muslims now only copy the West and rely on them.

90-There ought to be distinction between muslims and non-muslims,like people of God and of the World,as our values are different.

91-Those who reject Qur'an and treat it with arrogance are companions of the fire wherein they will dwell for ever - Q7/36.

92-Those who reject faith,it is the same whether prophet warns them or not,they will not believe - Q2/6.

93-Pakistani PM condemnd suicide attack in mosq,condemntn not enough,take more decisive action on extremists,u disgrace urself & othr muslims.

94-Good muslims and non-muslims in Pakistan,Iraq,Somalia,Afghanistan,etc,deserve to live in peace.

95-God has created everything for man while He created man for Himself.

96-When people have might,they become aggressive,but something is stronger,faith.

97-Some people say we believe in God but do not really believe - Q2/8.

98-Man,worship your God that you may be righteous - Q2/21.

99-Religion is not for prosperity or one's prayers being answered but salvation,which is only by worshipping and re-uniting with the Almighty God.

100-Arabs were naive to have started war with Israel,they forgot that those that helped set it up would never stand idly by and watch her attacked.

101-Unfortunately,all good muslims worldwide had ever being suffering emotionally for the mistakes of the Arabs in the Middle East.

102- Many times the behaviour of some muslims and mslm countries had being damaging to Islam e.g Extrmst 'muslims',Arabs in general,Pakistan,Iran.

103-But even if it remains myself alone that is upright in the religion,I swear that no one will stop Islam from prevailing.

104-I call on genuine believers in God again,stop wasting your time,no one can better tell you than me,Islam is the only way to paradise.

105-Not 4 d fear of Israel's powerful backers,I would NEVER av supportd the Arabs when they launchd war on Israel,instead complain & wait 4 d UN.

106-Good muslims are very peaceful people,hardly would they ever first start a war.

107-No prophet of God will intentionally first start a war - when they fought it was usually imposed and God always helped them to win.

108-I swear I can never fear America or any powerful organisation if I have to fight and being righteous success will surely be mine.

109-Whenever any muslim misbehaves,it is distressing on all good muslims but while they suffer emotnally,God will reward them 4 their concern.

110-Anytime I watch America & Israel's relationship,I feel a kind of pity for America and wonder whether she cannot think properly.

111-Israel's building on Palestinians' land had been worldwide describd as illegal,but America is begging Israel wth incentives 2 do d right thg

112-Israel,stop building on Palestinians' land,that has nothing 2 do wth ur security,rather,it will only inflame angry Palestinians against you.

113-Like Germany has just done ,I urge the West to always raise their terror alerts hopefully those agents of Satan will no longer succeed.

114-Pakistan,you don't have any other choice,you have begged for and received US aids,the drone attacks will continue,shame on you.

115-What America is doing in Pakistan regarding drone attacks is nothing but sheer oppression.

116-US cannot hate terrorists more than I do & my belief is that outsiders that are not particularly invited should not fight them 4 any country

117-America,why don't U give Pakistan d drones & teach them how 2 use it agst d terrorists in their cntry,or av U been invited 2 do that 4 them?

118-It is always good to be peaceful and law-abiding,the Arabs that first attacked Israel ought to have learnt their lessons now.

119-What the Arabs are now clamouring to have back from Israel is just a fraction of what was initially given to them and which they rejected.

120-But Israel should also be careful and make peace with the Arabs,remember the former Pharaoh and his people,what was their end?

121-Very important that believers be especially cautious,Satan is always after them,what non-believers will do & go scot-free,believers may not.

122-Some Arabs said,'We believe',God says,they have not believed yet,rather,they should say,'We have accepted Islam' - Q49/14.

123-Surely,those who are near to God turn not away with pride from His worship,but they glorify Him & prostrate themselves before Him - Q7/206.

124-Whoever turns away from God,He will appoint for him a Satan who becomes his companion - Q43/36.

125-Allah will surely help one who helps His cause,He is full of Strength and Exalted in Might - Qur'an.

126-Doing the right thing is the best of behaviours.

127-Who has seen God now? He is not visible to the naked eyes but the hearts perceive Him through Iman (faith).

128-Fallout from Wikileaks,Iran should behave as if she had not known,make efforts & reach out to the Saudis to ensure Muslims unification.

129-Muslims unification is more important than anything.

130-God is my witness,I don't guess about Him,if I can't feel Him directly,what I'm doing for Him everyday would be impossible.

131-Once I cannot fix God from my heart,look at Him and concentrate which is someth I do everyday,I will be off balance & vulnerable to Satan.

132-And I swear that the Almighty God has communicated directly with me before on many occasions.

133-I suffer for God everyday to be able to do what I'm doing for Him but once I cannot focus God and concentrate,Satan becomes deadlier.

134-I'm sure no one lives the kind of life I live now which makes me different,but very soon I will be normal and most valuable to humanity.

135-What I do for God is a joint effort between Him and myself,THERE IS NOWAY I can do it without Him (the Almighty God) been with me.

136-So what would make me fail when I 'see' and work with God everyday? My affairs will surely conclude with joy,that I can say by God's grace.

137-That I'm confident I will succeed is because what I'm doing is really not my work but God's,and in fact,no one will willingly want to do it.

138-So if God will not fail I can never fail,and I swear that God's whole aim of creating us depends & revolves around what He had sent me to do.

139-Do men think that they will be left alone on saying,'We believe',and that they will not be tested? - Q29/2.

140-People,be mindful of Satan who watches you from a position where you cannot see him - Q7/27.

141-God had always tested people and will continue to do so that He would know those who are true from those who are false - Q29/3.

142-God has made the evil ones friends to those without faith -Q7/27.

143-Man,call on ANYTHING,your prayers will be answered once you have faith in it,the only problem:no Heaven for those who call on others but God.

144-In this world,the Almighty God is 4 all,regardless of what you believe in,He would provide 4 everyone,but not so in Heaven,only 4 believers.

145-No bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another,and there will not be for anyone except what he strives for - Q53/38-39.

146-What man has done,he will soon see,when he will be recompensed with the fullest recompense - Q53/40-41.

147-Those who believe find peace of mind in the remembrance of God,surely,it is with God's remembrance that hearts are assured - Q13/28.

148-God has said,'Seek help from Me through patience and prayer,indeed I AM with the patient' -Q2/153.

149-No compulsion in religion,whoever refuses thse who transgressd & believes in Allah has graspd a strong handle which knows no breaking Q2/256.

150-Charity is a duty unto every muslim.Every good act is charity.Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.

151-God has said,'Remember Me that I can remember you,give thanks to Me,don't be ungrateful' -Q2/152.

152-Remember God in retirement from the people,and do not kill your hearts with too much eating and drinking.

153-The most effective way for real self to have power over body is through fasting,you illuminate your hearts & draw nearer to God by hunger.

154-UN Sec Council inability to utter a single word on the situation in 'Ivory Coast' is because of its non-neutrality,again,there is no real UN.

155-America dropping objection to Israel's building on Palestinians' land is condoning injustice.Once more,America has bowed to Israel in shame.

156-America may be the most powerful country in the world but not to Israel that does control her.

157-Fasting that is not the obligatory should be done only once in a while,(not everyday).Some hunger is surely great for spiritual health.

158-Let Arabs pledge:they will no longer fight Israel,Israel shd release Arabs seized lands & pref absorb all Palestinians & live togther as one.

159-If the permanent members of the UN Security Council will truly represent the world,then they MUST have no allies,they MUST be neutral.

160-Once all d perm members of the UN Sec Council are neutral,I can possibly agree that they keep their nuclear weapons 4 d security of d world.

161-Pakistan,stop distractg us,let d US announce drone attacks,moreover,U know what U shd do if U don't like it,U v bn a disgrace 2 oth muslims.

162-No reasonable muslim country ought to be friend of America as of now,she had been mainly responsible for the continued problem in the M/East.

163-The US had further exposed herself when she said nothing as such she could do to solve the Middle East imbroglio.

164-If America had been neutral,treat Israel the way she had done to Iran,the Middle East problem would have been resolved long ago.

165-Also, the inability of Shia and Sunni muslims to come together and be united cannot be without America's ingenious manipulation of muslims.

166-Proph Muhammed said,'do not exceed bounds in praising me as d Xtians do in praising Jesus calling him,God,son of God,I'm only God messenger'

167-Greatest crimes - Associate another with God,Vex parents,Kill one's children,Commit suicide, and Swear to a lie.

168-I can say this without doubt:Whoever loves to meet God,God loves to meet him.

169-God said,'I will accomplish the faith of whoever puts his faith in Me,I AM with him and near him when he remembers Me'.

170-Prophet Muhammed said,'to honour an old person is showing respect to God'.

171-Muslims are brothers,they must not abandon each other,or hold one another in contempt or derision.

172-When a muslim is sick,then God restores his health,his illness has covered his former faults,let him watch his future actions.

173-If Shia and Sunni muslims cannot come together and be united,it simply means they are not practising real Islam.

174-If Saudi Arabia cannot go to Iran,or vice versa,and openly embrace each other,it simply means their Islam is not correct.

175-Then I was right when I said many muslims had lost track of whom they are,as they have taken the West as their 'God'.

176-No wonder then many Arab leaders were reportedly praying to America (their 'God') to help them attack their muslim enemy Iran.

177-It is with utmost disgust that I saw the Sunni attack on Shiates in Iran today,and such will continue until the leaders come together united.

178-God has not created anything better than Reason,the benefits which God gives are on its account.

179-God has commanded all muslims to acquire knowledge,it lights the way to Heaven,our companion when friendless,and it guides to happiness

180-The Qur'an was sent down in 7 dialects,and in every one of of its sentences,there is an external and internal meaning - Hadith.

181-Prophet Muhammed said,'the other messengers of God had their miracles,mine is the Qur'an,and will remain forever'.

182-There is only One God,the Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will disobey me except him who would be denied Heaven.

183-Today I learnt US drones killed 54 Pakistanis,anything the Pakistanis can do? That's the oppression their government has plunged them into.

184-America,you can continue to oppress,but God that is more powerful is watching.

185-The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith,and they scoff at those who believe - Q2/212.

186-Everything is vanity except God.Nothing is more important for any believer in this world than the fear of God.

187-Salat,an act of worship is believers' means of uniting with God.The key of Paradise is Salat,and the key of Salat is ablution.

188-God will not accept Salat in which the heart does not accompany the body.

189-He,whom Salat does not prevent from wrongdoing and evil increases in nothing but remoteness from God.

190-Religion is admonition,counsel or warning that its adherents be pure and stay clean.

191-A great harm to worshipping God is keeping enmity and malice,they tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.

192-Do a good deed after every bad deed that it may erase the latter.

193-There is only One God,d Almighty Who has sent me,I'M SURE that no one will reject my spiritual tutelage but him who has been destined 4 hell

194-Let me say that I really appreciate Brazil,Argentina,& Bolivia,etc,for recognising d Palestinians,oth reasonable countries shd pls do d same

195-The world is like a prison and famine to muslims,when they leave it (turn to God or die),they leave famine and prison.

196-People of the world are contented with the world while those of the Heaven find fulfillment only by been with God through His remembrance.

197-Having problems in this world is not a sign that God is not with you,the person that should worry is he that does not have.

198-For believers,the reward is as great as the misfortune,the more unfortunate one is,the greater and more perfect the reward.

199-There are two qualities that are both loved by God and all His prophets:fortitude and gentleness.

200-He is not a perfect man of strength or resilience who has not fallen into misfortunes.

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 2.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/hamidtiamiyu.

1-A believer cannot be said to have no problem when there are others that are having.

2-No one can become a true believer until he loves others like himself.

3-God is not favourably disposed to blessing that family in which is one who deserts his relations.

4-A man is duty-bound to do good to his parents,although they might have offended him.

5-He who shall do good to a destitute or needy person,God will do good to him in this world and the next.

6-The best of alms is that which the right hand gave,and the left hand knew not of.

7-Charity that is concealed pacifies the wrath of God.

8-No one should beg for anything unless absolutely necessary,then only from the righteous.

9-Every person who shall beg in order to increase his possession,God will diminish it.

10-Christians,you have just celebrated your Christmas and the New Year,I greet you,but..

11-But I'd asked you and the rest of the world to believe in me and that no one can be better trusted than me.

12-I will say it again,stop wasting your time,read my blog,imbibe it and obey me immediately.

13-If you delay,you will regret by losing marks,and spiritual rewards are like money in Heaven.

14-I know myself and I say it WITH ALL CERTAINTY,that no one can be in my front spiritually while I'm on earth.

15-And anyone who cannot follow me spiritually from God will not live on earth while I am there.

16-Those who will reject my spiritual leadership shall automatically end up in hell,that I'm sure of.

17-What I am saying,I see it everyday,I don't guess at all,no one can be in my front spiritually while I'm on earth.

18-God's curse be on me if I am lying,Christians' holding on tightly to Jesus of Nazareth (PBOH) is like pledging loyalty to an ex-president.

19-Samething with Muslims and other Believers in the Almighty God,let them know that God has sent someone NOW (myself) whom they must obey.

20-I am proud and grateful to God to say WITH ALL CERTAINTIES that no one is like me.

21-No one will enter Paradise but MUST owe me gratitude.

22-Let anyone in heavens or on earth say that he will never follow me and God will assure him/her of hellfire.

23-Muslims,the leader of mankind (PBOH),never refused to say 'Ihdina siratal mustaqim' which is what I'm bringing to the world.

24-Yes,prophet Muhammed will lead to Paradise because the person who shall open the door (the SAVIOUR) must first die.

25-The Saviour w'd have bn consigned 2 eternal suffering in hell if not becos he has an alternative,a two-in-one person,d like of whom is NONE.

26-A muslim must not hate his wife,if displeased with one bad quality in her,he should be pleased with another that is good.

27-Women are the twin-halves of men.

28-V Rewarding acts:to gladden someone's heart,feed the hungry,help the afflicted,lighten somebody's grief,and remove the wrongs of the injured.

29-All God's creatures are His family,the most beloved of God is he that does most good to God's creatures.

30-Indeed,the religion with the Almighty God is Islam..Q3/19.

31-Whoever desires other than Islam as religion,it will never be accepted from him,in the end,will be among the losers..Q3/85.

32-There is only ONE God,the Almighty Who has NEVER been static,He updates Himself.

33-Does anybody worry that I've been too long on what I'm doing?

34-First,I don't have any control over it,and what I am doing is most important,no time may be too long.

35-I am not worried since I will surely succeed,my life is a sacrifice.Only people who don't yet believe should be disquieted.

36-Arab Leaders,America is not yet your friend,merely using you,Iran is surely a better ally.

37-I know that America is very rich and influential,but better than God?

38-God loves a muslim family though poor but had withheld himself from anything unlawful and from begging.

39-Arab Leaders,ask America if she is really sincere,to treat Israel like Iran for transparency on nuclear issue,the world deserves to know.

40-US Sec of state had wrongly alleged that she was sure Iran does not want a negotiated solution to the Arab-Israeli problem,but..

41-But Arab Leaders,who is the obstacle NOW,Iran or Israel?You had been unwise joining America against Iran.

42-Two people on earth for the two abodes of Heaven and hell,no way we would ever be the same.

43-But I strongly dislike extremist people,people on earth must learn to live together in peace.

44-God is gentle and He loves gentleness - Hadith.

45-Prophet Muhammed said,'God instructs me to be humble,lowly and not proud,and that no one should oppress another'.

46-I swear by the Almighty God that I am 100% credible,let no one doubt me.

47-When the World Powers are biased,I don't look at them as my friend.

48-Whoever God wants to guide,He expands his breast to Islam,but..

49-But those God willed to leave straying,He makes their breasts tight and constricted,rejecting Islam..Q6/125.

50-For anyone whom Allah leaves astray,there is no protector thereafter..Q42/44.

51-Those who don't believe,if they have everything on earth or even twice,never will it be accepted from them as substitute for hell.Q5/36.

52-A sincere repenter of faults is like one who has committed none.

53-God's love and caring for His creatures is more than a mother's towards her baby.

54-Jesus of Nazareth had NEVER died for anybody's sins,the Greatest curse of God be upon me if I am lying.

55-If anyone still believe that someone had died for his sins after I had come,such will SURELY have no one to save him from hell fire.

56-To the Alabama state Gov who said if anyone does not believe that Jesus of Nazareth died for his sins,he is not his brother:

57-My reply is if I am not your brother and the Almighty God is for me,why should I care?

58-Actually,I may not need to worry whether people believe in me NOW or not,because..

59-Because God had already known those who will go to paradise or hell,which NOTHING can change.

60-It was God from the beginning Who had destined that some will return to paradise while the others go to hell.

61-If people will not live in those two houses,God would not have created them in the first instance.

62-And God is not unkind at all because people will intentionally choose which of the abodes they will go to.

63-And again God is not unkind,He would only return people to where they had been created from.

64-The two abodes of hell and paradise are like darkness and light.Both had originated from God Himself making the whole Creation complete.

65-No doubt the two peoples,believers & non-believers will have a completely difft experience in Heaven & hell which,would last till eternity.

66-The only reason why I'm worried now that the Almighty God had sent me and people had known about me is because:

67-The more believers delay their faith in me,the more they lose marks,and spiritual rewards are like money in Heaven.

68-Getting to paradise is not everything,what is also VERY IMPORTANT is what one gets there.

69-I had said it before and I am 100% SURE about it,the death of Jesus of Nazareth on the cross was not the death of Salvation.

70-The death of Salvation is a spiritual death,not physical or bodily,that Jesus of Nazareth died.

71-And there was nothing so spectacular about his death,first,he did not suffer,God would not allow that.

72-Second,he was not the only one that was killed,many other prophets were also assassinated,e.g.John the Baptist.

73-Christians,stop dramatising it,you just allow Satan to deceive you,believe me,I'M ABSOLUTELY SURE.

74-Jesus of Nazareth had to die on the cross to indicate or hint at the real death of Salvation that will happen in our second life.

75-The second life is like a repetition of the first though very different in essence..Q21/104,10/4,30/11,10/34...

76-And the two progenitors,Adam and Jesus,both had no parents unlike Jesus of Nazareth..Q3/59.

77-Salvation means second life (Q1/6,3/51),Jesus of Nazareth's death in the first life CANNOT be death of salvation.

78-Please,take the next two sentences (tweets) seriously,they are authoritative,I swear by God Almighty.

79-God is not unkind at all,anyone who wishes to go to paradise or Heaven will be able to,but..

80-But once you couldn't do what I said you should do,it simply means that you had been destined for hell.

81-Ex-PM Tony Blair was quoted as saying that president Obama had been too soft on Iran despite all the crippling sanctions.

82-I am sure that if he had being in power,he would have re-enacted his illegality for invading Iraq on Iran.

83-But he didn't see anything wrong in neighbouring Israel where her nuclear adventures had for ever been kept secret.

84-There is a polish for everything that takes away rust,the polish for the heart is the remembrance of God.

85-While on earth,the two peoples of Heaven and hell will always have something they believe in,giving them confidence.

86-Islam started in a forlorn state,and it has returned to that condition now,but those who are steadfast will very soon rejoice,I'm confident.

87-Sunni Muslims in Lebanon are behaving like enemies of Islam,they are dividing the religion because of America.

88-Islam is more important than any country or interest group,the unity of Muslims worldwide is a prerequisite for God to really help them.

89-Muslims,believe in yourselves,God can help you better than America that some of you are relying on now.

90-What is Islam? Peace,Purity of speech and Charity.Also,the only way to our Creator and the Almighty God,Allah.

91-Prophet Muhammed said,'abusing a Muslim is disobedience to God,fighting with one is an act of infidelity'.

92-Muslims have to come together and be united,it is a commandment from the Almighty God,(Q3/103).

93-But America is opposed to Muslims Unity as she wouldn't want her allies have anything to do with those Muslims who cannot be her puppet.

94-So,those so-called US Muslim allies MUST choose between America or ALLAH,their Creator.

95-When people don't change their behaviours,God will not change their conditions,Muslims must be united for God to really help them.

96-Who are the Spiritual leaders of the Sunnis & Shiites?Let all of you meet,embrace each other & call on your followers never to fight again.

97-My reaction to protests in Arab Lands:I like people's genuine desires respected,and their wish to prevail.

98-There would have been no need for demonstrations and protests had their governments been responsive enough.

99-Peoples of the Heaven and the World are inter-dependent.Believers must learn some things from the people of the World to live well on earth.

100-You had read my Blogs and Tweets,still doubting me?You are not likely to be of God,of the devil.I swear it's true.

101-Again,I admit that I'm like a nonentity now,but already,I'm most certain of who I am,and which of course is what I had stated.

102-And let anyone seriously think of it,I,being what I call myself,do I really need anybody? Rather,it is the people of the world that need me.

103-Whether people like me or not,I will live my life as comfortably as the Almighty God wants,no one will deprive me.Love me to like yourself.

104-To love me,do what I said God wants you to.Be a believer that will go to Heaven.Accept God's only religion,and believe correctly NOW.

105-Love God to like yourself.If you fear God in private,He will reverence you in public.

106-God respecting you is caring for you,especially your real self,making you INVINCIBLE.

107-Israeli PM,reportedly said that Iran wants 'another Gaza' in Egypt,but I like Gazans for one thing:they are not American puppet.

108-O Man! God had created you for NO OTHER REASON than to worship Him..(Q51/56).

109-Praise be to God,Who begot no son,and has no partner in His dominion..(Q17/111).

110-Praise be to God,Who had revealed the Qur'an and had allowed therein no crookedness..(Q18/1).

111-Whoever is for God,God is for him.Keep a continous confidence in God,no matter what happens.

112-The patient will be rewarded without measure..(Q39/10).

113-I want to state clearly again that Islam,God's ONLY Religion,is in a forlorn state now with no effective leadership.

114-Good Muslims are at the background with their voices hardly ever heard.

115-The moderate Muslims the West like ARE NOT TRUE Muslims by their behaviour.

116-And the extremist Muslims the West hate do not portray real Islam,they always mis-interpret it.

117-This day have I perfected your religion for you,completed My favour upon you,and have chosen for you ISLAM as a Religion..(Q5/3).

118-The place of patience in Faith is like the place of the head in the body.

119-Vie with one another in showing patience..(Q3/200).God is with the patient..(Q2/153).

120-Anti-Islam protest staged in north London.Anti-Heaven protest.Why will those of the World care about the Heaven?

121-Christians,you went to church again today (Sunday) to worship Jesus of Nazareth.

122-Your doing that is the same as worshipping the devil.God! destroy me NOW,if I'm lying!

123-Nothing can take the place of the Almighty God.Anything worshipped apart from Him is the same as worshipping the devil.

124-I'd told you,Jesus of Nazareth is not the Almighty God.And only two can be worshipped,the Almighty God or the devil.

125-I swear to God Almighty,Jesus of Nazareth (PBOH),will DISOWN anybody who worshipped him.No one will save the person from going to hell.

126-Tell all Christians in the world:If you worship Jesus of Nazareth,you will go to hell,no one will save you,don't say you never heard.

127-Man found himself in the world and does whatever he likes forgetting why he was created.Why?Of course,ONLY to worship God..(Q51/56).

128-Muslims love God,they want to do His wish,but let them have a correct understanding of God's Words in the Qur'an and also the Hadith.

129-Non-Muslims love the world,doing God's wish is secondary,anything that is not EASY or according to their DESIRE is not from God,but..

130-But man may dislike something that is actually good for him while he likes another that is bad for him.Why?

131-Because man does not know,only God knows..(Q2/216).

132-Apart from following their desires,non-Muslims also rely on incorrect books from 'God',misleading them.

133-Whatever American allies may be saying on d situatn in Egypt,what is MOST important is 4 d general wish of Egyptians to prevail,US take note

134-One thing anyone can do to make him/her automatically qualify for hell is to intentionally hate me.

135-Today is Fri,I call on all believers 2 attend Jumu'ah 2 worship God as commanded by Him (Q62/9),othr ways of worship can only be 4 the devil

136-I will say the absolute truth though I know many will make jests at me.

137-I seemed simplistic when I said othr ways of worship can only be 4 the devil,but God Himself said that He won't accept any other than Islam.

138-No one can know better than God,those destined for the Heaven will sooner or later accept Islam,NOW,or when they come back again.

139-It's not good to be adamant,I'm sure that no one can be better trusted than me - people would be better-off believing me now.

140-Though there will be countless number of religions,but those for the Almighty God will be within Islam e.g.People of the Book.

141-And Muslims,note that you don't yet know the People of the Book mentioned in the Qur'an.

142-I don't like how most people in the world (led by the West),depict or portray Islam,like something to run away from.

143-And except you will go to hell,I swear,AND SWEAR again that you don't have alternative,Islam is the only religion of the people of Heaven.

144-There can be NOTHING wrong with Islam,the LONE religion sanctioned by the Almighty God,if at all,it is only with some of it's adherents.

145-God is my witness,I love Islam Very Dearly,I can NEVER desire any othr religion.To the Light I'd attained and in the Light I'll live forever

146-I also like Arabic,the official language of Islam and the people of Heaven.Anyone that gets to Paradise will be able to speak Arabic.

147-I disagree with America that the situations in Egypt and Tunisia that warranted protests were the same as in Iran.

148-In Iran,I don't think any President can serve consecutively for more than 8 years.

149-Muslims in Iran and ELSEWHERE should always be wary of Western Intentions,and our norms and values are not exactly the same.

150-Egyptians should be allowed to evolve their own democracy not American's,Muslims' values different from Christians'.Egyptians,be yourselves.

151-The No.1 Priority of Muslims is to Worship God,that of non-Muslims is to Make More and More Money,even AT ANY COST,aren't we different?

152-Of course,Muslims also need Money,Good governance and Better living conditions,but the World should let them have these things their own way

153-Though whether the World likes it or not,Muslims will soon be United and Prosperous.But..

154-But it is even in the interest of the West RIGHT NOW that Muslims become United,Not distracted,And allowed to Worship their God.How?

155-Because God will change their condition INSTANTLY,become successful & flourishing and the West will be free of Muslim Migrants.Also..

156-Also,the West will no longer need to give Subvention or Aid to any Muslim country again.

157-But to achieve this success,Muslims need UNITY,HARMONY and NO DISTRACTION from the West.

158-Truth leads to piety,and piety to Paradise.

159-While Falsehood leads to transgression,and transgression to hell-fire.

160-Who are the best Muslims? Those that are best to their wives.

161-To know believers that exhibit most perfect faith:They are those with the best behaviour.

162-I also believe that Protesters in Yemen,Libya & Bahrain have genuine reasons,GOVTS there had better listen and let them have what they want.

163-Shame on Arabs that are friends of America.She had again vetoed their Resolution at the UN,a resoln that was supported by ALL othr countries.

164-America is an oppressor and she had ever been using the Arabs to achieve her selfish ends in the Middle East.

165-But by the grace of God,America WILL NOT BE ABLE to continue to oppress forever.

166-Don't look elsewhere for Fools,they are those who cannot distinguish between friend or enemy.

167-I swear:Arab countries that are making friends with America and Israel are like Enemies of Islam and Allah,the Almighty God.

168-Palestinians (not Hamas) said they won't boycott America despite voting against them,how would they,when they are dependent on her for food?

169-So long as you depend on your enemy,God WILL NOT help you,and your ambition WILL NEVER be realised.

170-Whatever gains Arab countries befriending America and Israel might be making,they are at the expense of ISLAM and ALLAH.

171-Palestinian problems are not only the problems of the Palestinians but all sincere Muslims worldwide.

172-I join all well-meaning peoples of the world to condemn the violence in Libya.

173-You know that what somebody is doing is bad,but you cannot tell him lest he becomes angry,any sense in that?

174-WHATEVER people want let them have it,so long as they are not forced.

175-There can never be a 100% homogenous society,what is important is for the majority to lead while the minority is respected.

176-Arabs not befriending America or Israel does not mean War,but they should INSIST on their legitimate demands.

177-Faith in God,is stronger than any weapon.

178-Like Moses,(peace be on him),Muslims don't need any weapons to be victorious,but GOD.

179-God had created man frm a single pair,made thm into nations & tribes tht they may know each oth,the most honourd of thm,the most righteous.

180-Believers,don't raise your voices above that of the Prophet,lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not..Q49/2.

181-I wish the international community can help stop the reckless use of force against peaceful protesters in Libya.

182-That person is sincere who protects his brother both present and absent.

183-Whenever a person visits the sick,he enters into and swims in a sea of God's mercy until he sits down when he is drowned therein.

184-God wishes 2 pardon everyone at d point of death,by d suffering at that time,He exacts d punishment of every fault that lies on his shoulder.

185-Once there are no popular protests in any country,outsiders should not instigate,or aid any civil war there.

186-Usually when people are fed up with anything,they EASILY change it themselves.

187-Say not ''Trinity'',desist,it will be better for you,for Allah is One Allah,Glory be to Him,far exalted is He above having a son..Q4/171.

188-Allah will ask,'O Jesus son of Mary! Did you say unto men,''worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah?''.

189-He will reply,'Glory to Thee! never could I say that which I had no right to say,had I said it,Thou would have known'.Q5/116.

190-I condemn Very Strongly,a statement credited to someone,but read on CCTV News today that a terrorist might have been motivated by Islam.

191-Let it be clear to the whole world that Islam is ONLY a religion of Believers,not of Terrorists,nor of Hypocrites.

192-To any real Muslim,religion is no.1,while love of country is secondary.Reason:God is more important than Anything.

193-Though love of one's home town is also part of faith,but a Muslim should hold God more dearly,to help him develop,or transform his country.

194-Hypocrites behave like Believers but they are not,they will suffer more than Non-believers in Hell fire.

195-An example of Hypocrites are those who worship Jesus of Nazareth,calling themselves Christians.

196-I once praised the democracy invented by the West.Yes,I mean it,but Muslim countries should adapt it to suit themselves.

197-Natural Disasters will happen from time to time to call man's attention to God.He hates rivals,He wants Himself alone loved and preferred.

198-And remember that God alone is the Giver of All Things that Man needs.

199-People of Paradise are the God-fearing,though may be weak,poor,and obscure persons that others look down upon.

200-While the People of Hell-fire are Non-religious and World-loving.They can also be violent,arrogant and stubborn persons.

My Previous Tweets (Verbatim) 3.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/hamidtiamiyu.

1-A news headline:'US Senators urge EU to keep Hamas on terror list..that the Palestinians continue to be divided.Very Irritating to me.

2-America should stop dividing Muslims,the 'Aid' she gives some of them is like a poison.

3-A news headline:'Hamas fires dozens of mortar shells into Israel'.That's another wrong step to take,they've never learnt their lessons.

4-What the Arabs should do is NEVER befriend or cooperate with Israel or America,until your legitimate demands are met,NOT WAR.

5-Arabs,and Muslims,it is a pity,your enemies know very well how to catch you.You EASILY play into their hands.

6-I'd told you (Muslims) many times,have a Leader and be United to help yourselves,and be able to effectively deal with the rest of the world.

7-By the grace of God,I am a Complete Muslim like Prophet Muhammed (PBOH),neither a Sunni,nor a Shiite,and so should all Believers be.

8-I don't need anybody to tell me that I'M VERY IMPORTANT,I know it VERY WELL,God has made me so.Praise be to Him.Anyone can believe it or not

9-Ruling for life is not desirable,especially in politics.New blood should take over governance from time to time to achieve best results.

10-Muslim countries where this is the practice should take note.Also,the best is when people can freely choose those to govern them.

11-Arab countries that are receiving aids from,and cooperating with America,and Israel are hypocrites and obstacles to the Palestinians' cause.

12-I always wonder about the kind of people the Pakistanis are.Why can't the real Muslims amongst them find a way of stopping the extremists?..

13-The extremists who carry out bombings,killing people every now and then.If the Pakistanis can tolerate them,but they harm Islam too much.

14-Those who had known about me should warn the extremists 'Muslims' ANYWHERE in the world that:

15-That Allah (SWT) hates them,and I'm strongly opposed to what they are doing.Extremists will not have any future in Islam.

16-The violent protests against Qur'an burning were unnecessary since those who will go to Hell-fire MUST also do something.

17-I don't like Israel and America's behaviour in the M/East,they are bad,why they are not so glaring is becos of the Extremists in the region.

18-The Extremists among the Palestinians give Israel all the excuses she needed to deal with them arbitrarily,and hunt them down like animals.

19-A news headline:'US and Saudi Arabia discuss Iran meddling'.The situation in Bahrain,for example,is not normal,and worse than any meddling.

20-A very big SHAME on you Saudi Arabia for assisting America to continue to divide Muslims.

21-Why didn't America invite the Iranians to sit down together with the Saudis and discuss about the meddling? Your ulterior motives?

22-Muslims must be united,it is a commandment from God.Anyone segregating or assisting the division of Muslims is a sinner in His eyes.

23-Israel is SEVERE & MERCILESS,her reaction to ANY misbehaviour by the Palestinians is ALWAYS swift &disproportionate and NO ONE to check her

24-Israeli PM said they are determined to continue to kill the Gazans,I wish the Gazans can also continue their uprisings indefinitely...

25-This will enable Israel to kill all of them and then quickly face God for judgement.

26-The current Israeli Foreign Minister is probably the worst Israel has ever had - hardline,inflexible,difficult person.

27-He said his country should topple Hamas forgetting that the Gazans WILLINGLY chose them in an election.

28-Any love that you have for anybody that you cannot show to him/her is NO LOVE,but Satan's - deceiving you.

29-I can NEVER be a Fanatic because I know that those destined for Hell will also have their own Religions and work hard in this world too.

30-Everyone,knowingly or unknowingly has a Religion,because religions are our ways of life.

31-A news headline: 'Russia criticises UN role in Ivory Coast' - Reason why there is NO real UN,no unity,perm SC Members have allies,biased.

32-I believe France's ban on Niqab and Burqa were not right,affronts on human rights.What should be banned are indecent and amorous dressings.

33-Though Niqab and Burqa are not required in Islam,but they do have their advantages - ask those who wear them...

34-To me,France should have only frowned at the practice,then ask any woman that is being COMPELLED to wear them to report such for sanctions.

35-A TOTAL ban on Death Penalty is not being kind,rather it is injustice to allow anyone who INTENTIONALLY kill another to continue to live on

36-EVERYONE likes what is good,but those destined for Hell deserve MORE of the good of the world since they will have NOTHING in Heaven.

37-I do the work of the people of the world and suffer the sufferings of the people of the  world...

38-But because no one in the world had asked me to do it,none has ever been grateful for it...

39-The work is not easy at all,and I'd said it before that no one will willingly want to do it...

40-I'd been chosen by God,and though I don't have any other choice,I have accepted it,someone has to do it..

41-I urge the people of the world again,to trust me ABSOLUTELY,while anybody can fail,God will NEVER  allow that for me..

42-(Take note that I'm not BEGGING anyone for anything).

43-Again,I'm SURE that most important people from across the world had known about me..

44-But still to many I'm strange though I know CLEARLY that I am indispensable,even RIGHT NOW..

45-INDISPENSABLE because God had already started what He wants to use me for,and there is no going back.

46-Some Believers in the Almighty God are preparing to celebrate Easter,that religion is an ALIEN to them,the earlier they know the better

47-No one can EVER guess what I do for God everyday,He uses different methods in raising up  His Prophets,with my own being especially unique.

48-Can anyone presume why America oppresses Pakistan by killing her citizens indiscriminately?..

49-Reason is,America gives Pakistan subventions or aids.But like Egypt and others,has their conditions improved?..

50-At all.Because every person who shall beg in order to increase his property,God will diminish it for him..

51-US is never a TRUE friend of Muslims,Mslm cntries receivng aids from her are ignorant.If at all,their relatnships shd be for mutual respects

52-Is there anything like a Cooperation of Muslims,OIC?.

53-Why is the Organisation keeping quiet,watching America killing a member country's citizens (Pakistan) at will like that?.

54-OIC and member countries should come out to condemn the Terrorist/Oppressor America,and report her to the UN.

55-France,if indecent and amorous dressings are allowed in your country,Please reverse the ban on Niqab and Burqa,AT LEAST,for fairness.

56-I join Britain,France,Germany and Portugal calling on the UN to condemn SYRIA for killing so many Protesters.

57-EU,US condemn electoral violence in Nigeria..There is a lot to the democratic process in Nigeria than is seen outwardly..

58-It is ONLY God's Mercy that is keeping Nigerians together as one.

59-Israeli PM said Palestinian pres Abbas (of Fatah) must choose between Israel or Hamas,but Fatah & Hamas are both Palestinians,Israel is not.

60-I am disappointed in Lebanon for joining with others to block the UN condemning SYRIA for killing so many Protesters..

61-It is a bad policy (un-islamic) to 'support' a friend by overlooking or condoning him when he is doing something that is wrong..

62-It is America who used to do that for Israel.

63-Israel,please give peace a chance,Palestinians need Unity,why continuing to judge Hamas by any misbehaviour in the past?.

64-I call on all Muslims to support the Palestinians,rich Arab countries should particularly help them financially.

65-Palestinians,if Israel shd call on her allies in US & Europe to boycott you,pls be UNWAVERING because God likes your unity,you will succeed.

66-I learnt Hamas leader asked the PLO to derecognise Israel,I'M SURPRISED,maybe I will no longer talk about you again for now.

67-Hamas,you don't want to acknowledge a country (Israel) that had long ago been recognised by the UN?That's illegality under international law.

68-Hamas,you should note that people of God ONLY do triumph when they are God-fearing and law-abiding.

69-Believers are Peaceful people,they NEVER intend to fight,it is Unbelievers who usu force it on them,and then they(Unbelievers) are destroyed

70-If anyone kills a person UNJUSTLY,it would be as if he killed all mankind,but if he saves a life,it's as if he saved all mankind.(Q5/32).

71-I swear by God:the Rich is not lucky,the Poor,though not unlucky,but TODAY,the really lucky person is a good Muslim that's useful to others.

72-The Almighty God is Just,but the Unbelievers seem shortchanged because this world is their ONLY Paradise.

73-Believers & Unbelievers,both belong to God,while He prefers the Believers,He'd NOT ALLOW them deny the Unbelievers their earthly Paradise.

74-Believers,never doubt the ability of the Unbelievers,if U don't FEAR GOD n LAW-ABIDNG,they'll squeeze lives out of U,becos God'll not help U

75-Is there any Christian who wants to go to Heaven? I charge you to get out of that religion,you have NOTHING to do with Christianity,I SWEAR.

76-Committng acts of terror is a far lesser SIN in the eyes of God than associatng partners with God-that Christians do.(NOT ever comparable)..

77-God can forgive ANY SIN to whomsoever He wills,but He WILL NOT forgive joining others with Him.He is ONE indivisible..

78-Jesus of Nazareth,(peace be on him) was an individual,created by God,he is somewhere now,but NOT as God..

79-Christians should not say that they believe in One God.God told me specifically that they don't.

80-Unbelievers will ALWAYS have Power(military,pol.,econ.) to check Extremist Believers who will want to deny them of their earthly Paradise.

81-The Extremist Believers are INCONSIDERATE,they don't want the Unbelievers to enjoy in the world when again they will have no Heaven.

82-Believers DON'T FEAR death because they have hope in God,it is the Unbelievers who never want to die,the world is their only hope.

83-Israel,Hamas has changed,I heard its Leader on TV two days ago,please release the Palestinians' funds,and accept their Unity.Thank you.

84-America,using Drones to kill the Pakistanis as you do now,under the prevailing circumstances,can never be justified..

85-America,so long as you oppress the Pakistanis,the Almighty God will oppress you too,Amen.

86-Imagine:Just in one day alone,America had killed indiscriminately more than seventy (70) Pakistanis before,using DRONES!

87-When Oppression and Injustices are condoned or overlooked,Terrorism and Extremism flourish unabatedly.

88-Maybe Terrorists and Extremists  will not suffer AS MUCH AS those that forced them into the evil practices,or share the punishments equally.

89-When America stops killing the Pakistanis indiscriminately with Drones is when they stop asking for the punishment of the Almighty God.

90-Christians,I don't have any SLIGHT DOUBT that your prayers are answered,but..

91-But ask those who worship Mountains,Stones,Rivers,or other Created Things,if their prayers are not answered too..

92-I inquire from you:if their prayers are not answered,would they be going there for worship?.

93-Ask other Religious Faiths too.They surely would not stick to them,if they don't get answers to their Supplications..

94-However,what separates Muslims from Non-muslims (Unbelievers) is that Muslims believe ONLY in the Almighty God,Unbelievers don't..

95-The Almighty God is the Real God,He would provide for everyone in this world irrespective of their faiths,because He created us all..

96-But,like I said before,those who call on others beside the Almighty God can only have the World,NO Heaven for them.(Decree of God)..

97-Again,I call on Believers to believe correctly,read what I'd said,follow them:YOU DON'T HAVE ANY ALTERNATIVE beside this Writer,I SWEAR.

98-Remind yourself always: That the Almighty God is with you WHEREVER you are.He sees you,knows what you are doing and what is in your mind.

99-Individuals in the Govt of Pakistan allowing the Terrorist America to kill the Pakistanis indiscriminately will be more accountable to God..

100-The Almighty God WILL NOT let both of you (The individuals in the Govt of Pakistan,and the Terrorist America) go scot-free.

101-A verse in the Bible: God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son...

102-The person(s) who wrote it will suffer and suffer immensely judging by the number of people misled by it..

103-And those destined for Hell,NOTHING will make them believe,they will ALWAYS have excuses.

104-Simply put,the Almighty God is the 'Consciousness',the Sentience' or the 'Aliveness' in Everything.

105-Although they might be reacting against smthgs that are bad,but Terrorists/Extremists are LAWBREAKERS.They shd learn to act within the laws.

106-Nigeria Govt shd respond fastly to nip in the bud the extremist/terrorist tendencies that are gaining ground in some parts of the country.

107-Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that's good,enjoining good & forbidding evil - they're the successful.(Q3/104).

108-Invite Mankind to the Way of God with wisdom and good exhortations,and discuss with them in ways that are good and gracious.(Q16/125).

109-Israeli PM said: 'America does not understand the reality between Israel and the Palestinians'..

110-Israel,make peace with the Palestinians NOW,I don't think you can ever have any other better time.

111-I had looked critically at what Israel used to complain about,and I've concluded that Israel had been Pampered and Spoilt..

112-If Hamas doesn't recognise Israel (which is not entirely true),what can it do when the whole Arabs has failed to reverse the UN recognition?

113-If the Palestinians are given statehood by the UN,what can they do to stop Israel?.

114-I will urge the Palestinians to be God-fearing,peaceful and law-abiding,God will help you,and Israel will never be an obstacle again.

115-The World has been PURPOSELY made to suit the Unbelievers who will NEVER have Heaven,Believers just have to manage there.

116-I am 100% sure about myself,no one will reject me except he/she that would go to Hellfire.

117-For the current UN to continue to exist,Perm Sec Council members,having veto powers,MUST or Try Very Sincerely to be Neutral..

118-If No Peace Talks,and the Palestinians go to the UN,and America should block it,that may well be the beginning of the end of this UN.

119-When I said Believers just have to manage in this World,this is what I mean..

120-For Example:America and Israel are known oppressors,if Believers should behave like them,the Almighty God will not help them (the Believers)

121-Also,if Believers copy certain behaviours of the Prosperous Unbelievers,the opposite is what they'll get-Poverty,as God will not help them.

122-Believers MUST learn the Ways of the Almighty God,and behave accordingly for God to help them (they're not as free as the Unbelievers).

123-Heh Unbelievers! You are not the ones to tell God what He should do with you,His abiding promise is that your next Abode shall be Hellfire!.

124-Unbelievers,do whatever you like in this World,that's your Only Reward..

125-Unbelievers,you mock at Believers in this world,I swear,we Believers shall make fun of you too in the next life,make no mistake about it!

126-I Strongly Desire tht the Absolute Monarchies in
S/Arabia,UAE,Bahrain,Qatar,Kuwait,Oman,Maroc,etc,TRANSFORM into Constitutional Monarchies..

127-Helpers of Democratic Governance,wouldn't it be better if the Peoples of these Countries DETERMINE by themselves how they are governed?

128-SYRIAN President,granting amnesty to Protesters is not what is needed,but Real Reforms..
129-I urge you NOT to follow what you used to do: Rule for life and groom your Child to succeed you..

130-Rather,open up the Polity,let anybody be able to become President,and set time limit that anyone can rule for,that is Democracy.

131-There is noway anyone with Absolute Freedom can ever be Muslim,or Real Believer..

132-Because a Believer has got to do what God wants,which is not necessarily what he/she likes.

133-There are do's' and dont's' of the  Almighty God for Believers in this world so that they never have Absolute Freedom there..

134-Satan that has Absolute Freedom will go to Hellfire,samething with all those following him,NO ONE can save them.

135-Again, I say it with firm conviction that the Almighty God WILL NEVER LET..

136-NEVER LET the Pakistani officials(allowing the US),and the Terrorist America killing the Pakistanis indiscriminately with DRONES to go un-punished.

137-If America is truly sincere to help Pakistan fight terrorists,she should ask Pakistan to allow her ground troops in..

138-So that both the Pakistani and American troops can jointly go after the extremists/terrorists wherever they are in the country..

139-Another option is to handover the Drones to Pakistani forces,they shd know better how to use the weapons against terrorists in their country

140-Life in this world is always much easier for the Unbelievers than the Believers BECAUSE of Satan..

141-Satan is a sworn enemy of Believers (Muslims) in the world whereas he is the friend of the Unbelievers.

142-Today is like any other day,but just to let people know what I'm thinking right now..

143-Although it has taken me so long and I'm still on it,but right now I am a happy person..

144-Happy and confident as ever,why? Because I know that I will succeed,NO ONE CAN STOP ME..

145-If the whole World were to face me,I SWEAR that I will prevail..

146-So let anyone out there make up his/her mind that he/she will succeed with me,or fail against me,you CANNOT be neutral.

147-Usually,God makes Muslims (Believers) pay for their Guidance,reason why they generally experience harder life than the Unbelievers..

148-To forestall this,Muslims have to work harder than the Unbelievers,but unfortunately they are always passive and complacent.

149-I suffer and suffer everyday,yet no one can be happier than me,why?..

150-Because I know I will achieve,or succeed and my efforts will NEVER be forgotten.

151-I was not proud when I said no one can stop me..

152-It is to allow for those who have powers and would like to test me do so again and again..

153-They have always tried me in private (from across the world),none can know it better than me..

154-And I am 100% sure that most of the 'important' people in the World had known about me..

155-And again,what (evil) power can anyone have to equal,talk-less of surpassing that of Satan,my No.1 enemy whom I WILL defeat?

156-Some Muslims may look like Devils or Terrorists,but ISLAM is Our Creator's Only Religion..

157-Christians may seem like Angels,but I swear & curse myself greatly if I'm saying the untruth,they are Daydreamers,yet to find the Right Way.

158-A News Headline:CIA Plans Drone Strike Campaign In Yemen...

159-Ordinarily,I don't hate America,what I hate is her oppressive and exploitative behaviours,especially in Muslim Lands..

160-America in Arab lands,is a Great Deceit,using the Self-serving,Autocratic Arab leaders to achieve her selfish ends..

161-No reasonable person can like Extremist/Terrorist people,but they should be checked according to the law..

162-Again,I don't like America by always trying to be a law unto herself,refusing to obey the rules upheld by others..

163-If I don't talk,my mind will never cease to curse America and those allowing her use Drones to kill indiscriminately,esp in Muslim lands.

164-Alqaeda,Taliban,Ash-shabab,Boko Haram,etc,all the extreme 'Muslim' organisations are NOTHING but Deceptive tactics being used by Satan..

165-Members of these Organisations have a common defect- narrow-mindedness with parochial views and are intolerant of others..

166-Satan has taken advantage  of their defect to mislead and drive away people from God's Only religion,Islam..

167-Let people tell them about me,I strongly detest what they do,they are harming Islam that they claimed they are propagating..

168-Now they should be very fearful,because I am informing them authoritatively,that they have become Agents of Satan.

169-At this Age,can anyone force anybody to believe? I find it very hard to imagine..

170-And so today,anyone trying to force people to believe is simply being used by the Devil,Satan.

171-Good Muslims,arise! let's stand up NOW to confront the extremists amongst us...

 172-Extremists 'Muslims' are detrimental,sabotaging Islam,and making life more and more difficult for real Muslims..

173-Extremist people are evil persons,agents of Satan,otherwise,how can a Believer in God deliberately kill another person innocently?..

174-God Himself said that He had intentionally created Unbelievers alongside Believers that both of us can co-exist in the world (Q64/2)..

175-Then why will the Extremists say that what God has done should not be? They are simply the Devil,personified..

176-We must expose them and take actions to stop them before they kill or commit the evils that they do..

177-Let's not fear them ,they are a minority,and God being on our side,we can easily put them out of business.

178-Actually,Extemists and Terrorists do not want to die,ONLY they want to kill others,how unjust they are!

179-The duty of a Prophet of God is to tell people what God wants,NEVER to force them,whether they believe or not is their problem,not his.

180-The life of this World is Nothing,but a temporary enjoyment of deceitful things (Q57/20). And..

181-One thing Everyone will quickly find out after death is that his/her status in the World does not matter at all,but ONLY his/her faith.

182-Christians,believe me,I am 100% sure,CHRISTIANITY IS NOT FROM THE ALMIGHTY GOD.I pray that God destroy me NOW if I'm saying the untruth.

183-Satan is always very desperate,I see him everyday,and he is my problem anytime..

184-With sadness,I observe the power of Satan over people every now and then,I'm trying my best,but no joy until his final defeat..

185-Satan's power lies in his unfettered access to Man's heart where he can influence countless number of people at the same time..

186-Christians,nothing needed be said that I've not told you,but still Believers amongst you may not heed until Satan is eventually overcome.

187-From 22/10/1993,anything I do has influence over everything (living & non-living) the Almighty God has created - this,I observe everyday.

188-Everything about Christianity is wrong because it's foundation is wrong..

189-Christianity is based on Jesus is God,or son of God,which is 100% UNTRUE.

190-Only one of the two that have DIRECT access to Man's heart can be followed,Satan (created by God),or God Himself.

191-Because Satan has unrestricted access to Man's powerhouse - the heart,anyone who doesn't fear God will ALWAYS be under his control.

192-Love and Fear of God are both important,Believers CANNOT do without the two..

193-But Believers cannot love God EXCEPT they first fear Him.

194-That I influence everything is true,I swear by God,it is something I experience everyday..

195-But it doesn't give me any joy or observable advantage,rather,it's like a burden,how?..

196-I no longer have privacy as such,and whether I like it or not,there are somethings I just must do for God every now and then..

197-However,the good news is that I am CERTAINLY sure that I will succeed and forever be happy in God and with God.

198-Man will achieve his fullest potentials by doing just two things,namely,Obedience to God,and Working hard.

199-Believers should note that they can only follow God by following His Prophet (Q4/80).

200-I wish to say this everyday,and please forgive me for being too direct..